Corporate Communication Module 1 TINKU TINKU IBMR- H IBMR- H

Commuication unit 1

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Corporate Communication

Module 1


Page 2: Commuication unit 1


Corporate Communication is the process by which information is transmitted between individuals/employees and/or organizations so that an understanding response results.

Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages – sometimes through spoken or written words and sometimes through such nonverbal means as facial expressions, gestures and voice qualities.

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Stimulus Filter Message Medium Destination


The Components of Communication

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Stimulus:In order for communication to take place, there first must be a stimulus, an event that creates within an individual the need to communicate. This stimulus can be internal or external.

A stimulus for communicating in business might be an email message you just read, a presentation you heard at a staff meeting etc.

The Filter: Our knowledge, experience and view points acts as a filter to help us

interpret (decode) the stimulus. Here the compatible stimuli have a greater impact than conflicting stimuli.

Stimuli that reinforces existing beliefs are likely to create more lasting impression and to generate a stronger response than those that call into question your existing beliefs.

The Message: We formulate (encode) a verbal or nonverbal response to the stimulus.

The extent to which any communication effort achieves its desired goal depends very directly on how well you construct the message.

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The Medium:Here the form of the message or the medium has to be selected.

Oral messages: staff meeting, telephone conversation, personal conference, press conference, voice mail, company grapevine.

Written messages: memorandum, a report, a letter, a contract, a brochure, a bulletin-board notice, email, a company newsletter, a press release or an addition to policies and procedures manual.

Nonverbal message: facial expression, body movement, gesture

The Destination: The message reaches its destination and, if successful, is perceived

accurately by the receiver. Even assuming your receiver does receive your message, you have no assurance that it will be interpreted (filtered) as you intended.Your transmitted message then becomes the source or stimulus for the next communication episode and the process begins a new.

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The Formal Communication Network


Vice President



The Formal Communication Network:

1.Downward Communication2.Upward Communication3.Horizontal Communication4.Cross-Channel Communication

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Communicating in Work Teams

Team:A team is a group of individuals who depend on one another to accomplish a common objective.Teams are often superior to individuals because they can accomplish more work, are more creative, have more information available to them and offer more interpersonal communication dynamics.

The Variables of Group Communication- Conflict- Conformity- Consensus

Initial Group Goals- Acknowledge the need for feedback- Give both positive and negative feedback- Learn how to give feedback

1. Be descriptive2. Avoiding using labels3. Don’t exaggerate4. Speak for yourself5. Use “I” statements

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Sequence Explanation

“When you …….” Start with a “When you…..” statement that describes the behavior without judgment, exaggeration, labeling. Just state the fact as specifically as possible.

“I feel ……..” Tell how the behavior affects you.

“Because I …….” Now say why are you affected that way. Describe the connection between the facts you observed and the feelings they provoke in you.

(pause for discussion) Let the other person respond

“I would like ……” Describe the change you want the other person to consider….

“Because…….” ….. and why you think the change will help alleviate the problem.

“What do you think?” Listen to the other person’s response. Be prepared to discuss options and compromise on solution

How the feedback works:When you [do this], I feel [this way], because [of such and such]. What I

would like you to consider is [doing x], because I think it will accomplish [y]. What do you think?

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Example: “When you are late for meetings, I get angry because I think it is wasting the time of all the other team members and we are never able to get through our agenda items. I would like you to consider finding some way of planning your schedule that lets you get to these meetings on time. That way we be more productive at the meetings and we can all keep to our tight schedules. What do you think?”

Conflict Resolution

Team Writing- Assign task and develop a schedule- Meet regularly- Draft the document (speaks with one voice)- Provide helpful feedback on team writing- Revise the draft.

The Ethical Dimension of Work-Team Communication

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Non-Verbal Communication:

1) Body Movement2) Physical Appearance3) Voice Qualities4) Time5) Touch6) Space and Territory

a. Intimate zoneb. Personal zonec. Social zoned. Public zone

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Business Meetings

Business meetings serve a wide variety of purposes in the organisation. They keep members informed of events related to carrying out their duties; they provide a forum for soliciting input, solving problems, and making decisions; and they promote unity and cohesiveness among the members through social interaction.

Planning the meeting - identifying your purpose- determining whether a meeting is necessary- preparing an agenda- deciding who should attend- determining logistics

Conducting the meeting- punctuality- following the agenda- leading the meeting- parliamentary procedure

Following up the meeting- Minutes are the official record of the proceedings.

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Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette is the practice of polite and appropriate behaviour in the business setting. It indicates what behaviours are proper and under what circumstances.

Meeting and Greeting


Giving Gifts

Dressing Appropriately

Around the Office( treat others as you yourself would like to be treated)