Presenting Cutting-Edge Breakthroughs From The Latest Pilot Studies, Trials And Commercial Rollouts On Grid-Scale Advanced Batteries And Energy Storage Solutions Key Issues To Be Discussed Include: 25 th -26 th November 2015 | London | UK Expert Insight From 20 Utilities & Grid Operators Including: • PROVING THE BUSINESS CASE FOR ENERGY STORAGE: Defining A Future Roadmap For Advanced Batteries And Cutting-Edge Energy Storage Solutions To Identify Key Profitability Drivers • DETERMINING PROFITABLE POWER GENERATION APPLICATIONS: Demonstrating The Profit Potential Of The Latest Energy Storage Applications For PV, Wind And Natural Gas Power Generation • PROVING THE COMMERCIAL VIABILITY OF TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ENERGY STORAGE: Presenting Commercial & Technical Perspectives On How Energy Storage Can Optimise Power Transmission To Optimise Costs • BATTERY COST VS. PERFORMANCE COMPARISONS: Providing A Comprehensive Breakdown Of Cost Vs. Performance Of The Latest Cutting-Edge Grid-Scale Batteries To Detail Informed Business Case Overviews • ENERGY STORAGE REGULATIONS: Clarifying UK And EU Regulatory Frameworks For Energy Storage Projects To Determine How These Will Impact Business Models • ENERGY STORAGE ALTERNATIVES TO BATTERIES: Evaluating The Business Case For Using Alternatives To Battery Storage Including Pump Storage, Flywheels, Compressed Air Storage And Interconnectors To Demonstrate Profitability Ernesto Ciorra Head of Innovation and Sustainability Enel Italy Bianca Van Ommen M&A - Business Development TenneT Keith McGrane Head of Energy Storage Gaelectric Lincoln Bleveans Power Resources Manager Burbank Water & Power Jean-Marie Bemtgen Senior Policy Expert European Commission Register By Friday 2 nd October 2015 SAVE £200 “Demonstrating The Business Case” Commercialising Demonstrating The Business Case And The Future Road Map For Commercialising Energy Storage Applications And Grid-Scale Advanced Batteries Across Power Generation, Distribution And Transmission www.grid-energy-storage.com Organized By: Nigel Fox Strategy Development Manager National Grid Scott Fotheringham Commercial & Procurement Manager EDF Energy Renewables Ludger Dinkelbach Manager Project Development Statkraft

Commercialising Grid-Scale Energy Storage Congress 2015 - Programme Brochure

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Presenting Cutting-Edge Breakthroughs From The Latest Pilot Studies, Trials And Commercial Rollouts On Grid-Scale Advanced Batteries And Energy Storage Solutions

Key Issues To Be Discussed Include:

25th-26th November 2015 | London | UK

Expert Insight From 20 Utilities & Grid Operators Including:

• PROVING THE BUSINESS CASE FOR ENERGY STORAGE: Defining A Future Roadmap For Advanced Batteries And Cutting-Edge Energy Storage Solutions To Identify Key Profitability Drivers

• DETERMINING PROFITABLE POWER GENERATION APPLICATIONS: Demonstrating The Profit Potential Of The Latest Energy Storage Applications For PV, Wind And Natural Gas Power Generation


ENERGY STORAGE: Presenting Commercial & Technical Perspectives On How Energy Storage Can Optimise Power Transmission To Optimise Costs

• BATTERY COST VS. PERFORMANCE COMPARISONS: Providing A Comprehensive Breakdown Of Cost Vs. Performance Of The Latest Cutting-Edge Grid-Scale Batteries To Detail Informed Business Case Overviews

• ENERGY STORAGE REGULATIONS: Clarifying UK And EU Regulatory Frameworks For Energy Storage Projects To Determine How These Will Impact Business Models

• ENERGY STORAGE ALTERNATIVES TO BATTERIES: Evaluating The Business Case For Using Alternatives To Battery Storage Including Pump Storage, Flywheels, Compressed Air Storage And Interconnectors To Demonstrate Profitability

Ernesto Ciorra Head of Innovation and Sustainability Enel Italy

Bianca Van Ommen M&A - Business Development TenneT

Keith McGrane Head of Energy Storage Gaelectric

Lincoln Bleveans Power Resources Manager Burbank Water & Power

Jean-Marie Bemtgen Senior Policy Expert European Commission

Register By Friday2nd October 2015

SAVE £200

“Demonstrating The Business Case”


Demonstrating The Business Case And The Future Road Map For Commercialising Energy Storage ApplicationsAnd Grid-Scale Advanced BatteriesAcross Power Generation, Distribution And Transmission


Organized By:

Nigel Fox Strategy Development Manager National Grid

Scott Fotheringham Commercial & Procurement Manager EDF Energy Renewables

Ludger Dinkelbach Manager Project Development Statkraft

“Demonstrating The Business Case”

Commercialising Register By Friday2nd October 2015

SAVE £200

www.grid-energy-storage.com + 44 (0) 800 098 8489 [email protected]

The Only Meeting For Utilities Companies And Grid Operators To Discuss Their Commercial Roadmaps And Practical Applications Of Energy Storage Across Generation, Distribution And Transmission, Delivering A Thorough And Objective Cost-Performance Analysis Of The Global Energy Storage Market.

In order to fully utilise the benefits of grid scale energy storage and determine its value over

alternatives such as grid infrastructure upgrades and interconnectors, utilities companies

and grid operators must thoroughly assess a range of cost and performance factors.

The Commercialising Grid-Scale Energy Storage Global Congress 2015 will be

presenting truly objective analysis of the energy storage marketplace allowing for vendors

to refine and redefine their offerings and to fully educate all businesses making the next

steps for applying storage at the utility-scale level.

Attendees will walk away from the conference with a clear vision of the specific ROI that

different storage solutions can deliver from application to application. This will be achieved

by an examination of the performance capabilities of criteria including energy density,

capacity, degradation and lifetimes of cutting edge storage solutions as well as examining

their technological readiness, safety and environmental viability.

This cost-performance assessment will be contextualised by presentations clarifying the

standards and regulations being developed to inform the growth of a consistent and reliable

market mechanism that is required for energy storage to thrive from country to country.

• Exploring Global Perspectives From Decision Makers At Leading Utilities Companies On The Next Steps For Commercialising Energy Storage

• Breaking Down Specific Generation, Distribution And Transmission Storage Requirements To Ensure The Perfect Marriage Between Technology And Application

• Providing European Regulatory Clarity On Frameworks For Supporting The Establishment Of Market Mechanisms And Underlining The Economic Viability Of Storage

• Delivering Utilities-Led Discussions On The Specific Performance Criteria Required From Batteries To Smooth Out Demand And Providing Case Studies Assessing Energy Storage Technologies Already Delivering ROI

• Examining Grid Operator Strategies For Incorporating Storage Into Ancillary Services To Demonstrate Next Generation Flexibility And Stability

The Only Utilities And Grid Operator Led Grid-Scale Energy Storage Congress Truly…

Holiday Inn London - Bloomsbury

Coram St,London,WC1N 1HT

Tel: 0871 942 9222

Web: www.hilondonbloomsburyhotel.co.uk

Venue Information:

Interesting speakers

Regulatory Strategy Manager, National Grid UK

The event was very comprehensive

Managing Director, Europe, E.ON Climate & Renewable

Very topical agenda and calibre of speakers

Director of Energy Networks, Commission For Energy Regulation


Day 1Wednesday 25th November 2015

Day One will present a future roadmap for the profitable integration of advanced battery energy storage systems while evaluating their impact on PV and wind grid integration, load shifting, demand side response and current inversion. It will also outline a comparative cost vs. performance analysis on the grid-scale advanced battery and alternative energy storage systems market.

8.40 Chair’s Opening Remarks


8.50 Latest Test Results Demonstrating The Business Case For Profitable Application Of Energy Storage Into Power Generation, Distribution And Transmission

• Highlighting the strategic vision of utilities companies for battery-based energy storage projects to define a clear business case for integration

• Analysing advanced battery cost declines over recent years to estimate technology readiness and timeframes for achieving optimum cost levels

• Identifying power losses experienced when using grid-scale batteries to accurately document application-specific performances and inform a financial model for their usage

• Evaluating lifetime predictions and component and system testing to achieve quality assurance for advanced batteries

• Assessing the timescales that utilities companies are working towards when moving from energy storage pilot projects to live projects

• Providing a frank set of battery performance specifications that utilities companies are looking for to determine the projects they are prepared to invest in and to facilitate hand-in-glove vendor solutions

• Evaluating opportunities for selling available storage space within batteries to monetise additional storage capabilities

Antonio Bellver Granda, New Business Incubator UK,GDF Suez International

9.20 Question & Answer Session


9.30 Profitable Application Of Energy Storage Into Power Generation, Distribution And Transmission

• Analysing advanced battery cost declines over recent years to estimate technology readiness and timeframes for achieving optimum cost levels

• Identifying power losses experienced when using grid-scale batteries to accurately document application-specific performances and inform a financial model for their usage

• Evaluating lifetime predictions and component and system testing to achieve quality assurance for advanced batteries

• Providing a frank set of battery performance specifications that utilities companies are looking for to determine the projects they are prepared to invest in and to facilitate hand-in-glove vendor solutions

Goran Strbac, Professor of Electrical Energy Systems & Director of the UK Centre for Grid Scale Energy Storage, Imperial College of London

10.00 Question & Answer Session


10.10 Applying Key Commercial And Technical Lessons On Commercialising Grid Energy Storage Applications In The US

• Examining how state regulations have created a market mechanism for grid storage through procurement targets to inform a European model that incentivises advanced battery energy storage

• Assessing key procurement strategies to determine the priority features that make a battery investable

• Evaluating how storage is actively substituting peaking resources to determine comparable costs

• Identifying battery technologies being implemented to deal with grid outage issues to determine their reliability and performance

• Examining control systems being implemented to cost-efficiently charge and discharge batteries

Lincoln Bleveans, Power Resources Manager, Burbank Water & Power

10.40 Question & Answer Session

10.50 Morning Refreshments in Exhibition Showcase Area


Demonstrating The Profit Potential Of The Latest Energy Storage Applications For PV, Wind, Natural Gas


11.20 Presenting Latest Conclusions On The Business Case For Integrating Lithium Ion, Lead Acid Batteries And Other Energy Storage Solutions With PV Systems

• Quantifying whether the cost of pairing storage with PV exceeds the price of traditional generation to determine its true market potential

• Assessing the specific lifetime and performance factors of batteries for PV to justify their investment potential

• Examining the concept of sharing PV grid connections with different energy generating technologies to maximise output and minimise costs

• Analysing the importance of the feed-in tariff to PV generation and whether storage will replace or coexists alongside the regulation

• Will storage will replace or coexists alongside the regulation? Analysing the importance of the feed-in tariff to PV generation

Thomas Drizzard, Project Engineer, ERDF Nice Grid Project

11.50 Question & Answer Session


12.00 Considering The Contract Matrix For Wind-Generated Renewables To Determine the Associated Storage Applications

• Examining the contract structure for grid scale batteries to provide ancillary services such as frequency response

• Evaluating the lifecycle and performance requirements to make these schemes a reality with fluctuation in production and varying operating conditions

• Exploring the interaction of Treaty for EU Article 34 with Article 194 and the State Aid Guidelines to determine the conflict of Treaty norms and resolution by “soft law”

Scott Fotheringham, Commercial & Procurement Manager, EDF Energy Renewables

12.30 Question & Answer Session

12.40 Networking Lunch in Exhibiting Showcase Area


1.40 Comparing Lithium-Ion, Redox Flow And Other Batteries And Energy Storage Systems For Power Generation To Demonstrate Profit Potential And Technological Readiness

• Cost: Outlining cost differentials for Lithium-Ion, Redox Flow, Lead Acid and other batteries and energy storage devices

• Performance: Contrasting energy density, capacity, degradation and lifetimes for several energy storage systems to determine how these variables impact power generation

• Technological Readiness: Detailing levels of technological readiness for the analysed energy storage methods to identify implementation timeframes

• Safety And Environmental Issues: Examining the latest safety and disposal regulations for the evaluated grid-scale batteries to provide clarity on appropriate handling

Moderated by: Rosie McGlynn, Head of Smart Energy and Networks Programme,Energy UK

Panelist: Scott Fotheringham, Commercial & Procurement Manager, EDF Energy RenewablesENERGY STORAGE APPLICATIONS FOR DISTRIBUTIONProving The Business Case For Optimising Load Shifting,

Demand Side Response And Current Inversion Can Drive Profitability And Minimise System Losses


2.10 Weighing Load Shifting Through Energy Storage Against Peaking Power Plants: Defining A Business Case For Each Option

• Comparing the upfront, operational and maintenance costs invested in storage for load shifting vs. peaking plants to paint a comparable picture of cost vs. performance for meeting peak demand conditions

• Examining the performance of energy storage devices, including CAES for harnessing large amounts of energy quickly to meet fluctuating periods of high demand to determine load shifting’s reliability compared with peaking power plants

• Quantifying the energy reliability and flexibility load levelling can provide when applied to 24-hour power generation vs. more intermittent generation to demonstrate specific storage system ROI

• Evaluating energy storage chemistries with large capacity capabilities to determine the most optimal fit

Keith McGrane, Head of Energy Storage, Gaelectric

2.40 Question & Answer Session


2.50 Demonstrating The Business Case For Integrating Demand Side Response To Ensure Flexibility, Cost Sensitivity And Maximum Profitability

• Matching storage with demand side response to make the customer part of the solution and achieve grid stability and competitive prices

• Examining commercial hardware and software tools available to provide energy selectively through storage to the most attractive demand side revenue destinations and maximise profits

• Assessing the need for small generators to aggregate with one another using combined storage to gain access to the capacity network threshold feeding demand side response and achieves optimal returns

• Examining how to secure demand side response revenue streams into a long-term contract to secure renewable development

Marielle Liikanen, Senior Advisor, Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate

3.20 Question & Answer Session

3.30 Afternoon Refreshments In The Exhibition Showcase Area


4.00 Determining The Benefits Of Minimising Grid Energy Losses During Current Inversion Through Advanced Batteries To Reduce Operating Costs And Increase Efficiency

• Evaluating how to maximise efficiency of inverters when converting Battery DC to Grid AC to improve financials of storage integration

• Examining how to practically build micro-inverters efficiently at a cost reasonable for the storage application to achieve fewer energy losses

• Assessing practical methods for reducing energy losses in inverters and transformers to reduce generation required and additional cost

• Identifying the environmental impact of additional coal and natural gas generation making up for inversion losses to encourage increases in efficiency

Rosie McGlynn, Head of Smart Energy and Networks Programme, Energy UK

4.30 Question & Answer Session


4.40 How Advanced Grid-Scale Energy Storage Systems Are Facilitating Peak Demands: Detailing The Business Case And Technical Benefits

• Evaluating the speed and consistency of advanced batteries for starting up gas and steam turbines to meet sudden peak demands

• Comparing experiences of different battery powers and energy capabilities to determine which devices can optimally meet the lucrative short-term demand periods

• Assessing the cyclability of tried and tested grid-scale batteries to determine whether their price represents a strong business case for investment

• Examining the latest cutting edge batteries from the practical perspective of utility investment to determine whether the potential benefits outweigh the practical field experience

5.10 Question & Answer Session

5.20 Chair’s Closing Remarks

5.30 - 6.30 Networking Drinks Reception In Exhibition Showcase Area

www.grid-energy-storage.com + 44 (0) 800 098 8489 [email protected]


Day 2Thursday 26th November 2015

Day Two will clarify the regulatory frameworks for grid-scale advanced batteries and evaluate heat pumps, flywheels and compressed air systems as alternative energy storage solutions. It will also analyse the key applications of energy storage for power transmission and large-scale industrial and residential use, as well as key energy management software strategies.

8.40 Chair’s Opening Remarks

ENERGY STORAGE REGULATIONSClarifying How The UK And European Regulatory Frameworks

Impact The Economics Of Energy Storage Projects


8.50 Mapping European Regulations For Energy Storage To Establish An Aligned Business Model And Outline Investment Incentives

• Examining how electricity network codes are implemented across Europe to help integration of storage and solve the system’s main balancing constraints

• Identifying energy storage system integration frameworks to pinpoint any regulatory barriers that need to be overcome at the implementation stage

• Assessing the process for amending regulations, to provide a feasible idea and timescale for making steps towards progress

• Analysing specific energy storage integration standards to avoid costs of customisation and allow for accurate international comparisons between devices

• Identifying the ownership of energy storage devices between regulators, utility companies, TSOs and DSOs to clarify responsibility for operational activities, financing and quality and costs of projects

Jean-Marie Bemtgen, Senior Policy Expert, European Commission

9.30 Question & Answer Session


9.40 Gaining Clarity On The Legislative Framework For Demand Side Response Services And TSOs To Outlook Its Impact On Market Growth

• Analysing the upcoming trends in the energy sector on which TenneT TSO is to be anticipated

• Identifying the technological developments of Energy storage at Tennet

• Analysing the implications of the energy trends and the role of Energy Storage technologies for TenneT TSO and lessons that can be learnt

• Evaluating the legislative framework for TSOs within Europe, regarding to the unbundling regulation

Bianca Van Ommen, M&A - Business Development, TenneTJorinde Bettink, Technical Assistant, TenneT

10.10 Question & Answer Session


Storage Can Optimise Power Transmission To Quantify Impact On Costs


10.20 Evaluating The Future Potential Of Energy Storage To Provide Ancillary Services To Deliver Flexibility To Grid Networks

• Examining the changing requirement for ancillary services in a world of increasing renewable generation

• Analysing the application of energy storage for frequency control to safeguard against generation loss

• Exploring the practicalities of storage applied to primary and secondary response to determine a cost-benefit analysis

• Evaluating the role of storage in meeting unpredictable moving demand such as Electric Vehicles to provide energy flexibility

Nigel Fox, Strategy Development Manager, Energy Strategy & Policy Market Operation, National Grid

10.50 Question & Answer Session

11.00 Morning Refreshments in Exhibition Showcase Area


11.30 Evaluating The Application Of Energy Storage Devices For Transmission To Cost Effectively Stabilise The Grid

• Analysing the application of energy storage for frequency regulation to safeguard against outages and bring it back to nominal value

• Assessing the future plans of major European infrastructure programs and funds for reinforcing grid infrastructure and ancillary services to ensure long term stability

• Examining the specific demands of primary and secondary response and their related costs to determine how storage can practically be applied

• Identifying the role storage can play in reducing the number of overhead lines and wiring by easing capacity restraints at limited peak times

Ludger Dinkelbach, Manager Project Development, Statkraft

12.00 Question & Answer Session


12.10 Providing A Cost Trade-Off Analysis Between Investing In Energy Storage Projects And Delaying Grid Infrastructure Upgrades To Ease Transmission Constraints

• Evaluating the potential for battery storage applications to delay grid network upgrades through installation in localities with network constraints to ease demand pressure

• Examining how to be smarter with current networks using storage more widely in conjunction with renewable projects rather than building new transmission lines on account of supply fluctuation

• How to be smarter with current networks: Using storage more widely in conjunction with renewable projects rather than building new transmission lines on account of supply fluctuation

• Understanding long term plans for grid infrastructure upgrades to determine whether batteries represent a long-term strategy or short-term fix

• Identifying specific preferences of grid operators for battery technologies or alternative energy storage methods to determine the long-term vision for implementation

12.40 Question & Answer Session

12.50 Lunch In The Exhibition Showcase Area


1.50 Determining The Optimal Energy Storage Technology For Power Transmission Relative To Cost And Performance

• Cost: Contrasting differences in costs for Lithium-Ion, Redox Flow, Lead Acid, Sodium Sulphur and other batteries and energy storage devices

• Performance: Evaluating energy density, capacity, degradation and lifetime values for several energy storage systems to determine how these variables affect ancillary services applications

• Technological Readiness: Determining different levels of technological readiness for the analysed energy storage methods to establish timeframes for implementation

• Safety And Environmental Issues: Highlighting key safety and disposal issues for the selected grid-scale batteries to calculate its impact on cost and performance

Panelist : Bianca Van Ommen, M&A - Business Development, TenneTPanelist : Jorinde Bettink, Technical Assistant, TenneT

2.20 Question & Answer Session


Evaluating Large-Scale Industrial And Residential Battery Integration To Determine Opportunities For

Reducing Electricity Costs, Improving Reliability And Stabilising The Grid


2.30 Quality Assurance And Cost Analyses For Commercial PV Battery Systems And PV Power Plants With Battery Storage

• Examining the application of peak shaving systems for large-scale industrial and manufacturing sites to deliver cost savings and manage imbalances in supply and demand

• Assessing a range of battery chemistries being considered for commercial scale storage to understand the most applicable and cost efficient solutions

• Evaluating the business case for industrial users renting storage from local grids vs. wholly owned storage by one party to determine the pros and cons of a flexible market construct

Ernesto Ciorra, Head of Innovation and Sustainability, Enel Italy

3.00 Question & Answer Session


3.10 Evaluating The Application Of Lithium-Ion Batteries And PV Panels To Improve Energy Reliability For Residential Power Generators

• Analysing methods and protocols required for building a residential storage system to determine the implementation barriers that need overcoming

• Identifying the evolving standards for residential storage to facilitate participation in a frequency regulation or demand response environment

• Assessing the practical application of heat pumps for residential storage to determine their cost-benefit in relation to PV energy strategies

• Examining the types of batteries that are most appropriate for residential storage and identifying responding to foreseeable challenges

Eileen Patterson, Director of Housing Services, Fold Housing Group

3.40 Question & Answer Session


3.50 Capitalising On Spare Electrical Energy Capacity Using Energy Storage To Generate An Alternative Revenue Stream For Utilities

• Evaluating the business case for influencing cheaper electricity prices and reducing demand by encouraging consumer demand flexibility using batteries

• Exploring how users of large stationary battery technologies in Europe are taking advantage of capital investment and maintenance costs by feeding in capacity to the grid reserve market to monetise otherwise dormant assets

• Assessing the business case and practicalities of converting excess wind energy into hydrogen before storing it as a clean fuel

4.20 Question & Answer Session

4.30 Afternoon Refreshments In The Exhibition Showcase Area


Evaluating The Business Case For Using Alternatives To Battery Storage Including Pump Storage, Flywheels,

Compressed Air Storage And Interconnectors To Demonstrate Profitability


5.00 Presenting A Business Case On Pumps, Flywheels Compressed Air And Interconnectors To Identify The Most Cost Competitive And Reliable Alternative Storage Technologies

• Pump Storage: Analysing the price, efficiency and reliability of pump storage compared with utility batteries to determine the cost-performance differences

• Flywheels: Evaluating the application of flywheels for frequency response using synthetic inertia to determine their power effectiveness compared with batteries

• Compressed Air: Assessing the use of Compressed Air to store energy to determine its technology capabilities, how well it integrates with the system, and its price competitiveness compared with batteries

• Interconnectors: Examining whether using interconnectors to store though distance are a more attractive proposition due to the higher amounts of energy retained and less storage capacity required compared with batteries

Panelist: Keith McGrane, Head of Energy Storage, GaelectricPanelist: Lincoln Bleveans, Power Resources Manager, Burbank Water & PowerSTORAGE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE

5.30 Evaluating Enhancements In Battery Applications Achieved Through Storage Management Software To Determine Next Generation Efficiency, Performance And Revenue Opportunities

• Examining the accuracy of software tools to pick up subtle changes in weather conditions and subsequently adjust algorithms for charging and discharge batteries

• Evaluating the ability of energy management systems to target multiple revenue pools to guarantee energy reliability and maximum profits

• Providing a market overview of battery system control units to determine their specific supervisory performance capability enhancements

• Assessing the extent to which management systems are being overused to determine strategies for reducing manpower hours and costs whilst not compromising safety

6.00 Question & Answer Session


6.10 Latest Pilot Test Results Demonstrating The Business Case For Software For Batteries Automation

• Integrating SCADA communications systems into energy storage to automate battery charging and discharging

• Achieving automated energy storage batteries through SCADA systems to optimise grid demand interconnection

• Understanding how software solutions can effectively solve voltage constraints derived from renewable energy grid integration

6.40 Question & Answer Session

6.50 Chair’s Closing Remarks And End Of Conference

www.grid-energy-storage.com + 44 (0) 800 098 8489 [email protected]

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