Web and Mobile Trends in 2011 Christina Warren, Mashable.com Senior Reporter: Mobile, Dev/Design, Entertainment @film_girl

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Christina Warren's fabulous presentation at the Yale Library Research Education symposium.

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Web and Mobile Trends in 2011

Web and Mobile Trends in 2011

Christina Warren, Mashable.comSenior Reporter: Mobile, Dev/Design, Entertainment


Christina Warren, Mashable.comSenior Reporter: Mobile, Dev/Design, Entertainment


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Why Am I Here?

Mashable.com, largest independent tech/media website

Libraries can learn from the consumer web

The New Media gaze

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Mobile is Everywhere

Smartphones now outsell PCs

37% of U.S. mobile consumers have one*

Android, iOS, BlackBerry dominant

App-centric Consumption Model

* Nielsen Mobile Survey, April 2011

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A Picture Tells a Thousand Words

Photo sharing services are on the rise

Instagram, PicPlz, Path, Hipstamatic, Camera+, Flickr, Facebook

Photos + Geolocation + Social = Bliss

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Content Curation

RSS for Real People

Flipboard for iPad generates 400 million Flips per month*

Content curation from social streams including Facebook and Twitter

Personalization is Key* http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/06/08/businessinsider-


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Second Screen Experiences

Television ownership on the decline

Content becoming more social and more interactive

Content tailored to multiple consumption angles

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iPad, iPad, iPad

25 million units and growing

90,000 apps

International Hit

Beginning of a Post PC Era?

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Yay, Cloud

Device agnostic content

Access anywhere, anytime

Increased expectations of availability

Is my data safe? Is it secure?

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Geolocation and Hyperlocal

Can link services/businesses with targeted groups

Adds additional layer of context

An opportunity for libraries to connect with patrons

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An Opportunity for a New Medium

Content created specifically for a device, experience, rather than ported to a device.

The success of ebooks and iPad magazines

A new type of content. A new type of storytelling.

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Social as a News Tool

Storify: Service that builds narratives using Tweets, status updates, photos and more.

Social news and Osama bin Laden

Weiner-gate: The making of a Social Scandal

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The Fleeting Nature of Content

Dynamic content is difficult to archive

Real-time means “always changing”

What happens when content is removed/relocated?

How do we record the context?

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Expectations Are Changing

Information is expected to be portable, current and instantly accessible.

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Thanks Thanks Twitter: @film_girlhttp://www.christinawarren.comhttp://www.facebook.com/christina.warrenhttp://www.mashable.com/author/christina-warren

Twitter: @film_girlhttp://www.christinawarren.comhttp://www.facebook.com/christina.warrenhttp://www.mashable.com/author/christina-warren