Chapter 5 social media project with vince and shlong mmmmm... shlong

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The Strategy

Vincent BiancoRobert Lynch

How to Find the Time

Make a routine, spend about an hour in the morning checking your social media page, emails and other interactive sites.

Make sure to update and keep your page fresh with new information.

Community Manager

Keep your ear to the blogosphere- make sure you know what is being said about your organization and be a part of that community

Connect and engage- it's not enough to be a part of the community but to provide insight and answer questions others may ask.

Spread the word (but don't yell)- it's exactly what it means, spread your message in a positive manner but don't push it too hard.

Respond (but only if necessary)- you do not want to seem thin-skinned if something critical is being said about your organization.

Content Creator

Know the audience- know what they are interested in. It creates valuable content

Be professional- know who your writing for, be respectful, spell check it, and deliver it on time.

Write good stuff- you are the content creator it's up to you to write great stuff.

Technical Support

Keep all the up to date plug-ins and software. You may encounter computer and internet problems at anytime so be sure you know how things work and how to fix them.

i.e. Target released a new Missoni clothing line and in minutes the Target website crash because so many people were trying to order them. It took a whole day to get it up and running again.

Time for a Plan

Tap into existing networks- follow similar organizations, see what they are doing right and wrong and learn from them.

Own your space even if you're not there yet- decide what websites your going to use and which you aren't

Measuring Success

Return on Engagement (ROE)- Your company or organization is not going to see an immediate change after creating a social media profile, it takes time. It will take up money at first but in the end it will pay off.

The End

yeAh! okaY!

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