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Pages  25-­‐28  

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 Will  be  on  both  ends  of  comments   Apply  to  speech  construction   Word  choice   Body  movement   Other  things    

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 Affects  relationships  with  classmates  

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 Affects  how  much  you  learn  from  each  presentation  

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 Learning  to  give  &  receive  comments   Grow  in  spiritual  discipleship   Grow  as  a  member  of  the  work  force   Grow  as  a  “Boss”   Grow  as  a  family  member  

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 Designed  to  build  up   Gives  suggestions  to  improve  speech  and  presentation  

As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.                          Proverbs  27:17  

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Think  of  constructive  ways  to  comment  on  the  following  problems.  (Write  a  sample  of  what  would  be  considered  constructive  criticism)  

1. Jim’s  speech  seemed  to  consist  of  several  disconnected  ideas.  2.   Louisa  finished  her  last  point  and  sat  down.  Her  speech  seemed  to  need  something  more.  3.   Aliya  pushed  back  her  hair  and  played  with  her  sleeves  while  she  was  speaking.  4.   Vinny  looked  at  the  floor  and  out  the  window  during  his  speech.  

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 Do  NOT  take  it  as  a  personal  attack   About  the  speech,  not  you   Evaluations  are  important  to  help  speaker  take  a  careful  look  

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 Specify  –  pinpoint  the  actions     Approve  –  praise  something     Focus  –  be  current,  don’t  look  back   Empathize–  treat  others  like  yourself   Respect–  attack  problem  not  person  

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 Glean-­‐-­‐learn  what  you  can   Accept—don’t  be  defensive   Implement—apply  suggestions   Normalize—utilize  in  regular                                                            speaking