Census analysis workshop manchester part 2

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  • 2. #2011Census Whats coming next? Further cross tabulations Detailed & local characteristics Table specifications available on Census pages of ONS website Further commentary Statistical Bulletins Interactive content / data visualisations
  • 3. #2011Census Release 3 & 4 - Summary Date Product 31 July Ethnicity, Identity, Language, Religion August Demography (DC), Health (LC) September CEs (DC), Migration (LC) Microdata (teaching file) October Alt Pops UK KS & QS November Labour Market, Qualifications (DC) December Housing (LC), Demography (LC) January Labour Market, Qualifications (LC) February Travel to Work (DC), Armed Forces (DC) March Eurostat April & onwards TBC UK Multivariate, Small pops
  • 4. #2011Census UK outputs Unrounded population estimates July 2013 Includes single year of age and sex for the UK and all local authorities (or equivalent) in the UK Key and Quick statistics Summer 2013 Includes Census Profiles; Population and Household estimates by postcode Local characteristics Autumn 2013 Detailed characteristics Winter 2013
  • 5. #2011Census Subsequent releases Alternative population bases Potential examples: workplace, workday Subject to quality and disclosure checks Small populations data Explore characteristics of small population groups Micro data Public use file Safeguarded files VML files Origin-destination (flow) data Comprising travel-to-work & migration patterns, cross- tabulated by variables of interest
  • 6. #2011Census Commissioned Outputs Users can ask for anything they like Univariate available now, Multivariate from September Subject to disclosure checking Examples More detailed univariate tables Different multivariate tables Specific population groups Tables or flow data
  • 8. #2011Census Planned Analysis Further Stories detailed characteristics Key topics analysed from the cross tabulation More to follow linked to the detailed characteristics release(s) Further analysis: Stories - utilise further data visualisations Scholarly Articles Detailed pieces of analysis Reports Accompany publications Provide clarification on specific issues Information provided as part of prospectus
  • 9. #2011Census Short term analysis Analytical product Release schedule What does the Census tell us about National Identity in 2011 August 2013 English proficiency by various characteristics August 2013 What the Census tells us about the diversity of modern families 30th August Divorce among older people 30th August Regional profiles Rolling release August 2013 April 2014 General health and activity limiting illness by area deprivation Autumn 2013 Social inequality in general health and activity limiting health problems and disabilities September 2013
  • 10. #2011Census Further analysis planned in 2013 using Detailed Characteristics tables Analysis planned as part of Census output releases Qualifications/ disability/ age/ ethnicity/ COB/sex by employment status How does English proficiency affect economic activity Travel to work Additional analysis planned using DC tables Workless households by age, sex, tenure & ethnicity of HRP: geographical distributions Employment characteristics of CE residents by age, sex, disability status by industry and occupations Economic activity of people with & without activity limitation Employment characteristics of those with disabilities Characteristics of home workers Part time workers Characteristics of older people Migrant families What the Census tells us about Gypsy & Irish travellers
  • 11. #2011Census Further analysis provisional (1) Health & social care Small area analyses of health expectancy at birth by sex for MSOAs and by IMD 2010 defined area deprivation in England 2009-2013 Sub-national analyses of Health Expectancies at birth and at other ages by sex for UpperLower tier Local Authorities in England, Welsh Unitary Authorities Migration & demography Analysis of population eligible to vote and voter registration rates Development of a data visualisation tool that maps family type/living arrangements/marital & partnership status by local area
  • 12. #2011Census Further analysis provisional (2) Ethnicity, Identity, Language, Religion Exploring certain ethnic/religious/language groups and changes since 2001 Area based analysis Area classifications Commuter patterns, including mapping visualisation Travel to Work Areas (TTWAs) based on commuting patterns Rural/Urban classifications Labour market/Housing/Qualifications Characteristics of people living in communal establishments Education levels compared to jobs