CCC 2015 Fear and Self-loathing in IT

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Polaris Solutions ALM Practice Mgr since Jan ‘12

Been in the software industry since 1999

Runs the Chicago ALM User Group


Has a *possibly* unhealthy love of Halloween

Shameless self promotion

Polaris Solutions- http://www.polarissolutions.com/

Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group - http://www.chicagoalmug.org/

Twitter: @OakParkGirl, @ChicagoALM, @TeamPolaris

Blog - http://www.tfswhisperer.com/

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This is NOT a how-to

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Angela is not a trained psychologist

Angela most definitely suffers from imposter


Also, there is a non-zero chance that I am

terrified that you all think I am full of crap!

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Impostor syndrome[1] is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments. Despite external evidence of their competence, those with the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved. Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be.

Notably, impostor syndrome is particularly common among high-achieving women.


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The Imposter Test: http://paulineroseclance.com/pdf/IPscoringtest.pdf

“When people praise me for something I’ve accomplished,

I’m afraid I won’t be able to live up to their expectations of me in

the future”

“I’m afraid people important to me may find out that I’m not as

capable as they think I am”

“I rarely do a project or task as well as I’d like to do it”

“I often compare my ability to those around me and think they

may be more intelligent than I am”

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Researchers believe that up to 70% of people have

felt the effects of impostor syndrome at some point

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If the total score is 40 or less, the respondent has few Impostor


If the score is between 41 and 60, the respondent has moderate

IP experiences

A score between 61 and 80 means the respondent frequently has

Impostor feelings;

A score higher than 80 means the respondent often has intense

IP experiences.

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IT Evangelist: 40

Graphic Designer: 74

Senior Developer: 67

Dietician: 69Angela Dugan: 77

Screen Printer: 73

Librarian: 71Agile coach: 74

Interior Designer: 55

IT Director: 77

ALM Consultant: 87

Industrial Plumber: 54

SAHM: 39Lawyer: 53

Freelance Writer: 30

IT Manager: 55

IT Consultant: 55

Scenic Painter: 71SAHM: 52

Biology Teacher: 65

Network Administrator: 39

Audio Engineer: 67

Lawyer: 89

Management Consultant: 67


Senior Developer: 70

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Being an “expert” is overrated

An expert is just someone who has effed up something more than you

Being a beginner is pretty amazing!

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Most “experts” had no freaking clue what they were doing, at first…

Until they DID

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Fear is an emotion induced by a threat perceived by living entities, which causes a change in brain and organ function and ultimately a change in behavior, such as running away, hiding or freezing from traumatic events.

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But what are we all so afraid of?

Being wrong?

Not having ALL of the answers?

Being/looking vulnerable?

Getting Fired?

Not being “perfect”?

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Perfection is the enemy of good

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But it’s not ALL bad

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“It's OK to feel like a phony sometimes. It's healthy if it moves you forward”~Scott Hanselman http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ImAPhonyAreYou.aspx

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Story Time

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Many of my blog posts are an admission of guilt

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Every blog post and presentation is a leap of faith

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What do I do now?

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Recognize how you’re feeling

Go ahead and feel it

And stop beating yourself up about it

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It encourages us to push ourselves (and others) to


It fosters innovation

It teaches us humility

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In Judaism humility is an appreciation of oneself, one's talents, skills, and virtues. It is not meekness or self-deprecating thought, but the effacing of oneself to something higher.

Humility is not to think lowly of oneself, but to appreciate the self one has received.

~ Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

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Admitting you don’t know the answer to something

lends you instant credibility.

I’m serious, try it…

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Find something you’re really good at and then be the best you can be at that thing

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Then find something you’re really good at, that someone else wants to learn, then teach


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See It, Do It, Teach it

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Remind yourself that knowing all the answers makes you less likely to seek out new

solutions or embrace new ideas

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Find someone who inspires you, get connected, then ask for help!

Chances are, they’ve been there too!

Then focus on being the best you, it really IS enough.

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Nothing helps you realize just how much we don’t know like mentoring someone

Nothing helps you realize just how much you have to offer like mentoring someone

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Take risks

Be ok with being vulnerable

Ask for help

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“A manager’s job is not to prevent risks but it is their job to make it safe to take them.”

~ @dneighbors

You don’t have to be a manager to be a leader!

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Nothing makes you rethink how you represent yourself, accept and give praise, and react to others missteps like having others look to you as a model for behavior!

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