Railo 4.2, 5.0 and beyond Gert Franz, CTO Rasia Ltd.

CBDW2014 - Railo 5.0 and Beyond

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Gert will be sharing about the exciting future of Railo including what we have to look forward to in Railo 5. Railo is an open source CFML engine and if you're using it you'll want to come see what's in store. But even if you're not a Railo user, you'll still want to see what great innovations are happening over in Switzerland that are driving the CFML community forward and keeping us relevant.

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Railo 4.2, 5.0 and beyond

Gert Franz, CTORasia Ltd.

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© 2014 – Rasia Ltd.

Rasia Ltd.?

• Railo Technologies biggest contributor forRailo Server

• Invested over 4M US$ over 8 years• New commercial branch/spin off necessary• We need a new entity in order to develop

different products for Railo and/or for otherengines

• We want to make sure Railo Server survivesthe next 10 years as promised

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© 2014 – Rasia Ltd.

Rasia Ltd.?

• Rasia Ltd. was founded with in the meantime 18 developers

• Rasia Ltd. develops tools and applicationswith and for Railo

• Railo Technologies will still remain the maincontributor to Railo Server

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© 2014 – Rasia Ltd.

At a glance

• Railo 4.2 – Recap• Railo 5.0 – The future of CFML• Rasia Tools – Be Productive!

– ICF– Speed Booster

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Railo 4.2

Releasedat cf.objective()

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Compatibility –Language & Syntax

Railo 4.2

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Railo 4.2 – Language & Syntax

• New tag notation in cfscript• Before:• <cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">• Became• loop from="1" to="10" index="i" { … }• Now becomes:• cfloop(from:1, to:10, index:"i") { … }

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Railo 4.2 – Language & Syntax

• Member functions on literals:– [1,2,3,4].each( function() {} );– {key:value}.keyExists(…);– query(col:[1,2,3,4]).addRow(1);– "This is a string".len()– "susi,peter,john,doe".listToArray();

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Railo 4.2 – Language & Syntax

• Subscript Operator – Use a String like an Array– Instead of:

mid("susi“, 3, 1)– You can now write:


Better performance and shorter syntax

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Railo 4.2 – New functionality

• All above except *reduce support the argument "parallel" and "maxThreads"



Array Collection List Struct QueryEvery





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Railo 4.2 – New functionality

• New member function isEmpty()

• "".isEmpty(), [].isEmpty(), {}.isEmpty()• Function len() now supports all types

Type Condition returning trueQueries record count = 0Arrays arrayLen = 0Structs key count = 0Strings empty string

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Railo 4.2 – New functionality

• CFHTTP contains a new key in the resultcalled cookie

• CFFILE and CFDIRECTORY allow you tocreate the directory if it does not exist

• getCanonicalPath()– Converts


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Administrator Changes

Railo 4.2

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Railo 4.2 – Administrator improvements

• Disabling Type checking• Lots of settings move to the

Application.cfc• Hints for the usage of these settings• Export page• New logging page

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New Concepts

Railo 4.2

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Railo 4.2 – New concepts

• Application.cfc– Can be used for almost EVERY setting

possible in the Railo Web Administrator– Generate export for an Application.cfc in

the administrator

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Railo 4.2 – New concepts

• Problem– How do you differenciate settings

between environment & test?– How do you influence the standard

behaviour?– Ever forgotten to use the attribute


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Railo 4.2 – New concepts

• Application.cfc allows you to definestandard values for ANY attribute– Influence display of CFDUMP– Influence mailservers or database defaults

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Railo 4.2 – New concepts

• Current implementation supports SOAP– International Standard– Transport protocol, very flexible– supported by all programming languages

• BUT– Bloated XML format– Takes lots of time for conversion & serialization

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HTTP - Webservices

• HTTP Webservices– Very lightweight– Very fast– Railo specific ATM

– Autodetection of Railo HTTP Webservices

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The future of CFML

Railo 5.0

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Railo 5.0

What is the focus?• Performance• Stability• Language improvements• Ease of use

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Railo 5.0 – Main features

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Railo 5.0

• Current problem– An application needs a JAR file, but the

JAR file collides with an existing one– Updating JAR libaries– No way to manage jar libaries


• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Railo 5.0 – Architectural changes

• Solution: OSGi– Open Service Gateway initiative (2000)– A framework that manages libraries

(bundles and versions)– Allows you to load libraries in different

versions, all at the same time

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Railo 5.0 – Architectural changes

• OSGi in Railo 5.0– COMPLETE rewrite of the architecture– Enterprise market requirement– Everything in Railo 5.0 is OSGi

• Core• Extensions• JAR files

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Railo 5.0 – Architectural changes

• OSGi in Railo 5.0– Better stability– Higher performance– All libraries used by Railo are bundles– Possible to load/unload and start/stop

any library at any time

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Railo 5.0 – Architectural changes

• OSGi in Railo 5.0– New set of functions that allow you to the power of this

new functionality

// load a class in a specific versiondtf=javaLoad(bundle:"org-joda-time", version:"2.1.0", class:"org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat“


• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Railo 5.0 – Architectural changes

• OSGi in Railo 5.0– New set of functions// load a class in a specific versiondtf=javaLoad(bundle:"org-joda-time", version:"2.1.0", class:"org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat“


oJavaClass = createJavaProxy(className, jarFile, OSGi bundle, version of the OSGi bundle);

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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© 2014 – Rasia Ltd.

JSR 223

• Wikipedia says: "JSR 223 is a framework forembedding scripts into Java source code"

• Oracle already included Javascript as of Java 6

• Can be called from the command line like:>jrunscript something.js

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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JSR 223

• Why not be able to call:>jrunscript –f cfml commandbox/Bootstrap.cfm

Or>jrunscript –f cfml

cfml>fileCopy(source, destination)cfml>

• Might have a bigger impact on CommandBox

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Syntax changes

Railo 5.0 – Main features

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© 2014 – Rasia Ltd.

Railo 5.0 – Syntax Changes

• Introduction of Lambda functions– Shorhand notation for closures– Check out the example

• Further operators & operatoroverloading

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Syntax Changes

• New accessors for component members• Try this:

component {this.displayName = "myCmpn";private this.version = "1.0";static {

private static.susi = 1;}

}• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Syntax changes

• Component iterators:– By implementing the methods:

• _hasNext(), _next(), _reset()

– You now can do:

oObjList = new someObjList("customers");for(oCustomer in oCustomerList) {


• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Syntax changes

• New type of variable declarationvar qry, susi, peterorlocal.qry, local.susi, local.peter

Is equal to:var qry = null;var susi = null;var peter = null;

orvar qry = ""var susi = ""var peter = ""

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Syntax changes

• New type of variable declarationvar susi=4, var peter = 6, var qry = 7;

Or of course:

local.susi=4, local.peter = 6, local.qry = 7;

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Inline components

• Now it is possible to define helpercomponents within one line:

// Closure componentsoMyComponent = component {

function getData() {



• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Railo 5.0 – Main features

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© 2014 – Rasia Ltd.

Component enhancements

• Current problem– creating components either as singletons

or transients– No way for transients to store global data

valid for all instances of the component

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Component enhancements

• New keyword: static– Allows you to define

• a static constructor• static data, shared amongst ALL instances of

the SAME component• Static functions

– For static functions a new operator isdefined

• MyComponent::myStaticFunction();• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Component enhancements

• Abstract and final components andfunctions– Abstract components & functions have to

be inherited– Much better to use than interfaces– Final components & functions can not be


• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Component enhancements

• Inline components– Usable for very simple components– Saves file operations– Increase in performance– Allows definition of multiple components

in ONE cfc

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Component casters

• Existing ones– _toString()– _toNumeric()– _toDateTime()– _toBoolean()

• New ones– _toStruct()– _toArray()– _toQuery()– _toJSON()

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Component enhancements

• Operators– _compare(obj): number– _contains(obj): boolean

• Allows you to do:oObj = new someObj();oObj2 = new someOtherObj();if (oObj gt oObj2) {}


oObj.append(); // for arrays• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Java interaction

Railo 5.0 – Main features

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Java enhancements

• component extendsjava="java.io.file"• cfscript language="java"• call Railo directly from java• Interaction with java code• Drop Java Reflection

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Scripting support JSR 223

• Allows executing any script type insidea cfscript type– Groovy– Scala– Javascript– Python– Ruby, etc.

• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Component enhancements• Java interaction• Improved extendibility

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Railo 5.0 – Main features

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Improved extendibility

• New way to write extensions– Convention based– Auto deployment possible

• You simply drop files into a certain folder– Manifest file

• Contains metadata of an autodeploy extension• Dependencies between extensions• Preconditions (e.g. requires Railo 5.0)

Railo 5 will do the rest…• Architectural changes• Syntax changes• Java interaction• Component enhancements• Improved extendibility

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Be producive!

Rasia Tools

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Applications – Problem

• Every application collects data fromexternal resources

• Depending on cache settings, data isconstantly requested or not

• There is no real overview of what dataa server requests from any externalresources

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Possible solution

• Idea for a tool:– When enabled, checks all external

resources, whether the data has changedsince the last access

– Determines dependencies (session, application, independent)

– Displays potential cache candidates– Allow the user to select which candidate

data to cache and for how long

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Possible solution

• Analyzing data (eg. Queries)– Get the input parameters (SQL,

Datasource, Session, Application etc.) determine entry hHash

– Analyze the result (determinedependency & resulthash)

– Store the change interval and themetadata

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Say "hello" to


Rasia Tools

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Rasia – Booster

• Caching of – Queries– Functions– Includes– HTTP calls– Files, Directories– Web Service Calls– Etc.

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Rasia – Booster

• Apply rules– At the moment makes use of

cachedWithin="smart"– If there is a rule for this inputHash, apply

the rule according to the selection– Store statistics– Activate boost!!!

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Rasia – Boost UI

• Implemented as a Railo Admin plugin• Offers overview for Entries, Rules• Several Statistics and time estimates

• Rasia Boost is available of course forRailo 5.x

• But why not…

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Rasia – Tools

• Make Boost available for ANY JVM application?– Groovy– Native Java app– ColdFusion

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JVM - Boost

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JVM - Boost

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First project along the way:

Say "hello" to


Rasia Tools

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Rasia – ICF

• Railo > 3.0 allows you to use different kinds of Cache providers– Local or remote– Clustered or not

• ACF is only able to talk to EHCache– Local– and with a tougher configuration remote

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Rasia – ICF

• ICF allows you to use– Infinispan– With ColdFusion 9, 10 and 11– By using the usual functions

• CacheGet()• CachePut()• CacheDelete(), etc.

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Rasia – ICF

• We created an Installer for ACF• Allows you to install Extensions just like

the extension provider in Railo• Will be released as a separate product

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• http://www.getrailo.org• http://www.getrailo.com• http://groups.google.com/group/railo• https://github.com/getrailo/railo• http://issues.jboss.org/jira/browse/RAILO• www.rasia.info