Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda to increase rural incomes and assets: Introducing the project Danilo Pezo Uganda Smallholder Pig Value Chain Development Planning Meeting, Nairobi 24-25 September 2012

Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda to increase rural incomes and assets: Introducing the project

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Presented by Danilo Pezo at the Workshop on Uganda Smallholder Pig Value Chain Development Planning, Nairobi, 24-25 September 2012

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Page 1: Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda to increase rural incomes and assets: Introducing the project

Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda to increase rural incomes and assets:

Introducing the project

Danilo Pezo

Uganda Smallholder Pig Value Chain Development Planning Meeting, Nairobi

24-25 September 2012

Page 2: Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda to increase rural incomes and assets: Introducing the project

Emily Ouma, Michel Dione & Danilo Pezo (Project team in Uganda) Tom Randolph (Advise in different aspects of VCs + coordination with

other CRP 3.7 projects) Ben Lukuyu (animal feeding; VC assessment tools) Brigitte Maass (forages; VC assessment tools) - CIAT Isabelle Baltenweck (Site selection and VC assessment tools) Derek Baker & Amos Omore (VC assessment tools) Delia Grace & Kristina Rosel (food safety) Phil Toye & Richard Bishop (animal health) Karen Marshal (animal breeding) Mario Herrero & Jeanette Van Steeg (GIS work for site selection) Peter Ballantyne & team (communications) Nancy Ajima & Rosekellen Njiru (administrative support)

ILRI and CIAT staff involved

Page 3: Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda to increase rural incomes and assets: Introducing the project

Project GoalTo improve livelihoods, incomes and assets of

smallholder pig producers, particularly women, in a sustainable manner, through increased

productivity, reduced risk, and improved market access in pig value chains.

Page 4: Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda to increase rural incomes and assets: Introducing the project

To identify market opportunities for pork in Uganda, and the multiple factors preventing smallholder pig producers from exploiting those opportunities, with focus on constraints caused by animal disease threat, feed resources, and performance of markets and services.

To develop and pilot test a set of integrated packages for smallholder pig production and market access for specific production systems, resource profiles, and market settings in Uganda.

To document, communicate and promote appropriate evidence-based models for sustainable, pro-poor pig value chains.


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Candidate districts in Uganda

Page 6: Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda to increase rural incomes and assets: Introducing the project

Central government: MAAIF; NARO/NaLIRRI; NAADS; UBOS

Local governments : Kampala City Council Authority, Masaka, Gulu, Wakiso, Mukono, Kamuli, Kyboga, Masindi, Lira (confirmation will depend of site selection)

Universities: Makerere, Gulu, Swedish Agricultural University

NGOs: VEDCO, VSF – Belgium, Kamuzinda Farms Private sector: Wambizzi Cooperative, Masaka Pig

Producers Association, The Agro - Empowerment Center

Project partners

Page 7: Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda to increase rural incomes and assets: Introducing the project

Opening of ILRI office in Uganda Signing of hosting agreement with Bioversity Signing of contract with IFAD/EU (August 2012) Staffing R&D alliances Resource mobilization (e.g., ADRAS) Strong linkages with Safe Food – Fair Food 2 Preparation of the report entitled “Targeting

animal production value chains for Uganda” prepared

Key achievements

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A Situation Analysis of the pig sector in Uganda is almost complete

Scoping of potential project sites and pre-selection of the ones to be submitted to partners for final decision

Adaptation of tools to be used for the assessment of smallholder pig value chains

This Planning workshop Participatory Outcome Mapping and Site

Selection Workshop

On going activities

Page 9: Catalysing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda to increase rural incomes and assets: Introducing the project

International Livestock Research InstituteBetter lives through livestock

Animal agriculture to reduce poverty, hunger and environmental degradation in developing countries

ILRI  www.ilri.org