CAPTain Online Test Assessment CAPTain Eastern- and Central Europe

CAPTain Online Test

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P&P Romania became the official representative of CAPTain Online - a test that evaluates working attitudes and interests.

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Page 1: CAPTain Online Test

CAPTain OnlineTest Assessment

CAPTain Eastern- and Central Europe

Page 2: CAPTain Online Test

1. CAPTain: What is it?

2. Areas of use

3. Contents of CAPTain Online

4. Sample for CAPTain statements in pair-comparison

5. Outputs

6. Quality criteria

7. Performance criteria

8. Scientific principles

9. Practical details

10. References

11. Contact information


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CAPTainComputer Aided Personnel Testing

for Personnel Selection and Development

1. CAPTain: What is it?

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CAPTain Online is a continuously improved test system, which

meets the highest professional standards, and after training can be

used by any professional.

1.2. CAPTain: What is it?

CAPTain Online supports efficiently the work of corporate HR professionals; adds value to the efforts of selection and training consultants; helps employees in better understanding and developing their


CAPTain Online is used in more than 10 European countries by

companies of all sizes and from all areas of industry and


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2.2. Areas of use

Selection of external applicants

Analysis of potential of employees

Assessment Center

Development Center

Analysis of training requirements

Succession Planning

CAPTain Online can be used for the following purposes:

Management Audit



Evaluation of personnel

development processes

Job Analysis

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2.2. Areas of use











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3.1. Contents of CAPTain Online

CAPTain Online measures an individual’s behavioral attitudes

as they affect his performance at work.

Among these we count:

the way the individual deals with practical tasks, e.g. his

attitude to work, his working speed, self-organisation and detail


the way he deals with co-workers, e.g. cooperation, group-

orientation, need for recognition; and

the way he deals with subordinates, e.g. management skills

and ability to influence.

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3.2. Contents of CAPTain Online

The total of 38 parameters are divided into the categories

Work performance

Management skills

Decision making


Team ability


CAPTain distinguishes between the current style of behavior, and the subjective self-image created by wishful thinking.

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4. Sample for CAPTain statementsin pair-comparison

The test person cannot proceed to the next pair of statements until he has made a choice. She/he cannot scroll ahead or back, i.e. he cannot leave out questions or go back and change his mind.

Because of the combination of forced choice method and pair- comparisons the test person will find it difficult to manipulate the test.

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5.1. Outputs

CAPTain Online describes precisely the current style of

behavior and work performance of the assessed person.

CAPTain Online provides several different outputs of the test


brief and short descriptions

long and detailed descriptions

a graphical overview and summarizing descriptions

a general description and special information regarding the

demands of the job.

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5.2. Outputs

Graphical report

The report describes, how

pronounced are the different

characteristics in a particular

individual, and if this

individual‘s values correspond

to the requirements profile or


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5.3. Outputs

Description of Work and


Test results are summarized

in 9 categories:

Management behavior Behavior towards other people

and co-operation Attitude to work and ambitions Own responsibility and

independence Goal orientation and pleasure

in decision-making Pragmatism and creativity System and accuracy Activity Self-confidence

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6. Quality criteria


shows intra- and inter-individual differences

is highly accepted by test users and test persons

is developed for business practice

is continuously optimized and developed

meets the demands of DIN 33430 – Requirements for

proficiency assessment procedures and their implementation

is scientifically proofed regarding reliability, validity and


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7. Performance criteria


is able to predict success in AC

distinguishes between successful and less successful

members of staff

is able to distinguish between members of different

professional groups

evaluates the success of personnel development processes

realize potentials of employees.

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8. Scientific principles

The CAPTain personnel assessment method is based on the


the measurement of behavioral attitudes.

In psychological terms, the construction of CAPTain is built

around the personality theory developed by MURRAY.

CAPTain Online is a criteria-oriented test, unlike the usual norm-oriented assessment procedures. Thus the decisive assessment yardstick with CAPTainOnline is to be found in the concrete requirements profile and not in the comparison with some kind of random sample of the population at large.

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9.1. Practical details

The complete assessment including results takes about 30-60

minutes (depending on version of the test). The test evaluation

occurs directly and automatically.

The test results are available in less then 5 seconds online or in


CAPTain Online is available in 15 European language.

CAPTain Online is available in versions for: Specialist / employees Sales representatives Executives and University graduates / people just starting their first job.

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CAPTain Online provides additionally options like:

Job Profiling function

CAPTain Subjective self-evaluation questioner

the opportunity for a 360 Degree Feedback

Statistically Evaluation all of the test results

Communication Manager automatically mailing function.

A two-day training course is a prerequisite for a deeper interpretation of the CAPTain Online results and for the using of CAPTain Online.

9.2. Practical details

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10. Selected referencesAAM ConsultingAB Sandvik SteelABB Asea Brown BoveriAdeccoAlfred Kärcher Allianz AGAstraZenecaAustria TabakBavarian InsuranceBehr BeiersdorfBertelsmannBMW RussiaBremer LandesbankCetelem BankCIB BankCommerzbankCorvinus University BudapestDaimlerChryslerDeutsche AllianzEDSELMÜEONErste BankExportradetFörsvarets Materielverk

FundamentaGenerali-ProvidenciaGlaxo WellcomeGrüner + JahrGustav Käser HANSALOG ServicesHR VisionHungarocontrolHyresgästernas INTER InsuranceIBS BudapestIntersearchINTERSPORTIT JobsJulius MeinlHungarian Postal ServiceMannesmann MobilfunkManpowerMerck MicrosoftMieleNedlloyd DanzasNeumann InternationalNord LandesbankOracle ORF

P&Bert PALFINGER Pendl Piswanger Philip MorrisPorsche HoldingPorsche RomaniaRAJORandstadReaders DigestRiksförbund RikspolisstyrelsenRiksskatteverketRobert BoschRWESEB KompetensSkattemyndighetenStihl Technical University Budapest TrenkwalderTschiboUniversität der HamburgVodafoneWifi International NetworkWirtschafsinformatikschule Xerox Adria Region

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11. Contact information

Contact us for references and tailored solutions:

Dr. Pendl & Dr. Piswanger Romania SRL

61 Unirii Blvd, 3rd Entrance, 6-7 floor, app. 605

Sector 3, Bucharest, Romania

Tel: +40 21 323 01 71/ 72

Fax: +40 21 323 01 80

E-mail: [email protected]
