Building branded communities.2

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Presentation given by Lisa Barnett of eModeration at OMN London on the 30th August 2012.

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Page 1: Building branded communities.2
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Building Branded Communities

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Lisa Barnett, Senior Community Manager

All About Me

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First, Some Definitions

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What is Community?

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How Do You Feel About Online Communities?

• A dangerous place full of weirdos• A scary place full of teens who speak in a language I

don’t understand

• A useful place to go for specific information (e.g. support forums)

• A wonderful way of connecting with people all around the world who are on my wavelength

• A place which enables me to interact with my customers

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Why have a Community?

Market Researc




EvangelismCustomer Service


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Community Management

Growing Building Nurturing





Conflict Management

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Why Community Management?

Main challenge faced in building a community?

People don’t behave the way you expect or want them to

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Tools Allow for free and easy communication

Leadership Encourage the behaviour you want to see in the community

Culture Ideas and egos are fragile, so create a safe haven

Community Management is the Answer

Community Management allows the shaping of all of the above

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Enter the Community Manager

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A Jack of All Trades

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Inside the Mind

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Traits of the Community Manager

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The Community Manager Diet

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Community Management Best Practise

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Your Audience

• Understand your members

• Build trust

• It’s not about you

• Foster belonging

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Make It Valuable

• Demonstrate the value of community membership

• Look beyond the obvious

• Communities create a stickiness 

• Think long term

• Let Your Members Promote

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Build the Right Community

• Look after your garden 

• Protect membership from sales   

• Promote thought leadership

• Encourage positive outcomes

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Build the Right Community

• Size Matters

• Men & Women Participate Differently

• Social media & community are not the same

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Be Realistic

• Building communities takes time

• Win small victories

• Build guidebooks or playbooks

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Support Community Managers

Your community manager needs authority

Acknowledge the often overwhelming nature of the community manager role

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Setting Expectations

• Have moderation staff available 24/7 in shifts where possible if the community is active around the clock

• Try not to post in the forum on off hours

• Implement automation where possible

• Encourage forum members to help others

When building a new community, it is critically important to set the availability expectations with customers upfront

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10 steps for building a great branded community

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1. Set your objectives

• But be prepared to be flexible

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2. Make your tools easy to use

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3. Don’t try and be everywhere

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4. Keep it clean and safe

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5. Set expectations

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6. Have engaging content

But not full of marketing messages

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7. Be consistent

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8. Incentivise your audience

What’s in it for me?

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9. Empower your champions

• Publicly recognised as your power users• Can act as your eyes and ears• Get moderator status• In return, you share

freebies/discounts/special offers with them

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10. Don’t be afraid to ask