Building a Mobile Location Aware System with Beacons Jonathan LeBlanc (@jcleblanc) Head of Global Developer Advocacy at PayPal + Braintree

Building a Mobile Location Aware System with Beacons

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Building a Mobile Location Aware System with Beacons

Jonathan LeBlanc (@jcleblanc) Head of Global Developer Advocacy at PayPal + Braintree

twitter: @jcleblanc | hashtag: #OSCON

Purpose of a Beacon

Being Location Aware

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Real World Use Case

twitter: @jcleblanc | hashtag: #OSCON

Central Device

Beacon Hardware

IP Address Endpoint

How it Works

twitter: @jcleblanc | hashtag: #OSCON

twitter: @jcleblanc | hashtag: #OSCON

Estimote: $99 / 3, temp + motion

Beacon Comparison

Bluecat: Trial, AA batteries

Gimbal Tag: $5, small & deployable

Kontakt.io: $81 / 3, battery life

•  UUID (16 bytes): Differentiates Large Group

•  Major (2 bytes): Beacon Subset

•  Minor (2 bytes): Individual Beacon

•  Tx Power: Proximity from beacon

Beacon Advertisement & ID

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twitter: @jcleblanc | hashtag: #OSCON

Don’t be Creepy

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Deploy Considerations

Battery Life vs Range

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Battery Replacement

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Signal Interference

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•  Microwave ovens

•  Direct Satellite Service (DSS)

•  Certain external electrical sources

•  2.4 GHz or 5 GHz phones

•  Video transmitters/receivers that operate in the 2.4

GHz or 5 GHz bandwidth

•  Wireless speakers that operate in the 2.4 GHz or 5

GHz band

•  Certain external monitors and LCD displays

•  Any other wireless devices that operate in the 2.4

GHz or 5 GHz bandwidth

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Signal Degradation

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Low Interference Medium Interference

High Interference Very High Interference


Synthetic Material







Bulletproof Glass  


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Attaching to a Beacon

<uses-permission android:name=


<uses-permission android:name=


<service android:name=




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Adjusting Beacon Settings Estimote Site and App

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connection = new BeaconConnection(this, beacon, new


@Override public void onAuthenticated(){ ... }

@Override public void onAuthenticationError(){ ... }

@Override public void onDisconnected(){ ... }




The Beacon Connection

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//update the beacon UUID and Major


.set(connection.major(), newMajor)

.commit(new BeaconConnection.WriteCallback(){

@Override public void onSuccess(){}

@Override public void

onError(EstimoteDeviceException exception){}


Adjusting Beacon Settings

twitter: @jcleblanc | hashtag: #OSCON

•  AdvertisingInterval

•  BroadcastingPower

•  Major

•  Minor

•  ProximityUuid

Updatable Settings

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The Android Emulator

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twitter: @jcleblanc | hashtag: #OSCON

Virtual Machine Software +

USB BLE adapter


Emulating Android & BLE

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Collecting Range Data

•  getProximityUUID: Proximity UUID of the Beacon

•  getMajor: Major version of the beacon •  getMinor: Minor version of the beacon

•  getMeasuredPower: Beacon measured power

(in dBm)

•  getMacAddress: Beacon MAC address

•  getName: Display friendly beacon name •  getRssi: Received Signal Strength Indication

The Beacon Object

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private static final Region ALL_BEACONS =

new Region("regionId", null, null, null);

private BeaconManager beaconManager = new


Setting the Beacon Manager

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beaconManager.setRangingListener(new BeaconManager.RangingListener() { @Override public void onBeaconsDiscovered(Region region, List<Beacon> beacons) {

for (Beacon rangedBeacon : beacons) { double currentDistance = Utils.computeAccuracy(rangedBeacon); … }

} });

Setting the Listener

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new BeaconManager.ServiceReadyCallback(){

@Override public void onServiceReady(){



} catch (RemoteException e) {

Log.e(TAG, "Cannot start ranging", e);




Getting Beacon Range

twitter: @jcleblanc | hashtag: #OSCON

iBeacon Specification https://developer.apple.com/ibeacon/

Estimote Javadocs http://estimote.github.io/Android-SDK/JavaDocs/

AltBeacon http://altbeacon.org/examples/

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Beacon Wrap-up

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Thank You! http://slideshare.net/jcleblanc

Jonathan LeBlanc (@jcleblanc) Head of Global Developer Advocacy at PayPal + Braintree