Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310 GPS Based Real Time Tracking In an increasingly unsafe travel environment there is an increased need to know where your people are and to have the ability to respond immediately if they need help. Breadcrumb is a location based security and risk services company that offers revolutionary Global Positioning System (GPS) based real-time tracking software for Smartphone’s with one-button emergency distress.

Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

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Page 1: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

GPS Based Real Time Tracking

In an increasingly unsafe travel environment there is an increased need to know where your people are and to have the ability to respond immediately if they need help.

Breadcrumb is a location based security and risk services company that offers revolutionary Global Positioning System (GPS) based real-time tracking software for Smartphone’s with one-button emergency distress.

Page 2: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310





Breadcrumb solutions for aBreadcrumb solutions for aCommon Operational Picture (COP) Common Operational Picture (COP)

on a Google Mapon a Google Map

Personal Safety DevicesPersonal Safety Devices

Blackberry and Windows Blackberry and Windows Mobile PhonesMobile Phones

In-Vehicle AVL In-Vehicle AVL Black BoxBlack Box

Breadcrumb, LLCBreadcrumb, LLCGPS Enabled DevicesGPS Enabled Devices

with Emergency Distresswith Emergency Distress

Satellite Phones Satellite Phones

Page 3: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

Breadcrumb software is delivered over the air (OTA) in just 30 seconds to smartphones, including I-Phone, Blackberry, HTC, Nokia and Samsung handsets.

The Breadcrumb application uses the in-built GPS capability of the phone to provide location updates of the user to other phones on the network and to the Breadcrumb user account on any internet connected PC/Mac.

The location of the phone user is indicated on either Google or Bing maps and can be updated manually or between 2-15 minutes, depending on user preferences.

A single button alert on the phone allows the user to immediately indicate to other users that they are in need of help and an SMS and/or email with a link to the users location is sent to enable an immediate response.

John Citizen has sent a 'Help Me' alert.

Time: 3/17/2010 4:29:22 PM

Phone: 555 555 555

Last known location:


Page 4: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

The computer interface also shows the direction and speed that the traveler is moving (green arrows) and latitude and longitude co-ordinates if required.

If the traveler is stationary, their location is indicated with a red circle.

Breadcrumb even allows for travelers movement within multi level buildings to be viewed. This unique feature allows for an immediate response to a users distress alert in the event of a fire or security incident.

The Breadcrumb trail feature enables up to twelve months of the users travel database to be viewed at any time.

This allows for easy travel reconciliation, productivity analysis and provides data for investigation in the event of an incident.

Page 5: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

Breadcrumb Breadcrumb Reporting DashboardReporting Dashboard

Team members locatedin dashboard on phone and computer

Page 6: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

Breadcrumb Real -Time TrackingTraveler in Afghanistan

Location Intelligence Lat. & Long, Direction, Speed

Dan O’Shea, Corporate TravelerArrival: 12/18/2009 3:16:58 PM

US Embassy KabulDepart: 12/18/2009 4:03:48 PM

Page 7: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

Dan O’Shea, Corporate TravelerArrival: 12/16/2009 9:47:35 PM

Kabul International AirportDepart: 12/16/2009 10:16:17 PM Kabul International Airport

use of Geofence (in blue)

Breadcrumb Trail One Year History Database of


Breadcrumb Real -Time TrackingTraveler in Afghanistan

Page 8: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

“As a regional risk executive I find this solution is making my job easier on a daily basis – it is easy to build a business case within my organisation for its deployment, it is easy to learn, the non intrusive nature of the solution means users who were hitherto reluctant to take on additional security coverage have now accepted this solution. With BreadCrumb I have a multiplatform means of managing my key human, physical and supply chain assets in one easy to use interface that is unobtrusive to the organisation, discreet for the user and effective for me as the person the organisation turns to for the management of risk in an increasingly mobile workforce.” Risk Director Asia Pacific, Global IT Consulting Services and Solutions Company

Page 9: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

The Breadcrumb Common Operating Picture (COP) = Knowing where your most important assets are 24/7

Page 10: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

Traveler arriving at Chek Lap Kok Airport, Hong Kong, ChinaFrom: [email protected]

Sent: , 1 5 , 2 0 1 0 1 1 :1 4 M o n d a y M a r c h P MTo: [email protected];[email protected]: Breadcrumb Alert Alert: 

To n y A b r a h a m h a s a r r iv e d a t C h e k La p K o k , A ir p o r t H o n g K o n g

Page 11: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

M u lt ip le P la t f o r m s a n d C a r r ie r s

Can be installed on multiple platforms (smartphones) over multiple networks

No requirement to be contracted to a particular network provider provides flexibility of service provider choice, integration with your current procurement strategies, almost ubiquitous implementation and potential cost savings

Global roaming enables monitoring to be enabled outside of home country without any loss of tracking function

C o m m o n O p e r a t io n a l P ic t u r e

Enables all users to be viewed on one Common Operational Picture (COP) across numerous interfaces The tracking interface can be viewed from any computer or smartphone that has access to the internet and log on privileges – even from home

This provides for ultimate flexibility with command centre set up, enables situation reports to be delivered off-site and enhances situational awareness across the entire management team

Allows instantaneous situational awareness – from your hotel room to your board room

Page 12: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

C o m p a n y A s s e t P r o t e c t io n

Enables the account manager to geofence as many company assets, checkpoints, locations as is required

Providing alerts when an individual departs or leaves an area means that the account manager can be proactive in their decision-making

There is no requirement to check the interface to be informed of actions taking place, as alerts are ‘pushed’ to phone or computer via email and SMS text

Increases the level of visibility and responsiveness your organisation has on individual movement

Ultimately, this makes for a safer and therefore more productive workforce

B r e a d c r u m b Tr a il

Creates a breadcrumb trail for each user that can be viewed for up to 12 months

Data interrogation of an individual/s movement allows for operational efficiency analysis and provision of evidence of movement if required at a later date

The trails feature can also be used to identify location of users whilst indoors

Page 13: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

U s e r In t u it iv e In t e r f a c e

The smartphone and computer interface are simple and intuitive to use

Users and Account Managers can become familiar and proficient with the interface within 10-15 minutes

There is no requirement for outsourced training, which provides significant cost savings

B e s p o k e C a p a b il it y

Breadcrumb software engineers can modify the software to suit your organizational requirements

The software can be manipulated by Breadcrumb engineers to meet organisational needs.

Requirements might include:

Provision of the software on satellite phone handsets for those regions where network coverage is poor. This provides for 100% worldwide coverage

“Hiding” the application on the smartphone interface if required to meet with company policy

Disabling the software outside of working hours to ally employee privacy concerns

Page 14: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

Tim e ly A le r t R e s p o n s e

The alert function provides for an SMS and email with a map link identifying the location of the user

Alert responses have been received in the U.S. from locations including Afghanistan, Nigeria and Haiti between 10-120 seconds

This speed of situational awareness update enables a more timely organisational response to emergencies, and drastically reduces the likelihood of serious injury, fatality or damage to property

Enables Company’s to more confidently meet duty of care obligations to those employees who work in remote or dangerous environments

In t e r f a c e F le x ib ilit y

No requirement to be “ tied” to PC to view users

All users can be viewed via computer based and smartphone based interface, which increases the flexibility of Risk Managers / Crisis Co-ordinators

Ensures situational awareness is maintained at all times 24/7 across multiple locations

Page 15: Breadcrumb Gps Solutions

Breadcrumb, LLC 1517 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Office: 313-279-0310

Breadcrumb Asia Pacific

Representative: Paul GrahamPh: +_61 (0) 413 767 393E: [email protected]