
Blogging Is Learning

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This is a slideshow prepared to introduce teachers to blogging with a focus on David Warlick's Blogmeister, an online blogging tool..

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Blogmeister is a good place to start for teachers who are new to blogging. It was founded by David Warlick of the Landmark Project. It was created to give teachers a significant amount of control over the web publishing activities of the students.

Image Citation Astaroth_the piper’s photostream. Go forward. 05 May 2005. 27 May 2007 <http://www.flickr.com/photos/53547268@N00/230291570/>

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“A blogging tool developed for teachers as an authentic publishing environment to promote the development of effective communication skills in students.”

Quote Citation: David Warlick: Author of Blogmeister tool and “Blogmeister Instructions” , <http://classblogmeister.com/blogmeister_instructions.pdf>


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Name for your classroom

General information and description.

Blog Article Title

Student Blogs on Right Sidebar

Student Entries on Left Sidebar

Teacher Entries on Left Sidebar


Date Stamp


Class Blog

Blog Title

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A comment that has been posted by

a reader.

Date Stamp

Student Blog

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• Blog Title• Date Stamp, Time Stamp• Article Title (Blog Posts)• Article’s Main Body• Blog Author• Comments• Permalinks• Calendar• Archives• Links or Blogrolls

Blog Components

On the slides that follow we will highlight a few of these components to foster understandings.

First learn the blogging vocabulary. All of these may

not be on Blogmeister but you need the terms for reading all


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The last item written or posted is at the top of the blog. So it can be helpful to see beginning posts to understand the purpose.

Image Citation Green at beginning and end. Our Enchanted Garden’s photos. 27 Feb 2007. 24 May 2007 <http://flickr.com/photos/enchantedgarden/193310277/>.

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Look for an “About” link to determine who is writing the blog. If that fails go back to the first post to see if there is an introduction.

Image Citation oberazzi’s photostream. 02 April 2007. 26 May 2007 <http://www.flickr.com/photos/oberazzi/318947873/>

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Permalinks Click this link to see the permalink.

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ArchivesArchives are usually in month form listed on the sidebar. These are links to previous blog entries.

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CalendarThis is an optional blog feature which usually shows the current month’s calendar dates.

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Comments allow readers to reply to a particular blog entry. They make the blog interactive and are very motivating to students.

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Now we are off to look at some good examples of educational blogs. Then we will create our own!!


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Blogmeister blogsFirst we will take a look at a few blogmeister blogs. Then we will look at blogs from other publishers so you can gain more ideas for content


Mrs. Cassidy’s Classroom Blog http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=1337

Grade 1 and 2, Kathy Cassidy – teacher

Mighty Writers 2006-07 http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=41233

Grade 3, Mark Ahlness - teacher

5B@MAS http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=40878

Mamaroneck (NY) Avenue SchoolGrade 5 , Gordon Brune - teacher

Continue on for other levels

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Blogmeister blogsMiddleEnglish Corner http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=17192

Grade 6 Language Arts, Julia Osteen - teacher

Excellence and Imagination http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=2734

Grade 7 & 8, Clarence Fisher - teacher

Cool Cat Teacher’s Student Blog http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=26813

Middle & High, Vicki Davis – teacher

HighBishop Dunne # http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=21053

Freshman Pre-AP English class, Kyle Stevens - teacher

B.D.C.S. Room 406 http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=22572

English III, English Language AP, English 4 - Daniel Wilson - teacher

Science by Davis http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=67123

Ecology & Biology, S. Davis – teacher

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Improving Instruction Through the Use of Weblogs

Click on the graphic to goto a listing of blogs. You willgo to a wikicontaining Blogs across manycategories.Click on the word ‘sidebar’at the top rightto open the listing.

Enjoy browsing!

Get ideas!

Share withOthers!

Then we willcelebrate ourlearning bycreating our own blogs!


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This slideshow was created for a blogging workshop for teachers. It was created by Anne Davis of EduBlog Insights http://anne.teachesme.com

. If you have any questions she can be contacted at [email protected].