video content, slide content, audio content, list content, infographics content ToP CoNtEnT

Big Names / Top content - Video vs Audio vs Slides vs Lists vs Graphics

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70+ top blogs analyzed including: http://jeffbullas.com Jeff Bullas http://kissmetrics.com Hiten Shah & Neil Patel http://mackcollier.com Mack Collier http://copyblogger.com Brian Clark http://hubspot.com Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah http://businessesgrow.com Mark Schaefer http://maximizesocialbusiness.com Neal Schaffer http://convinceandconvert.com Jay Baer http://heidicohen.com Heidi Cohen http://ducttapemarketing.com John Jantsch http://contentmarketinginstitute.com Joe Pulizzi http://socialmediaexaminer.com Michael Stelzner http://problogger.net Darren Rowse http://spinsucks.com Gini Dietrich http://thesocialmediahat.com Mike Allton http://business2community.com Brian Rice / Dan Criel http://socialmediatoday.com Robin Carey http://marketingprofs.com Ann Handley http://clickz.com Clickz http://searchengineland.com Danny Sullivan http://bufferapp.com Leo Widrich & Joel Gascoigne http://smartinsights.com Dr Dave Chaffey / Dan Bosomworth / Stu Miller www.intentionalgrowth.com Joseph Olewitz http://malharbarai.com Malhar Barai http://w5coaching.com/blog John Nieuwenburg http://razorsocial.com Ian Cleary http://tweet4ok.com Frithjof Petscheleit http://changeyourgamebealeader.com Jennifer Olney http://orbitmedia.com Andy Crestodina http://socialmedia-max.com Michele Smorgon http://ipnostudio.com Andrea - Ipnostudio http://dragonsearchmarketing.com Ric Dragon http://steamfeed.com DJ Thistle / Daniel Hebert / Gerry Michaels http://www.tedrubin.com Ted Rubin http://diyblogger.net Dino Dogan http://geofflivingston.com Geoff Livingston http://www.twistimage.com Mitch Joel http://menwithpens.ca James Chartand http://pushingsocial.com Stanford Smith http://senseimarketing.com Sam Fiorella http://jureklepic.com Jure Klepic http://www.toprankblog.com Lee Odden http://marismith.com Mari Smith http://webinknow.com David Meerman Scott http://amyporterfield.com Amy Porterfield http://blog.guykawasaki.com Guy Kawasaki http://cc-chapman.com C.C. Chapman http://chrisbrogan.com Chris Brogan http://mycmgr.com Tim McDonald http://denisewakeman.com Denise Wakeman http://garyvaynerchuk.com Gary Vaynerchuk http://avc.com Fred Wilson http://martinshervington.com Martin Shervington http://sarkemedia.com Sarah Arrow http://socialable.co.uk Lilach Bullock http://pammarketingnut.com Pam Moore http://talentculture.com Meghan M Biro http://www.ferreemoney.com Neil Ferree http://v3im.com Shelly Kramer http://feldmancreative.com Barry Feldman http://briansolis.com Brian Solis http://web-strategist.com/blog Jeremiah Owyang http://christopherspenn.com Christopher Penn http://bethkanter.org Beth Kanter http://socialmediaexplorer.com Jason Falls / Jason Spooner / Nichole Kelly http://brasstackthinking.com Amber Naslund http://bryaneisenberg.com Bryan Eisenberg http://successful-blog.com Liz Strauss http://buzzmachine.com Jeff Jarvis http://www.bigbrandsystem.com - Pamela Wilson

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  • video content, slide content, audio content, list content, infographics content ToPCoNtEnT

Copyright Boomylabs 2011-2013 WhO Is UsInG WhIcH MeDiA? ViDeO StAtS 15%Of PoStS InClUdE ViDeO 79% Of BlOgS UsE ViDeO GaRy VaYnErChUk MaRtIn ShErViNgToN NeIl FeRrEe ViDeO KiNgS 1 23 AuDiOStAtS 4%Of PoStS InClUdE AuDiO 30% Of BlOgS UsE AuDiO AuDiO KiNgS 1 23 FrEd WiLsOn AmY PoRtErFiElD MiChAeL StElZnEr SlIdEs StAtS Of PoStS InClUdE SlIdEs 40% Of BlOgS UsE SlIdEs 3% SlIdE KiNgS =1 JeFf BuLlAs JoE PuLiZzI RiC DrAgOn LeE OdDeN NeIl FeRrEe LiStSStAtS Of PoStS InClUdE LiStS 99% Of BlOgS UsE LiStS 57% LiSt KiNg&QuEeN =1 3 HeIdI CoHeN IaN cLeArY AmY PoRtErFiElD GrApHiCs StAtS 20%Of PoStS InClUdE GrApHiCs 81% Of BlOgS UsE GrApHiCs GrApHiCs 1 2 3 KiNgIaN ClEaRy MiChElE SmOrGoN BuFfEr ApP WaNt KiNg? To Be Copyright Boomylabs 2011-2013 WaNt YoUr BlOg AnAlYzEd? LiKe tHiS sLiDeDeCk oN sLiDeShArE lEaVe a cOmMeNt wItH yOuR bLoG UrL wElL AuDiT yOuR lAsT 25 bLoG pOsTs FoR FrEe IS THIS YOU CoNtEnT ToP Copyright Boomylabs 2011-2013 BlOgS vS CoNtEnT (PoStS) (78.6%) oF BlOgS uSe vIdEo, BuT oNlY 14.7% oF pOsTs iNcLuDe vIdEo LeTS ExPlOrE Copyright Boomylabs 2011-2013 %age of posts including video %age of posts including audio tagged Listly lists linking to 25 posts %age of posts including docs %age of posts including graphics %age of posts including lists%age of posts including slides OnE BlOg : ExPlAiNeD http://www.slideshare.net/ nickkellet/content-trumps-what- can-a-content-audit-of-22-top- blogs-teach-you MoRe InFo Copyright Boomylabs 2011-2013 Blog Personality http://jebullas.com Je Bullas http://kissmetrics.com Hiten Shah & Neil Patel http://mackcollier.com Mack Collier http://copyblogger.com Brian Clark http://hubspot.com Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah http://businessesgrow.com Mark Schaefer http://maximizesocialbusiness.com Neal Schaer http://convinceandconvert.com Jay Baer http://heidicohen.com Heidi Cohen http://ducttapemarketing.com John Jantsch http://contentmarketinginstitute.com Joe Pulizzi http://socialmediaexaminer.com Michael Stelzner http://problogger.net Darren Rowse http://spinsucks.com Gini Dietrich http://thesocialmediahat.com Mike Allton http://business2community.com Brian Rice / Dan Criel http://socialmediatoday.com Robin Carey http://marketingprofs.com Ann Handley http://clickz.com Clickz http://searchengineland.com Danny Sullivan http://buerapp.com Leo Widrich & Joel Gascoigne http://smartinsights.com Dr Dave Chaey / Dan Bosomworth / Stu Miller www.intentionalgrowth.com Joseph Olewitz http://malharbarai.com Malhar Barai http://w5coaching.com/blog John Nieuwenburg http://razorsocial.com Ian Cleary http://tweet4ok.com Frithjof Petscheleit http://changeyourgamebealeader.com Jennifer Olney http://orbitmedia.com Andy Crestodina http://socialmedia-max.com Michele Smorgon http://ipnostudio.com Andrea - Ipnostudio http://dragonsearchmarketing.com Ric Dragon http://steamfeed.com DJ Thistle / Daniel Hebert / Gerry Michaels http://www.tedrubin.com Ted Rubin http://diyblogger.net Dino Dogan http://geoivingston.com Geo Livingston http://www.twistimage.com Mitch Joel http://menwithpens.ca James Chartand http://pushingsocial.com Stanford Smith http://senseimarketing.com Sam Fiorella http://jureklepic.com Jure Klepic http://www.toprankblog.com Lee Odden http://marismith.com Mari Smith http://webinknow.com David Meerman Scott http://amyportereld.com Amy Portereld http://blog.guykawasaki.com Guy Kawasaki http://cc-chapman.com C.C. Chapman http://chrisbrogan.com Chris Brogan http://mycmgr.com Tim McDonald http://denisewakeman.com Denise Wakeman http://garyvaynerchuk.com Gary Vaynerchuk http://avc.com Fred Wilson http://martinshervington.com Martin Shervington http://sarkemedia.com Sarah Arrow http://socialable.co.uk Lilach Bullock http://pammarketingnut.com Pam Moore http://talentculture.com Meghan M Biro http://www.ferreemoney.com/ Neil Ferree http://v3im.com Shelly Kramer http://feldmancreative.com/ Barry Feldman http://briansolis.com Brian Solis http://web-strategist.com/blog Jeremiah Owyang http://christopherspenn.com Christopher Penn http://bethkanter.org Beth Kanter http://socialmediaexplorer.com Jason Falls http://brasstackthinking.com Amber Naslund http://bryaneisenberg.com Bryan Eisenberg http://successful-blog.com Liz Strauss http://buzzmachine.com Je Jarvis http://www.bigbrandsystem.com Pamela Wilson http://unmarketing.com Scott Stratten http://rstfoundation.ca Jackson Middleton http://scottdawson.ca Scott Dawson 6 oF 72 BlOgS/FaCeS http://list.ly/list/6FiLiNkS To BlOgS - Vs CoMpArE & LeArN LeEAnDy NaMeS BiG BrYaN EiSeNbErGAmBeR NaSlUnD JeFf JaRvIsSoCiAl MeDiA ExPlOrEr LiZ StRaUsSPaMeLa WiLsOn BeTh KaNtErBaRrY FeLdMaN ChRiStOpHeR PeNnBrIaN SoLiS ShElLy KrAmErJeReMiAh OwYaNg BuFfErApP.cOmAnN HaNdLeY SeArChEnGiNeLaNd.CoMClIcKz.CoM SmArTiNsIgHtS.cOmSoCiAlMeDiAtOdAy.CoM DaRrEn RoWsEBuSiNeSs2CoMmUnItY.cOm HeIdI CoHeNGiNi DiEtRiCh JoE PuLiZzIJaY BaEr BuSiNeSsGrOw.cOmDuCtApEmArKeTiNg.cOm SoCiAlMeDiAeXaMiNeR.cOmThEsOcIaLmEdIaHaT.cOm CoPyBlOgGeR.CoMMaXiMiZeSoCiAlBuSiNeSs.CoM HuBsPoT.CoMKiSsMeTrIcS.CoM MaCk CoLlIeRJeFf BuLlAs FrEd WiLsOnDeNiSe WaKeMaN LiLaCh BuLlOcKGaRy VaYnErChUk TaLeNtCuLtUrE,cOmMaRtIn ShErViNgToN PaM MoOrENeIl FeRrEe AmY PoRtErFiElDSaRaH ArRoW ChRiS BrOgAnCc ChApMaN MyCmGr.cOmGuY KaWaSaKi MaRi SmItHDaViD MeErMaN ScOtT LeE OdDeNJuRe KlEpIc StAnFoRd SmItHSaM FiOrElLa GeOfF LiViNgStOnDiNo DoGaN MiTcH JoElJaMeS ChArTlAnD RiC DrAgOnIaN ClEaRy FrItHjOf PeTsChElEiTMiChElE SmOrGoN JeNnIfEr OlNeYStEaMfEeD.CoM AnDy CrEsToDiNaTeD RuBiN JoSePh OlEwItZMaLhAr BaRaI JoHn NiEuWeNbUrGAnDrEa - IpNoStUdIo Nick Kellet [email protected] @nickkellet Original Posts: http://blog.list.ly/2013/07/22/what- can-a-content-audit-of-22-top-blogs- teach-you/ http://blog.list.ly/2013/07/15/its- takes-two-to-social-infographic- video-slides-audio/ http://www.slideshare.net/nickkellet/ top-content-vs-video-audio-vs-slides- vs-lists-vs-graphics http://blog.list.ly/2013/07/30/big- names-top-content-video-audio- slides-lists-infographics/ ThE EnD istly ThE EnD