Big Data Grows Up A (re)introduction to Cassandra Robbie Strickland

Big Data Grows Up - A (re)introduction to Cassandra

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For the last several years Cassandra has been the heavyweight in the NoSQL space. But its massive scalability was accompanied by a bare bones feature set, a substantial learning curve, and a Thrift-based RPC mechanism that left newbies bewildered by a sea of potential client libraries–all with their own fragmented semantics. Over the last year that’s all changed, culminating in the recently unveiled Cassandra 2.0. In this talk I’ll bring you up to speed on Cassandra Query Language, cursors, the new native libraries, lightweight transactions, virtual nodes, and loads of other new goodies. Whether you’re completely new to Cassandra or a seasoned veteran who wants the latest scoop, this talk has something for you.

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Big Data Grows UpA (re)introduction to Cassandra

Robbie Strickland

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Who am I?

Robbie StricklandSoftware Development ManagerThe Weather Channel

[email protected]@dont_use_twitter

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Who am I?

● Cassandra user/contributor since 2010● … it was at release 0.5 back then● 4 years? Oracle DBA’s aren’t impressed● Done lots of dumb stuff with Cassandra● … and some really awesome stuff too

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Cassandra in 2010

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Cassandra in 2010

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Cassandra in 2014

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Why Cassandra?

It’s fast:

● No locks● Tunable consistency● Sequential R/W● Decentralized

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Why Cassandra?

It scales (linearly):

● Multi data center● No SPOF● DHT● Hadoop integration

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Why Cassandra?

It’s fault tolerant:

● Automatic replication● Masterless● Failed nodes

replaced with ease

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… a lot in the last year (ish)

What’s different?

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What’s new?

● Virtual nodes● O(n) data moved off-heap● CQL3 (and defining schemas)● Native protocol/driver● Collections● Lightweight transactions● Compaction throttling that actually works

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What’s gone?

● Manual token management● Supercolumns● Thrift (if you use the native driver)● Directly managing storage rows

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What’s still the same?

● Still not an RDBMS● Still no joins (see above)● Still no ad-hoc queries (see above again)● Still requires a denormalized data model (^^)● Still need to know what the heck you’re


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Linear scalability without the migraine

Token Management

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The old way● 1 token per node● Assigned manually● Adding nodes ==

reassignment of all tokens

● Node rebuild heavily taxes a few nodes






cluster with no vnodes

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… enter Vnodes● n tokens per node● Assigned magically● Adding nodes ==

painless● Node rebuild

distributed across many nodes



Dcluster with vnodes










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Node rebuild without Vnodes

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Node rebuild with Vnodes

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because the JVM sometimes sucks

Going Off-heap

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Why go off-heap

● GC overhead● JVM no good with big heap sizes● GC overhead● GC overhead● GC overhead

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O(n) data structures

● Row cache● Bloom filters● Compression offsets● Partition summary

… all these are moved off-heap

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New memory allocation




Row cacheBloom filtersCompression offsetsPartition summary

Partition key cache

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Or, how to build a killer data store without a crappy interface

Death of a (Thrift) Salesman

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Reasons not to ditch Thrift

● Lots of client libraries still use it● You finally got it installed● You didn’t know there was another choice● It sucks less than many alternatives

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… in spite of all those benefits, you really should ditch Thrift because:

● It requires your entire result set to fit into RAM on both client and server

● The native protocol is better, faster, and supports all the new features

● Thrift-based client libraries are always a step behind

● It’s going away eventually

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… and did I mention ...

It requires your entire result set to fit into RAM

on both client and server!!!

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Requesting too much data

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really catchy tag line here

Going Native

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Native protocol

● It’s binary, making it lighter weight● It supports cursors (FTW!)● It supports prepared statements● Cluster awareness built-in● Either synchronous or asynchronous ops● Only supports CQL-based operations● Can be used side-by-side with Thrift

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Native drivers

from DataStax:JavaC#Python

… other community supported drivers available

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Native query exampleval insert = session.prepare("INSERT INTO myKsp.myTable (myKey, col1, col2) VALUES (?,?,?)")val select = session.prepare("SELECT * FROM myKsp.myTable WHERE myKey = ?")val cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(host1, host2, host3)val session = cluster.connect()session.execute(insert.bind(myKey, col1, col2))val result = session.execute(select.bind(myKey))

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Or, how to make Cassandra more awesome while simultaneously irritating early adopters

Wait, was that SQL?!!

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Introducing CQL3

● Because the first two attempts sucked● Stands for “Cassandra Query Language”● Looks a heck of a lot like SQL● … but isn’t● Substantially lowers the learning curve● … but also makes it easier to screw up● An abstraction over the storage rows

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Storage rows[default@unknown] create keyspace Library;[default@unknown] use Library;[default@Library] create column family Books... with comparator=UTF8Type... and key_validation_class=UTF8Type… and default_validation_class=UTF8Type;[default@Library] set Books['Patriot Games']['author'] = 'Tom Clancy';[default@Library] set Books['Patriot Games']['year'] = '1987';[default@Library] list Books;

RowKey: Patriot Games=> (name=author, value=Tom Clancy, timestamp=1393102991499000)=> (name=year, value=1987, timestamp=1393103015955000)

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Storage rows - composites[default@Library] create column family Authors... with key_validation_class=UTF8Type... and comparator='CompositeType(LongType,UTF8Type,UTF8Type)'... and default_validation_class=UTF8Type;[default@Library] set Authors['Tom Clancy']['1987:Patriot Games:publisher'] = 'Putnam';[default@Library] set Authors['Tom Clancy']['1987:Patriot Games:ISBN'] = '0-399-13241-4';[default@Library] set Authors['Tom Clancy']['1993:Without Remorse:publisher'] = 'Putnam';[default@Library] set Authors['Tom Clancy']['1993:Without Remorse:ISBN'] = '0-399-13825-0';[default@Library] list Authors;

RowKey: Tom Clancy=> (name=1987:Patriot Games:ISBN, value=0-399-13241-4, timestamp=1393104011458000)=> (name=1987:Patriot Games:publisher, value=Putnam, timestamp=1393103948577000)=> (name=1993:Without Remorse:ISBN, value=0-399-13825-0, timestamp=1393104109214000)=> (name=1993:Without Remorse:publisher, value=Putnam, timestamp=1393104083773000)

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CQL - simple introcqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE Library WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1};cqlsh> use Library;cqlsh:library> CREATE TABLE Books ( ... title varchar, ... author varchar, ... year int, ... PRIMARY KEY (title) ... );cqlsh:library> INSERT INTO Books (title, author, year) VALUES ('Patriot Games', 'Tom Clancy', 1987);cqlsh:library> INSERT INTO Books (title, author, year) VALUES ('Without Remorse', 'Tom Clancy', 1993);

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CQL - simple intro

Storage rows:

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CQL - composite keyCREATE TABLE Authors (

name varchar,year int,title varchar,publisher varchar,ISBN varchar,PRIMARY KEY (name, year, title)


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CQL - composite key

Storage rows:

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Keys and Filters

● Ad hoc queries are NOT supported● Query by key● Key must include all potential filter columns● Must include partition key in filter● Subsequent filters must be in order● Only last filter can be a range

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Example - Books tableCREATE TABLE Books ( title varchar, author varchar, year int, PRIMARY KEY (title))

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Example - Books tableCREATE TABLE Books ( title varchar, author varchar, year int, PRIMARY KEY (author, title))

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Example - Books tableCREATE TABLE Books ( title varchar, author varchar, year int, PRIMARY KEY (author, year))

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Example - Books tableCREATE TABLE Books ( title varchar, author varchar, year int, PRIMARY KEY (year, author))

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Secondary Indexes

● Allows query-by-value● CREATE INDEX myIdx ON myTable (myCol)● Works well on low cardinality fields● Won’t scale for high cardinality fields● Don’t overuse it -- not a quick fix for a bad

data model

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Example - Books tableCREATE TABLE Books ( title varchar, author varchar, year int, PRIMARY KEY (author))CREATE INDEX Books_year ON Books(year)

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Composite Partition Keys

● PRIMARY KEY((year, author), title)● Creates a more granular shard key● Can be useful to make certain queries more

efficient, or to better distribute data● Updates sharing a partition key are atomic

and isolated

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Example - Books tableCREATE TABLE Books ( title varchar, author varchar, year int, PRIMARY KEY ((year, author), title))

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Example - Books tableCREATE TABLE Books ( title varchar, author varchar, year int, PRIMARY KEY (year, author, title))

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denormalization done well


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Supported types

● Sets - ordered naturally● Lists - ordered by index● Maps - key/value pairs

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● Max 64k items in a collection● Max 64k size per item● Collections are read in their entirety, so keep

them small

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Set name


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List name Ordering meta data

List item value

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Map name

Key Value

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(tracing on)


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Using tracing

● In cqlsh, “tracing on”● … enjoy!

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AntipatternCREATE TABLE WorkQueue ( name varchar, time bigint, workItem varchar, PRIMARY KEY (name, time))

… do a bunch of inserts ...SELECT * FROM WorkQueue WHERE name='ToDo' ORDER BY time ASC;DELETE FROM WorkQueue WHERE name=’ToDo’ AND time=[some_time]

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Antipattern - enqueue

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Antipattern - dequeue

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20k tombstones!! 13ms of 17ms spent reading tombstones

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(no it’s not ACID)

Lightweight Transactions

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● Supports basic Compare-and-Set ops● Provides linearizable consistency● … aka serial isolation● Uses “Paxos light” under the hood● Still expensive -- four round trips!● For most cases quorum reads/writes will be


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UsageINSERT INTO Users (login, name)VALUES (‘rs_atl’, ‘Robbie Strickland’)IF NOT EXISTS;

UPDATE UsersSET password=’super_secure_password’WHERE login=’rs_atl’IF reset_token=’some_reset_token’;

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Other cool stuff

● Triggers (experimental)● Batching multiple requests● Leveled compaction● Configuration via CQL● Gossip-based rack/DC configuration

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Thank you!

Robbie StricklandSoftware Development ManagerThe Weather Channel

[email protected]@dont_use_twitter