Benefits Of Sine Wave Inverter

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Benefits Of Sine Wave Inverter


A device that converts direct current to alternating current while at the same time transmitting the voltage, current, and frequency of the signal. This device shifting the phase of current by 180 degree.

Sine Wave Inverter Applications

Need Of sine wave Inverter

Sine wave inverters have several reasons for using

Most of generators and solar system produce Dc power.

Now a days Our electronic appliances compatible for Ac cuerrent or sine wave current.

Inverters are device which convert dc power into sine wave power or Ac current.

Inverters come in all different shapes and sizes, for all different purposes.

Working Principle of inverter.

Types of Inverters

Inverters come in two different forms

sine wave inverters or pure sine wave inverter.

Modified sine wave inverters.

Modified Sine Wave Inverters

A Modified sine wave shows some pauses before the phase shifting of the wave, i.e. unlike a square it does not shift its phase abruptly from positive to negative, or unlike a sine wave, does not make a smooth transition from positive to negative, but takes brief pauses and then shifts its phase.

Modifed sine wave

Pure Sine Wave Inverter

The electrical circuit of a pure sine wave inverter is far more complex than a square wave or modified sine wave inverter. Another way to obtain a sine output is to obtain a square wave output from a square wave inverter and then modify this output to achieve a pure sine wave. A pure sine wave inverter has several advantages.

More efficiency, hence consumes less power.

They can be adjusted according to your personal power requirements, since several types are available with different power outputs.

Pure sine wave

Selection of an inverter for according to uses which covers sine wave and various options. We have long listing of manufacturers which manufacture using world class technology sine wave inverter which fullfill your all power backup need and keep safe your expensive appliances.