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Bedbank Guide

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Version: October 2013 Version: October 2013

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Welcome to your Bedbank ........................................................................................................... 3

Choose an area to view ................................................................................................................ 4

Stage 1- Property ......................................................................................................................... 5

Stage 2- Room Listings ............................................................................................................... 15

Stage 3- Availability ................................................................................................................... 18

Stage 4 - Supplements ................................................................................................................ 21

Stage 5- Media ........................................................................................................................... 23

Page Navigation ......................................................................................................................... 25

Returning to Edit an Existing Property ........................................................................................ 26

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Welcome to your Bedbank

Digital Trip will have provided you with your Bedbank link during your website handover. You will also have been provided with login details to this area, these will appear as follows in your email: Link to your Bedbank site: http://bedbank.digital-trip.co.uk/ Username: test Password: test Once the Bedbank homepage has loaded you will be presented with the following page:

The Supplier Login section is for you to enter your login details into. The Hotelier Login section is for when you decide to allow specific hoteliers to access their own hotels, and edit information when required. The Hotelier’s login has the same view as the Supplier login, but only allows the hotelier to edit all data, including prices, images and supplements for their own particular property. They cannot add new properties or search for them, and will only view their property / properties when they login. Once you’ve used your details to log into the Supplier section of the homepage, you will be directed to this page (please note this is an example page):

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Choose an area to view

This section will show you the various areas in which you have already loaded properties. Here you will be able to add more properties, edit existing ones, add in new offers, etc, by simply clicking on the area required.

After clicking on the area in which you would like to add a property, you will be taken to the following page, which displays in more detail certain areas of the selected overall location:

Once you’ve selected the location you wish to view/add the properties to, click on the sub-location. You will then be directed to a page similar to this one, showing all the properties you have already loaded for that particular sub-location:

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Stage 1- Property

Once you have reached the stage in which you wish to add a new property, click on the Add New button located in the bottom right hand corner:

Property Information

You will then be presented with the following page:

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Main Property Information

This section relates to the main property information:

Operator Code

In the operator code drop down, the selection will always be Bed bank (Default)

Supplier Reference

Here you are able to enter the property’s reference number, should you wish to. This section is not mandatory and for your reference only.

Media Code

Here you are able to enter the property’s internal reference media code, should you wish to.


Here you are able to select from the drop down menu what category the property belongs to.

Total Rooms, Rating and Minimum Child Age

Here you are able to enter the property’s number of rooms, what their rating is, and what the minimum child is.

Holiday Type

Using the drop down menu select what type of holiday the property is best designed for.

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Description Section

Short Description

This section relate to the property’s description, location and accepted credit cards.

In this box you are able to add in a short description about the property. When the property is searched for through your website the short description will display like so:

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Latitude and Longitude

In these boxes you are able to enter the properties location via its latitude and longitude coordinates. If you visit http://www.doogal.co.uk/LatLong.php and type in the hotel’s name, the latitude and longitude will be displayed. In the image above you will be able to see how the property’s location is displayed once search for.

Property Enabled – Property Featured

Once the property set up is complete you will be able to activate it in future searches by enabling this feature.

Should you wish to mark the property as featured, simply enable it here. By ensuring that a property is featured, when a customer makes a search for an area in which the property lies, and clicks on Recommended, the property will appear at the top of the list. This feature is useful for when you have enabled offers on hotels which you’d like to draw customers towards. The Recommended selection will look like so when searched for:

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Important Info

This section is for entering any information which you consider important to inform the customer of before they book. This can be specific flight information, etc. This information will display in the following location once a search has been made:

Meta Title and Description

The Meta Title and Description can be used to override fields on a webpage (for SEO), but are not used by default. This information is not mandatory.

Accepted Credit Cards

Here you are able to select the credit cards the property accepts.

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Long Description

In this section you are able to add a more in depth description of the property. In Bedbank this section will look like this:

Once searched for on your website it will display like this:

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Property Information – example

Below is an example to show you how the information could look in the Bedbank:

Once all property information is loaded, the below image is how it will be displayed once searched in the front-end of your website:

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Property Overview and Features

In this section you will be able to give a more detailed explanation of the property, and list which features it has, including adding in features.

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Property Features

- Feature Name: relates to the feature and what makes it unique (ie baby pool) - Feature Desc: relates to what the feature is (ie baby pool’s description could possibly be, ‘shallow pool for

babies and young children’)


You are then able to choose the feature’s type by selecting what it is from the drop down menu.


Here you are able to choose your features priority in regards to what order you’d like them to be displayed.

Once you have completed this section, click Save Feature to ensure it has saved it. You can add as many features as you like.

Click Next to enter the room listings section of Bedbank.

Please note Your newly uploaded property will not show results until you have inputted information into the Property, Rooms and Availability sections of your Bedbank. To know whether each section has been completed, a green tick will appear like underneath each section like so in the page’s top left hand corner:

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Stage 2- Room Listings

Room listings are where you will input each of your room’s contract details. Before importing any room details, the page will look like this:

To enter a new room listing, simply click Add New in the bottom right hand corner of the page.

Basic Room Information – Entering your property’s room offerings

In this section you are able to enter each room type and the information surrounding it.

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Put the room’s name in here (ie Double Room)


In the drop down section of room type, simply select the option which matches the name of the room (ie One Bedroom from the drop down selection).

Min & Max Occ. (Adult)

Here enter the minimum and maximum number of adults allowed per room.

Extra Occ. (Adult)

If the room allows extra adults enter the number allowed here.

Extra Occ. (Children)

If the room allows extra children enter the number allowed here.

Extra Occ. (infant)

If the room allows extra children enter the number allowed here.

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Pricing Module

Here you have three choices:

- Per Unit Per Night - Per Person Per Night - Villa / Apartment Pricing

Select which pricing module you wish to use depending on the room’s pricing policy.

Qty Available

Enter here how many of these rooms are available.

No. of Rooms per Unit

Enter here how many rooms there are per person max (ie if a room can sleep two adults in one bedroom then there’s only one room per unit. If there are 3 adults with two bedrooms then there will be two rooms per unit).

No. Beds per Unit

Enter here how many beds there are per unit.

No. Bathrooms per Unit

Enter here how many bathrooms there are per unit.


Should you wish to you are able to enter the description of the room here.

Adding more rooms

To add more rooms details to the selected property, after saving the page you’ve just created, simply click the ADD NEW button in the bottom right hand corner of the page, and repeat the process as many times as required.

*Always remember to click save after making any changes*

Here is how this particular room’s information will display when searched for:

Once this stage is completed, simply click Next in the bottom right hand corner of the page.

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Stage 3- Availability

The next stage of uploading a contract is the Room Availability section. In this section you can include the dates that this room is available, and at what price. Once opened the page will look like this:

Date From & Date To

Here you must put the dates which the room is available for (ie. If your contract displays a date band with a specific price, this is where you’d put it).

Min Stay & Max Stay

Simply the minimum and maximum number of night’s guests can stay during this date period.

Day Applies

Tick all the days which check in will apply for the date range is given (ie if guests can check in any day but Sunday, just leave Sunday blank).

Release Days

Release days are the number of days in advance a guest is allowed to book. Therefore if you were to have a release of seven days, a guest would have to search for a holiday at least seven days in advance before returning results.

Total Allocation

Total allocation is the amount of rooms that the contract states the agent can sell without having to check availability with the hotel first.


Select the currency in which you wish the room’s rate to be displayed in.

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Room Rate

If the room is chargeable per room per night (as opposed to per person per night) you place the total room cost in the 1 Guest box.

If additional charges for children and infants are applicable to that room during the allocated time frame, add the costs in ‘Rooms Additional Children’.

Once this section is completed click Save Prices

Additional Guest Charges

If there is the option to add in more guests to a particular room at an extra charge, these charges are also added into this section.

As an example, if the room allows an extra adult at the extra cost of £215 during a certain time period this cost will be added during the Room Rate section. As the room is already charged at £610 amount for up to two guests, the price for the third guest will need to be added to the total amount in the 3 Guests box. This is done by calculating how much the current room rate with two people is, then adding the extra guest amount to the original amount and adding it into the 3 Guests box. See below for an example of this:

For the time period of 05/01/2014 To 26/04/2014 the price for two adults sharing the Junior Suite is £610. To add another adult to this room during this timeframe the cost is £215. As the £610 already covers the first two guests, the extra charge is added to the original room charge and put into the 3 Guests box. This then registers that when 3 adults book into this room the charge will be £825.

Adding in another date range

To add in another date range and pricing list, simply click Add New and repeat the above steps.

Once you’ve added in and saved all your date and price ranges for that particular room, you will see that all information has stored at the base of the page like so:

To progress to the next stage click on Select next to the date range you wish to view, and Next.

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Room Availability – Selecting Board and Supplement Model

To select a certain date range, click and select the one you wish to view from the availability templates box, it will then pull through the data you inputted into the first section of the room availability (ie with date band 05/01/2014 To 26/04/2014 the information will look like the below page):

Once the room dates and prices have pulled through, make sure that the correct currency and season has been chosen. If not, use the drop down menus on both to select the correct requirement.

Board Basis

Depending on the hotel’s offerings, certain boards may be offered to the guest (ie bed and breakfast half board, etc). The drop down menu for the Board Basis allows you to select which board you wish this date range to have included in their overall room price.

Adult & Child Value

Should there be an extra charge for the board basis you’ve selected that is not included in the room price, enter the monetary value here.

Supplement Model

The supplement model is a drop down menu of when the chosen board basis will apply (ie. Per week, per day, etc). Simply select the option which applies to your supplement offering. Once you’ve added the supplement and save it, you will notice that it now displays as the Current Board Basis like so:

Once completed click Save.

Then repeat the above process for the other date ranges you’ve entered.

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Stage 4 - Supplements

The supplements section is to enter any room offers you wish to apply; these can be in the form of free nights if a certain number are booked, early booking bonuses, etc.

When you enter the supplements section you will able to add your supplement:


Here enter the name of the offer (ie. Early Bird Discount). If the offer is applicable to the current offered board basis, tick the box – if not leave blank.

Supplement Type

Select whether the supplement is fixed or optional, and the number of supplements available.

Supplement Value Type

- Percent – if the offer is based on a certain percentage tick this box - Fixed Rate – If the offer is only available up to a fixed rate tick this box - Free Nights – If the offer is for free nights tick this box

Supplement Value

Enter into the box the value of the supplement which corresponds with the offer you have selected under Supplement Type (ie. If you’ve chosen Free Nights enter the number of free nights on offer in the Supplement Value box).

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Supplement Model

In the drop down menu select the model that your supplement relates to.

Guests to Apply To

Select the guests you wish the supplement to apply to.

Guest Number

If you want the supplement to only apply to certain guests, enter which ones here (ie. 1 for 1st, 2 for 2nd, etc).

Apply To

Here you can select whether you apply the supplement to Selected Room/Availability or All Roms/Availability.

Apply When

In this section you have 3 boxes:

BOX 1: In this section from the drop down menu you can choose when the supplement will apply (ie. Certain days of the week, certain age, if it’s always applicable, booked in advance etc).

BOX 2: In this section from the drop down menu you can choose the boundaries in which the offer will only apply (ie. Greater than will mean that the booking is booked in advance and for this section the value is greater than 30 days to qualify).

BOX 3: You enter the value/days which the guest must reach in order to qualify for the suppliement (ie. 30 days to receive the discount)

Once you’ve entered the overall supplement, Save.

To move onto the final Media stage, click NEXT.

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Stage 5- Media

During the media page you can upload images of the property, and add a further description should you wish to.

The media page looks like so:

To upload images click Choose File and select the image you wish to use from your image gallery, then click Upload.

Once the image has loaded it will display next to a description box like so:

If you wish you can add a description relating to the image in the Description box. Once finished click Save.

You can upload as many images as you wish to the Media section for each room.

Once you have searched for the hotel, your images will be displayed as shown in the below example:

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Once you’re happy with the images and their descriptions, click FINISH. You will then be redirected to the main home page, displaying all of the properties you have loaded into your Bedbank.

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Page Navigation

When uploading a new property your stage navigation is displayed across the top of the page as shown below:

If a particular stage is incomplete or requires some action it will display a warning sign (as per STAGE 1 in the above).

Should you wish to jump to a particular section simply click Edit on the stage you wish to revisit, and it will redirect you.

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Returning to Edit an Existing Property

Should you need to edit information in any of the property’s you have already loaded, simply login to your account, and select the area in which the property is located:

Then click Select on the property you wish to edit the information for:

You will then be directed to the property’s main Property Information section. From here you can then select which section you need to edit by simply clicking on the Edit button on the sections individual navigation button: