© 2015, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Abhishek Sinha, Amazon Web Services Gaurav Agrawal, AOL Inc October 2015 BDT208 A Technical Introduction to Amazon EMR

(BDT208) A Technical Introduction to Amazon Elastic MapReduce

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Page 1: (BDT208) A Technical Introduction to Amazon Elastic MapReduce

© 2015, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.

Abhishek Sinha, Amazon Web Services

Gaurav Agrawal, AOL Inc

October 2015


A Technical Introduction to

Amazon EMR

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What to Expect from the Session

• Technical introduction to Amazon EMR

• Basic tenets

• Amazon EMR feature set

• Real-Life experience of moving a 2-PB, on-premises

Hadoop cluster to the AWS cloud

• Is not a technical introduction to Apache Spark, Apache

Hadoop, or other frameworks

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Amazon EMR • Managed platform

• MapReduce, Apache Spark, Presto

• Launch a cluster in minutes

• Open source distribution and MapR


• Leverage the elasticity of the cloud

• Baked in security features

• Pay by the hour and save with Spot

• Flexibility to customize

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Make it easy, secure, and

cost-effective to run

data-processing frameworks

on the AWS cloud

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What Do I Need to Build a Cluster ?

1. Choose instances

2. Choose your software

3. Choose your access method

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An Example EMR Cluster

Master Node


Slave Group - Core


Slave Group – Task


Slave Group – Task

m3.2xlarge (EC2 Spot)

HDFS (DataNode).

YARN (NodeManager).

NameNode (HDFS)



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Choice of Multiple Instances


c3 family




m2 family

r3 family


d2 family

i2 family


m1 family

m3 family






(Spark &


Large HDFS

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Select an Instance

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Choose Your Software (Quick Bundles)

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Choose Your Software – Custom

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Hadoop Applications Available in Amazon EMR

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Choose Security and Access Control

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You Are Up and Running!

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You Are Up and Running!

Master Node DNS

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You Are Up and Running!

Information about the software you are

running, logs and features

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You Are Up and Running!

Infrastructure for this cluster

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You Are Up and Running!

Security Groups and Roles

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Use the CLI

aws emr create-cluster

--release-label emr-4.0.0


InstanceGroupType=MASTER,InstanceCount=1, InstanceType=m3.xlarge


Or use your favorite SDK

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Programmatic Access to Cluster Provisioning

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Now that I have a cluster, I need to process

some data

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Amazon EMR can process data from multiple sources

Hadoop Distributed File

System (HDFS)

Amazon S3 (EMRFS)

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon Kinesis

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Amazon EMR can process data from multiple sources

Hadoop Distributed File

System (HDFS)

Amazon S3 (EMRFS)

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon Kinesis

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Amazon EMR can process data from multiple sources

Hadoop Distributed File

System (HDFS)

Amazon S3 (EMRFS)

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon Kinesis

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On an On-premises Environment

Tightly coupled

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Compute and Storage Grow Together

Tightly coupled

Storage grows along with


Compute requirements vary

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Underutilized or Scarce Resources








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Underutilized or Scarce Resources








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Re-processingWeekly peaks

Steady state

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Underutilized or Scarce Resources








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Underutilized capacity

Provisioned capacity

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Contention for Same Resources




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Separation of Resources Creates Data Silos

Team A

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Replication Adds to Cost


Single datacenter

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So how does Amazon EMR solve these problems?

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Decouple Storage and Compute

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Amazon S3 is Your Persistent Data Store

11 9’s of durability

$0.03 / GB / month in US-East

Lifecycle policies


Distributed by default

EMRFSAmazon S3

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The Amazon EMR File System (EMRFS)

• Allows you to leverage Amazon S3 as a file-system

• Streams data directly from Amazon S3

• Uses HDFS for intermediates

• Better read/write performance and error handling than

open source components

• Consistent view – consistency for read after write

• Support for encryption

• Fast listing of objects

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Going from HDFS to Amazon S3


host STRING,

referer STRING,

agent STRING)

ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe'


LOCATION ‘samples/pig-apache/input/'

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Going from HDFS to Amazon S3


host STRING,

referer STRING,

agent STRING)

ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe'


LOCATION 's3://elasticmapreduce.samples/pig-apache/input/'

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Benefit 1: Switch Off Clusters

Amazon S3Amazon S3 Amazon S3

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Auto-Terminate Clusters

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You Can Build a Pipeline

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Or You Can Use AWS Data Pipeline

Input data

Use Amazon EMR to

transform unstructured

data to structured

Push to

Amazon S3

Ingest into



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Sample Pipeline

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Run Transient or Long-Running Clusters

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Run a Long-Running Cluster

Amazon EMR cluster

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Benefit 2: Resize Your Cluster

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Resize the Cluster

Scale Up, Scale Down, Stop a resize,

issue a resize on another

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How do you scale up and save cost ?

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Spot Instance





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Spot Integration

aws emr create-cluster --name "Spot cluster" --ami-version 3.3







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The Spot Bid Advisor

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Spot Integration with Amazon EMR

• Can provision instances from the Spot market

• Replaces a Spot instance incase of interruption

• Impact of interruption

• Master node – Can lose the cluster

• Core node – Can lose intermediate data

• Task nodes – Jobs will restart on other nodes (application


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Scale up with Spot Instances

10 node cluster running for 14 hours

Cost = 1.0 * 10 * 14 = $140

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Resize Nodes with Spot Instances

Add 10 more nodes on Spot

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Resize Nodes with Spot Instances

20 node cluster running for 7 hours

Cost = 1.0 * 10 * 7 = $70

= 0.5 * 10 * 7 = $35

Total $105

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Resize Nodes with Spot Instances

50 % less run-time ( 14 7)

25% less cost (140 105)

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Scaling Hadoop Jobs with Spothttp://engineering.bloomreach.com/strategies-for-reducing-your-amazon-emr-costs/

1500 to 2000 clusters

6000 Jobs

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For each instance_type in (Availability Zone, Region)


cpuPerUnitPrice = instance.cpuCores/instance.spotPrice

if (maxCpuPerUnitPrice < cpuPerUnitPrice) {

optimalInstanceType = instance_type;



Source: Github /Bloomreach/ Briefly

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Intelligent Scale Down

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Intelligent Scale Down: HDFS

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Effectively Utilize Clusters








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Benefit 3: Logical Separation of Jobs

Hive, Pig,



Presto Ad-Hoc

Amazon S3

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Benefit 4: Disaster Recovery Built In

Cluster 1 Cluster 2

Cluster 3 Cluster 4

Amazon S3

Availability Zone Availability Zone

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Amazon S3 as a Data Lake

Nate Sammons, Principal Architect – NASDAQ

Reference – AWS Big Data Blog

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Rapid provisioning of clusters

Hadoop, Spark, Presto, and other applications

Standard open-source packaging

De-couple storage and compute and scale them


Resize clusters to manage demand

Save costs with Spot instances

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How AOL Inc. moved a 2 PB Hadoop

cluster to the AWS cloud

Gaurav Agrawal

Senior Software Engineer, AOL Inc.

AWS Certified Associate Solutions Architect

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AOL Data Platforms Architecture 2014

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Data Stats & Insights

Cluster Size

2 PB



100 Nodes



2-3 TB



13-24 Months

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Challenges with In-House Infrastructure

Fixed Cost

Slow DeploymentCycle

Always On Self Serve

Static : Not Scalable Outages Impact Production Upgrade

Storage Compute

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AOL Data Platforms Architecture 2015





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• Web Console vs. CLI

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Web Console and CLI

Web Console for Training

Setup IAM for users

AWS Services Options

S3 Data upload

EMR Creation & Steps

Try & Test multiple approaches

CLI is your friend..!!!

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• Web Console vs. CLI

• Copy Existing Data to S3

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Environment Level Buckets

Dev, QA, Production, Analyst

Project Level Buckets

Code, Data, Log, Extract and Control

Compressed Snappy Data to GZIP

Multi Platforms Support

Best Compression

Lowest storage cost

Low cost for Data OUT

bucket-dev bucket-qa

bucket-prod bucket-analyst





76%Less Storage


Copy Existing Data to S3

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• Web Console vs. CLI

• Copy Existing Data to S3

• EMR Design options

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EMR Design Options


Amazon S3

Elastic Cluster

On-Demand vs. Reserved vs.

Core NodesAmazon EMR

vs. Persistent Cluster

vs. local HDFS

vs. Static Cluster


vs. Task Nodes

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AOL Data Platforms Architecture 2015

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• Web Console vs. CLI

• Copy Existing Data to S3

• EMR Design options

• EMR Jobs Submission - CLI

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EMR Jobs Submission - CLI

In-house scheduler

Common Utilities

Provision EMR

Push/Pull Data to S3

Job submission to Scheduler

Database Load

JSON Files

Applications, Steps, Bootstrap,EC2 attributes, Instance Groups

Future : Event Driven Design – Lambda, SQS

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EMR Jobs Submission - CLI

aws emr create-cluster –name "prod_dataset_subdataset_2015-10-08" \

--tags "Env=prod" "Project=Omniture" "Dataset=DATASET" "Owner=gaurav" "Subdataset=SUBDATASET" "Date=2015-10-08" "Region=us-east-1" \

--visible-to-all-users \

--ec2-attributes file://omni_awssot.generic.ec2_attributes.json \

--ami-version "3.7.0" \

--log-uri s3://bucket-prod-log/DATASET_NAME/SUBDATASET_NAME/ \

--enable-debugging \

--instance-groups file://omni_awssot.generic.instance_groups.json \

--auto-terminate \

--applications file://omni_awssot.generic.applications.json \

--bootstrap-actions file://omni_awssot.generic.bootstrap_actions.json \

--steps file://omni_awssot.generic.steps.json

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• Web Console vs. CLI

• Copy Existing Data to S3

• EMR Design options

• EMR Jobs Submission – CLI

• Monitoring

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EMR WatchDog : Node.js

Duplicate Clusters

Failed Clusters

Long-running Clusters

Long-provisioning Clusters

CloudWatch Alarms

Monthly Billing

S3 Bucket Size

SNS Email Notifications

Amazon CloudWatchAmazon SNS

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• Web Console vs. CLI

• Copy Existing Data to S3

• EMR Design options

• EMR Jobs Submission – CLI

• Monitoring

• Elasticity

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Why be Elastic?

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Cores Nodes Demand - 09/05/2015 Cores Nodes

Daily Processes

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Core Nodes Demand - 09/20/2015 Core Nodes

No Clusters

Spike in Demand

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Cores Nodes Demand - 06/01/2015Cores Nodes

Major RestatementDemand > 10K EC2

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Why be Elastic?

True Cloud Architecture

Spot is an Open Market

Scale Horizontally

Our Limit : 3,000 EC2/Region

Multiple Regions

Multiple Instance Types

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• Web Console vs. CLI

• Copy Existing Data to S3

• EMR Design options

• EMR Jobs Submission – CLI

• Monitoring

• Elasticity

• Cost Management & BCDR

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Cost Management & BCDR

Multi Region Deployment

Best AZ for pricing

Design for failure

Global. BC-DR.

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• Web Console vs. CLI

• Copy Existing Data to S3

• EMR Design options

• EMR Jobs Submission – CLI

• Monitoring

• Elasticity

• Cost Management & BCDR

• Optimization

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OptimizationData Management

Partition Data on S3

S3 Versioning/Lifecycle

How many nodes?

Based on Data Volume

Complete hour for pricing

Hadoop Run-time Params

Memory Tuning

Compress M & R Output

Combine Splits Input format


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Score Card

Feature AWS

Pay for what you use ✔

Decouple Storage and Compute ✔

True Cloud Architecture ✔

Self Service Model ✔

Elastic & Scalable ✔

Global Infrastructure. BCDR. ✔

Quick & Easy Deployments ✔

Redshift External Tables on S3 ?

More languages for Lambda ?

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AWS vs. In-House Cost

0 2 4 6


Cost Comparison



Source : AOL & AWS Billing Tool

4xIn-House / Month

1xAWS / Month

** In-House cluster includes Storage, Power and Network cost.

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AWS vs. In-House Cost


Amazon Web Services

1/4th Cost of In-House Hadoop Infrastructure

1/4th Cost

Data Platforms. AOL Inc.

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Cores Nodes Demand - 06/01/2015Core…

Restatement Use Case

• Restate historical data going back 6 months

Availability Zones


550EMR Clusters

24,000Spot EC2 Instances









Timing Comparison



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Tag All Resources

Infrastructure as CodeCommand Line Interface

JSON as configuration files

IAM Roles and Policies

Use of Application ID

Enable CloudTrail

S3 Lifecycle ManagementS3 Versioning

Separate Code/Data/Logs buckets

Keyless EMR Clusters

Hybrid Model

Enable Debugging

Create Multiple CLI Profiles

Multi-Factor Authentication

CloudWatch Billing Alarms

Spot EC2 Instances

SNS notifications for failures

Loosely coupled Apps

Scale Horizontally

Best Practices & Suggestions

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Remember to complete

your evaluations!

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Thank you!

Photo Credits• Key Board : http://bit.ly/1LRQMdR

• Compression : http://bit.ly/1MtT3Pa

• Optimization : http://bit.ly/1FlidQD

• WatchDog : http://bit.ly/1OX50j6

• Elasticity : http://bit.ly/1YFfCr4

• Fish Bowl : http://bit.ly/1VjrcJd

• Blank Cheque : http://bit.ly/1RkTgGe