AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Level

AWS CSA Associate 07-07

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AWS Certified Solutions ArchitectAssociate Level

Agenda● 08/Set - Abertura, Overview AWS e S3● 16/Set (terça) - Cloudfront e Route53● 22/Set - EC2 e VPC● 29/Set - RDS, DynamoDB e Other Storage Options● 13/Out - CloudFormation, SQS e SWF● 20/Out - Elastic Beanstalk e Security● 27/Out - Architecting for the Cloud e Revisão

Horário: 18:00 as 20:00

Exam Overview● Multiple choice and multiple answer questions● 80 minutes to complete the exam● 40 - 60 questions● 65% or above is passing score● No prerequisites● Valid for 2 years● $150,00

● Grupo 03 (20%)○ Data Security

● Grupo 04 (10%)○ Troubleshooting

Assuntos● Grupo 01 (60%)

○ Designing highly available○ Cost efficient○ Fault tolerant○ Scalable systems

● Grupo 02 (10%)○ Implementation○ Deployment

Encontro 01● Introdução Prova● Visão Geral Serviços● Questões Exemplo● Tradeoffs

○ Custo○ Tolerância a falha○ Escalabilidade○ Controle - Gestão○ Velocidade○ Flexibilidade○ ...

● 1 byte - 5 TB● 99,999999999% Durability● 99,99% Durability com RRS● 99,99% Disponibilidade● > 100GB Usar Multipart Upload

Encontro 02Route53

● O que é?● Pra que serve?● Ajuda com ?

○ Tolerância falha○ Escalabilidade

● Routing Policy○ Simple○ weighted○ Latency○ Failover○ Geolocation

● Health Checks

CloudFront● O que é?● Pra que serve?● Ajuda com ?

○ Tolerância falha○ Escalabilidade

● Impactos de fazer cache de conteúdo dinâmico

● Custom SSL

Encontro 03EC2

● Instâncias○ Tipos○ Como acessar

● Modelo de cobrança○ On demand○ Reserved○ Spot

● Elastic IPs● EBS● AMI● Load Balancers● Auto Scaling

○ Launch configurations○ Auto Scaling Groups○ CloudWatch

VPC● Como configurar?● Subnets● Route Tables● Internet Gateways● Qual impacto no Security Group?● NAT● Bastion Host● VPN

Encontro 04RDS

● O que é?● Pra que serve?● Como obter:

○ Tolerância falha○ Escalabilidade

● Software Patching● Backups / Restores● Multi-AZ● Read Replica● Possui suporte a modelo

reserved?● Security Group● Suporte a VPC● Parameter Groups

DynamoDB● O que é?● Pra que serve?● Como obter:

○ Tolerância falha○ Escalabilidade

● Hash key● Range key● Secondary Indexes● Dynamic DynamoDB

Encontro 05● Pra que server?● Quais benefícios?● Limites

● Quais benefícios?● Templates● Criando ambientes


● Task, Worker, Desider ?● Funciona com on-premise?● Humans events● Diferença SQS● Limites

Encontro 06● Share Responsibility Model

● Built-in Security Features○ Global Infrastructure○ Multi-factor authentication○ Encrypted data storage○ AIM - Roles○ Security Groups○ VPC - VPN - Direct Connect○ Cloudwatch Logs○ Cloudtrail○ CloudHSM○ Trusted Advisor

● O que é?

● Diferenças○ Elastic Beanstalk○ OpsWorks○ CloudFormation

● Components○ Application○ Application Version○ Environment○ Environment Configuration○ Configuration Template○ Host Manager○ SQS Daemon

ArquiteturaVantagens Nuvem

Technical● Automation – “Scriptable infrastructure”● Auto-scaling● Proactive Scaling● More Efficient Development lifecycle● Improved Testability● Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity● “Overflow” the traffic to the cloud

Business● Upfront infrastructure investment● Just-in-time Infrastructure● More efficient resource utilization● Usage-based costing● Reduced time to market

ArquiteturaCloud Best Practices

1. Design for failure and nothing will fail2. Decouple your components3. Implement elasticity4. Think parallel5. Keep dynamic data closer to the compute

and static data closer to the end-user

1. Design for failure and nothing will fail

Exemplo Táticas● Elastic IPs● Multiple Availability Zones● Multiple Regions● Amazon Machine Image● Amazon CloudWatch● Amazon EBS● RDS - Automated Backups

2. Decouple your components

3. Implement elasticity

5. Keep dynamic data closer to the compute and static data closer to the end-user

Materiais de ApoioReferências1. Página oficial2. Post sobre o programa e prova3. AWS Architecture Center4. AWS Security Center5. AWS Documentation Page6. Curso online7. Slideshare

White Papers1. Overview of Amazon Web Services2. Overview of Security Processes3. AWS Risk and Compliance4. Storage Options in the AWS Cloud5. Architecting for the AWS Cloud: Best

Practices6. Storage Use Cases7. Designing Fault-Tolerant Applications in

the AWS Cloud

AWS Certified Solutions ArchitectAssociate Level