Are You an Accidental or Intentional Architect? IASA – AN ASSOCIATION FOR ALL IT ARCHITECTS UTAH CHAPTER Randy Ynchausti FamilySearch (www.familysearch.org) Software Architect - Family Tree Group [email protected] rg

Are You an Accidental or Intention Software Architect

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This presentation challenges viewers to consider what knowledge body and skills base a professional software architect possesses. It was presented originally at the UT IASA Chapter meeting November 21, 2013.

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Page 1: Are You an Accidental or Intention Software Architect

Are You an Accidental or Intentional Architect?IASA – AN ASSOCIATION FOR ALL IT ARCHITECTS

UTAH CHAPTERRandy YnchaustiFamilySearch (www.familysearch.org)Software Architect - Family Tree [email protected]

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Page 3: Are You an Accidental or Intention Software Architect

Market Direction“CIOs are experimenting successfully with internally and externally sourced capacity on demand. Within 10 years, they and their enterprises will be able to acquire complex outcomes— capabilities —on demand. This will dramatically change enterprise IT organizations and the software industry that serves them.”


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Direction Change Takes Time

“Despite all this change, in the short term IT will be more or less stable. Many traditional IT roles, such as change and configuration management, will continue unaffected as the capability-on-demand scenario unfolds. Over time, however, service management, architecture and other “generalist” roles will replace the technical specialists in IT. Already under way, this change will become widespread over the next decade.”


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Architect and Plan for Capability on Demand

“The first step in preparing for capability on demand is to set up for capacity on demand, but this can only occur after a CIO gets the IT house in order operationally. An IT organization that cannot manage operations effectively because it lacks understanding of costs relating to business performance and outcomes will have trouble evaluating the price-for-performance trade-offs offered by external suppliers.”


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Architecture Is The Competitive Advantage

“Largely because of the trend toward externalization of capacity, almost all CIOs will find in the next decade that the price-for-performance competitiveness of IT organizations is directly comparable within and across industries. They will also find that achieving maximum competitiveness in IT price for performance requires strict adherence to standards and architecture, as well as tightly managed partnerships with external vendors.”


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How Did You/Do You Become A Software Architect?SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE DISCIPLINE

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Online Step By Step Instructions:

1. Use Unified Modeling Language (UML) to model the business situation

2. Use a software methodology for implementing change3. Initiate the project or develop a feasibility study4. Design the software5. Test the software6. Maintain and iterate


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CS Degree With Experience

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Online Degree

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University Programs

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IASAThe Open Group

SEI – Carnegie MellonGeorge Mason University

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George Mason University



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SEI – Carnegie Mellon Software Architecture Certificate Programs

SEI Software Architecture Professional Certificate◦ Candidates for Software Architecture certificates are required to pass an objective

assessment of their knowledge of Software Architecture: Principles and Practices

SEI SOA Architect Professional Certificate

SEI Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) Evaluator Certificate


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Clipart courtesy of Microsoft Corp.


Page 16: Are You an Accidental or Intention Software Architect

Smartart courtesy of Microsoft Corp.

IASAFoundation (CITA-F)




75 Questions

with Online Delivery

Associate (CITA-A)






Experience Revie


Board-Level Certification







60K architect Network

8K Paid Members

Full-time Operational and Executive Staff

Active Leadership Committees

Training, Certification, Chapters, Content, Research, Outreach

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Page 18: Are You an Accidental or Intention Software Architect

The Open Group

Open CA




Peer Review




Initial Review

Board Evaluat


Archimate 2



Tools Certification

Training Course





27K architect Network

409K Corporation Members

Full-time Operational and Executive Staff

Active Leadership Committees

Training, Certification, Content, Research, Outreach

Page 19: Are You an Accidental or Intention Software Architect

Software ArchitectureDEFINITION

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Software ArchitectureStructure, elements and properties of the system that make it better

Long-lived blueprint for implementing strategy

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Software Architecture is Also…

System Integrity


Key and cross-cutting concerns

Business objectives


User experience






System decomposition



Negotiating and bargaining



Better world

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Page 23: Are You an Accidental or Intention Software Architect

Software Architect:


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You may be an Intentional Software Architect –

You study and employ industry standards in your work:

You have defined your organization’s governance in line with ISO/IEC 38500:2008

You have identified the project quality attributes according to ISO/IEC 25010

You apply practices and approaches specified in ISO/IEC/IEEEE 42010:20011, Systems and Software Engineering – Architectural description

You use ISO 15504 to assess the software process in your organization

You apply ISO 9241-210 for user experience designs and concerns

If …

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You may be an Intentional Software Architect –

You use architecture frameworks and approaches to do your job:

You have studied TOGAF, Zachman, Federal Enterprise Architecture, Gartner Methodology and other architecture frameworks

You use ATAM or other formal methodology to prove your architectures are suitable

You have studied ITIL and apply it for continuous improvement and capability

You have studied and apply COBIT for IT governance in your enterprise

You apply and practice six sigma at work

You use the SPICE [Software Process Improvement Capability Determination, ISO/IEC 15504 Information Technology — Process Assessment] framework for the assessment of software processes

If …

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You may be an Intentional Software Architect –

You advance and apply rigor and discipline in your enterprise:

You have defined your organization’s architecture principles

You have architect role definitions

You measure and document the value of architecture for your project and organization

You believe the organization is faster and better using a formalized process for architecture

You identify the ROI for every project

You are creating a repository of architecture patterns and principles

You care about making value-based tradeoffs

If …

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You may be an Intentional Software Architect –

You use professional processes and tactics to accomplish your architecture work:

You identify the project stakeholders and formally manage them

You perform the project risk assessment

You create and maintain the project traceability matrix

You identify at least four project viewpoints and specify four views for each viewpoint on your project

You use a benefit dependency network to link your project to the business activities being changed

You have and maintain a view/viewpoints template database

If …

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You may be an Intentional Software Architect –

(2) You use professional processes and tactics to accomplish your architecture work:

You know what triggers a TQA review and what happens upstream and downstream

You enjoy filling out work breakdown structure templates

You use a value realization process including templates

You measure software complexity

You map out data center costs for people, machines and services

You draw and use at least five different types of UML diagrams

You know what Archimate is

If …

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You may be an Intentional Software Architect –

You develop and use a breadth of knowledge in your work:

You talk about the enterprise model (Commit, Build and Run, Exploit)

You know the lifecycle phases and other aspects of SDLC 3.0

You recite the OSI layers in your sleep

You base architecture on software design patterns and enterprise integration patterns

You understand and identify cross-cutting concerns and factor their impact into the architecture

If …

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You may be an Intentional Software Architect –

You keep your architecture skills sharp through continuous improvement:

You can rationalize the discrepancy between architecture rigor and agile/lean development methodologies

You are a Certified Information Systems Security Professional

You read Roger Session books and white papers; Software Fortresses: Modeling Enterprise Architectures, Modeling Software Architectures and Platform Choices, The IT Complexity Crisis: Danger and Opportunity, The Mathematics of IT Simplification, etc.

You have read Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Concepts, Technology, and Design by Thomas Erl

If …

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You may be an Intentional Software Architect –

You believe principle should drive your wrok:

Law of DemeterThe Liskov principleIntegration/interface principlesApplication protocol principlesRelease reuse equivalency principleCommon closure principleCommon reuse principleModel-view-controller principleModel-view-presenter principleStable abstractions principleMoore's Law -- A.K.A. Macro LevelsUsability/Performance PrincipleTrade-offs and Sensitivity

If …

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You may be an Intentional Software Architect –

You have created a presentation about what architecture is:

If …

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Great Software Architects

Ray Ozzie – Chief Software Architect, Microsoft

“From my vantage point, being an architect is really about pattern matching. It’s about being exposed to enough tools and techniques of the trade that over time you start to develop a toolkit of different patterns that work in different situations.”
