APEH: Chapter 17 The Scientific Revolution

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APEH: Chapter 17The Scientific Revolution

APEH: Chapter 17The Scientific Revolution

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SocratesSocrates• 470-339 BC• Classical Greek

philosopher• Great influence upon

the founders of Western philosophy

• 470-339 BC• Classical Greek

philosopher• Great influence upon

the founders of Western philosophy

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• 428-348 BC• Classical Greek

philosopher• Together with Socrates &

student, Aristotle, laid down the foundations of Western culture

• Founder of the Academy of Athens-the 1st institution of higher learning in the western world!!

• 428-348 BC• Classical Greek

philosopher• Together with Socrates &

student, Aristotle, laid down the foundations of Western culture

• Founder of the Academy of Athens-the 1st institution of higher learning in the western world!!

The School of Athens, fresco by Raphael (1509–1510), of an idealized Academy.

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AristotleAristotle• 384-322 BC• Student of Plato &

teacher of Alexander the Great

• Wrote on diverse subject• Physics, metaphysics,

poetry (theater), logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology & zoology

• 384-322 BC• Student of Plato &

teacher of Alexander the Great

• Wrote on diverse subject• Physics, metaphysics,

poetry (theater), logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology & zoology

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Aristotle’s ideasAristotle’s ideas• Ideas about astronomy & physics

accepted with minor revisions• Offered understandable, common sense

explanation for what eye saw• Science fit neatly with Christian

doctrines• Humans are center of universe• “Great chain of being”• Science was branch of theology

• Ideas about astronomy & physics accepted with minor revisions

• Offered understandable, common sense explanation for what eye saw

• Science fit neatly with Christian doctrines

• Humans are center of universe• “Great chain of being”• Science was branch of theology

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• 83-161 AD• Was a Greek/Egyptian• Mathematician,

geographer, astronomer & astrologer

• Flourished in Alexandria, Roman Egypt

• 83-161 AD• Was a Greek/Egyptian• Mathematician,

geographer, astronomer & astrologer

• Flourished in Alexandria, Roman Egypt

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Causes of the Scientific Revolution:

Causes of the Scientific Revolution:

Newton-If I have seen further(than others) it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants!”

This period was a product of towering genius!1.Medieval Universities provided the frame-work

for the new view2. Renaissance stimulated science by

rediscovering ancient mathematics.3. Better ways of obtaining knowledge about the

world including improved tools such as telescopes, sextants, improved the scientific method.

• Astronomy and physics were at the heart of the Scientific Revolution

Newton-If I have seen further(than others) it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants!”

This period was a product of towering genius!1.Medieval Universities provided the frame-work

for the new view2. Renaissance stimulated science by

rediscovering ancient mathematics.3. Better ways of obtaining knowledge about the

world including improved tools such as telescopes, sextants, improved the scientific method.

• Astronomy and physics were at the heart of the Scientific Revolution

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Causes…con’tCauses…con’t• 4. Bacon advocated emperical,

experimental research…or Inductive Reasoning. type of reasoning that involves moving from a set of specific facts to a general conclusion.

• 4. Bacon advocated emperical, experimental research…or Inductive Reasoning. type of reasoning that involves moving from a set of specific facts to a general conclusion.

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Causes…con’tCauses…con’t• 5. Descartes emphasized Deductive

reasoning and was the first to graph equations. Deductive reasoning starts with a general case and deduces specific instances.

• 5. Descartes emphasized Deductive reasoning and was the first to graph equations. Deductive reasoning starts with a general case and deduces specific instances.

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Roots of Modern Science

Roots of Modern Science

• Aristotle & Bible• Medieval View

• Earth was unmoving object• Earth was center of Universe

= Geocentric Theory

• New Way of Thinking• Scientific Revolution• Astronomy, Physics &

Mathematics• Technology & Spread of Ideas• Age of Exploration • Desire of new ideas

• Aristotle & Bible• Medieval View

• Earth was unmoving object• Earth was center of Universe

= Geocentric Theory

• New Way of Thinking• Scientific Revolution• Astronomy, Physics &

Mathematics• Technology & Spread of Ideas• Age of Exploration • Desire of new ideas

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Nicolaus Copernicus-Polish Astronomer

Nicolaus Copernicus-Polish Astronomer

• Geocentric VS. Heliocentric

• Heliocentric: Sun-centered theory

• Did not publish findings until final year of life

• 1543: On the Rev. of the Heavenly Bodies

• Geocentric VS. Heliocentric

• Heliocentric: Sun-centered theory

• Did not publish findings until final year of life

• 1543: On the Rev. of the Heavenly Bodies

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Johannes Kepler-German Astronomer

Johannes Kepler-German Astronomer

• Johannes Kepler• Mathematici

an• Elliptical

orbits• Proved

Copernicus’s ideas to be true

• Johannes Kepler• Mathematici

an• Elliptical

orbits• Proved

Copernicus’s ideas to be true

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Tyco BraheTyco Brahe• Dutch Astronomer• Sophisticated

observatory• Collection of mass

data• Limited understanding

of math prevented him from making sense of his data

• Dutch Astronomer• Sophisticated

observatory• Collection of mass

data• Limited understanding

of math prevented him from making sense of his data

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Galileo GalileiGalileo Galilei• Challenged Aristotle

& Bible• Law of pendulum• Falling Objects• Telescope• Laws of Motion• Inquisition• 1992-Vatican clears


• Challenged Aristotle & Bible

• Law of pendulum• Falling Objects• Telescope• Laws of Motion• Inquisition• 1992-Vatican clears


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Sir Isaac NewtonEnglish


Sir Isaac NewtonEnglish

Mathematician• Law of Gravity• Principia

Mathematica(1687)• Knowledge

became a tool to give man power over nature rather than a means of glorifying God!

• Law of Gravity• Principia

Mathematica(1687)• Knowledge

became a tool to give man power over nature rather than a means of glorifying God!

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• Universal laws of motion and gravity(forces of attraction & repulsion!

• He was born in England the year Galileo died

• Universal laws of motion and gravity(forces of attraction & repulsion!

• He was born in England the year Galileo died

• Newton took the work of Descartes, Kepler, & Galileo and developed a synthesis of laws of motion.

• Newton took the work of Descartes, Kepler, & Galileo and developed a synthesis of laws of motion.

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Connection to TodayConnection to Today

• Vatican clears Galileo• 1992: Pope John Paul II• 13-year study• Church acted in “good faith”

• Vatican clears Galileo• 1992: Pope John Paul II• 13-year study• Church acted in “good faith”

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Scientific MethodScientific Method

• Logical procedure for gathering & testing ideas• 5 steps…

• Observation• Hypothesis• Experiment• Analyze/Interpret data• Conclusion

• Logical procedure for gathering & testing ideas• 5 steps…

• Observation• Hypothesis• Experiment• Analyze/Interpret data• Conclusion

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• Rejected medieval assumptions & teachings

• Empiricism-Experimental Method; Inductive Reasoning

Procedure from the concrete to the abstract. Organize, cooperate, & specialize in order to overcome miseries of humanity!

• Published Volume One of Novum Organum—thinking based on observation-

• Rejected medieval assumptions & teachings

• Empiricism-Experimental Method; Inductive Reasoning

Procedure from the concrete to the abstract. Organize, cooperate, & specialize in order to overcome miseries of humanity!

• Published Volume One of Novum Organum—thinking based on observation-

Francis Bacon/Eng.Francis Bacon/Eng.

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Rene DescartesRene Descartes• Analytical Geometry• Emphasized

Mathematics & Logic• Better understanding

of natural world• Cartesian dualism-

divided everything into “matter(the physical mind) & mind(the spiritual world)

• “I think therefore I am!”(Cogito, ergo sum)

• Analytical Geometry• Emphasized

Mathematics & Logic• Better understanding

of natural world• Cartesian dualism-

divided everything into “matter(the physical mind) & mind(the spiritual world)

• “I think therefore I am!”(Cogito, ergo sum)

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Zacharias JanssenZacharias Janssen

• 1st Microscope• 1st Microscope

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Evangelista TorricelliEvangelista Torricelli

• 1st Mercury barometer• Tool to measure

atmospheric pressure & predicting weather

• One of Galileo’s students

• 1st Mercury barometer• Tool to measure

atmospheric pressure & predicting weather

• One of Galileo’s students

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Gabriel FahrenheitGabriel Fahrenheit

• 1st Thermometer • Used mercury in glass• Water freezing: 32


• 1st Thermometer • Used mercury in glass• Water freezing: 32


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Anders CelsiusAnders Celsius• Another scale for

mercury thermometer• Freezing at 0 Degrees

• Another scale for mercury thermometer• Freezing at 0 Degrees

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Gerardus MercatorGerardus Mercator• Invented maps using

a projection• Used The Mercator

projection• Shows shapes

accurately but size is not accurate

• Improved quality of geographical instruments & maps

• Invented maps using a projection• Used The Mercator

projection• Shows shapes

accurately but size is not accurate

• Improved quality of geographical instruments & maps

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The Scientific Revolution

Science and Society 1. Rise of the International Scientific Community 2. Gender and Science 3. Religion and Science

The Scientific Revolution

Science and Society 1. Rise of the International Scientific Community 2. Gender and Science 3. Religion and Science

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Andreas VesaliusAndreas Vesalius• Anatomy• Dissected human bodies

• Disproved similarities of animals to be the same as humans

• On the Fabric of the Human Body• Detailed drawings of

human organs, bones and muscle

• Anatomy• Dissected human bodies

• Disproved similarities of animals to be the same as humans

• On the Fabric of the Human Body• Detailed drawings of

human organs, bones and muscle

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William HarveyWilliam Harvey• Continues Vesalius’s

work• On the Motion of the

Heart and Blood in Animals• Function of heart,

Circulation of blood & blood vessels

• Continues Vesalius’s work

• On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals• Function of heart,

Circulation of blood & blood vessels

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Edward JennerEdward Jenner• Produced world’s 1st

vaccine• Introduced vaccine

for Smallpox• Inoculation of germs

from cattle disease to give protection to humans

• Produced world’s 1st vaccine

• Introduced vaccine for Smallpox• Inoculation of germs

from cattle disease to give protection to humans

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Robert BoyleRobert Boyle• Father of

Chemistry• Boyle’s Law

• Volume, Temperature & Pressure of gas effect each other

• Father of Chemistry

• Boyle’s Law• Volume,

Temperature & Pressure of gas effect each other

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Joseph PriestlyJoseph Priestly

• Separation of pure gas from air

• Separation of pure gas from air

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Antoine Lavoisier-Father of Modern


Antoine Lavoisier-Father of Modern

Chemistry• recognized and named oxygen

(1778) and hydrogen (1783)• helped construct the metric system• At the height of the French

Revolution he was accused by Jean-Paul Marat of selling watered-down tobacco, and of other crimes, and was guillotined(1794).

• "Cela leur a pris seulement un instant pour lui couper la tête, mais la France pourrait ne pas en produire une autre pareille en un siècle." ("It took them only an instant to cut off his head, but France may not produce another such head in a century.”)

• recognized and named oxygen (1778) and hydrogen (1783)

• helped construct the metric system• At the height of the French

Revolution he was accused by Jean-Paul Marat of selling watered-down tobacco, and of other crimes, and was guillotined(1794).

• "Cela leur a pris seulement un instant pour lui couper la tête, mais la France pourrait ne pas en produire une autre pareille en un siècle." ("It took them only an instant to cut off his head, but France may not produce another such head in a century.”)

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Royal Society in England(1662) & the

Royal Society in France(1666)

Royal Society in England(1662) & the

Royal Society in France(1666)

• These were recognized by the gov’t & served as exchanges for new ideas.

• Did research & published their findings

• These were recognized by the gov’t & served as exchanges for new ideas.

• Did research & published their findings

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Royal Societies…con’t

Royal Societies…con’t• Generally, women

were exluded, because they were believed to be less capable than men,though many female scientists worked on their own!

• Generally, women were exluded, because they were believed to be less capable than men,though many female scientists worked on their own!

• Most scientific thinkers did not see a contradiction between religion & science, but there did develop a current of skepticism!

• Most scientific thinkers did not see a contradiction between religion & science, but there did develop a current of skepticism!

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Other sciences developed such as-


Other sciences developed such as-


• A new science that develped

• Deciphering, reading, dating, & authentication of manuscripts

• A new science that develped

• Deciphering, reading, dating, & authentication of manuscripts

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• All in all, natural laws could be discovered through the application of reason, which led to the 18th C conception of

• All in all, natural laws could be discovered through the application of reason, which led to the 18th C conception of

• The human mind as “rational” and the period as the “Age of Reason!”

• The Sc. Rev.led to the Enlightenment!

• The human mind as “rational” and the period as the “Age of Reason!”

• The Sc. Rev.led to the Enlightenment!

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The Age of Reason represented a genesis in the

way man viewed himself, the pursuit of knowledge, and the


The Age of Reason represented a genesis in the

way man viewed himself, the pursuit of knowledge, and the
