FP7INFRASTRUCTURES20112, FP7ICT283700 CeDEM Paper Presenta>on, Krems, Austria, 22 May 2013 Towards an e-infrastructure to support the provision and use of open data Anneke Zuiderwijk, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Keith Jeffery, euroCRIS, United Kingdom

Anneke Zuiderwijk, Marijn Janssen, Keith Jeffery: Towards an e-infrastructure to support the provision and use of open data

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Page 1: Anneke Zuiderwijk, Marijn Janssen, Keith Jeffery: Towards an e-infrastructure to support the provision and use of open data

FP7-­‐INFRASTRUCTURES-­‐2011-­‐2,  FP7-­‐ICT-­‐283700  

CeDEM  Paper  Presenta>on,  Krems,  Austria,  22  May  2013  

Towards an e-infrastructure to support the provision and use of open data

Anneke Zuiderwijk, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Keith Jeffery, euroCRIS, United Kingdom

Page 2: Anneke Zuiderwijk, Marijn Janssen, Keith Jeffery: Towards an e-infrastructure to support the provision and use of open data


0  Introduc.on  0  Research  approach  0  Requirements  for  and  elements  of  the  open  data  e-­‐

infrastructure  0  ENGAGE  open  data  e-­‐infrastructure  

0  The  ENGAGE  development  plan  0  Func.onali.es  of  the  ENGAGE  open  data  e-­‐infrastructure  

0  Conclusions  

Page 3: Anneke Zuiderwijk, Marijn Janssen, Keith Jeffery: Towards an e-infrastructure to support the provision and use of open data


0  Organiza.ons  increasingly  publish  data  on  the  internet  à  Open  Data    

0  Much  poten.al  to  realize  advantages  

0  However,  many  organiza.ons  simply  release  data  without  considering  how  these  data  can  be  reused  (e.g.  lack  of  contextual  informa.on,  linkage  to  other  data,  feedback  tools)  

0  While  reuse  of  open  data  should  enable  the  realiza.on  of  the  advantages  of  open  data  

Page 4: Anneke Zuiderwijk, Marijn Janssen, Keith Jeffery: Towards an e-infrastructure to support the provision and use of open data


0  E-­‐infrastructure  (based  on  ICT)  can  s.mulate  and  support  data  reuse  (and  provision)  

0  Aim  1.  derive  requirements  for  an  open  data  e-­‐infrastructure;  and  2.  present  such  an  e-­‐infrastructure  that  meets  a  part  of  these  

requirements  à  s.mula.ng  realiza.on  of  open  data  advantages  

Page 5: Anneke Zuiderwijk, Marijn Janssen, Keith Jeffery: Towards an e-infrastructure to support the provision and use of open data

Research  Approach  

0  Design  Science  Research  Methodology1  

0  Requirements  for  open  data  infrastructure  gathered  from:    0  Literature  overview  0  Interviews  0  Ques.onnaire  0  Workshops  

1  Peffers,  K.,  Tunanen,  T.,  Rothenberger,  M.  A.,  &  ChaZerjee,  S.  (2008).  A  Design  Science  Research  Methodology  for  Informa.on  Systems  Research.  Journal  of  Management  Informa0on  Systems,  24(3),  45-­‐77.    

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0  Iden.fied  95  requirements  in  12  categories:  1.  Access  2.  Searching  3.  Naviga.on  4.  Uploading  5.  Downloading  6.  Data  quality  7.  Analysis  of  datasets  8.  Visualiza.on  9.  Linking  and  combining  data  10.  Collabora.on  11.  Support  and  help    12.  Feedback  

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The  ENGAGE  development  plan  


Page 8: Anneke Zuiderwijk, Marijn Janssen, Keith Jeffery: Towards an e-infrastructure to support the provision and use of open data

Func.onali.es  of  ENGAGE  open  data  e-­‐infrastructure  

0  No  single  e-­‐infrastructure  meets  all  requirements  0  ENGAGE  2.5  will  not  meet  all  of  the  requirements  either  0  Most  important  func.onali.es  of  ENGAGE  2.5:  

A.  Data  provision

B.  Data  retrieval  and  use

C.  Data  linking

D.  User  rating

E.  User  cooperation

Requirements  (based  on  number  in  Table  1)

Key  functionalities  of  the  ENGAGE  open  data  e-­‐infrastructure

Data  Acquisition,  Metadata  Acquisition,  Data  Cleansing,  Data  Validation,  Data  Conversion,  Metadata  Enhancement

21-­‐23,  33,  44-­‐47,  86,  92-­‐93,  95

Retrieval  by  facets,  Retrieval  by  query,  Data  display,  Data  requests  module,  Version  management

Automated,  Manual,  Metadata

User  profiles,  Users  as  providers,  Users  as  consumers,  Users  as  co-­‐operators

Rating  system,  Quality  control

1-­‐20,  27-­‐28,  34-­‐36,  39,  43-­‐47,  64,  74-­‐81,  88-­‐95

14,  27,  29,  32-­‐33,  49-­‐60

29-­‐33,  94

19-­‐20,  61-­‐72

Categories  of  functionalities  of  the  ENGAGE  open  data  e-­‐infrastructure

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Func.onali.es  of  ENGAGE  open  data  e-­‐infrastructure  

0  Contribu.on  of  ENGAGE  over  exis.ng  infrastructures:  1.  Service  for  researchers  and  ci.zens  2.  Metadata  specifica.on  and  content  organisa.on  (embracement  of  

the  Linked  Data  Paradigm  while  ensuring  the  quality  and  responsiveness  of  highly  structured  informa.on  models)  

3.  Automa.on  in  data  entry  and  cura.on  4.  Crowdsourcing  and  interac.on  with  and  between  users  of  the  

plagorm  5.  Data  cura.on  tools  and  services  6.  Dataset  visualisa.on  possibili.es    7.  Mul.linguality    8.  User  help  and  training  

Page 10: Anneke Zuiderwijk, Marijn Janssen, Keith Jeffery: Towards an e-infrastructure to support the provision and use of open data


0  Aim  1.  derive  requirements  for  an  open  data  e-­‐infrastructure;  and  2.  present  such  an  e-­‐infrastructure  that  meets  a  part  of  these  

requirements  à  s.mula.ng  realiza.on  of  open  data  advantages  

0  Iden.fied  95  requirements  of  open  data  users  and  providers  in  12  categories  0  Linked  requirements  to  func.onali.es  0  ENGAGE  2.5  fulfils  many  requirements  0  ENGAGE  is  designed  to  interoperate  within  the  general  e-­‐infrastructure  

framework  of  the  European  Commission  

0  Future  research  should  show  how  the  requirements  for  open  data  e-­‐infrastructures  could  be  further  refined  

 Want  more  informa,on  about  ENGAGE  e-­‐infrastructure?  A7end  our  workshop  this  a=ernoon!  

Page 11: Anneke Zuiderwijk, Marijn Janssen, Keith Jeffery: Towards an e-infrastructure to support the provision and use of open data

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