Animal cloning

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Animal Cloning

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M.Sc. G.E.- 10006


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Definition History Issues Facts Meaning Of CLONE Benefits Process Advantages & Disadvantages Effects Applications Future Conclusion


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Cloning is a creation of an organism that is an exact copy of another. This means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two.!!


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Everybody knows about Dolly the cloned sheep, but few people know all the details about cloning, including the fact that scientists have been working on it for over 100 years.


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A. Legal aspects

Animal testing – breeding for unhealthy traits

Violation of constitutional rights Inclusion of animal protection in the



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B. Ethical aspects

Associated with ethical considerations of fellow-creature status and an ethical judgement on animal cloning.

Different positions in the social debate and assessment of animal cloning can be traced back to some extent to different fundamental values.

seen as having a new quality compared with conventional animal breeding or with other new techniques in animal breeding as well.

the potential risks and hazards – ecological (reducing genetic diversity) and social (industrial mass production, concentration of capital, new dependencies).

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Scientists have successfully cloned a calico cat named rainbow. The scientists named the cat cc which stands for carbon copy.

Cloned animals age faster than normal animals!!!

The first cloned animal was a tadpole!!! A calf was cloned from a side of beef!!! Cloning can later lead to genetic diseases in

cloned animals. Cloned organisms are less healthy than there parent organism.


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"Clones are genetic copies of an animal and They're similar to identical twins, but born at different times.“

Cloning can be thought of as an extension of the assisted reproductive technologies that livestock breeders have been using for centuries, such as artificial insemination, and more recently, embryo transfer and in vitro fertilization.


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GE animals hold great promise for human and animal health, the environment, and agriculture.

Health protection of animals New source of medicines Transplantation Less environmental impact Healthier food


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Somatic cell collected from that is to be cloned i.e. Genetic Donor.

Egg cell collected from female of the same species i.e. Egg Donor

Somatic Cell Nuclear transfer

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Advantages of Animal Cloning

Disadvantages of Animal Cloning

There will be an endless supply of animals to clone, and we will never run out of food from animals, because we have been able to clone based on previous efforts, the most famous of these was the first ever cloning of an animal, Dolly the lamb which was a successful cloning where Dolly was a healthy lamb.

The animal in which we intend to clone will result perfectly the same as the animal which has been cloned in every way, identical in all senses of the word. The eyes, the nose, the ears, the face, everything! Dolly was a perfect example of this through how she came out exactly the same. But this sheep is not the only animal which cloning can work effectively on, there are many animals which have also been successfully cloned such as horses and bulls, just not as famous as Dolly.

Although the cloned animal will be identical. It will only possess about half the life span of the  normal animal which has been cloned. An example is from the famous ‘Dolly’  previous mentioned which only lived for 6 years, whereas normal sheep can live up to about 10 years of age, so a great decrease in age.

Reasons for cloning aren’t exactly for keeping resources, such as food for the future, but in fact we are basically taking embryos from the animal for research and by doing this leaving the animal useless. This is similar to humans being cloned, where there human embryos are taken away from them for research because they believe that it isn’t really a person. However, if it is alive and has every trait that a humans has, then how can it be called useless to us?

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Advantages Disadvantages

Through animal cloning, we can go into further research into how complicated and intricate our world that God created really is, and could discover information that we’ve never seen before.

One of the greatest breakthroughs of all time, cloning has been discovered, something which could be revolutionary if we use it to our advantage through continuing on with our research and studies into it, with discoveries that could change our lives forever.

Even if we can clone animals and make them perfectly the same, is this what God would’ve wanted? For us to have the power to clone living organisms such as animals, and one day even human beings?

Many believe cloning is quite inhumane, especially that of religious and some governmental parties which don’t want to move forward with this research. They think life is just too precious to take away, even if it is a clone in which we are testing.

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The offspring of cloned animals are often born deformed

It is against religious beliefs

Pets that are cloned often do not come out having the same personality and can look different

People can get an animal that looks the same as the pet they had

Scientists can clone organs and help people live longer

Scientists can also clone body parts such as ears to surgically attach to a person, Cloned animals are safe to eat

Cloning, Good Or Bad?

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Expensive and highly inefficient.

More than 90% of cloning attempts fail to produce a viable offspring.

In addition to low success rates, cloned animals tend to have more compromised immune function and higher rates of infection, tumour growth, and other disorders.

Many cloned animals have not lived long enough to generate good data about how clones age.

What are the risks of cloning ?

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Appearing healthy at a young age unfortunately is not a good indicator of long term survival.

Clones have been known to die mysteriously. For example, Australia's first cloned sheep appeared healthy and energetic on the day she died, and the results of her autopsy failed to determine a cause of death.

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1. Biomedical research Animals as drug producers Animal models Breeding androgenic body tissue Xenotransplantation

2. Livestock breeding and agriculture Transgenic clones Changes to agricultural structures


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3. According to FDA Meat and milk from cow, pig, and goat clones, and the offspring of any clones, are as safe as food we eat every day.

4. The main use of clones is to produce breeding stock, not food.

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Due to the inefficiency of animal cloning and the lack of understanding about reproductive cloning, many scientists and physicians strongly believe that it would be unethical to attempt to clone humans.

Not only do most attempts to clone mammals fail, about 30% of clones born alive are affected by "large offspring syndrome" and other debilitating conditions. Several cloned animals have died prematurely from infections and other complications.

Should humans be cloned?

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The same problems would be expected in human cloning. In addition, scientists do not know how cloning could impact mental development. While factors such as intellect and mood may not be as important for a cow or a mouse, they are crucial for the development of healthy humans. With so many unknowns concerning reproductive cloning, the attempt to clone humans at this time is considered potentially dangerous and ethically irresponsible.

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Scientists have accelerated more into the world of animal cloning.  Since Dolly, the first cloned mammal, was created, scientists have cloned many more of the mammalian species, such as cats, horses, pigs, cows, and a big supply of rodents. But where is it going?

For a few hundred years, scientists have tried to protect endangered species.  Why not just clone them?  Want to bring back the dinosaurs?  Clone them.  The process of copying an animal could indeed do miracles.

Scientists plan on rooting out the diseases of the Donor animal by using DNA transfer techniques.  Using these techniques they also plan on making better meat and food carried by livestock and other animals such as pigs and sheep.  The fur will also be enhanced


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The same technique will be used to purify the proteins in medicines and therefore help ones struggling with a mortal disease.  Scientists will do this by biologically engineering the proteins then export them globally. 

Cloning is also very dangerous.  Already political fights are started because of the biological copying.  The majority of the masses are against the process, but scientists, Cloners, and most people who can afford the money to clone their pets think it's a wonderful enhancement in biological science. 

The risks of cloning are incredible.  What if the cloning tools were contaminated when they were used to fix the proteins of medicines?  A serious disease could start and the world would lose a huge chunk of its population. 

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In applied research, cloning using nucleus transfer opens up new approaches to creating transgenic animals. Some proteins with therapeutic effect can be cheaply produced in this way.

In agriculture the (practicable) production of clones of breeding stock promises to improve animal performance and quality while simultaneously reducing production costs. It is likely that cloning techniques will add further weight to existing trends in optimising the performance potential of livestock, i.e. high-performance animals. With regard to the questions of genetic improvement and diversity in animal breeding, selection for specific performance characteristics can have the goal of standardising (breeding) livestock with the help of cloning, and hence inevitably standardising livestock generally


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www.fda.org www.biotecnika.org www.genome.gov www.library.thinkquest.org www.metrolic.com www.bioethics.georgetown.org www.nms.com


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