AngularJS Basics

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Page 1: AngularJS Basics
Page 2: AngularJS Basics


• Javascript Framework • Angular = ng = &ng • Angular is full-featured SPA framework • Open-source web application framework • Originally developed in 2009 by Miško Hevery and Adam Abrons • Used as the business software behind an online JSON storage

service • Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE8, IE9 and mobile browsers

(Android, Chrome Mobile, iOS Safari) • Versions

– Stable: 1.2.x – Beta: 1.3.0

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AngularJS Statistics

Resource: W3Tech Investigated technologies of websites, not individual web pages from the bank of 10 million web sites. April 2013

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ExtJs Usage Statistics

Resource: W3Tech Investigated technologies of websites, not individual web pages from the bank of 10 million web sites. April 2013

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AngularJS Ext JS jQuery Feature detection[5] Yes Yes Yes

DOM wrapped[20] Yes Yes Yes

XMLHttpRequest Yes Yes Yes

data retrieval

[WebSocket] Yes Yes

Server pushdata retrieval Yes Yes

Other data retrieval Yes: XML, SOAP, AMF,

Ext.Direct Yes: XML, HTML

Drag and drop Yes Yes

Simple visual effects Yes Yes Yes

Animation / Yes Yes Yes

advanced visual effects

Event handling Yes Yes Yes

Back button support / Yes With plugins[53]

history management

Input formwidgets & validation Yes Yes With plugins[59]

Grid Yes With plugins[64]

Hierarchical Tree Yes With plugins[74]

Rich text editor No Yes With plugins[85]

Autocompletiontools No Yes With plugins[90]

HTMLgeneration tools No Yes Yes

Comparison JavaScript Frameworks

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AngularJS Ext JS jQuery

Widgets themeable / skinnable Yes[97] Yes[99]

GUI resizable panels and modal dialogs Yes With plugins

GUI page layout Yes With plugin[108]

Canvas support Yes With plugin[112]

Mobile/tablet support (touch events) Yes Yes With plugin[119]

Accessibility / Yes Yes Yes

graceful degradation[124]

ARIA compliant Yes Yes[131]

Developer tools, Visual design Yes Yes[137][138]

Offline storage[144] Yes With plugin[149]

Cross-browser 2d Vector Graphics[152]

Yes With plugin[155]

Charting & Dashboard[158] Yes With plugin[163][164]

RTL Support in UI Components Yes Depends on the plugin used

Comparison JavaScript Frameworks

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AngularJS - Goals & Concept

• 100% Javascript

• Declarative Programming paradigm (like SQL)


• jqLight – the light version of jquery

• Decouple DOM manipulation

• Size

AngularJS Backbone Ember

Size 36K 6.4K 69K

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Key features

• Scope – object that refers to application model • MVC • Services • Two-way data binding • Directives • Filters • Validation • Testable • Dependency Injection

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• Markers on a DOM element

• Tells to the compiler to attach a specific behavior to that DOM element

• Custom directives definition is possible http://jsfiddle.net/roadprophet/DsvX6/

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Most Useful Directives

• ng-app

• ng-bind

• ng-model

• ng-class

• ng-controller

• ng-switch, ng-if, ng-show, ng-hide

• ng-repeat

• ng-view

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Model View Control

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Binding to model

MVC or MVW ?

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• $scope - expose the domain model to a view (template)

• By assigning properties to scope instances, we can make new values available to a template for rendering.

• Two types of scope

– Inherited

– Isolated (many scope models

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Root scope

HelloCtrl Scope

Input Scope

Render scope


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Root scope

HelloCtrl Scope

Input Scope

Render scope







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Scope Root Scope

MyController scope

username : string

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Binding to model

$scope.getName = function() { return $scope.name; } }

<h1>Hello, {{ getName() }}! </h1>


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• The primary responsibility of a controller is to initialize scope objects.

– Providing initial model values

– Augmenting $scope with UI-specific behavior (functions)

• Controllers are regular JavaScript functions.

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Global Scope

Application Scope

Controller - Example


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Two-way data binding

Renders model value

Binding to model (variable)

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• Formats the value of an expression for display to the user

• Can be used in view templates, controllers or services

• Custom Filter http://jsfiddle.net/CBgcP/413/

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In computer technologythe term (usually shortened to booting) usually refers to the process of loading the basic software into the memory of a computer after power-on or general reset, especially the operating system which will then take care of loading other software as needed.

In general parlance, bootstrapping usually refers to the starting of a self-sustaining process that is supposed to proceed without external input

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Bootstrap in AngularJS

• Create a new injector

• Compile (Walk through the DOM and locate all directives)

• Link – attach all the directives to scope.

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Dependency …

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Dependency Injection

• DI – Software Design Pattern that deals with how components get hold of their dependencies.

• AngularJS is in charge of – Creating component

– Resolving their dependencies

– Providing them to other components as requested.

• Injector knows to inject itself (first time it runs)

• Injector will only create an instance of a service once (the next time it will use the cached one).

• You can inject service into controller, directive or filter

• Controllers cannot be injected into other things. Why?

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DI in a Nutshell

• How component can get a hold on its dependencies?

– Typically using the new operator

– Looking up, by referring to a global variable

– Having the dependency passed to it where it is needed.

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DI in a Nutshell

• How component can get a hold on its dependencies?

– Typically using the new operator

– Looking up, by referring to a global variable

– Having the dependency passed to it where it is needed. • Removes the responsibility of locating the dependency from the


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• However, SomeClass now is responsible of getting hold of the dependency

on the code that constructs Greeter.

• To manage the responsibility of dependency creation, each Angular application has an injector. The injector is a service locator that is responsible for construction and lookup of dependencies.

DI in a Nutshell


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DI in a Nutshell

• Why the parameters order is not important? .toString()

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• The declarative process is easier to understand

• Packaging code as reusable modules

• The order of loading modules is not important or even parallel

• Unit testing

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Other functions

• Lazy script loading

• Validation

• History

• jasmine unit test

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