Strategies for coping with device fragmentation

Android testing

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This presentation was presented in Android Only! 2011 conference on June 14th. With more than 300 different Android devices out on 6 different platform versions, application developers are facing a real nightmare when trying validate that their applications really work on their customers' devices. While fragmentation is a new thing in Android platform, it is not new in software industry and there are several ways to deal with device fragmentation from testing point of view.This presentation discusses most common approaches to tackle fragmentation from application developer's point of view and explains why testing for device compatibility is a must for any serious Android application developer.

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Strategies for coping with device fragmentation

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About Bitbar

A technology company specialized in creating tools and environments for Android testing

Products: Testdroid Recorder and Testdroid Server

Experience ranging from hosting the build and test process of the whole Android stack to creating custom application testing device clusters

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What problem are we solving?

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Why is it important?

There seems to be more bugs than before


Hung phone, drains power


Real junk, although installed

would not run

Doesn’t work half of the time – HTC


Never able to log in! Uninstalling…

Galaxy S

Does not work on Motorola Zoom

I cannot get this program to


Could not connect using my


Xperia X10 - Widget doesn’t

update and crashes all the


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Approaches for managing this problem

1. Do nothing

3. Outsource your manual testing to low cost countries

2. Test manually every time you publish a new version

4. Automate your tests and run those on real hardware every time the code is changed

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Frameworks for automated Android testing

Monkeyrunner – Jython based test scripting tool

Roboelectric – Unit testing for Android applications

Robotium – It’s like Selenium but for Android

Cucumber – scenario based testing implemented in Ruby

Monkey – a random UI exerciser tool

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Monkey A UI/Application exerciser monkey for creating stream of random user events such as clicks, touches, gestures and some system level events

$ adb shell monkey -p your.package.name -v 500

Useful way to stress test your application to find non-obvious usage patterns and corner cases

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Monkeyrunner An API toolkit for writing programs that control an Android device or emulator from outside of Android code

# Runs the componentdevice.startActivity(component=runComponent)

# Presses the Menu buttondevice.press('KEYCODE_MENU','DOWN_AND_UP')

# Takes a screenshotresult = device.takeSnapshot()

# Writes the screenshot to a fileresult.writeToFile('myproject/shot1.png','png')

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Robotium Powerful and robust automatic black-box test cases for Android applications

Function, system and acceptance test scenarios spanning multiple Android activities

@Smokepublic void AddNewHudson() throws Exception {

solo.clickOnText("Configuration");solo.enterText(0, "hudson:8080");solo.enterText(1, "hudson");solo.clickOnImageButton(0);boolean expected = true;boolean actual = solo.searchText("(http://hudson:8080)"); assertEquals("Can't add new Hudson Instance", expected, actual);


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Roboelectricpublic class MyActivityTest { private Activity activity; private Button pressMeButton; private TextView results;

@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { activity = new MyActivity(); activity.onCreate(null); pressMeButton = (Button) activity.findViewById(R.id.press_me_button); results = (TextView) activity.findViewById(R.id.results_text_view); }

@Test public void shouldUpdateResultsWhenButtonIsClicked() throws Exception { pressMeButton.performClick(); String resultsText = results.getText().toString(); assertThat(resultsText, equalTo("Testing Android Rocks!")); }}

Running unit tests on virtual machine – instead of running the tests on emulator or real device

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Given My ”TestExample" app is running And I wait for "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" to appear Then take picture Then I press the menu key Then take picture And I select ”Options" from the menu Then take picture And I wait for "Enter text into input field" to appear And I select "Enter text into input field"

And I wait for "Save new configuration" to appear Then take picture

Scenario based testing implemented in Ruby

Use cases are described in natural language where keywords are mapped to Android activities

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Running tests on Android InstrumentationTestRunner – the primary plumbing for running tests on Android

Android Debug Bridge (ADB) – connects the devices and manages all debug information flow

Asserts – rich validation capabilities enabled by JUnit. Helps validating test results, system outputs or practically anything. Mock objects – methods for creating mock system objects such as content, service and intent.

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1. Test only on real devices

3. Choose different form factors: Side sliders, tablets, small resolutions , large resolutions

2. Select at least one phone with each major Android release

4. Integrate test execution to your development process – catch failures early in development and notice regressions immediately

Testing for device compliancy

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Some best practices

1. Application developers should create the test cases at the same time when they are writing the code

3. Use Continuous Integration and run the tests every time the code is changed

2. All test cases should be stored in version control – together with the source code

4. Avoid using emulators and rooted devices

5. Publish the test results to whole organization – real time

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Typical failures

1. Application installation fails

3. Scaling/Layout problems

2. Application crashes during execution

4. Application hangs if some resource is not available

5. Problems in landscape/portrait mode

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Our solution for multi device testing

Testdroid RecorderAn Eclipse plugin that automates the manual tasks of writing tests for Android applications

Testdroid ServerA server software that manages all aspects of automatically running tests on multiple Android devices simultaneously.

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Demo (Video)

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Thank you!