Amazingness Around Us Blog Created By: Edgar Kwong Date: July 24, 2011 URL: http://amazingnessaroundus.blogs pot.com/

Amazingness around us blog

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Amazingness Around Us Blog

Created By: Edgar Kwong

Date: July 24, 2011

URL: http://amazingnessaroundus.blogspot.com/

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Business Review



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In the graph it shows there is heavy traffic of 20million visitors to google worldwide


The graph above shows the breakdown of the top 10 countries for visitors. Canada ranked 4th

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Provided by Bensimon Bryne

The graph above shows the growth periods which look to be the most in the months of April & July, while June is a month to avoid to grow a business

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The blog was created to spread current news and issues that are positive in nature and it is in the form of discoveries, cures and assisting in all types of topics.

The blog’s persona is “A Hippie.” carefree, positive and full of enegy.

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Blog Post Titles1. Facebook Saving a Life

2. A Simple Test to Help Reduce Hearing Loss

3. Shark Fin Ban in Toronto

4. Seniors Cleaning Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

5. Amazing births in Rwanda

6. Quick Shot away from Allergy Symptoms

7. Re-discovery of a Rat

8. Green Jobs Galore in Smokey California

9. The Man Who is Awesome?!

10. Imagination to Reality

• There were changes made to the Blog every week, and posts were usually added once a week.

• Each post has a link referring to the original material and for more information.

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To increase traffic to the blog, broadcasted on the Facebook page.

Twitter was another useful tool to spreading to the world and masses to whoever is interested.

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Overview – Google Analytics

In the graph above the traffic increased as more blogs were added weekly.

My blog was viewed 133 times

There were 10 unique visitors from 5 different countries

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For Website Grader was 36.

While the Tweet Grader was 25 for 2011GoodNews.

The Blog grader had Amazingness Around Us at 48.

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Business Review

Shortcuts such as buttons on the blog helped make it easy for tweeters and facebook members to like, comment and link to the blog.

The blog contained useful stats and information to narrow down the target market profile of the blog.

Links for each blog post assisted visitors to search for more information.

Pictures helped catch visitors interest and add some interest aspect to each blog.

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The blog needs to be improved by adding music, animations and video links to the sources.

Advancing the learning of how Google Analyics and Adwords works by taking courses and reading more about the subject.

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The blog is an interesting one that can be further used for a business with the proper adjustments made on it.

Marketing tools learnt throughout course will have be maximize and things have to be adjusted to appeal to the target market for Amazingness Around Us to generate more comments and traffic.