Alstom – February 2017 1/7 Press Kit Contents P1/ Metro, a growing market P2/ Alstom: one of the largest metro suppliers in the world P5/ Alstom, world leader in metro integrated solutions P6/ Riyadh metro: a showcase of Alstom expertise Alstom, cities preferred partner for metro solutions By 2050, about 70% of the world’s population is projected to be urban from over 50% today and, by 2030, 104 cities are expected to count more than 5 million inhabitants 1 . UNIFE 2 , the European Rail Industry association, reported that the urban rail market will rise by 3.5% per year from 2013-2015 period to 2019- 2021, as a consequence of higher urbanization, in both mature and emerging countries. While cities in mature countries are expanding their public transport networks or replacing old fleets, cities in emerging countries are seeking to create new lines. On both sides, the development and expansion require innovative mobility solutions capable to increase urban mobility and reduce traffic congestion, whilst contributing towards protecting the environment and improving quality of life in the cities. It appears that one of the most pertinent urban mobility solutions and key drivers for economic growth and improved quality of life for citizens is the metro. I. Metro, a growing market Fast, cost-effective, reliable, and environmental friendly, metro is a solution to carry, discreetly - as most of the metro lines are underground - millions of commuters per day. During the past century, metro systems have been key to the success of many major world cities. Since the first metro in 1860’s in London, nearly 190 cities are now equipped with a metro network. As a matter of fact, the world counts today more than 12,200 km of tracks 3 and over 150 million city dwellers are commuting every day via metro. The metro market will continue to grow for the years to come as a result of high urbanization. The 2016 UNIFE world market study reports that the average annual accessible market for metro trains is estimated at €7 billion for the period 2019 to 2021, from €5.4 billion during the 2013-2015 period, which represents an increase of 4.5%. This growth is pulled by emerging markets as well as mature markets. In emerging markets like Asia and Middle-East & Africa, urbanization is galloping. Nearly 90% of the increase is concentrated in Asia and Africa. Among cities in emerging markets that plan on opening new metro lines are: Istanbul (Turkey), Mecca, Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), Kuwait-city, Bahrain, Bogota (Colombia), Lima (Peru), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Bangkok (Thailand), Lucknow, Noida, Nagpur and Ahmedabad (India), and cities in China where about 150 of them count more than one million residents. 1 Source : United Nations. World urbanisation prospects 2014 2 UITP: Union des Industries Ferroviaires Européennes (Association of the European Rail Industry)

Alstom, cities preferred partner for metro solutions

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Page 1: Alstom, cities preferred partner for metro solutions

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Press Kit


P1/ Metro, a growing market

P2/ Alstom: one of the largest metro suppliers in the world

P5/ Alstom, world leader in metro integrated solutions

P6/ Riyadh metro: a showcase of Alstom expertise

Alstom, cities preferred partner for metro solutions

By 2050, about 70% of the world’s population is projected to be urban from over 50% today and, by 2030,

104 cities are expected to count more than 5 million inhabitants1. UNIFE2, the European Rail Industry

association, reported that the urban rail market will rise by 3.5% per year from 2013-2015 period to 2019-

2021, as a consequence of higher urbanization, in both mature and emerging countries. While cities in

mature countries are expanding their public transport networks or replacing old fleets, cities in emerging

countries are seeking to create new lines. On both sides, the development and expansion require

innovative mobility solutions capable to increase urban mobility and reduce traffic congestion, whilst

contributing towards protecting the environment and improving quality of life in the cities. It appears that

one of the most pertinent urban mobility solutions and key drivers for economic growth and improved

quality of life for citizens is the metro.

I. Metro, a growing market

Fast, cost-effective, reliable, and environmental friendly, metro is a solution to carry, discreetly - as most

of the metro lines are underground - millions of commuters per day.

During the past century, metro systems have been key to the success of many major world cities. Since the

first metro in 1860’s in London, nearly 190 cities are now equipped with a metro network. As a matter of

fact, the world counts today more than 12,200 km of tracks3 and over 150 million city dwellers are

commuting every day via metro.

The metro market will continue to grow for the years to come as a result of high urbanization. The 2016

UNIFE world market study reports that the average annual accessible market for metro trains is estimated

at €7 billion for the period 2019 to 2021, from €5.4 billion during the 2013-2015 period, which represents

an increase of 4.5%. This growth is pulled by emerging markets as well as mature markets.

In emerging markets like Asia and Middle-East & Africa, urbanization is galloping. Nearly 90% of the

increase is concentrated in Asia and Africa. Among cities in emerging markets that plan on opening new

metro lines are: Istanbul (Turkey), Mecca, Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), Kuwait-city, Bahrain, Bogota

(Colombia), Lima (Peru), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Bangkok (Thailand), Lucknow, Noida, Nagpur and

Ahmedabad (India), and cities in China where about 150 of them count more than one million residents.

1 Source : United Nations. World urbanisation prospects 2014 2 UITP: Union des Industries Ferroviaires Européennes (Association of the European Rail Industry)

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In mature markets, as the fleet is aging, urbanization is growing resulting in capacity issues, cities and

metro operators are ordering new metro trainsets. This is the case in Europe and North America. Among

the cities are: London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, New York. In Paris, for example, the project Grand Paris will

see the expansion of the metro network from 200 km to 400 km by 2022. In London, London Underground

LTD, will renew the entire fleets of the Piccadilly, Central, Bakerloo and Waterloo lines, representing

approximately 2,500 cars with deliveries spread over 15 years, starting in 2022.

A key trend being observed in the metro market is that new metro lines tend to be automated. This type

of operation is also known as Unattended Train Operation (UTO) as opposed to Attended Train Operation

(ATO). According to UITP3, the international organization for public transport authorities and operators,

since the implementation of the first fully automated metro line, some 40 years ago, the growth rate for

automation has accelerated exponentially every decade. The current forecasts estimate the total length of

automated metro lines to over 2,200 km by 2025, from 789 km in 20164. Reasons for the growth is that

automation brings many operation advantages, in particular, increased sa fety and flexibility in operation,

reliability, and headways reduction. The solution behind this is Communication Based Train Control (CBTC)

(detailed in page 4).

Another key trend observed in the metro market is that more and more cities and public transport

authorities are interested in the turnkey approach which allows them to delegate to one manufacturer all

the technical phases of a project, from studies to entry into service, to secure financing, cost optimization

and faster delivery of the project. According to UNIFE, in the 2017-2019 period, about 40% of the urban

rail projects will be integrated mobility systems and this is even more true in the emerging markets.

The two main regions with the highest number of integrated urban rail projects are Middle East & Africa

and Latin America with a ratio of about 80%. In 2013, the city of Riyadh, in KSA, has launched one of the

largest turnkey metro projects ever launched in the world (project is detailed page 4).

To address the urban market needs and respond to the mobility challenges, Alstom is the cities preferred

partner for metro solutions as it has one of the most complete range of metro solution and offers the

guarantee to deliver on time a metro solution that is long proven, at an optimised cost, that is also

comfortable, high-capacity and environmental-friendly.

II. Alstom, one of the largest metro suppliers in the world

Alstom, which has more than 65 years long history in the metro market, counts more than 55 customers

worldwide. More than 17,000 metro cars in circulation in the world today5 are made by Alstom. In fact,

20% of the 150 million people taking the metro every day are commuting aboard a metro made by


As each metro network is different, the level of complexity and requirements are not the same whether the

metro is operated on existing infrastructure by a mature transit operator or on new infrastructure by a new

operator. Alstom’s metro range includes two types of metro: Metropolis, a standard metro solution for

3 Union Internationale des Transports Publics 4 Source UITP 5 out of roughly 85,000

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existing and new infrastructure and tailor-made metro mainly for existing infrastructure to address

operator/city’s specific needs.

- Metropolis

From stainless steel to aluminum, from two cars to six, from 400 passengers to more than 2,000

passengers per metro trainset, with or without driver, from 2.7 meters wide to 3.2 meters, with

longitudinal, transversal or mixed seating arrangement, from a track gauge of 1,435 to 1,600, Metropolis

can adapt to each operator’s needs. Launched in 1998 Metropolis can also have a different design,

externally and internally, thanks to a team of designers for which the mission is to accompany the

operators and cities alike to choose the right design, configurations, shape, and interior arrangements.

Metropolis is designed to enhance passenger’s experience and encourage citizens to prefer this mode of

transport over road transport. Metropolis features wide doors, large gangways, dedicated areas for people

with reduced mobility, dynamic route map, large LCD screens, full LED lighting, among other things.

Alstom has internally a team dedicated to passenger experience in order to offer optimized solutions to its

clients and instill an in-house passenger experience culture. Alstom is presently investing in making

Metropolis even more attractable and more comfortable in order to address more than just commuting

needs. The key areas for innovation are connectivity onboard the trains, advanced passenger information

systems and passenger well-being

Metropolis’s lifecycle costs are reduced and is environmentally-friendly.

To minimize the energy consumption, the metro train is equipped with advanced traction systems,

auxiliary converters, HVAC6 regulation which is based on passenger load and full electrical braking solution

maximizing braking energy recovery. Moreover, the metro is made in such a way that maintenance

activities are simplified and intervals are extended. For example, HVAC filters can be changed from the

inside of the car, by only one person, whereas in previous version, it was done from the roof. To optimize

the costs, Metropolis is also fitted with real-time monitoring solution, with the capability to transmit data

in real-time to the control or maintenance center for analysis. This solution is called TrainTracer.

Furthermore, to minimize operating costs and improve the availability, safety

and fluidity of the metro system, Alstom has developed a solution called Urbalis,

a CBTC solution, as part of its signaling portfolio. Urbalis controls the movement

of trains, allowing more of them to run on the line at higher frequencies and

speeds in total safety, with or without drivers. CBTC uses the

telecommunications between the train and track management and infrastructure control. The exact

position of a train can be known more accurately, for and improving safety. The first Alstom CBTC solution

was deployed in 2003 for the metro of Singapore. Since then, Alstom has been chosen by 40 cities all

around the world to equip around 80 metro lines, more than 2,000 kilometers of lines and more than

2,000 trains with its solution Urbalis. Out of the total, 37 lines are already in operation and around 25% of

all radio CBTC track kilometers in the world operate using Urbalis CBTC.

6 Heating, ventilation and refrigerated ventilation

Automated Metro of Lausanne

equipped with Urbalis

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Constant efforts are being made by Alstom to improve recyclability at end-of-life on all Alstom’s trains,

which is also the case for Metropolis. Progress made in this area has enabled Alstom to design trains that

are up to 96% recyclable (c.f. 87% ten years ago) thanks to the use of easy recyclable materials such as

metals and thermoplastics. Morever, there is a special care on the dismantling, avoiding the mix of “non-

compatible” materials. Metropolis is also 98 % recoverable (c.f. 93% ten years ago) thanks to a strict

hazardous substances limitation strategy (water soluble paints, CrVI 7 free mechanical components,

phthalate free plastics…),

Furthermore, Alstom is constantly reducing the weight of its trains. Alstom has developed very compact

static converter using Sic technologies reducing the weight about a third compared to conventional IGBT

design. At carbody level, including interior arrangement, a 2 % weight saving was achieved compare to the

previous train generation.

- Tailor-made metro

The tailor made solutions address metro networks have their own

infrastructures constraints inheritated from the past, such as specific tunnel

gauge, platform dimensions, power supply systems or curve radius. Tailor

made solutions also address customers specific requirements that need

customized products and technologies that are not widely available, such as

specific train architecture, traction system, or bogies 8 . Alstom has the

expertise to address those specific needs and has been delivering tailor made metro to major networks like

New York, Paris, London, and Montreal for more than six decades. The metros are successfully carrying

thousands of commuters every day.

For this metro, the specificities related to the design, enhanced passenger’s experience, lifecycle costs,

energy consumption, recyclability are also applied.

Among the tailor made solutions proposed by Alstom are tyre-wheel metros for which Alstom has been

the world leader for more than 65 years. Alstom which innovates constantly has developed for RATP, a

new generation of tyre wheel metro for Paris network: MP14 (Described page 5).

- Main metro recent references

Lucknow, capital of Uttar

Pradesh in India, awarded

Alstom a contract9 to supply 20

Metropolis stainless steel trainsets composed of

four cars each, along with the CBTC solution. The

train is 88 meter-long, has four doors per car and

In Sydney, Australia10, Alstom

has been awarded a contract11

to provide the city 22 fully-

automated Metropolis stainless steel trainsets

and the CBTC signaling system. Each set is

composed of six cars. The trains will include 3

7 Chrome 6

8 Units that support the metro cars and supply the acceleration, braking, guidance and suspension of the trains 9 in September 2015

10 as part of the North West Rail Link 11

In September 2014

Tailor made metro for London

(Jubilee and Northern lines)

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is able to carry up to 1,310 passengers. Metropolis

for Lucknow offers 186 seats in longitudinal

configuration. Each car will be fitted with air

conditioning and a passenger information system

for a high level of passenger comfort. Screens

displaying useful travel information have been

placed in convenient locations inside the metro,

visible to all. The design is a tribute to the city’s

cultural richness.

double-doors per car for improved access and

passenger flows. They will also have the highest

levels of customer safety including constant CCTV

monitoring, emergency intercoms and the latest

way-finding aids for customer information and

real time travel information. The train features

heating and air-conditioning, large windows,

ambient LED lighting, areas for strollers, luggage,

bicycles, Low noise level, no internal doors.

In Paris, France, Alstom has been entrusted by RATP, a contract1 to supply up to

217 rubber-tyred metro trainsets (tailor made metro) called MP14, to serve Paris

network1. The metro, which will be automated, will be supplied in sets of 5, 6, or 8

cars. An 8 car-train, for example, carries up to 932 passengers. MP14 features

ergonomic seating, LED lighting, easy access to information for passengers, light

indication for door closing, air-conditioning. Two high-definition cameras per car

allow recording and real-time protection from the control centre. The train will use

20% less energy compare to the previous version thanks to enhanced motors, full

electrical braking, lower maintenance costs.

Alstom is a leader in the supply of metro and signaling solution but not only. From metro trainset, to

infrastructure, to signalling as well as services (which include maintenance and modernization services),

Alstom manages the widest range of solutions in the market and is the world leader in the supply of

integrated urban mobility systems with 18 integrated metro projects awarded in over a decade.

III. Alstom: world leader in metro integrated solutions

More and more cities are taking an interest in the integrated approach which allows public transport

authorities and infrastructure owners to completely delegate all the technical phases of a project, from

studies to entry into service, and sometimes beyond.

To address the urban market needs and respond to the mobility challenges, Alstom urban integrated

solutions are the most appropriate answer to guarantee optimised costs, short delivery times and an

optimum level of performance throughout the system.

Alstom masters all the stages in installing a metro system, from the design to the complete validation of

the system. This includes the manufacturing and maintaining the metro, building the infrastructure and

maintaining the entire system. The company is able to provide separate or grouped services or offer a

integrated solution, aiming to supply each customer with a metro system that is operational immediately.

Alstom - which innovates constantly - has launched Axonis, an integrated metro system that is up and

running in only 3 years. This solution combines Alstom’s state-of-the-art metro subsystems, designed for

cities with high population density not yet equipped with metro systems or seeking to extend their current

networks or cities with underground areas that are difficult to access. Axonis is an elevated metro system

able to carry from 10,000 to 45,000 passengers per hour per

direction, which runs mainly on viaducts, but can also run at ground


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level and underground. It is a non-proprietary system, allowing cities to increase their fleets and develop

line extensions through a competitive bidding process. Once the viaduct is elevated, railway tracks are

installed using Alstom’s Appitrack, which reduces the impact of infrastructure construction works, limiting

noise, dust and waste. Energy consumption is limited as it is equipped with steel wheels, 100% motorized

bogies and Hesop. The combination of these three elements reduces the traction energy required by up to

40% compared with metro trains running on rubber tyres.

Among the 18 integrated metro projects are: Singapore, Panama, Dubai or Riyadh.

IV. Riyadh metro: a showcase of Alstom’s expertise

Riyadh’s population is booming and is expected to expand from 6.5 million

today to 8.3 million by 2030. With 90% of trips in the city currently being

made by car, traffic congestion and pollution are having a massive impact on

both business efficiency and quality of life for Riyadh’s citizens. The High

Commission for the Development of Arriyadh has thus launched an important

project through its executive arm to launch a six-line metro-project and a 24-

line bus network. This is the world largest urban transport project.

The metro network would be 176 km-long and include 85 stations. The entire

network will eventually be able to handle about 1.60 million passengers per

day at the beginning to be increased to 3.6 in the future. It will revolutionize how residents of Riyadh get

around. In 2013, ADA has selected and awarded three international consortia: FAST, BACS and ANM, for

the six-line project. The FAST consortium led by FCC Construction, includes Alstom12 for the supply of an integrated metro

solution for lines 4, 5 and 6 (or Yellow, Green, and Purple lines) totaling 64.5 km. This includes 29

stations, 33 km of viaduct. The value of the project awarded to FAST is €6 billion of which Alstom’s share

represents more than €1.2 billion.

Alstom is supplying 69 Metropolis aluminum automated 2-cars trainsets, a

world-class metro which are 36 meter-long. The metro will be able to

accommodate up to 231 passengers. Each train features three classes:

first, family and single class separated by a glass partition. The trains

will offer passengers a high level of comfort, ergonomic seating, LED

lightning and advanced passenger information systems. The interior and exterior aesthetical

design has been developed as per ADA’s specific requirements.

The exterior car body features painted stripes that indicate the color of the line the metro trainset

will circulate on. The metro trains are 100% motorized, allowing them to run on gradients of up to

a 6% slope. The trains are designed to run on standard-gauge track at a top speed of 90 km/h.

The trains have been designed with the region's climate in mind. One such feature is a more

12 As well as Samsung C&T, Strukton and Freysinnet

Metro map

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powerful air conditioning system, capable of delivering sufficient cooling capacity even in extreme

heat. In addition, the bogies, traction drive, brakes and doors have been fitted with special

elements in order to prevent the ingress of sand.

Alstom also supplies Urbalis signaling for automatic train control and headways that

comprise between 90 seconds to 110 seconds, power supply and the Hesop energy

recovery system. Hesop substations reinforce the benefits of the 100% motorized

bogies with the recovery of braking energy and its reinjection in the metro electrical

network, optimizing thus energy consumption and preventing additional warming of

tunnels. Alstom also supplies the tracks with Appitrack, a mechanized solution which

allows to install tracks three to four times faster than with traditional methods.

Appitrack enables to limit disturbance caused in road traffic as well as noise, dust and waste. Moreover,

this technology allows for reduced logistics and CO2 emissions.

To guarantee a successful implementation of such a massive project, a coordination and close cooperation

with ADA, are essential to ensure the project is executed smoothly. Meanwhile, there is a strong team

commitment from Alstom and FAST to deliver the system on time while ADA is making sure to lead the

work of all the consortia given the high complexity of such a big project and its integration in the city.

The 6-line metro network project has created over 43,000 jobs in engineering and construction work.

Additionally the consortia are also responsible for training Saudi graduates in a range of technical and

management skills. The aim of this program is to equip the Kingdom with people who have the necessary

skills, not only to support the operation and maintenance of the public transport system, but also to be

able to plan and manage other major projects in the future.

Alstom has already achieved a number of key milestones on time with a

number of material Factory Acceptance Tests performed successfully. As a

matter of fact, the first metro trainset has left Katowice factory in Poland on

10 January, 2017. Presently, three trainsets are being tested and another

eight metro trainsets are currently in the production phase. Undoubtedly,

Alstom has set to meet its deadline and deliver all of the metro trainsets along

with the infrastructure by end 2018.


Alstom press contact

Linda Huguet

Tel. + 33 1 57 06 10 42

[email protected]