Gray whales Migration • Talal Alammar. • Grayson tells how the baby Gray whales connected with their moms http://www.dickrussell.org/graywhale/images/ gray_whale35.gif

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Page 1: Alammar practice pp

Gray whales Migration • Talal Alammar.• Grayson tells how the baby Gray whales

connected with their moms


Page 2: Alammar practice pp

Gray whales Migration

• Grayson tells about how the gray whales are friendly .


Page 3: Alammar practice pp

Gray whales Migration

Grayson tells about the gray whales eating


Page 4: Alammar practice pp

Gray whales Migration

• Grayson tells about how dangerous it is for baby whales during their migration.


Page 5: Alammar practice pp

Gray whales Migration

• Grayson shows from where did the gray whales started and end their migration.
