Adlina ariffin 1071114993

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TITLE: The Cyber Slave

BACKGROUND: Social network is also a theoretical construct useful in

the social sciences to study relationships between individuals,

groups, organizations, or even entire societies (social units, see

differentiation). A social network site is a recent phenomenon born

out of the Internet that allows individuals to create a personal profile

or identity, and connect with friends and strangers alike almost

anywhere in the world.

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PROBLEMS IDENTIFICATION: Can the audience understand what the

sculpture is trying to tell them?

AIM & OBJECTIVE: To show to people, what urbanism have done to

us right now. It may have the good side, but the bad side such as

relationship between human, is getting worse.

MOTIVATION: The target audience for this project is for all ages.

IDEA & CONCEPT: An icon made of sculpture of people with a

computer as the "head" representing the people nowadays that

can't live without the internet, the social networking. Few

Mannequins with his head that can be open like a "box". Inside the

head, there's an image where user can see. Each mannequins

wearing different kind of "social media" design shirt/designed with

different kind of "social media" tattoos on it's body. A sound will also

appear when the user open the head, such as the "ping" sounds

that been used for im chat in facebook. The picture itself portrait the

human behavior towards addicted to the social media.

DESIGN APPROACH: Sculpture, Lighting, etc.

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A common misuse of social networking sites such as Facebook is

that it is occasionally used to emotionally abuse individuals. Trolling

can occur in many different forms, such as (but not limited to)

defacement of deceased person(s) tribute pages, name calling,

playing online pranks on volatile individuals and controversial

comments with the intention to cause anger and cause arguments.

#Online bullying

Online bullying, also called cyber-bullying, is a relatively common

occurrence and it can often result in emotional trauma for the

victim. Depending on the networking outlet, up to 39% of users

admit to being “cyber-bullied”. Individuals are given the power to

post offensive remarks or pictures that could potentially cause a

great amount of emotional pain for another individual.

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Ways to Tell If You’re Addicted to Social Media

• Checked Facebook first thing in the morning, before you shower

or have your morning coffee?

• Turned your computer monitor around so co-workers can’t see

how much time you spend checking your personal Facebook,

Digg and Twitter accounts at work?

• Woke up in the middle of the night and checked Twitter to see if

you’ve been mentioned?

• Felt like something is missing when you go on vacation and can’t

check social media accounts?

• Spent more time interacting with people on social sites than in


• Filled up your friends’ Facebook walls with your own posts?

• Losing track of time due to sending unremitting time on social

networking sites, and this is seen in the daily routine?

• Avoiding having meals with family and friends, instead having

them in front of the computer, while logged in on social

networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and so on?

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• Cutting down on healthy food and rest time for getting more

time on social networking sites?

• Ignoring the hobbies and leisure activities that used to give

pleasure before getting so much obsessed with the social

networking sites?

• Indifferent and ill-mannered towards parents and others when

they try to talk to you while you are busy (not really) with the

online social networking activities?

• Leaving homework or office work undone due to spending more

time on chatting and updating on social sites, and being guilt

free and regret less about such a behaviour?

• Spending good money in paid cyber zones when one’s personal

computer does not seem to work, even if it just for a few hours?

• Unbothered about getting fired from a job or institute and using

the un-allowed sites for a long time, between work?

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Explore the six cycles within the human


Five different topics separately or a

conglomeration of them all together

(Respiration, Blood Circulation, Digestive

Circuit, Control Center, Metabolism, The

Industrial Palace).

For thousands of years, human beings have

used metaphors as ways of understanding

the body. We talk about our ‘ear drums’, or

our ‘mind⠙s eye’. When we are in love we say

our hearts are ‘bursting’ or ‘broken’. When

we are nervous we say we have ‘butterflies in

our stomach’. When we are impatient we

have ‘itchy feet’. These familiar images help

to explain the unfamiliar and to comprehend

the complexity of our bodies.

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Social media has become a trend that almost everyone

participates in. But how easy is it to get sucked into social media to

the point where you are actually addicted? Probably easier than

you would think.

For centuries, some people have been addicted to alcohol and

cigarettes. But, studies show that it is actually easier to become

addicted to social media than to the cigarettes and alcohol. There

are studies about social media addiction in people between the

ages of 18 and 85. The people are more likely to give in to their

social media craving than any other craving they might have.

The study involved polling 10,558 Blackberry users seven times per

day for 14 hours every day. They also had to state whether or not

they gave into their desire and how strong the desire was on a scale

of mild to irresistible. Over 7,000 desires were reported and of all the

desires people had, the desire to use social media was the one that

people failed to resist.

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Grant Chart

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Technical Diagram (Floorplan)

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Multimedia Application Storyboard

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Mannequins sculpture

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