ACTIVITY 7 TEACHING ONLINE Day Six: Assignments and Course Reports

Activity 7 Day Six

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  • 1. ACTIVITY 7TEACHING ONLINEDay Six: Assignments and CourseReports

2. AGENDA: DAY SIXCreating AssignmentsGrading AssignmentsDownloading AssignmentsHandling Multiple SubmissionsCourse ReportsEarly Warning System 3. To Create an Assignment . . . In a Learning Module, Folder, or Content page, click on the blue Create Assessment button and then choose Assignment from the drop down menu. 4. Fill in the name of the Assignment and use the Instructionarea to provide more detail about the Assignment.You can also attach a file to the Assignment if necessary.*Note the name of the Assignment will appear in the GradeCenter. 5. After you have typed (or copied and pasted) the Assignmentinstructions into the Instruction box, assign a point value to theAssignment in the Grading box. You then will scroll down the page to see a number of Assignment delivery and format options available. Note that you can give students more than one attempt. The Limit Availability option will cause the Assignment to disappear from the student view once the Display Until daet has passed. 6. If you want to accept late papers, you can set the DisplayUntil date later than the due date and then use the DueDate option to mark papers submited after the due date aslate.You may also control who can see theassignment. If, for instance, you assign differenttopics to different groups, you can choose todeliver the Assignment only to a particular group. 7. To Retrieve an Assignment from GradeCenter . . .The submitted but ungraded Once your students haveassignments will appear in submitted their Assignments, green with an exclamation the assignments will appear in mark on them. Grade Center and can be downloaded from there. 8. There is also anoption in GradeCenter to view onlythose items that needgrading. Note that in this version of Grade Center, you can sort by a number of criteria. 9. A new screen will load in which you can view the students submission. You can also assignIn Full grade Center Mode, to grade points, insert comments to theindividual students submissions, student, type instructor notesclick on the green exclamation point (only visible to the instructor)to see the options for viewing the and reattach files.submission or entering a grade. 10. To do a mass download of studentsubmissions . . .Go to Grade Center andput your cursor on theheading for theAssignment you wish todownload. Then selectAssignment FileDownload. A new box will appear. Select the files you wish to download. 11. A new screen will appear likethe one to the right. Click on the blue hyperlink todownload the assignment.You will then be prompted to save the file to your computer. Theywill be saved in one folder, compressed in a zip file.Once the file is downloaded, navigate to the folder where yousaved the file and double click on the zipped file. WinZip willlaunch and you will see a list of files in the zip file. Click Extractand then navigate to the folder that you created for yourstudents work.Note: For each paper there will be 2 files. The .txt file will anycomments that the student submitted along with the paper. The.doc or other file will be the document itself. Note that theStudent login and assignment name is appended to alldocuments. 12. Multiple submissions Perhaps due to a design flaw, comments and grades only count if entered for the first submission of any assignment. You can still see and assess subsequent submissions, but when entering a grade, beA new box will appear. Select sure that you enter isthe files you wish to download. under the first submission 13. Safe AssignCreate a SafeAssignmentSafeAssignments are separate from Assignments. You cannot makean existing Assignment into a SafeAssignment. Like regularAssignments, however, SafeAssignments are integrated into theGrade Center.In a content area, select Create Assessment and then chooseSafeAssignment from the drop down menu. 14. Safe Assign FieldsFIELDDESCRIPT IO N TitleType a title for the SafeAssignment. Points PossibleType the points possible for the SafeAssignment. This valuewill be shared with the Grade Center Item created for the SafeAssignment. Text Type instructions for completing the SafeAssignment. AvailableSelect whether or not the SafeAssignment should be visible toStudents. Availability Dates Use these controls to set the date range when Students caninteract with the SafeAssignment. It is possible to set only aStart date or only an End date. Drafts Allows Students to validate their paper without submitting it tothe institutional database. Useful as an instructive tool to helpStudents learn how to attribute papers properly. Students ViewableDetermines whether or not Students can see the reportgenerated when their papers are submitted. Urgent CheckingSets papers to a high priority in the queue. Optional Announcement Create Select Yes to create an Announcement about theSafeAssignment. SubjectType a subject for the Announcement. MessageType a message for the Announcement. 15. Safe AssignCreate a SafeAssignmentGive the SafeAssignment a name, add instructions, point value, anddate range. If you want to allow students to submit a draft and seetheir SA score, select the Draft and Student Viewable boxes. 16. Safe AssignSafeAssignments appear in theGrade Center just ike regularAssignments.When you open theSafeAssignment, you can clickon the green icon listed under SAreport. 17. Course ReportsA variety of reports on studentactivity in various sections of thecourse are available in theCourse Management area.Access Course Reports in theControl Panel.Although these reports cannottell you everything a student didonline, they can allow you toverify that a student has beenactively engaged in the course. 18. Course ReportsThe reports provide data onstudent activity in Content areas,Discussion Forums, Groupsactivities as well as acomprehensive report of studentactivity in every area of thecourse (like assessments!).To run a Course Report, click onYou can choose a date range forthe arrow to the right of the title the report (say the period a testand then click Run. was available) and a studentsname. The report will begenerated as a pdf file unlessyou select another format. 19. Early Warning SystemThe Early Warning Systemwill send alerts to you aboutstudents who are fallingbehind in class.You can create Rules that findstudents by looking for specificwarning signs: low grades, failureto logon regularly, or late papers 20. AFTERNOON AGENDA Create an Assignment Create a Safe Assignment Run a Course Report Set up an Early Warning Systemnotification Enter a Blog post in the Activity 7 Blog