Introduction to Accelerometers and OpenGL ES on the iPhone Jon Liang Mobility Lead – Mobclix http://www.mobclix.com Jeff LaMarche Author - Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/

Accelerometer and OpenGL

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Jon liang stepped in to pinch hit on two sessions that the presenters had to miss. OpenGL and Acceleromter. Hit it out of the park. Non Game App Dev Track. 360|iDev San Jose 09

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Page 1: Accelerometer and OpenGL

Introduction to Accelerometers and OpenGL ES on the iPhone

● Jon Liang● Mobility Lead – Mobclix● http://www.mobclix.com

● Jeff LaMarche ● Author - Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring

the iPhone SDK● http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/

Page 2: Accelerometer and OpenGL

Introduction to Accelerometers and OpenGL ES on the iPhone

● OpenGL ES● Accelerometer● More OpenGL

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OpenGL ES 1.1 - Open Graphics Library for Embedded Systems

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OpenGL (continued)

● Platform independent● Input

● Points, Lines, Polygons● Transforms● Textures● Transparency● Lighting

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OpenGL Pipeline

Source: Apple

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Code: Hello World

Page 8: Accelerometer and OpenGL

Quartz 2D vs. OpenGL for 2D

● Quartz 2D● Higher Level API

– Compatible with CoreAnimation

– Easier to Display Text● Inverted y-axis

● OpenGL● Low Level API

– More Control– Less Overhead

● 3D

Source: Apple

Page 9: Accelerometer and OpenGL

iPhone Limitations

● 24 MB of Memory for textures and surfaces.● The maximum texture size is 1024 x 1024.● 2D texture targets are supported; other texture

targets are not.● Stencil buffers aren’t available.● More Info:

– http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/GraphicsandDrawing/chapter_6_section_5.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH10-SW18

Page 10: Accelerometer and OpenGL

Open GL → OpenGL ES

● Removed glBegin() and glEnd()● Use glDrawArrays() or glDrawElements()

● Added Fixed Point data types● Embedded systems often don't have FPU's.

● Removed convenience functions● More lightweight implementation.

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Page 13: Accelerometer and OpenGL


● Hardware● 3-Axis MEMS Accelerometer

– Part Number: LIS302DL– Max Sample Rate: 400 Hz– Max Acceleration: ± 8g

● No Gyroscope

● Implications● No Direct Angular Acceleration Data● Zeroed at Free Fall● Limited Amplitude (± 4g per axis)

Page 14: Accelerometer and OpenGL

Basic Tasks: Signal Processing

● Isolating Large Movements● Low-Pass Filter:

xn = x

n-1/2 + x/2

● Isolating Small Movements● High-Pass Filter:

xn = x - x


Sournce: http://jp.physoc.org/content/vol550/issue3/fulltext/873/Figures/HiRes/873-F2.gif

Page 15: Accelerometer and OpenGL

Basic Tasks: Ground Angle

● 2 Dimensions:Θ = atan(y/x)

● Axis-Plane:Θ = atan(z/sqrt(x2+y2))

Source: http://www.forestgumpsays.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/3iphoneaxes.jpg

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Basic Tasks: Simple Gestures

● SwipePositive-Negative Spike

● ShakeOscillating Wave

● Rotations2-Axis Change

Page 17: Accelerometer and OpenGL



Methods+ sharedAccelerometer


MyClass <UIAccelerationDelegate>

Methods- (void) accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer*) accelerometer

didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration*) acceleration


PropertiesUIAccelerationValue xUIAccelerationValue yUIAccelerationValue z NSTimeInterval timestamp


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Code: Hello World (continued)

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More Open GL

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Apple Sample Code

● Accelerometer Graph● Crash Landing● GLGravity● GLPaint● GLSprite● Touchfighter II

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Additional Resources

● Open GL● http://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/1.1/docs/man/● http://www.glprogramming.com/red/

● Accelerometer● www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/ds/12726.p

df● http://squallchua.blogspot.com/2008/12/wiimote-gesture-recognition.html● http://ifiddling.blogspot.com/2009/01/dummy2.html

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Additional Resources (continued)

● Collision Models● http://www.metanetsoftware.com/technique/tutorialA

.html● http://www.metanetsoftware.com/technique/tutorialB

.html● http://www.euclideanspace.com/physics/dynamics/c
