About M2M standards and Open API Manfred Sneps-Sneppe Ventspils University College, Ventspils, Latvia, { [email protected] } Dmitry Namiot Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia { [email protected] } AFIN-2012, Chamonix, 03/05/2012

About M2M Standards

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Presentation for AFIN - 2012. EC Standardization mandate M/441,Protocol Meter-Bus for measuring,M2M API standards, EU-Russia Partnership for Modernization

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  • 1. About M2M standards and Open APIManfred Sneps-Sneppe Ventspils University College, Ventspils, Latvia,{ [email protected] }Dmitry NamiotLomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia{ [email protected] }AFIN-2012, Chamonix, 03/05/2012

2. What aboutPart 1. EC Standardization mandate M/441Part 2. Protocol Meter-Bus for measuringPart 3. On M2M API standardsPart 4. EU-Russia Partnership for Modernization 3. M2M communications industry forecastAnalysys Mason forecasts that the number of M2M deviceworldwide connections will grow from 62 million in 2010 to 2.1billion devices in 2020, at a 36% year-on-year growth rate.Over 90 percent of forecast connections will utilize wireless. 4. Part 1. EC Standardization mandate M/441Considering M2M communications as a central point of FutureInternet, European Commission creates standardization mandateM/441.The mandate M/441, issued in 2009 to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI,in the field of measuring instruments for the development of an openarchitecture for utility meters (water, gas, electricity, heat), involvingcommunication protocols enabling interoperability, is a majordevelopment in shaping the future European standards for smartmetering and Advanced Metering Infrastructures. 5. M2M system consists of three main domainsM2M Area Network: between M2M Devices and M2M Gateway.Examples: ZigBee, Bluetooth; M-BUS, Wireless M-BUS.M2M Application (Server): middleware layer where data goesthrough the various application services. 6. /441: smart metering interfacesElectricity meter communications (E Interface)Non-electricity meter communications (M InterfaceDisplay and Home automation (H interface)Interface G: PSTN networks, GPRS and UMTS, DSL, TV 7. Part 2. Protocol Meter-Bus for measuringmicrochip TexasInstruments TSS721Open Metering System 8. M2M architecture interfaces1 - between platformand external service providers2 - between platform andthe customer (e.g.web browser)3 - for installation support,access to remote DB, etc.4 - to backbone IP network5 - application specific(non-IP based,e.g., M-bus, and requires GW) 9. Part 3. On M2M API standardsThe Open API for M2M applications are developed jointly inEurescom study P1957 and the EU FP7 SENSEI project.Actually, in this Open API we can see the big influence of Parlayspecification (so called Parlay/OSA API), to open up the networksby defining, establishing, and supporting a common industry-standard APIs.Parlay Group also specifies the Parlay Web services API, knownas Parlay X API, which is much simpler than Parlay/OSA API toenable IT developers to use it without network expertise. 10. Activities on M2M API standardsBesides ETSI standards we should mention other participants too.3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) has issued a number ofspecifications dealing with requirements that M2M services and M2Mcommunication imposes on the mobile network.The Telecommunications Industry Association - TR-50 EngineeringCommittee Smart Device Communications: to develop and maintain physical-medium-agnostic interface standardsITU-T covers the issue of M2M communication via the special UbiquitousSensor Networks-related groups (the area of networked intelligent sensors).Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) develops mobile service enabler specifications.OMA drives service enabler architectures and open enabler interfaces that areindependent of the underlying wireless networks and platforms. 11. Main Open API categories and our comments (1)GroupingA group here is defined as a common set of attributes (data elements) shared between member elements. On practice it is about the definition of addressable andexchangeable data sets. Just note, as it is important for our future suggestions,there are no persistence mechanisms for groupsTransactionsService capability features and their service primitives optionally include atransaction ID in order to allow relevant service capabilities to be part of a transaction.In the terms of transactions management Open API presents the classical 2-phasecommit model. By the way, we should note here that this model practically doesnot work in the large-scale web applications. We think it is very important becausewithout scalability we can not think about billions of connected devices.Application InteractionThe application interaction part is added in order to support development of simpleM2M applications with only minor application specific data definitions: readings,observations and commands. 12. Main Open API categories and our comments (2) Messaging The message modes are single Object messaging, Object group messaging, and any object messaging. Think about this as Message Broker. Event notification and presence Compensation Fair and flexible compensation schemes between cooperating and competing parties are required to correlate resource consumption and cost, e.g. in order to avoidanomalous resource consumption. Similar to Parlays offering for Charging API. Sessions A session shall be understood to represent the state of active communication betweenConnected Objects. OpenAPI is REST based, so, the endpoints should be presented assome URIs capable to accept the basic commands GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. 13. Web Intents vs. Open API from ETSIIt is almost impossible for developers to anticipate every newservice and to integrate with every existing external service.Our goal is to propose the proposal for some new additions inM2M APIs architecture. Namely, to propose web intents as add-on for the more traditional REST approach in order to simplifythe development phases for M2M applications.The key moments here are: JSON versus XML, asynchronous communications and integrated calls. 14. Web Intents solves this problemServices register their intention to be able to handle an action onthe users behalf.Applications request to start an action of a certain verb (forexample share, edit, view, pick etc.) and the system will find theappropriate services for the user to use based on the userspreference.Intents play the very important role in Android Architecture. 15. An analogy for web intents roleIP-PBX Asterisk and HTTP gate (proxy)Open API from ETSI - Web Intents - Web developer 16. Data persistence (discussion)We need to save the data somewhere (for the future processing).Why there is no reference API for persistence layer in the unified M2M API?It is possible in general to create data gathering API without even mentioningdata persistence?Shall we define cloud database API as a part of M2M standard or not? Oncetransmitted to the cloud, data can be stored, retrieved and processed withoutHaving to address many of the underlying computing resources and processestraditionally associated with databases.For M2M applications, this type of virtualized data storage service is ideal.It looks like NoSQL solutions are perfect fit for M2M applications. 17. New signaling demand (discussion)Eventually, billions of devices such as sensors, consumer electronic devices,smart phones, PDAs and computers will generate billions of M2Mtransactions. Signaling traffic will be the primary bottleneck.According to Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs traffic modeling studies, the limitingfactor is likely to be the number of session set-ups and tear-downs. In the study,up to 67 percent of computing resources in the radio network controller isconsumed by M2M apps.Simply we need the confirmation that device is alive, that operation has beenperformed, etc. All this is signaling traffic. 18. Part 4. EU-Russia Partnership for ModernizationAt the 25th EU-Russia Summit in May 2010, the two sides officially launchedthe Partnership for Modernization program.Priority areas:1) expanding opportunities for investment in key sectors driving growth andinnovation, enhancing and deepening bilateral trade and economic relations,and promoting small and medium sized enterprises;2) promoting alignment of technical regulations and standards,3) improving transport;4) promoting a sustainable low-carbon economy and energy efficiency, etc. 19. On smart home implementation (1)2008-2009 Ventspils University College (Latvia)the research project Home gateway prototype for multi-tenant house 20. On smart home implementation (2)Cooperation between Moscow Institute for electronic technology (Russia) and Riga Tech Univ (Latvia) 21. What was our talk about?1. EC Standardization mandate M/441 onM2M communications as a central point ofFuture Internet2. On M2M API standards and some comments.Web Intents vs. Open API from ETSI3. Protocol Meter-Bus for measuring4. EU-Russia Partnership for Modernization andRussian realitiesThanks!