Getting started with Vectorwise Mark Van de Wiel Thursday, November 01, 2012 Director Product Management, Vectorwise 1 of 9 1 of 9 1 of 9 1 of 9 1 of 9 Confidential © 2012 Actian Corporation

A14 Getting Started with Vectorwise by Mark Van de Wiel

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Page 1: A14 Getting Started with Vectorwise by Mark Van de Wiel

Getting started with Vectorwise

Mark Van de Wiel

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Director Product Management, Vectorwise

1 of 9 1 of 9 1 of 9 1 of 9 1 of 9 Confidential © 2012 Actian Corporation

Title Slide
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Vectorwise history

Customer value proposition

Key partners


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100x (+) Performance Difference – 2003 Custom C versus Relational Database

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26.2 28.1

0.2 0







MySQL DBMS 'X' C program

TPC-H 1 GB query 1 (runtime in s)

MySQL DBMS 'X' C program

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100x (+) Performance Difference – 2003 Custom C versus Relational Database

Confidential © 2012 Actian Corporation 4

26.2 28.1

3.6 0.2








MySQL DBMS 'X' MonetDB C program

TPC-H 1 GB query 1 (runtime in s)

MySQL DBMS 'X' MonetDB C program

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Database Research at CWI

Confidential © 2012 Actian Corporation 5

MonetDB Open source, columnar, in-memory database for analytics

Runs TPC-H Q1 @1GB in 3.6 seconds

• Fast but still 15x slower than custom C program

x100 Goal: bridge the 100x gap between mainstream RDBMS and custom C program

Started from scratch in 2003

• Data analytics

• High performance

• Leverage modern hardware

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Key Concept: Vectorised Execution

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100x (+) Performance Difference – 2003 Custom C versus Relational Database

Confidential © 2012 Actian Corporation 7

26.2 28.1

3.6 0.2 0.6








MySQL DBMS 'X' MonetDB C program x100

TPC-H 1 GB query 1 (runtime in s)

MySQL DBMS 'X' MonetDB C program x100

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Vectorwise – 8/2008

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4 Founders – researchers from CWI Peter Boncz, Marcin Zukowski, Niels Nes, Sandor Heman

Funded by Ingres (now Actian) Build Vectorwise into Ingres Database

• Columnar storage

• Vector-based execution kernel

Leverage key Ingres capabilities, e.g.

• Standard interfaces ODBC, JDBC, .NET etc.

• SQL Parser and optimizer

• Utilities

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Ingres Vectorwise – Key Milestones

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June 2010: Ingres VectorWise 1.0

September 2010: first customer live with Ingres Vectorwise

December 2010: Ingres (now Actian) acquires Vectorwise

February 2011: first 100 GB TPC-H >300% improvement over SQL Server on identical hardware

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Vectorwise Today

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TPC-H record holder on performance, price performance and energy consumption

Current version 2.5

Global customer base

Analyst recognition

“Game-changing technology” - Donald Feinberg, Gartner Group

“This is definitely a breakthrough. It delivers faster results at lower costs.” - Noel Yuhanna, Forrester Research

“Every now and then something occurs that tears up your expectations of how technology will evolve. […] The Vectorwise results are jaw dropping. […] Something inside you says, “that’s no car, it’s a rocket.”” - Robin Bloor, President, The Bloor Group

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Vectorwise Core Value Proposition


PERFORMANCE – as a result of software innovation Fast query response times

Fast project delivery No expert schema design required

No (expensive) tuning expertise required

Affordability Modest commodity hardware requirements

No expensive expert resources required

Best-in-class support 24x7, follow-the-sun support available from an experienced organization

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Implementation Architecture

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Actian BI Partners

Certified/tested In progress

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Vectorwise history

Customer value proposition

Key partners


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