A look under the hood at Apache Spark's API and engine evolutions Reynold Xin @rxin 2017-02-08, Amsterdam Meetup

A look under the hood at Apache Sparks API and engine evolutions

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A look under the hood at Apache Spark's API and engine evolutions

Reynold Xin @rxin2017-02-08, Amsterdam Meetup

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About Databricks

Founded by creators of Spark

Cloud data platform- Spark- Interactive analysis- Cluster management- Production pipelines- Data governance & security

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Databricks Amsterdam R&D Center

Started in January

Hiring distributed systems &database engineers!

Email me: [email protected]

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SQL Streaming MLlib

Spark Core (RDD)


Spark stack diagram

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Frontend(user facing APIs)


Spark stack diagram(a different take)

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Frontend(RDD, DataFrame, ML pipelines, …)

Backend(scheduler, shuffle, operators, …)

Spark stack diagram(a different take)

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Today’s Talk

Some archaeology- IMS, relational databases- MapReduce- data frames

Last 6 years of Spark evolution

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IBM IMS hierarchical database (1966)

Image from https://stratechery.com/2016/oracles-cloudy-future/

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Hierarchical Database

- Improvement over file system: query language & catalog

- Lack of flexibility- Difficult to query items in different parts of the hierarchy- Relationships are pre-determined and difficult to change

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“Future users of large data banks must be protected from having to know how the data is organized in the machine. …

most application programs should remain unaffected when the internal representation of data is changed and even when some aspects of the external representation are changed.”

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Era of relational databases (late 60s)

Two “new” important ideas

Physical Data Independence: The ability to change the physical data layout without having to change the logical schema.

Declarative Query Language: Programmer specifies “what” rather than“how”.

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Business applications outlive the environments they were created in:- New requirements might surface- Underlying hardware might change- Require physical layout changes (indexing, different storage medium, etc)

Enabled tremendous amount of innovation:- Indexes, compression, column stores, etc

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Relational Database Pros vs Cons

- Declarative and data independent- SQL is the universal interface everybody knows

- Difficult to compose & build complex applications- Too opinionated and inflexible

- Require data modeling before putting any data in- SQL is the only programming language

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Big Data, MapReduce, Hadoop

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Challenges Google faced

Data size growing (volume & velocity)- Processing has to scale out over large clusters

Complexity of analysis increasing (variety)- Massive ETL (web crawling)- Machine learning, graph processing

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The Big Data Problem

Semi-/Un-structured data doesn’t fit well with databases

Single machine can no longer process or even store all the data!

Only solution is to distribute general storage & processing over clusters.

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Google Datacenter

How do we program this thing?


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Data-Parallel Models

Restrict the programming interface so that the system can do more automatically

“Here’s an operation, run it on all of the data”- I don’t care where it runs (you schedule that)- In fact, feel free to run it twice on different nodes- Siimlar to “declarative programming” in databases

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MapReduce Pros vs Cons

- Massively parallel- Very flexible programming model & schema-on-read

- Extremely verbose & difficult to learn- Most real applications require multiple MR steps

- 21 MR steps -> 21 mapper and reducer classes- Lots of boilerplate code per step

- Bad performance

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R, Python, data frame

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Data frames in R / Python

> head(filter(df, df$waiting < 50)) # an example in R## eruptions waiting##1 1.750 47##2 1.750 47##3 1.867 48

Developed by stats community & concise syntax for ad-hoc analysis

Procedural (not declarative)

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R data frames Pros and Cons

- Easy to learn- Pretty fast on a laptop (or one server)

- No parallelism & doesn’t work well on big data- Lack sophisticated query optimization

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“Are you going to talk about Spark at all tonight!?”

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Which one is better?Databases, R, MapReduce?Declarative, procedural, data independence?

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Spark’s initial focus: a better MapReduce

Language-integrated API (RDD): similar to Scala’s collection library using functional programming; incredibly powerful and composable

lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) // RDD[String]

points = lines.map(line => parsePoint(line)) // RDD[Point]

points.filter(p => p.x > 100).count()

Better performance: through a more general DAG abstraction, faster scheduling, and in-memory caching

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WordCount in 50+ lines of Java MR

WordCount in 3 lines of Spark

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Challenge with Functional API

Looks high-level, but hides many semantics of computation• Functions are arbitrary blocks of Java bytecode• Data stored is arbitrary Java objects

Users can mix APIs in suboptimal ways

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Which Operator Causes Most Tickets?

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Example Problem

pairs = data.map(word => (word, 1))

groups = pairs.groupByKey()

groups.map((k, vs) => (k, vs.sum))

Physical API: Materializes all groupsas Seq[Int] objects

Then promptlyaggregates them

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Challenge: Data Representation

Java objects often many times larger than underlying fields

class User(name: String, friends: Array[Int])

new User(“Bobby”, Array(1, 2))

User 0x… 0x…




1 2


5 0x…


char[] 5

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Recap: two primary issues

1. Many APIs specifies the “physical” behavior, rather than the “logical” intent, aka not declarative enough.

2. Closures (user-defined functions and types) are opaque to the engine, an as a result little room for improvement.

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Sort Benchmark

Originally sponsored by Jim Gray to measure advancements in software and hardware in 1987

Participants often used purpose-built hardware/software to compete• Large companies: IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo, …• Academia: UC Berkeley, UCSD, MIT, …

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Sort Benchmark

• Past winners: Microsoft, Yahoo, Samsung, UCSD, …

1MB -> 100MB -> 1TB (1998) -> 100TB (2009)

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Winning Attempt

Built on low-level Spark API and:

- Put all data in off-heap memory using sun.misc.Unsafe- Use tight low level while loops rather than iterators

~ 3000 lines of low level code on Spark written by Reynold

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On-Disk Sort Record:Time to sort 100TB

2100 machines2013 Record: Hadoop

2014 Record: Spark

Source: Daytona GraySort benchmark, sortbenchmark.org

72 minutes

207 machines

23 minutes

Also sorted 1PB in 4 hours

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How do we enable the average users to win a world record, using a few lines of code?

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Goals of last two year’s API evolution

1. Simpler APIs bridging the gap between big data engineering and data science.

2. Higher level, declarative APIs that are future proof (engine can optimize programs automatically).

Taking the best ideas from databases, big data, and data science

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Structured APIs:DataFrames + Spark SQL

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DataFrames and Spark SQL

Efficient library for structured data (data with a known schema)• Two interfaces: SQL for analysts + apps, DataFrames for programmers

Optimized computation and storage, similar to RDBMS


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Execution Steps

Logical Plan

Physical Plan








Data Frames

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DataFrame API

DataFrames hold rows with a known schema and offer relational operations on them through a DSL

val users = spark.sql(“select * from users”)

val massUsers = users(users(“country”) === “NL”)



Expression AST

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Spark RDD Execution





opaque closures(user-defined functions)

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Spark DataFrame Execution


Logical Plan

Physical execution


Intermediate representation for computation

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Spark DataFrame Execution


Logical Plan





Intermediate representation for computation

Simple wrappers to create logical plan

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Structured API Example

events =sc.read.json(“/logs”)

stats =events.join(users).groupBy(“loc”,“status”).avg(“duration”)

errors = stats.where(stats.status == “ERR”)

DataFrame API Optimized Plan Specialized Code

SCAN logs SCAN users




while(logs.hasNext) {e = logs.nextif(e.status == “ERR”) {

u = users.get(e.uid)key = (u.loc, e.status)sum(key) += e.durationcount(key) += 1


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Benefit of Logical Plan: Simpler Frontend

Python : ~2000 line of code (built over a weekend)

R : ~1000 line of code

i.e. much easier to add new language bindings (Julia, Clojure, …)

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0 2 4 6 8 10



Runtime for an example aggregation workload


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Benefit of Logical Plan:Performance Parity Across Languages

0 2 4 6 8 10







Runtime for an example aggregation workload (secs)



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What are Spark’s structured APIs?

Combination of:- data frame from R as the “interface” – easy to learn- declarativity & data independence from databases -- easy to optimize &

future-proof- flexibility & parallelism from MapReduce -- massively scalable & flexible

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Future possibilities

Spark as a fast, multi-core data collection library

Spark as a performant streaming engine

Spark as a GPU computation framework

All using the same API

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Python Java/Scala RSQL …

DataFrameLogical Plan


Unified API, One Engine, Automatically Optimized



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We learn from previous generation systems to understand what works, and what can be improved on, and evolve Spark

Latest APIs take the best ideas out of earlier systems- data frame from R as the “interface” – easy to learn- declarativity & data independence from databases -- easy to optimize &

future-proof- flexibility & parallelism from MapReduce -- massively scalable & flexible

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Dank je wel@rxin