1 1 A European Spatial Data A European Spatial Data Infrastructure Infrastructure under Construction under Construction Context, Scope and Implementation Progress of the Context, Scope and Implementation Progress of the INSPIRE Directive INSPIRE Directive Hugo DE GROOF Directorate-General Environment – Chief Scientist, Research and Innovation Unit European Commission INSPIRE TEAM Eurostat – DG Environment – Joint Research Centre

A european spatial data infrastructure under construction context, scope and implementation progress of the inspire directive (ICT2010 Networking Session)

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Page 1: A european spatial data infrastructure under construction context, scope and implementation progress of the inspire directive (ICT2010  Networking Session)


A European Spatial Data Infrastructure A European Spatial Data Infrastructure under Constructionunder Construction

Context, Scope and Implementation Progress of the INSPIRE DirectiveContext, Scope and Implementation Progress of the INSPIRE Directive


Directorate-General Environment – Chief Scientist, Research and Innovation Unit

European Commission INSPIRE TEAM

Eurostat – DG Environment – Joint Research Centre

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INSPIRE Policy FoundationsINSPIRE Policy Foundations

• The EU 6th Environmental Action Programme 2001-2010

Seven Thematic Strategies 1. Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) 2. Soil protection 3. Sustainable use of pesticides 4. Marine environment 5. Waste prevention and recycling 6. Sustainable use of natural resources 7. Urban environment

Four Priorities

1. Climate Change 2. Nature and Biodiversity3. Environment and Health4. Natural resources and waste

+ Mitigation of natural and man-made hazards leading to disasters

Focus on « knowledge-based » policy making and assessment

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Needs• Better information needed to

support policies• Improvement of existing information

flows• Differentiation across regions to be

considered• Revision of approach to reporting and

monitoring, moving to concept of sharing of information

Situation in Europe• Data policy restrictions

– pricing, copyright, access rights, licensing policy

• Lack of co-ordination– across boarders and between levels

of government • Lack of standards

– incompatible information and information systems

• Existing data not re-usable– fragmentation of information,

redundancy, inability to integrate

EU has islands of data of different standards and quality...

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INSPIRE principlesINSPIRE principles• Data should be collected once and maintained at the level

where this can be done most effectively

• Combine seamlessly spatial data from different sources and share it between many users and applications (the concept of interoperability)

• Spatial data should be collected at one level of government and shared between all levels

• Spatial data needed for good governance should be available on conditions that are not restricting its extensive use

• It should be easy to discover which spatial data is available, to evaluate its fitness for purpose and to know which conditions apply for its use

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Bringing data together Bringing data together through a Spatial Data Infrastructurethrough a Spatial Data Infrastructure

Data easily discoverable and

accessible to users

Like a road infrastructure makes it possible to connect

different sites, a spatial data infrastructure makes it possible to connect

data located at different sources

Easier development of new applications

and services

InstitutionalInstitutional frameworkframework


Fundamental Fundamental data setsdata sets

Technical Technical standardsstandards


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• INSPIRE lays down general rules to establish an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment.

• INSPIRE to be based on the infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the Member States.

• INSPIRE does not require collection of new spatial data • INSPIRE does not affect existing Intellectual Property


INSPIRE DirectiveINSPIRE DirectiveGeneral ProvisionsGeneral Provisions

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INSPIRE Fundamental Data SetsINSPIRE Fundamental Data Sets

• Spatial data held by or on behalf of a public authority operating down to the lowest level of government when laws or regulations require their collection or dissemination

• INSPIRE covers 34 Spatial Data Themes laid down in 3 Annexes – (required to successfully build environmental information systems)

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INSPIRE Data Scope (1)INSPIRE Data Scope (1)

Annex I

1. Coordinate reference systems

2. Geographical grid systems

3. Geographical names

4. Administrative units

5. Addresses

6. Cadastral parcels

7. Transport networks

8. Hydrography

9. Protected sites

Annex II

1. Elevation

2. Land cover

3. Ortho-imagery

4. Geology

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Annex III1. Statistical units2. Buildings3. Soil4. Land use5. Human health and safety6. Utility and governmental

services7. Environmental monitoring

facilities8. Production and industrial

facilities9. Agricultural and

aquaculture facilities10.Population distribution –


11.Area management/restriction/regulation zones & reporting units

12.Natural risk zones13.Atmospheric conditions14.Meteorological geographical

features15.Oceanographic geographical

features16.Sea regions17.Bio-geographical regions18.Habitats and biotopes19.Species distribution20.Energy Resources21.Mineral resources

INSPIRE Data Scope (2)INSPIRE Data Scope (2)

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Environmental phenomena do not Environmental phenomena do not stop at national borders!stop at national borders!

• 20% of the EU citizens (110 million) live within 50 Kms from a border.

• 60 million EU citizens live less than half an hour (25 kms) from a border

Near - boundary population importance


82M 70




59M 45

M39M 23




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Environment and HealthEnvironment and Health

• 20 million Europeans suffer from respiratory problems every day

• 10% of European children suffer from asthma

• In the EU in 2000, about 350,000 were seriously affected due to air pollution caused by fine particulate matter.

• Current levels of ground-level ozone cause more than 20,000 premature deaths each year and dangerous levels of 'smog', linked with high summer temperatures and nitrous oxide emissions, are on the rise.

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Environment & HealthEnvironment & Health

Assessment of Health Impacts

Exposure DataHealth Data

Socio-economic data

Geographical data

Environmental data

Air Pollution Cancer Cases

Directive on Ambient Air QualityDirective on Ambient Air Quality “Atmospheric modelling and measurements of air pollution demonstrate beyond doubt that the pollution emitted in one Member State contributes to measured pollution in other Member States. This shows that individual Member States cannot solve the problems alone and concerted action at the EU scale is required.”

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1313Source: GMES BICEPS Report

I- 2

Elevation III – 14Meteorological geographical

featuresIII – 13

Atmospheric conditions II – 2


III – 18 Habitats and biotopesIII – 19 Species distribution

III-10 Population distribution — demographyIII- 6 - Utility and governmental services


III – 7Environmental Monitoring Facilities

III – 13Atmospheric conditions

INSPIRE DATA Themes and Air Quality – Impacts information system

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Disaster/Risk Management CycleDisaster/Risk Management Cycle

Source: ORCHESTRA project

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Directive on the Directive on the Assessment and Management of Floods Assessment and Management of Floods

• A preliminary flood risk assessment – Including art.4 a-f

• (e) Likelihood of future floods and projected impact of climate change and land use trends

• Prepare flood risk maps by 2013 – with 6 yearly updates

• Flood risk management plans by 2015

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Risk Management System


Risk Mitigation strategies &

response options

Elements at Risk & Vulnerability

Hazards Identification

RiskCommunication- Observations

- History of Events and


Monitoring & Surveillance

Early Warnings &Forecasts

Probability & Process Models

Risk Scenarios

& Maps

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Floods Early Warning – Forecast - Impact Assessment Floods Early Warning – Forecast - Impact Assessment Data & Information RequirementsData & Information Requirements

Source: GMES BICEPS Report


I- 2 Elevation

III – 7Environmental Monitoring Facilities

III - 12Natural Risk Zones

III – 14Meteorological

geographical featuresIII – 13

Atmospheric conditions

III – 3Soils

III – 4Land-use

II – 2Landcover

III – 18 Habitats and biotopesIII – 19 Species distribution

III-10 Population distribution — demographyIII- 6 - Utility and governmental services


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Floods – FLAPP findingsFloods – FLAPP findings• FLAPP* 'Flood Awareness & Prevention Policy in border areas‘


• Different levels of experience and knowledge on both sides of the border may be an obstacle to successful cooperation. – Different levels of data availability between counterparts will also result in a

lack of meteorological and hydrological data for the whole river system.

– Another possible obstacle is the use of different, non-compatible models, monitoring techniques etc.

– In many cases it is not clear for water managers where to get specific knowledge and information.

– Valuable knowledge at private institutes may be (too) expensive for public water managers.

• Together, these problems can lead to the use of data of different quality on both sides of the border.

* FLAPP: EU- co -funded network http://www.flapp.org/sjablonen/flapp_public/index.asp?subsite=122

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• Risk prevention, mitigation and restoration– Identify risk areas for soil degradation

• Erosion• Organic matter decline• Compaction and decrease of porosity• Salinisation• Landslides

• Soil contamination– Identify contaminated sites – posing a risk to

human health or environment

Soils Thematic StrategySoils Thematic Strategy(proposal for a Soils Directive – no political agreement)(proposal for a Soils Directive – no political agreement)

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Pesticides DirectivePesticides Directiveestablishing a framework for Community action establishing a framework for Community action

to achieve sustainable use of pesticides and amending Directive 2006/42/ECto achieve sustainable use of pesticides and amending Directive 2006/42/EC

• Specific measures to protect the aquatic environment– Buffer zones – defined as a function of the risk of pollution

(soil, climate, etc.) – Measures to limit aerial drift (hedge rows etc.)

• Reduction of pesticide use in sensitive areas– Identify and list sensitive areas

• Non-agricultural areas with high run-off risk or leaching.

• Reporting – info exchange– Through to be defined RISK INDICATORS

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Soils DirectiveSoils Directive

Data & Information RequirementsData & Information Requirements

Source: GMES BICEPS Report

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European Environment and Health European Environment and Health Action Plan 2004-2010Action Plan 2004-2010

EU Environment and Health Information System • Information on environment and health is scattered: not easily

accessible, often not comparable, and not of the right quality..

• Environmental data sets are generally not gathered for exposure and health purposes (i.e., with incomplete geo-referencing and little or no cross referencing to human exposure) and so are of limited direct use for health assessment purposes.

• Grass roots problem: Geo-traceability …..

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Main deficits Main deficits of current developed indicators of current developed indicators for monitoring environmental health policyfor monitoring environmental health policy

• Numerous indicators sets available, mostly aimed at environment OR health, except WHO-EHIS

• No shared institutional infrastructure • Differences in indicator definitions and construction

(geographical scale, age groups, diagnosis, time periods)• Differences in data collection/ reporting systems• Lack of harmonized data quality control• Limitations of international reporting mechanisms in providing

EH relevant data• Many different dataholders/reporting obligations

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Marine Strategy Framework directiveMarine Strategy Framework directive

MSFD Art.4 Marine regions or subregionsArt.8 Assessment

- Environmental status- Physical, chemical features- Habitat types- Biological features- Hydro-morphology

- Pressures and impacts analysis- Economic and social analysis

INSPIRE Annex III.16 Sea Regions

-Requires Consistent methodologies -> Take account of transboundary impacts and features

Several Annex I/II/III themes related

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Marine Strategy DirectiveMarine Strategy DirectiveData and Information Needs ?Data and Information Needs ?

Source: GMES BICEPS Report

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COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT (2009)COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT (2009)““Building a European marine knowledge infrastructure:Building a European marine knowledge infrastructure:

Roadmap for a European Marine Observation and Data Network”Roadmap for a European Marine Observation and Data Network”

• Discovery of Data. It is difficult for potential users to obtain an overview of what data are available for a particular parameter in a particular region.

• Access to data. Those holding the data may not release them either because of confidentiality or security constraints, because they do not or cannot allocate sufficient resources for archiving and maintaining data.

• Use of data. Even where data are available, their use or re-use may be limited by the data policy of the owner.

• Cost of data. The prices imposed by some data-owners undoubtedly reduces the uptake of these data by users.

• Coherence of Data. Developing a complete picture in time and space over a sea-area using data collected by different bodies is complicated by fragmented standards, formats and nomenclature. This is particularly the case when there is a need to study cross-border areas.

• Quality of Data. There are no universally-recognised measures of quality, precision or accuracy. Metadata documentation may be sparse or inadequate so potential users do not know what confidence to ascribe to the data.

• Quantity of Data. Finally there is some concern as to whether enough data is being collected. The current fragmented nature of data collection makes it difficult to determine whether the right data is being collected, whether it is being collected frequently enough or whether there are gaps in its coverage

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INSPIRE - TechnicalINSPIRE - Technical

I. Metadata

II. Interoperability of spatial data sets and


III. Network services (discovery, view,

download, transform, invoke) - European


IV. Data and Service sharing EU / MSV. Coordination and measures for monitoring

& reporting

INSPIRE is a Framework Directive

“Implementing Rules” for:

“Implementing Rules” to adopt according to directive “roadmap”

“Implementing Rules” bottom-up development with stakeholders

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RegistersService Metadata

Data Set Metadata

Registry Service Discovery Service




GeoRM layers

Application and Geoportals

Service Bus


Transf. Service

Spatial Data Set


Thematic DS

Framework for harmonized DS




INSPIRE - Architecture

Service Layer


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01-06-2007 22-04-2009

Spatial Data Interest Communities (SDICs)

139 201 (+45%) 301 (+117%)

Legally Mandate Organisations (LMOs) 89 116 (+30%) 173 (+94%)

Proposed Experts 193 210 (+9%) 284 (+47%)

Referenced Materials 96 144 (+50%) 354 (+296%)

Identified Projects 94 112 (+19%) 122 (+30%)

Proposals testing Annex I data specifications


Participatory approachParticipatory approach

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TWG-NZTWG-NZNatural Risk ZonesNatural Risk Zones

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INSPIRE - Data Sharing INSPIRE - Data Sharing in force since 15 May 2009in force since 15 May 2009

• Member States shall adopt measures for the sharing of data and services between public authorities for public tasks relating to the environment without restrictions occurring at the point of use.

• Public authorities may charge, license each other and Community institutions provided this does not create an obstacle to sharing.

• When spatial data or services are provided to Community institutions for reporting obligations under Community law relating to the environment then this will not be subject to charging.

• Member States shall provide the institutions and bodies of the Community with access to spatial data sets and services in accordance with harmonised conditions. Implementing Rule

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ProgressProgress• Preparatory phase (2004-2006)

– Co-decision procedure– Start of preparation of Implementing Rules

• Transposition phase (2007-2009)– Directive entered into force 15 May 2007– Continuation of preparation of Implementing Rules– Transposition into national legislation– Adoption of Implementing Rules by Comitology

• Regulation Metadata 14/5/2008 – in force• Regulation Network Services – part 1 19/12/2008 – in force• Decision Monitoring & reporting – 19/12/2008 – in force

– 15/5/2009 DATA SHARING ENTERS INTO FORCE • Regulation Network Services – part 2 14/12/2009 ….• Regulation interoperability of spatial data sets and services part 1-

14/12/2009 • …… roadmap …..

• Implementation phase (2010-2013)– Implementation and monitoring of measures– Continuation of preparation of Implementing Rules– Adoption of Implementing Rules by Comitology

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