Location Based Analytics Location Based Marketing Location Based Services Location Technology A Conversation About Location with Ruckus Wireless

A Conversation About Location - With Ruckus Wireless Smart Positioning Technology (SPoT)

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What's this thing about Location Technology and Location Based Services? Why are brands and businesses interested in Location Based Services (LBS) and Location Based Marketing & Advertising? What you see here, is a conversation that we've had all over the world with some of the most forward-thinking executives - including CEOs, CTOs and CMOs - about the use of accurate, Wi-Fi-based location technology in shopping malls, airports, hotels, convention centres and other large public venues.

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Location Based Analytics!

Location Based Marketing!

Location Based Services!

Location Technology!

A Conversation About Location !with Ruckus Wireless  “

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Why are you here?!

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I’m interested in this “Location” thing, and want to learn more about it, and how my customers can benefit from it.!

Great! Keep Reading…!

My customers and partners already know all about it. We want to get started. Now!!

Great! Sounds like you’ve already got a plan… let’s skip right to the end…!

Go to “How do I get Ruckus’ SPoT Location Technology on

my premise?”!

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I’m hearing a lot about !‘Location Based Services’, !‘Location Based Marketing and Advertising’, !‘Location Analytics’, !‘Hyperlocal’, !‘SoLoMo’ !and other ‘Location’ buzzwords.! !What’s happening?!

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Well, it’s really simple. In the last few years, with almost everyone carrying a smartphone, and with Wi-Fi becoming more and more pervasive, it’s starting to make perfect sense for businesses and marketers to know where people are, and find a way to engage them via their smartphones or tablets. ! !And a slew of technologies have emerged to put this form of “Indoor GPS” technology into the hands of businesses and marketers who need it – one of which is Ruckus’ very own SPoT Location Technology.!

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What is SPoT?!

SPoT is our answer to your question: “How can I better understand where and how people are spending their time, and how can I send them highly-targeted, highly-relevant messages via their mobile devices?”!

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It is a clever piece of !Positioning software !(think GPS, then think “Indoor GPS”) !

that sits on top of Ruckus’ !high-performance Wi-Fi infrastructure in any customer venue.!

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Good question!!    SPoT fulfills the two key business needs for Location Technology – Analysis and Engagement. Read on to find out more about each…!

That’s great, but what does it do for me? !

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Analytics! !!!!!!!Location Data is the new competitive edge for businesses like retailers and mall owners, venue owners and event organizers. It will transform the way organizations like hotels and hospitals, schools and museums manage their staff.! !Think of how Amazon has been killing / disrupting the retail industry with superior data on customer behavior and interest. ! !SPoT Location Analytics is our !‘Customer Analytics for the Physical World’, and businesses can now generate the same insights about real-world user movement, the same way we generate insights about user web traffic.! !Down to details like – !•  unique visitors!•  Frequency!•  dwell-time!•  zone-to-zone comparison of footfall!

Engagement! !The value that comes from user engagement can be extremely high. Consider customer engagement that leads to a high-value purchase, or long-term, loyal customer spending patterns. Consider also user engagement amongst staff that leads to higher levels of productivity and innovation.!!!!!!!!The returns on effective engagement are high; yet at the same time, your users and customers get bombarded with more and more information daily – from an increasing number of competing sources that offer more information, alternative products and services.! !That’s why it’s important to deliver highly useful, relevant and meaningful content to users and customers. And that’s why it’s important to create opportunities for users to interact (via their mobile devices) in relevant contexts. ‘Location’ is a key context for user engagement and user interaction.!!

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Don’t we already have such data for analysis? !

Well, not quite – today we use door sensors that merely count each time a warm body passes through a threshold; or video and thermal sensors that track detailed movement, but cannot identify unique individuals or detect how often they go back, and how much time they spend during each visit.!

Don’t we already do that with location-based services on mobile apps?!

Well, not quite – in buildings like shopping malls, retail spaces, hotels and convention centers, GPS accuracy is insufficient for proper user targeting. And in a dense, high-paced environment like a shopping mall, you can never be too accurate in targeting the right user, in the right aisle in the right store. !

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The potential to do all of that amazing stuff – and more – stems from a simple function: !the ability to identify unique individuals indoors or in dense urban environments, and locate them with a high degree of positional accuracy (we’re talking less than 5 meters) and a high degree of reliability.!

It does all of that? How? Is this sorcery?!

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The SPoT Location Technology Engine extracts RSSI data from all mobile devices that have Wi-Fi turned on. This presumes of course, that the venue has Ruckus Wi-Fi Access Points and Zone Directors installed – because that’s the hardware that SPoT (the software) relies on.!

How do we know that? !

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Absolutely – most of us carry our phones around and leave our kids at home. We’ve found that in most cities, an overwhelming majority of users have Wi-Fi turned on at work and at home, and don’t turn it off when they go to places like shopping malls, hotels, restaurants and other places of interest and leisure.! !

SPoT enables you to locate users by their MAC Address – which uniquely identifies them as individuals.!

Is that reliable? !

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Not really – we don’t have access to their names unless they tell us (for instance, through an app that you create); and we don’t store any personally identifiable information unless they agree to the terms and conditions of our usage.!

Is that spooky? !

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That’s a question on our minds these days as Location Technology becomes more prevalent, widespread and complex. Our point is this – as long as you’re using location data to offer your users something that’s of value, they will appreciate it and likely offer personal data – as long as what you do truly benefits them first. And as long as you’re upfront about it. !

Is that nice? I mean… privacy and all…!

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Think about how many users tell Facebook almost everything about themselves – because it has become such a useful utility/service that helps them (connect with friends and stay in touch).! !All that said, this is a complex subject of discussion that will continually evolve; and we’ll be happy to help you navigate the complexities of user/customer engagement. Just get in touch with us!!

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Alright… I’m convinced. !“Location” is a good thing. !

!How do I get started?!

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Well first of all, you need to know what do you really want from Location Technology?!

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Location Analytics! !!!!!!!That’s a great first start because you / your customers have full control from day one – no need to have anyone download an app, or sign up for anything. We have a “network-based” solution – which means that whoever manages the (Wi-Fi) network has full access to the data of people moving around in their venue.! !How we do we get started?! !Simple… do you find any of these data useful? Will they enable your customers to learn more about their customers?!•  Unique Visitors!•  Repeat-vs-New Visitor Ratio!•  Dwell Time!•  Zone-to-Zone Comparison! !Yes?! !Great! Then we can certainly do something…!

User / Customer Engagement! !Do you want to send messages or advertising that’s highly relevant and targeted? Say – a 20% coupon to someone who’s been there for the 4th time that week without buying anything?! !What’s the user experience you want to create? Remember – technology, no matter how good, doesn’t solve everything. Great user-design does.! !If you want to create an engaging experience (being able to send and receive messages/content/ads), can you get them to download an app?! !Yes?! !Great! We’re ready to go.! !No?! !We need to rethink your user experience!

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Will accurate, real-time positioning or tracking help you achieve your objectives?!

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!Do you have the right partners?!!

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Analytics! !Market Research companies or data scientists are your first port of call if you want to derive meaningful insights from all the signals your users are creating from their every step, with every moment spent in a particular spot on your premises. Companies like Nielsen, IPSOS, Milward Brown, TNS and GFK are examples of research partners who already have strong disciplines in understanding customer and user behavior in shopping malls amongst other venues; and are ideal analytics partners.! !Together with them, you might also choose from a wide and increasing number of location and business intelligence software that crunches and displays the Location Data we help you collect – in meaningful ways. Start-ups like Eculid, Nomi and Nearbuy Systems have, in the last few years, been developing new ways to present location data. When powered by SPoT Location Technology, their dashboards will yield insights that are highly accurate and deeply impactful. ! !Or you could also plug in directly to your BI systems, by simply using our Location Analytics API.!

Engagement! !You’ll find a varied bunch of smart and creative partners – all of who offer great value in utilizing your Location Data to create unique and meaningful (we really mean money-making and money-saving!) user applications.! !App Developers have been experimenting with new ways to help people interact with one another and get information via the Internet, and more recently – from their surroundings. They’ve tried QR codes and Bluetooth, and are now trying NFC – all of which require users of the app to click on something, or perform an action in order to receive contextual information. With Wi-Fi-based Location Technology that transmits location data in the background, their innovative potential can be truly unleashed!! !Advertisers and Media Agencies like App Developers have been trying new ways to trigger and send “the right message to the right person at the right place at the right time”. They’ve generally failed (remember SPAM SMS?), but today mobile advertising can be so targeted it’ll be welcome by customers instead of being rejected. Advertising and Media partners can now truly add value to your location-based marketing campaign.!

That’s right. When you do something innovative, you’ll want to have capable partners who can execution on your vision…!


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As you learn about what they can do for you, you’ll find that there are no bounds to “Location-Innovation”. ! !All we describe is merely the tip of the iceberg, and by enlisting the right partners, you can create truly exciting and rewarding impact for your organization.!

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And Good News! That was the hardest bit. !!

Here comes the easy part…!

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How do I get Ruckus’ SPoT Location Technology on my premise?!

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4 Easy Steps!

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Create a Ruckus!! !No, really! If you already have Ruckus’ awesome Wi-Fi solutions covering your entire venue – you’re off on a great start! [Note: we could also add: “if not…..” but buying Ruckus is probably implied]! !Not only do you have high-performance Wi-Fi serving your staff and customers, you also have all the hardware you’ll ever need to mine / tap into valuable Location Data generated on your premises.! !And that’s the secret – our patented SPoT Location Technology Engine is embedded in Ruckus Wi-Fi infrastructure, and augmented by a cloud-based SPoT Location Server. ! !For a complete list of compatible Ruckus Access Points and Zone Directors, visit our website (www.RuckusWireless.com).!


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Sign up “on the SPoT”!!    When you ask us for ‘Location Services’, we’ll act on it right away. It all starts with the creation of a Venue Server (or Servers) in our cloud-based SPoT Location Server.! !Each Venue Server contains data that’s unique to you and the location/s that your designate to be ‘Location-Intelligent’. Access to this data can be granted as you wish, through the creation of user management accounts.!


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Make a Map!!    Part of our SPoT Location Technology Platform – is a Map Manager that enables you to upload your floor plan or venue map, and with that start making your venue “Location-Intelligent” by defining “zones” where footfall is tracked, and compared against other zones.! !The Map Manager also prompts you to mark out the locations of your Ruckus AP, and with that information, generates Calibration Points for the next step of our deployment…!


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Calibration – Mark Your SPoTs! !This is the only time you’ll ever have to leave your chair. ! !Calibration is done by simply taking your mobile phone with our SPoT Calibration App – going to all the Calibration Points generated for you – and pressing on a simple button to collect location data while standing there.! !Of course this process is completely scalable (and more importantly) simple and easy to outsource – which means you don’t actually do this yourself. Our quick guy will enable you to train an army of monkeys (or dogs) to walk around the entire venue/s and calibrate it (collect location data by activating the Calibration App while standing at various Calibration Points).!


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That’s all?!

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Yes! That’s all… and when you’re done, your ‘Location-Intelligent’ venue will become

a powerhouse of location services.!

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Flip on the ‘Location’ switch!!

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Analytics! !You’ll have immediate access to the SPoT Location Analytics Dashboard, giving you location insights that you’ve never had before!! !You can assign and manage access – creating user accounts for your research and analytics partners and your staff. If you manage multiple venues – like stores in shopping mall – you can even sub-divide access for a fee to tenants.! !Within the SPoT Location Analytics Dashboard – are details of the SPoT Location API. With that, you and your partners will be able extract data to use it for purposes beyond what’s available on the SPoT Dashboard.!

Engagement! !User engagement will now take on a new life – with the ability to locate a user, and decrypt his behavior in real-time.! !You can now create consumer applications that serve highly targeted and highly relevant advertising or promotional content – that’s mapped to a customer’s profile AND his behavioral trigger! For instance – a customer who likes coffee may not welcome a promotion from Starbucks if he is two stores away from a Starbucks in the evening. But if he is still in the store in the morning, staying on way longer than his usual 20 minutes – he just might be tempted to have that second cup if Starbucks offers a good enough promotion. !

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What’s the price!

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We thought you’d never ask! ! !By now, you’ll be familiar with Ruckus’ high-performance technology. And when we say “high-performance”, we also mean “cost-efficient”. ! !With superior hardware, we’re “doing more with less” – giving you excellent Wi-Fi coverage at much lower cost than our less efficient competitors.! !The same hardware and business philosophy forms the foundation of our SPoT Location Technology Platform. If you are a Ruckus customer, you already have the building blocks for making your venues ‘Location Intelligent’. ! !All that’s required is a one-time set-up fee for Map Creation and Calibration… unless you prefer to do it yourself. And of course, we make it super-easy for you to do so.! !And then a monthly subscription fee that’s based on the number of APs so that we can keep your SPoT Location Server running well, and continually churning our data to your SPoT Dashboard and for your analytics and engagement partners. !

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Call Me!! !Don’t already have a Ruckus executive or Ruckus partner serving you? Fill up the form here (won’t take a minute) and we’ll get back to you ASAP!!!

Click Here to Contact Us!

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