1 September 9 th , 2016

9/9/16 Top 5 Deep Learning

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1 September 9th, 2016


Deep Learning is the fastest-growing field in artificial intelligence (AI).


“Just as electricity 100 years ago transformed industry after industry after industry, I think AI powered by deep learning will now do the same.”

- Andrew Ng (Chief Scientist of Baidu)


Here are the “Top Five” stories highlighting how AI and Deep Learning are accelerating innovation …


Baidu Open Sources Deep Learning PlatformThe Chinese tech giant has open sourced one of its key machine learning tools, PaddlePaddle, offering the software up to the global community of AI researchers. This move has become common among tech firms as they pour more and more resources into their AI work. Open sourcing your tools is a good way to attract talent, but it also allows companies to shape the development of a field that's becoming increasingly central to consumer tech, underpinning everything from voice interfaces to auto-sorting photo galleries.READ



For more information on other Deep Learning frameworks, explore HEREThe Verge News Article



How Machine Learning Will Evolve Data Science

Forbes Article

2Machine learning by definition is the ability of a machine to generalize knowledge from data—call it learning, or induction if you like… the increase in machine learning usage more broadly in many different industries will be a catalyst to push data science to increasing relevance. Machine learning is only as good as the data it is given and the ability of algorithms to consume … moving forward basic levels of machine learning will become a standard requirement for data scientists.

Learn more information about the difference machine learning, AI, and deep learning HERE


UC Berkeley Creates Artificial Intelligence Graders


3The GPU-powered AI approach has proven highly effective, based on initial returns. In a blog post published on the Gradescope site in June, company co-founder Pieter Abbeel, an associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Berkeley’s AI Lab, said he used an early version of the company’s AI-boosted grading feature for a computer science final given to more than 600 students. The early version cut grading time by 75 percent.

NVIDIA Blog Article

Watch the VIDEO for a detailed explanation of Gradescope’s technology


Shop For Items By Just Snapping a Photo with Deep Learning

Digital Trends Article


4Computer vision and image recognition, aka the ability to show a computer a picture of something and have it tell you what it is seeing, has been befuddling researchers for years. In the past decade, however, it has taken enormous leaps forward thanks to deep learning neural networks. With a new startup called Grokstyle … has developed a state- of- the- art algorithm that is more accurate than any competing system at recognizing objects within a picture and then linking them to real -world items for sale.

If interested in learning more about Deep Learning technologies, Learn HERE


Deep Learning Assisting Pro Football Coaches


5“AI will revolutionize sports,” said Alan Fern, a computer science professor at Oregon State University who is using game videos and AI to teach computers to understand and coach football. If Fern is successful, teams would boost their brainpower with a new type of assistant coach – one powered by GPUs and a branch of AI called deep learning. It could supply strategic insights that might elude even the savviest coach.

NVIDIA Blog ArticleLearn more information on Deep Learning applications HERE


How can Deep Learning Impact your Business?www.nvidia.com/deep-learning