1. The Mediterranean has been described as (1)______ largest swimming pool. (2)_______, it can also be described now as the world’s dirtiest sewer, full of rubbish, oil, chemicals and waste of all kinds. Unfortunately, (3)_______ countries bordering the Mediterranean differ greatly in their (4)______to this problem. While some countries want to start cleaning up the Mediterranean, (5)______ have begun building new ports to develop their oil wells and natural gas fields. Industries have now grown in all the countries (6)_______ the Mediterranean. It will (7)______ a century for all the water in the Mediterranean to drain into the Atlantic Ocean, and (8)______ by clean water. Three great rivers, the Nile, Po, and Rhone, all (9)______ into the Mediterranean, carrying lots of pollutants into the sea and making (10) _______very dangerous for everyone who swims in the editerranean and who catches fish there. 1. A. world's B. the world's C. world D. the world 2. A. Therefore B. However C. On the contrary D. Whereas 3. A. a great deal of B. Most of C. most D. a large amount of 4. A. bias B. views C. attitudes D. opinions 5. A. other B. another C. the others D. others 6. A. surrounding B. around C. in D. on 7. A. spend B. need C. take D. last 8. A. replace B. replaced C. to replace D. be replaced 9. A. flow B. blow C. flowing D. blowing 10. A. them B. people C. it D. all

8. bài đọc đục lỗ

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Page 1: 8. bài đọc đục lỗ

1. The Mediterranean has been described as (1)______ largest swimming pool. (2)_______, it can also be

described now as the world’s dirtiest sewer, full of rubbish, oil, chemicals and waste of all kinds. Unfortunately,

(3)_______ countries bordering the Mediterranean differ greatly in their (4)______to this problem. While some

countries want to start cleaning up the Mediterranean, (5)______ have begun building new ports to develop their

oil wells and natural gas fields. Industries have now grown in all the countries (6)_______ the Mediterranean.

It will (7)______ a century for all the water in the Mediterranean to drain into the Atlantic Ocean,  and (8)______

by clean water. Three great rivers, the Nile, Po, and Rhone, all (9)______ into the Mediterranean, carrying lots of

pollutants into the sea and making (10) _______very dangerous for everyone who swims in the editerranean and

who catches fish there.

1. A. world's B. the world's C. world D. the world

2. A. Therefore B. However C. On the contrary D. Whereas

3. A. a great deal of B. Most of C. most D. a large amount of

4. A. bias B. views C. attitudes D. opinions

5. A. other B. another C. the others D. others

6. A. surrounding B. around C. in D. on

7. A. spend B. need C. take D. last

8. A. replace B. replaced C. to replace D. be replaced

9. A. flow B. blow C. flowing D. blowing

10. A. them B. people C. it D. all

2.  Many of the things we do (1)……… on receiving information from other people. Catching a train, making a

phone call and going to the cinema all involve information (2)……. stored, processed and communicated. In the

past this information had to be kept on paper (3)……….., for example, books, newspapers and timetables. Now

more and more information is put (4)………. computers. 

  Computers play a role in our everyday lives, sometimes without us even realising it.  (5)……….  the use of

computers in both shops and offices. Big shops have to deal with very large (6)………….. of information. They

have to make sure that there are enough goods on the shelves for customers to buy, they need to be able to

reorder before (7)……… run out. A lot of office work in the past involved information on paper. Once it had

been dealt with by people, the paper was (8)……..… for future reference. This way of working was never (9)

…………….. easy or fast. A computer system is much more (10)……. .

1.   A. to depend B. depending C. depended         D. depend

2.   A. that has B. has C. is         D. that is

3.   A. in the case of B. in the form of C. in preparation for D. in search of

4.   A. on B. in C. by         D. with

5.   A. To be considered B. To consider C. Consider          D. Be considered

6.   A. amount B. number C. numbers         D. amounts

7.   A. stocks B. items         C. purchases         D. cargoes

8.   A. thrown away B. torn off         C. put aside         D. recycled

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9.   A. particularised      B. particular        C. particularly         D. particularity

10.   A. effective         B. skillful         C. capable         D. formal 

3.  Radio, telegraph, television and other inventions brought (1)………for newspapers. (2)……….. the

development of magazines and other means of communication. However, newspapers quickly (3)………. of the

newer and faster means of communication to improve the speed and (4)…………of their own operations. Today

more newspapers are (5)………….. and read than ever before.

  Newspapers are sold at prices (6)……….. to cover the cost of production. The main source of income for

(7)…………..newspapers is commercial advertising. The ability (8)………… advertising depends on a

newspapers value to advertisers. This (9)…………in terms of circulation. Circulation depends on the work of the

circulation department and on the services or entertainment  offered in a newspapers (10)……. But for the most

part, circulation depends on a newspapers value to readers as a source of information about the

community, nation, and world.

1.  A. facilities        B. usefulness C. preparation    D. competition

2.  A. So had        B. Therefore had C. So did        D. Therefore did

3.  A. made use        B. took the place C. got the control   D. did an action

4.  A. convenience      B. importance C. necessity        D. efficiency

5.  A. printed        B. issued C. published        D. advertised

6.  A. that are failed     B. that fail C. have failed       D. fail

7.  A. the most        B. most of C. most        D. almost

8.  A. to sell        B. to buy C. for selling         D. for buying

9.  A. headlines        B. tittles C. papers     D. articles

10.  A. critics        B. ordinary people C. advertisers     D. readers


Bigfoot creatures could be experimental animals that UFO aliens brought to Earth in order to test the

environment before colonizing. That's the incredible (1).......given by Walt H. Andrus Jr., international diector of

the Mutual UFO Network based in Seguin, Texas. And it is one shared by top UFOlogist, Timothy Green

Beckley, the editor of the New York-based magazine UFO Universe. He says that there is a definite

(2)........between Bigfoot and UFO sightings, especially through Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. More than

600 people in Pennsylvania alone (3)........seeing UFOs or strange creatures like Bigfoot in 1988. (4)......... to a

report published in the Pittsburgh Press. A 67-year-old disabled army veteran, from Wilpen, Pennsylvania, tells

of a chilling encounter he had with a Bigfoot while (5)..............a fishing trip at Loyalhanna Creek, the site of

numerous UFO sightings. Sam Sherry says he stood within 20 feet of the beast, which he (6)...........weighed 700

pounds and stood six and a half feet tall with arms nearly down to its ankles. Sherry claims the creature put one

arm on his shoulder and another on his back as he turned to get in his car.(7).........,he says, he was able to drive

away. Beckley says one of the most sensational Bigfoot sightings of recent times places the creature inside a

UFO, and is verified by an area investigator for the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.

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According to Beckley, University of Wisconsin professor J. M. Bostrack says that after a number of interviews

with farmer Frederick Bosak he is (8)........of the elderly man's sincerity.

Bosak claims he encountered a transparent UFO on the side of the road while driving toward his farm. He

pulled alongside the craft and peered (9)........ The Wisconsin farmer was quoted as saying, "All I know for sure

is that he had thick reddish-brown hair covering his face and arms. This heavy layer of hair appeared to extend

downward to the region of his chest...." He added, "The eyes - I doubt frankly if I'll never be able to erase them

from my (10)........They were big and round, really protruding."

1. A. explanation B. excuse C. pretext D. rudiment

2. A. cross B. clue C. prompt D. link

3. A. recounted B. reported C. narrated D. pronounced

4. A. relating B. referencing C. according D. basing

5. A. on B. in C. through D. passing

6. A. estimates B. measures C. surveys D. fathoms

7. A. Ironically B. Instantly C. Actually D. Fortunately

8. A. convinced B. confirmed C. insured D. persuaded

9. A. on B. across C. inside D. by

10. A. head B. memory C. skull D. brain

5. If you are looking at a modern laptop computer, it's hard to believe that computers were once huge devices (1)

______ only to government or big businesses. Today's computers are often not much bigger than typewriters and

are taken for (2) ______ in homes, schools, and offices. Technological (3) ______ made the small personal

computer possible, but two electronic whiz kids working in a garage actually brought it about. Steven Jobs and

Stephen Wozniak first met at Hewlett-Packard, an electronics firm in California. Jobs was a high-school student

when William Hewlett, the president, took him (4) ______ as a summer employee. Wozniak, a college dropout,

was also working there, and the two got along right away. Jobs and Wozniak went separate ways in 1972. When

they got together again in 1974, Wozniak was spending a lot of time with a local computer club, and he (5)

______Jobs to join the group. Jobs immediately saw the (6) ______ for a small computer. He (7) ______ up with

Wozniak, a brilliant engineer, to build one. The two designed the Apple I computer in Jobs’s bedroom, and they

put the prototype (8) ______ in his garage. With $1,300 in capital (9) _____ by selling Jobs’s car and Wozniak's

scientific calculator, they set up their first production line. Apple I, which they brought out in 1976, had sales of

$600, a(n) (10) ______ beginning. By 1980, Apple Computers, which had started four years earlier as a project

in a garage, had a market value of $1.2 billion.

1. A. ready B. accessible C. possible D. available

2. A. granted B. free C. common D. admissible

3. A. attacks B. thrusts C. advances D. exploits

4. A. up B. on C. in D. off

5. A. convinced B. impressed C. imposed D. confirmed

6. A. ability B. potential C. possible D. capacity

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7. A. teamed B. collected C. gathered D. met

8. A. up B. on C. together D. along

9. A. pawned B. attracted C. realized D. supposed

10. A. aspiring B. advancing C. promising D. speeding

6. I have always found it difficult to say (1) ...........certain what my memories from my early childhood are. Are

these memories learnt at a later age from overhearing our parents tell of our exploits? However, there is a

particular (2) ............that I would love to claim as a (3) .............memory. When I was just three years old, I went

to the post office with my mother where she was going to buy some stamps. While she was being served, I

happened to (4) ..............a small stocking which was hanging from the counter. It was there to collect

(5) ...........for a (6) ...........for the blind. While her back was (7) ............I took the stocking and emptied the

(8) ...........into my coat pocket. Of course I was too young to know any better. When it was realized what I had

done, everybody roared with laughter except, that is, for my mother who was a little embarrassed. She quickly

emptied the money back into the stocking (9) ................, incidentally, a few pennies of my own. One of the

clerks was something of an amateur cartoonist and he did a drawing of me robbing an old lady. This cartoon was

(10) .............in the post office for the next couple of years.

1. with for by in

2. activity accident item inciedent

3. realistic right genuine distinct

4. perceive notice locate point

5. contributions offerings givings sacritifie

6. charity pity sympathy covered

7. twisted shown turned care

8. inside internals containers contents

9. ont knowing unexpecting unsuspecting including

10. paraded perfornmed project displayed

7. A lot of people like to play their records as loudly as possible. The (1) .........is that the rest of the family and

the neighbours often complain (2)..........they don't like the music. One (3)...........to this problem is to wear

headphones, but headphones are usually uncomfortable. An armchair which has a record-player system built into

it has just been (4)............by a British engineer, Stephen Court. The armchair looks like an ordinary armchair

with a high back. However, each of the two sides of the chair has three loudspeakers inside to reproduce middle

and high sounds. Low sounds are reproduced by a pair of loudspeakers in a hollow (5) ..........under the seat.

Anyone who sits in the chair hears sounds coming from all round his / her head. Because we cannot tell the exact

(6) ..............from which low sounds come, it doesn't (7) ............that they come from underneath or behind. It is

the higher sounds coming from the side of the chair that create a stereo effect. These sounds travel only a few

inches to reach the listener's ears. (8)...........it takes only a little power to make the music sound very loud. Only a

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small amount of sound leaks out from behind the chair into the room to (9)..........others. Most of the sound is

(10) ...........by the listener.

1. A. conclision B. impact C. sequence D. result

2. A. it B. for C. lest D. since

3. A. way B. answer C. conclusion D. settlement

4. A. drawn B. discovered C. imagined D. designed

5. A. hole B. set C. location D. space

6. A. destination B. reason C. source D. departure

7. A. care B. make sense C. matter D. mean

8. A. surprisingly B. strangely C. consequently D. eventually

9. A. disappoint B. dismiss C. deter D. disturb

10. A. integrated B. absorbed C. admitted D. accommodated

8. The man who made and lost a fortune (1).............. kitchen furniture is back in business again. 37-year-old

Timothy Lindlaw is now designing (2) ...............for offices - from the director’s suit to the secretarial office.

Lindlaw had always had a lot of good ideas. After he (3)..................a highly successful computer business for

two years, he started his second business in a small garage, selling and installing kitchen furniture. He

(4)............... his first million pounds by the time he was thirty. Then he went on to earn over five million in three

years. But, after (5)..........with the managers of his company, he suddenly dismissed them. Within six months the

business had gone bankrupt. And so (6).................. Lind law. I had made five million pounds before things

(7).............. to go wrong, he said. 'I was just Unlucky to lose it later. All companies (8)................ through good

times - and through bad times. Now (9)................. several lessons which I'll never forget.' He said that he

(10)...................to call his new company 'Office-fit' and was already very successful. Office Fit’ and was already

very successful.

1. a. manufacture b. manufacturing c. to manufacture d. manufactured

2. a. furniture b. furniture c. some furniture d. a furniture

3. a. has run b. runs c. was running d. had run

4. a. has made b. used to make c. had made d. would make

5. a. quarrel b. quarrelling c. quarreled d. have quarreled

6. a. has b. does c. did d. had

7. a. have begun b. began c. begin d. would being

8. a. went b. have gone c. had gone d. go

9. a. I learn b. I've learned c. I learned d. I’d learned

10. a. had decided b. was deciding c. decided d. has decided

9. Keeping fit and staying healthy have, not surprisingly, become a growth industry (1) apart from

the amount of money spent each year on doctors’ (2) and approved medical treatment, huge sums are

now spent on health foods and (3) of various kinds, from vitamin pills to mineral water, (4)

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health clubs and keep- fit books and videos. We are more concerned than ever, it seeems, (5) the water

we drink and the air we breathe, and are smoking less, though not yet drinking less alcohol. This does not appear

to mean that (6) and sneezes have been banished, or that we can all expect to live to a hundred.

To give a personal example, one of my friends, who is a keep- fit (7) , a non- smoker and teetotaler, and

who is very (8) about what he eats, is at present languishing in bed with a wrist in (9) and a

badly sprained ankle. Part of his healthy (10) is to play squash every day after work, and that (11)

for the ankle. He also cycles everywhere, and if you have ever tried to cycle through the rush-hour

traffic with a sprained ankle, you will understand (12) he acquired the broken wrist. For (13)

, it seems, is not just a matter of a good (14) and plenty of exercise. Too much exercise can be

harmful, as many joggers have discovered. Eating the right food can easily become an obsession, as can

overworking, which you might have to do so as to be able to afford your (15) of the squash club, your

mountain bike, your health food, and a few holidays in peaceful and healthy places.

1. A. Poles B. Far C. Quite D. So

2. A. prescriptions B. surgeries C. hospitals D. payments

3. A. medications B. cures C. drugs D. remedies

4. A. beside B. not to mention C. saying D. example

5. A. than B. about C. for D. hence

6. A. colds B. flu C. fevers D. coughs

7. A. fanatic B. follower C. fad D. person

8. A. interested B. varied C. detailed D. particular

9. A. crutches B. plaster C. treatment D. danger

10. A. living B. lifetime C. lifestyle D. liveliness

11. A. is B. caters C. depends D. accounts

12. A. how B. that C. whenever D. thus

13. A. fit B. this C. health D. all

14. A. diet B. eating C. menu D. recipe

15. A. share B. visit C. membership D. subscription

10. One of the hottest topics on the international development agenda is how to harness the power of

International Monetary Fund for the benefit of developing countries. What is sometimes called “ the death of

distance”, brought about by the (1) ,allow professional services such as (2)

education and training to be provided easily and quickly to (3) areas. Some of the gains

can be seen in countries as diverse as India and Morocco, where innovations range from (4)

government announcements to local craftsmen selling their wares to a (5) market. But already a

huge and eapanding (6) divide is opening up between developed and developing nations. The

major tasks facing world leaders at present is to (7) everybody on the planet with clean water, basic

education and the drugs needed to fight preventable diseases. Installing a (8) in every classroom and

liking us to (9) must be a lesser (10) , for the time being at least.

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1. A. computer B. telephone C. modern D. internet

2. A. stationary B. software C. hardware D. equipment

3. A. far B. uninhabited C. remote D. secluded

4. A. programmed B. broadcast C. recorded D. online

5. A. global B. technical C. village D. shrinking

6. A. physical B. digital C. electrical D. economical

7. A. supply B. give C. donate D. administer

8. A. plug B. video C. mobile phone D. modem

9. A. the real world B. cyberspace C. virtual reality D. outer space

10. A. priority B. advantage C. importance D. criteria

11. Statesmen define a family as "a group of individuals having a common dwelling and related by blood,

adoption or marriage, (1) _______ includes common-law relationships." Most people are born into one of these

groups and (2)_______ live their lives as a family in such a group.

Although the definition of a family may not change, (3)_______ relationship of people to each other within the

family group changes as society changes. More and more wives are (4)_______ paying jobs, and, as a result, the

roles of husband, wife and children are changing. Today, men expect to (5) ______ for pay for about 40 years of

their lives, and, in today's marriages (6)_______ which both spouses have paying jobs, women can expect to

work for about 30 to 35 years of their lives. This means that men must learn to do their share of family tasks such

as caring for the children and daily (7)_______ chores. Children, too, especially adolescents, have to (8)_______

with the numbers of their family in sharing household tasks. The widespread acceptance of contraception has

meant that having (9)_______ is a matter of choice, not an automatic result of marriage. Marriage itself has

become a choice. As alternatives (10)_______ common-law relationships and single-parent families have

become socially acceptable, women will become more independent.

1. A. which  B. that  C. what  D. it

2. A. must  B. need  C. would  D.will

3. A. a  B. any  C. some  D.the

4. A. taking  B. making  C. keeping  D. performing

5. A. live  B.work  C.hope  D. ask

6. A. in  B.for  C. with  D. to

7. A. home  B. family  C. house  D.household

8. A. carry  B. deal  C.cooperate  D. combine

9. A. time  B. families  C. happiness  D.children

10. A. similar to  B. like  C. such as  D. or else

12. More than two hundred years ago, the term “environmental pollution” was quite strange to people. They

lived healthily, drank (1)______ water, and breathed fresh air. In those days industry was not well-developed.

Nowadays, the (2)______ is quite different. The world today is faced with many (3)______threats. The most

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dangerous threat of all is war, and the threat of war is (4)______. People all over the world are worried about

things that are happening to the environment. Actually, it is man that is (5)______the surroundings with many

kinds of waste from the devices that make human life more comfortable and convenient. Everybody knows that

cars emit dangerous gases that cause poisonous (6)______ and cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by

bicycles. Manufactures know that (7)______from factories make water and (8)_______ polluted, but they do not

want to spend a lot of their money on(9) _______ the wastes safely. (10)______rubbish is bad for our health, but

no one wants to spend time burying it. Is it worth talking a lot about pollution?

1. A. fresh B. pure C. clean D. boiled

2. A. situation B. case C. circumstance D. occasion

3. A. chief B. significant C. major D. main

4. A. contamination B. polution C. dirtying D. poisoning

5. A. poisoning B. destroying C. dirtying D. contaminating

6. A. steam B. vapor C. air D. moisture

7. A. wastes B. junks C. garbage D. litters

8. A. land B. ground C. soil D. earth

9. A. solving B. dealing C. processing D. treating

10. A. throwing B. scattering C. distributing D. pouring

13. British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19 th century. The invention

of the railways (1) _____ this possible. The first holidaymakers were quite rich and went for their health and

education. The seaside was a place to be (2)_____ of illness, and doctors recommended bathing in the sea and

drinking sea water. Also to (3) ____ their knowledge, families attended concerts and read books from the library.

At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (4) _______ work. However, in 1871, the

government introduced four ‘Banking Holidays’ – national holiday days. This (5) _________ people to have a

day or two out, which now and then gave a taste for leisure and the seaside. At first, they went on day-trips,

taking (6)_____ of special cheap tickets on the railways.

By the 1980s, rising incomes (7) _______ that many ordinary workers and their families could have a week’s

holiday at the seaside. Rail fares were reduced and cheap hotels were built to (8)________ them. Holidaymakers

enjoyed being idle, sitting on the beach, bathing in the sea, and eating ice-cream. Cheap entertainment was

(9)______ offer and holidaymakers went to have fun.

Today, the English seaside (10)____ popular, with more than 18 million holidays taken there each year.

26. A. let B. made C. got D. had

27. A. cured B. remedied C. recovered D. improved

28. A. raise B. spread C. increase D. add

29. A. out B. off C. away D. from

30. A. allowed B. provided C. offered D. opened

31. A. benefit B. opportunity C. advantage D. profit

32. A. caused B. produced C. meant D. resulted

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33. A. accommodate B. board C. cater D. lodge

34. A. in B. for C. to D. on

35. A. remains B. stays C. continues D. lasts

14. The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This (1) _____many problems,

including serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risk (2)_____accidents. Clearly, something must

be done, but it is often difficult to persuade people to change their habits and leave their cars at home.

One possible (3)_____is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by increasing charges for

parking and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who (4)_____the law. In addition, drivers could be required to

pay for using particular routes at different times of the day. This system, (5) _____as ´road pricing´, is already

being introduced in a number of cities, using a special electronic card (6)_____to the windscreen of the car.

Another way of (7)_____ with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the outskirts of the city, and strictly

control the number of vehicles allowed into the centre. Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus

service for the (8)_____stage of their journey.

Of course, the most important (9)_____is to provide good public transport. However, to get people to give up

the comfort of their cars, public transport must be felt to be reliable, convenient and comfortable with fares (10)

_____at an acceptable level.

1. A. causes B. results C. lead D. invents

2. A. of B. for C. about D. by

3. A. manner B. approach C. custom D. style

4. A. crosses B. refuses C. breaks D. cracks

5. A. named B. seen C. called D. known

6. A. fixed B. joined C. built D. placed

7. A. doing B. handling C. dealing D. solving

8. A. late B. end C. complete D. final

9. A. thought B. thing C. work D. event

10. A. taken B. kept C. given D. stood

15. When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do not (1)______

understand. Sometimes you (2)______ the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you guess. The strategy you

adopt depends very much upon the (3)______ of accuracy you require and the time at your disposal.

If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is (4)______ remembering that

every dictionary has its limitations. Each definition is only an approximation and one builds up an accurate

picture of the meaning of a word only after meeting it in a (5)______ of contexts. It is also important to

recognize the special dangers of dictionaries that translate from English into your native language and vice versa.

If you must use a dictionary, it is usually far safer to (6)______ an English-English dictionary. In most exams

you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (7)______ you are allowed to use one, it is very time-consuming to

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look up words, and time in exams is usually limited. You are, (8)______ , forced to guess the meaning of

unfamiliar words.

When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if you develop

efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will (9)______ a number of possible problems and help

yourself to understand far more of the text than you at first thought likely.

Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, both within the

sentence and outside, and making use of clues (10)______ from the formation of the word.

1:A. wholly B. fully C. totally D. completely

2:A. inspect B. control C. check D. examine

3:A. extent B. level C. degree D. range

4:A. worth B. essential C. valuable D. vital

5: A. multiple B. variation C. variety D. diversity

6: A. survey B. consult C. refer D. inquire

7: A. In case B. Provided C. Although D. Even if

8: A. therefore B. so C. however D. so that

9: A. go over B. overcome C. get over D. surpass

10: A. coming B. extracted C. derived D. originated

16. In Part Three of the Speaking Section you work together with a partner. You have to do a (1).......task which

usually (2).......about three minutes. One possible task is "problem (3)........", which means you have to look at

some (4)........information and then (5).......the problem with your partner. You may be shown photos, drawings,

diagrams, maps, plans, advertisements or computer graphics and it is (6)........ that you study them carefully. If

necessary, check you know exactly what to do by (7)..... asking the examiner to (8)...... the instructions or make

them clearer.

While you are doing the task, the examiner will probably say very (9).......... and you should ask your

partner questions and make (10)...........if he or she is not saying much. If either of you have any real difficulties

the examiner may decide to step in and (11).........Normally, however, you will find plenty to say, which helps the

(12).......to give you a fair mark. This mark depends on your success in doing the task by (13)........with your

partner, which includes taking (14) ..........in giving opinions and replying appropriately, although in the end it

may be possible to "agree or (15)........"

1. A. single B. lonely C. unique D. once

2. A. exists B. lasts C. stays D. maintains

3. A. solving B. working C. making D. finding

4. A. optical B. obvious C. noticeable D. visual

5. A. argue B. discuss C. talk D. have

6. A. essential B. needed C. helpful D. successful

7 A. formally B. officially C. politely D. sincerely

8. A. insist B. copy C. tell D. repeat

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9. A. little B. much C. few D. many

10. A. ideas B. statements C. speeches D. suggestions

11. A. complain B. help C. suggest D. fail

12. A. judge B. referee C. assessor D. observer

13. A. competing B. struggling C. opposing D. co-operating

14. A. changes B. sides C. turns D. sentences

15. A. contrast B. disagree C. argue D. object

17. Health is something we tend to (1)___ when we have it. When our body is doing well, we are hardly (2)

____ of it. But illness can come, even (3)_____ we are young. In fact, childhood has been a very susceptible

time. Many diseases attack children in particular, and people know very little (4)_____ to cure them once they

struck. The result was that many children died. About a century ago, (5)______, scientists found out about

germs, and then everything changed. The (6)_____ of many diseases was found, and cures were developed. As

this medical discovery spread, the world became (7)_____ safer for children. The result is that (8)_____ a

hundred years ago, the average man lived for 35 years, nowadays, in many areas of the world, people can (9)

______ to live for 75 years. And what do we expect by the year 2020 ? Undoubtedly, medical science will

continue to (10) ______. Some people will be able to avoid medical problems that are unavoidable today.

1. A. forget B. ignore C. give up D. throw away

2. A. awake B. keen C. aware D. concerned

3. A. if B. so C. when D. while

4. A. how B. what C. which D. when

5. A. therefore B. however C. although D. moreover

6. A. reason B. origin C. source D. cause

7. A. more B. much C. very D. quite

8. A. where B. when C. why D. whereas

9. A. desire B. hope C. want D. expect

10. A. speed up B. advance C. accelerate D. run

18. If the end of the world ever comes, it seems (41) ________ to assume that most of America will be glued to

its television (42) _______ and tuned to CNN as the final hour approaches. Largely thanks to CNN and its

imitators, the United States is more than ever nation of news junkies. Over the past decade and a half, the vast

(43)______ for the traditional news (44)______ of CBS, ABC and NBC has slowly dwindled as (45)_______

and listeners tune (46)________ to “Get it first, get if fast, get it now!” as one all-news radio (47)_______ puts

it. In times of crisis or high (48)______ like the exploding space shuttle Challenger or the Gulf War, America

automatically turns to CNN. In bars, airports, aircraft, hotel lobbies, corner shops and anywhere else where

people might pause and (49)_______ , the news pours out in a steady stream.

The news is no longer a series of (50)________ to be explained and analysed nightly by a set of experts, but

increasingly a form of vivid, instant (51)_______ . “The news is always changing,” CNN’s jingle says, “so tune

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in two, three, four times a day.” If you do not, it is implied, you may (52)_______ something, an important

(53)______ in the endless sap opera that is real life.

1. a. well b. sure c. safe d. strong

2. a. controls b. sets c. monitors d. boxes

3. a. crows b. audience c. people d. public

4. a. broadcast b. shows c. series d. performances

5. a. spectators b. observers c. viewers d. witnesses

6. a. on b. over c. up d. in

7. a. channel b. station c. wave d. speaker

8. a. theater b. action c. drama d. plot

9. a. watch b. see c. hear d. notice

10. a. actions b. events c. occasions d. signals

11. a. pastimes b. leisure c. enjoyment d. entertainment

12. a. lose b. waste c. miss d. leave

13. a. series b. piece c. track d. episode

19. Sibling Memories

My brother and I used to fight, a great deal as children. We did a (0)___lot____ of things together, not always

in complete (1)_________ . In (2)_________ , he actually (3)________ my arms on one occasion. It meant that I

missed the school exams for that years, so I suppose that really he did me a (4)________ Tony was year older

than me, so he was always first at doing things that I wanted to do – to (5)________ in public, for example, at

school. I was full of (6)_______ When, at 14, he got to play solo in a school concert at the City Hall. I had to (7)

_______ 15 years before I could do the same as a professional musician. He definitely blazed a (8)_______ for

me. It was obvious that Tony was always going to be successful in his choice of career. When he had just left

school and had (9)________ a job as a designer in Glasgow, he was soon in demand from other companies

wanting to (10)_______ him part of their team. For him, music was just something that you (11)_______ at

school. And his (12)_______ were always in the visual arts – that was his main area of interest and obviously the

(13)_______ thing for him. When our mother was running an Art Gallery for a (14)_______ Tony, still in his

teens, used to organize all the publicity for her – he was incredibly (15)________ .

0. a. lot b. deal c. collection d. quantity1. a. concert b. unison c. harmony d. unity2. a. essence b. fact c. general d. reality3. a. ripped b. smashed c. snapped d. broke4. a. courtesy b. privilege c. favour d. benefit5. a. perform b. present c. produce d. practice6. a. anxiety b. envy c. guilt d. contempt7. a. postpone b. delay c. suspend d. wait8. a. path b. road c. trail d. way9. a. taken b. changed c. resigned d. abandoned10. a. have b. keep c. make d. get11. a. did b. made c. played d. carried12. a. feelings b. insights c. senses d. instincts

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13. a. precise b. right c. straight d. proper14. a. turn b. time c. tour d. stage15. a. practical b. workable c. realistic d. useful

20. Face-to-face conversation is two-way process: You speak to me, I reply to you and so on. Two-way (1)_____depends on having a coding system that is understood by both (2)_____ and receiver, and an agreed convention about (3)_____ the beginning and end of the (4)______. In speech, the coding system is the language like English or Spanish; the convention that one person speaks at a time may seem too obvious to (5)_____. In fact, the (6)_____ that people use in conversations and meetings are often non-verbal. For example, lowering the pitch of the voice may mean the end of a sentence; a sharp intake of breath may signal the desire to (7)_____, catching the chairman’s (8)_____may indicate the desire to speak in a formal setting like a (9)_____, a clenched fist may indicate anger. When these (10)_____ signals are not possible, more formal signals may be needed.

1: A. interchange B. exchange C. correspondence D. communication

2: A. announcer B. transmitter C. messenger D. sender

3: A. signing B. symbolizing C. signalling D. showing

4: A. message B. topic C. idea D. theme

5: A. judge B. mention C. recognize D. notice

6: A. signals B. symptoms C. symbols D. signs

7: A. interchange B. interfere C. interrupt D. intercept

8: A. elbow B. eye C. shoulder D. hand

9: A. chat B. debate C. broadcast D. lecture

10: A. visual B. auditory C. verbal D. sensory

21. Why do people like to chew gum? Some people say they like the taste...1......say they can think better if they

chew gum. Some people chew it when they have some boring work to...2......Others chew gum when they are


Gum is a...3........of several things. For many years gum companies made gum from chicle. Chicle is a natural

gum from a tree in Mexico and Central America. Now companies use plastic and rubber made from

petroleum...4.......of chicle.

Gum must be soft...5.......you can chew it. A softener keeps it soft. The gum company makes the softener from

vegetable oil. A sweetener makes the gum sweet. The sweetener is usually sugar. Then the company...6......the


Thomas Adams made the first gum from chicle in 1836. ...7........, chewing gum was not new. The Greeks

chewed gum from a tree...8.......2,000 years ago. Mayan Indians in Mexico chewed chicle. Indians in the

Northeastern United States taught Europeans to chew gum from a tree there.

People first made bubble gum in 1928. Children like to...9......bubble with bubble gum. Some university

students do...10........

1. A. The other B. Others C. The others D. Other

2. A. make B. get C. do D. carry

3. A. mixture B. roll C. fix D. connection

4. A. aside B. apart C. inside D. instead

5. A. so that B. then C. for D. that

6. A. puts B. places C. adds D. fits

7. A. However B. More C. But D. Though

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8. A. more B. over C. above D. than

9. A. turn B. set C. pass D. blow

10. A. so B. too C. then D. same

22. LISTENINGHuman beings have a strong need to 1.….their experiences and problems into words. That is why everyone

2……a ‘friendly ear’-someone who is 3……to listen to their troubles and joys. But few people 4….. what a

complex skill listening is. To be a good listener requires great 5…….of concentration, which can only be gained

through practice.

There are two reasons why listening is often such hard 6….. . The first is simply that people much prefer to

speak. How often have you 7…….what someone has said because you were thinking about what you were going

to say in 8……….? The second reason is that people speak too slowly. The average speed is about 125 words per

minute, 9……is not fast enough for the human brain. It 10……..too much time for the concentration to fail, as

the brain tries to 11…..itself busy with other , irrelevant thoughts.

Next time you are in a listening 12……, try to predict what the speaker is going to say. Ask yourself

questions about what is being said, and 13…..if the speaker answers them. Finally, make quick summaries in

your head of the main 14.…..that have been made. All of these things will 15….you to concentrate and make

you a better listener.

1.a.say b.put c.tell d.place

2.a.approves b.applauds c.appreciates d.attracts

3.a.agreed b.wanting c.capable d.willing

4.a.realise b.believe c.relate d.detect

5.a.forces b.skills c.powers d.energy

6.a.job b.work c.task d.act

7.a.lost b.dropped c.slipped d.missed

8.a.report b.answer c.reply d.turn

9.a.that b.what c.this d.which

10.a.lets b.allows c.makes d.admits

11.a.keep b.stop c.maintain d.hold

12.a.station b.circumstance c.atmosphere d.situation

13.a.look b.watch c.see d.tell

14.a.marks b.points c.topics d.ideas

15.a.aid b.serve c.give d.help

23. You have 1….heard someone say that the reason you caught a cold was that you were run-down. People

generally accept that if you are under press or run-down, you are more 2.…to get ill. But is this really true or is it

just an old wives’ 3……?

     The problem 4…..old sayings like this is that it is often difficult to prove 5…..they are true or not. If you ask

people with colds if they are feeling run-down, they are almost certain 6….yes. People without colds are more

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likely to say no. So, 7…..you can tell if it’s the cold that is making them feel run-down or the fact that they are

run-down that is making them more likely to catch a cold?

     Scientists at the Common Cold Research Centre ran a series of tests. They got 8…….without colds to attend

the centre, 9……..they were first given a questionaire to complete. The questions measured the 10……of stress

each of them was under. They were then deliberately injected with a cold virus 11……..left to see whether they

developed a cold. After many people had been tested, the researchers looked for a link 12…….the measured

stress level and the chances of catching a cold. They found that 13……the stress, the more likely the person was

to catch a cold.

     At the moment, it is not known why stress makes someone more likely to become ill, but now that the link

has been found, researchers might be able to investigate 14……. . They may even find different ways of

combating diseases.

1. a.sometime      b.never                           c.ever                                d.physically

2. a.likely            b.able                              c.capable                          d.possible

3. a.story              b.saying                         c.tale                                d.proverb

4. a.for                 b.with                             c.in                                   d.of

5. a.that                b.whether                       c.when                             d.why

6. a.saying           b.to be saying                 c.say                                 d.to say

7. a.why               b.whether                       c.that                                 d.how

8. a.pioneers        b.characters                   c.volunteers                      d.beginners

9. a.which            b.where                          c.that                                 d.because

10.a.number         b.amount                        c.quantity                          d.total

11.a.and                b.which                          c.therefore                        d.but

12.a.for                 b.between                      c.from                               d.with

13.a.highly            b.the highest                  c.higher                            d.the higher

14.a.mostly           b.farther                         c.better                              d.further

24. Technology is used for the (1)_____ of human needs and production is increased by technology. Science and

technology, the (2)______ concerned with know- what and latter with know- how, are continuously conditioning

man’s world view and have (3)_____ material standards beyond any earlier vision of man’s potential. However,

in this science and technology are too much concerned with quantity at the expense of (4) _____. technology has

made (5)_____ the mass production of articles and mass production seems to have reduced the quality of goods.

If a motor-car in the past was made to last, today it is made to be thrown away and (6)_____. While the quality

in terms of new features has improved, (7)______is of little concern to manufacturers. In their drive to expand

markets and be competitive, manufacturers ignore quality and are concerned with quantity or the number of

products that can be sold. Evolving technology encourages the economy of economy of transience which is fast

replacing the economy on permanence of the old world. Medical technology prolongs life and reduces the

mortality rate, but the quality of life (8)______.Genetics has increased agricultural productivity, and the Green

Revolution that it set in motion had resulted in high- yielding variety of wheat, rice paddy, etc., but they (9) -

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_____ the quality which the traditional variety, through low- yielding, had. Alvin Toffler in his Future Shock

considers the lowering of costs of manufacture and increased demand as factors (10)______ for the sacrifice of

quality. Science and technology should be concerned equally with quality and quantity. This concern is of great

importance since science and technology are to make further strides.

1. A. satisfaction B. requirement C. disappoinment D. demand

2. A. before B. older C. former D. first

3. A. raised B. risen C. lifted D. aroused

4. A. number B. value C. evaluation D. quality

5. A. it possible B. possible C. available D. impossible

6. A. replaced B. refunded C. repaired D. refilled

7. A. endurance B. strength C. duration D. durability

8. A. deteriorates B. diminished C. loosens D. devastates

9. A. insufficient B. shortage C. lack D. miss

10. A. used B. responsible C. asking D. explaining

25. If you are an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl. It has become a

symbol of our wasteful, throwing away society. But there seems little __(1)___, it is here to stay, and the truth is,

of course, that plastics have brought enormous __(2)__ , even environmental ones. It is not really the plastics

themselves that are the environmental evil - it is the way society chooses to use and abuse them.

Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or coal - non-renewable

natural __(3)__ . We __(4)__ well over three million tones of the stuff in Britain each year and, sooner or later,

most of it is thrown away. A high__(5)__of our annual consumption is in the__(6)___of packaging and this__

(7)__ about seven percent by weight of our domestic__(8)__.Almost all of it could be recycled, but very little of

it is, through the plastic recycling __(9)___ is growing fast.

The plastics themselves are extremely energy-rich, they have a higher calorific value than coal and one

method of "recovery" strongly favored by the plastic manufacturers is the __(10)___ of waste plastic into a fuel.

1. A. doubt B. evidence C. concern D. likelihood

2. A. pleasures B. benefits C. savings D. profits

3. A. processes B. products C. fuels D. resources

4. A. remove B. consume C. change D. import

5. A. proportion B. portion C. amount D. rate

6. A. way B. form C. kind D. type

7. A. takes B. makes C. carries D. constitutes

8. A. goods B. refuse C. rubble D. requirements

9. A. industry B. manufacture C. factory D. plant

10. A. melting B. change C. conversion D. replacement


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The expression on your face can actually dramatically alter your feelings and perceptions, and it has been proved

that (1)_____ smiling or frowning can create corresponding emotional responses. The idea was first put forward

by a French physiologist, Israel Waynbaum, in 1906. He believed that different facial (2)_______ affected the

flow of blood to the brain, and that this could create positive or negative feelings. A happy smile or irrepressible

(3)______ increased the blood flow and contributed to joyful feelings. However, sad, angry expressions

decreased the flow of oxygen-carrying blood, and created a vicious circle of gloom and depression by effectively

starving the brain of essential fuel.

Psychologist Robert Zajonc rediscovered this early research, and (4)____ that the temperature of the brain could

affect the production and synthesis of neurotransmitters — which definitely influence our moods and energy

levels. He argues that an impaired blood flow could not (5)____ deprive the brain of oxygen, but create further

chemical imbalance (6)____ inhibiting these vital hormonal messages. Zajonc goes on to propose that our brains

remember that smiling is associated with being happy, and that by deliberately smiling through your tears you

can (7)_____ your brain to release uplifting neurotransmitters - replacing a depressed condition (8) ____ a

happier one. People suffering from psychosomatic (9)____, depression and anxiety states could (10) ___ from

simply exercising their zygomatic muscles which pull the corners of the mouth up and back to form a smile-

several times an hour.

1. A. desperately         B. determinedly          C. deliberately             D. decidedly

2. A. aspects                B. looks                       C. expressions             D. appearances

3. A. laughter              B. sadness                   C. humour                   D. depression

4. A. advises               B. wants                      C. demands                 D. suggests

5. A. even                    B. only                        C. ever                         D. always

6. A. by                       B. without                   C. when                       D. from

7. A. make                   B. persuade                 C. let                          D. decide

8. A. through               B. by                           C. after                        D. with

9. A. disease                B. illness                      C. infection                 D. ailment

10. A. recover              B. improve                  C. benefit                    D. progress

27. The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write, or the ability to use

language to read, write, listen, and speak. In modern contexts, the word refers to reading and writing at a level

(1)______ for communication, or at a level that lets one understand and communicate ideas in a literate society,'

so as to take (2)_____ in that society. The United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(UNESCO) has drafted the following definition: “Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create,

communicate and compute, using printed and written' materials (3)____ with varying contexts. Literacy involves

a continuum of learning to enable an Individual to achieve his or her goals, to develop his, or her (4)______ and

potential, and to participate fully in the wider society." 

Many policy analysts consider literacy rates a crucial measure of a region's human capital. This claim is

made on the (5)____ that literate people can be trained less expensively than illiterate people, generally have a

higher socio-economic (6)___ and enjoy better health and employment prospects. Policy makers also argue that

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literacy increases job opportunities and access to higher education. In Kerala, India, for example, female and

child mortality rates declined (7)___ in the 1960s, when girls who were educated in the education reforms after

1948 began to raise families. Recent researchers, (8)____, argue that correlations such as, the one listed above

may have more to do with the effects of schooling rather than literacy in general. Regardless, the (9) _____ of

educational systems worldwide includes a basic (10) _____ around communication through test and print, which

is the foundation of most definitions of literacy.

1. A. adaptable B. suitable C. adequate D. important

2. A. comfort B. control C. part D. honor

3. A. associated B. worked C. appropriated D. related

4. A. ability B. knowledge C. performance D. behavior

5. A. foundations B. ways C. grounds D. basics

6. A. condition B. request C. state D. status

7. A. dramationally B. extremely C. actually D. accurately

8. A. additionally B. however C. therefore D. consequently

9. A. focus B. demand C. majority D. main

10. A. content B. concept C. contact D. context

28. Delhi and Mumbai are the fifth and third cheapest cities of the world, out of 134 __(1)___, says a news

report. This comes as a ___(2)___, naturally, to those who live in these places and have been led to __(3)__ that

they lead a pretty expensive life. Particularly what with the global commodity price boom pushing up material

prices and all kinds of labour costs. With their considerable experience in “arranging” surveys to deliver the

desired results, many a Dilliwala or Mumbaikar might be tempted to __(4)___ the survey which came up with

these results was ___(5)___ by some sponsor or the other. Such cynicism goes out of the ___(6)___ when the

same news report reveals that the survey was conducted by a respectable organisation. ___(7)___ a scrutiny of

the top five cities and the two Indian cities, neighbours at the bottom yields a clue.

Tokyo leads the pack, followed by Oslo, Kobe, Paris and Zurich. One cannot readily vouch for Paris, but

the other four are some of the most placid peaceful cities of the world. When we come to the bottom of the

ranking, giving __(8)__ to Delhi and Mumbai are Tehran. Tunis and Karachi, the last mentioned being crowned

the cheapest city of them all. Karachi gives the game away immediately, lifting all __(9)__ over what exactly is

cheap in these places jostling for space at the bottom of the list. Life liberty and human dignity are what goes

__(10)__ in these towns and what makes Delhi and Mumbai worthy contenders in the race to global cheapness.

When crime goes unchecked, even after being widely reported and condemned, and criminals run rampant, life

gets degraded, deformed, even extinguished. Life, in other words, gets cheap. Call it the lighter side of death.

1: A. participated B. sought C. designed D. surveyed

2: A. reckoner B. shock C. mistake D. relief

3: A. style B. pretend C. believe D. deny

4: A. conclude B. protest C. conduct D. oppose

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5: A. rejected B. manipulated C. improved D. matched

6: A. doubt B. city C. senses D. door

7: A. But B. Whether C. Would D. As

8: A. significance B. threat C. company D. competing

9: A. dependency B. mystery C. definitions D. inhibition

10: A. miss B. unreported C. complex D. cheap

29. All life is sound. We are constantly surrounded by sounds and noises (1)……..by nature and everything in it.

For thousands of years man has been speaking and singing, and (2)…….…his wonderfully constructed ear,

perceiving sounds and noises, although they are but a small part of the inconceivable wealth of sounds filling the

universe. Children everywhere and without (3)……..are born with musical abilities with voices, and with

hearing. The difference lies (4)………in what they do with these gifts. That (5)…....according to temperament

upbringing nationality, and time.

Nature itself is full of sound, full of music. Musical sounds existed millions of years before there was a human

ear to hear (6)…….…: the soft bubbling of the water, the roll of thunder, the whistling and rustling of leaves in

the wind and (7)…..….knows how many other audible manifestations of nature. Man was born (8)...…...a world

of sound. Thunder filled him with fear and became a symbol of supernatural (9).………… In the roar of the

wind he heard the voices of demons. Dwellers at the seashore (10)…….…the temper of the gods by the sound of

the waves. Religious rites and music were inseparable at the dawn of humanity.

1. a. found b. heard c. produced d. existing

2. a. thanks to b. based on c. in spite of d. without

3. a. exception b. doubt c. consideration d. preparation

4. a. absolutely b. merely c. especially d. suddenly

5. a. depends b. forms c. varies d. differentiates

6. a. them b. it c. all d. from

7. a. he b. someone c. who d. everyone

8. a. with b. from c. in d. into

9. a. disasters b. powers c. symbols d. existence

10. a. terrified b. touched c. judged d. heard

30. Students and jobseekers keen to get onto the course or into the workplace of their (0)____hope that voluntary

work will help them (1)____ from the crowd. This chance to gain experience - personally and professionally -

is (3)_____ on the wish-list of young people.

A survey carried out last year revealed that young and old (4)____said volunteering had improved their lives,

particularly those (5)______in conservation or heritage work.

Businesses recognise its importance and get to (6)_____ their profile in the community, while staff get a break

from their daily routine to develop 'soft skills',(7)_____initiative and decision-making. One volunteering

organisation is (8)______another survey to find out if volunteering does make a difference in the workplace, or if

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it is something businesses do simply to improve their (9)______.

Not (10)______are business-sponsored placements becoming more common, the government is also investing

money and aiming to (11)______volunteers. The push is clearly on to make volunteering as attractive as possible

to everyone. And the more people who participate, the more the act fulfils its (12)______of making the world a

better place.

0. A. alternative B. choice C. option D. election

1. A. stand out B. lift out C. pick out D. point out

2. A. win B. achieve C. collect D. gain

3. A. extreme B. high C. sharp D. strong

4. A. similar B. the same C. alike D. too

5. A. committed B. associate C. connected D. involved

6. A. raise B. increase C. arouse D. motivate

7. A. such B. such as C. such like D. such and such

8. A. governing B. guiding C. conducting D. directing

9. A. representation B. look C. image D. figure

10. A. only B. just C. merely D. simply

11. A. claim B. recruit C. bring D. enter

12. A. aim B. direction C. mark D. design

31. In recent years, there has been a remarkable increase into happiness. The researchers have come up a number

of factors which contribute to a definition of happiness.

First of all, there is, in some people, a moderate genetic predisposition to be happy, in other words,

happiness(1)_______ in families. And happiness seems to correlate quite strongly with the main dimensions of

personalities: extroverts are generally happier, neurotics are less so.

Second, people often report good social relations as a reason for their happiness. In particular, friends are

a great (2) ______ of joy, partly because of the agreeable things they do together, partly because of the way

friends use positive non-verbal (3) ______ such as caressing and touching, to affirm their friendship. Marriage

and similar (4) ______ relationships can also form the basis of lasting happiness.

Third, job satisfaction undoubtedly (5) ______ overall satisfaction, and vice versa - perhaps this is why

some people are happy in boring jobs: it (6) ______ both ways. Job satisfaction is caused not only by the

essential nature of the work, but (7)_____ by social interactions with co-workers. Unemployment, on the

contrary, can be a serious cause of unhappiness.

Fourth, leisure is important because it is more under individual (8) ______ than most other causes of

happiness. Activities (9) _____ sport and music, and participation in voluntary work and social clubs of various

kinds, can give great joy. This is partly because of the (10) ______themselves, but also because of the social

support of other group members – it is very strong in the case of religious groups.

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1. A. runs B. arrives C. goes D. descends

2. A. source B. origin C. base D. meaning

3. A. movements B. signals C. slogans D. motions

4. A. near B. tight C. close D. heavy

5. A. consists of B. applies to C. counts on D. contributes to

6. A. works B. effects C. makes D. turns

7. A. too B. as well C. also D. plus

8. A. check B. power C. choice D. control

9. A. so B. such C. like D. thus

10. A. facilities B. activities C. exercises D. amenities

32. In the past people suffered (1)……… a disease called scurvy. Their gums bled, their skin became rough,

their wounds did not (2)……….and their muscles wasted away. The (3)…………of these symptoms was a lack

of vitaminC; people ate preserved meats and food and could not get fresh vegetables and fruits .

The best (4)……of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, graperfruit, cantaloupes, strawberries, and fresh

vegetables. These fruits must be fresh because vitamin C is destroyed by heat, strorage, or exposure (5)……..


Although today more people (6)………..vitamin C pills than any other supplement, some people still have

scurvy,(7)………some of the elderly, alcoholics, and the chronically ill.

Research shows that vitamin C reduces the (8) ………of colds and can help prevent cancer. There is also

evidence that vitamin C prevents heart disease, (9)…………wound healing, help prevent gumdisease, and help

protect us from pollutant such as cigarette smoke. Some recent research also shows that vitamin C has a positive

effect on some metal (10)………….and increases lif span. 

1. A. from B. with C. by D. at

2. A. close B. recover C. heal D. get well

3. A. reason B. cause C. origin D. signs

4. A. store B. resources C. provider D. sources

5. A. to B. towards C. in D. by

6. A. consume B. drink C. take D. have

7. A. containing B. including C. consisting D. like

8. A. severity B. seriousness C. gravity D. importance

9. A. hastens B. hurries up C. quickens D. speeds

10. A. chaos B. confusions C. disorders D. disturbances

33. Although the earth was formed about 4,500 million years ago, human beings have inhabited it for less than

half a million years. Within this time, population has increased hugely and people have had a vast (1)...... upon

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the earth. They have long been able to (2)...... the forces of nature to use. Now, with modern technology, they

have the power to alter the balance of life on earth.

Reports back from the first astronauts helped dispel the dangerous (3)...... that the world had no boundaries and

had limitless resources. Moreover, ecologists have shown that all forms of life on earth are interconnected, so it

(4)...... that all human activity has an effect on the natural environment.

In recent years, people have been putting the environment under stress. As a result, certain (5)...... materials such

as timber, water and minerals are beginning to (6)...... short. Pollution and the (7)...... of waste are already critical

issues, and the (8)...... of the environment is fast becoming the most pressing problem (9)...... us all. The way we

respond to the challenge will have a profound effect on the earth and its life support (10)...... .

1. A. imprint B. indication C. impression D. impact

2. A. put B. make C. place D. stand

3. A. judgment B. notion C. reflection D. concept

4. A. results B. follows C. complies D. develops

5. A. raw B. coarse C. crude D. rough

6. A. turn B. come C. go D. run

7. A. disposal B. displacement C. dismissal D. disposition

8. A. state B. situation C. case D. circumstance

9. A. encountering B. opposing C. meeting D. confronting

10. A. projects B. systems C. methods D. routines

34. Everyone has got two personalities- the one that is shown to the world and the other that is (1)............ and

real. You don’t show your secret personality when you are (2).........., because you can control yourself. But when

you are asleep, your feeling position (3).......... the real you. In a normal (4) ........, of course, people often change

their position. The important position is the one you go to sleep in.

If you go to sleep on your back, you are a very (5)............ person. You usually believe people and you

accept new things or new ideas easily. You don’t like to make people sad., so you never express your (6) ...........

feeling. You are quite shy.

If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You (7).......... a lot and you always easily

become sad. You usually live for today not tomorrow. This means that you (8).......... having a good time.

If you sleep curled up, you are probably a very (9) ............person. You have a low opinion of yourself. You

are shy and don’t like meeting people. You (10)............... to be on your own. You are easily hurt.

1 A important B serious C secret D particular2 A awake B active C happy D honest3 A makes B understand C changes D shows4 A room B bed C night D body5 A independent B open C talkative D generous6 A real B lonely C cheerful D gentle7 A talk B sleep C relax D worry8 A regret B enjoy C miss D deny9 A strong B healthy C nervous D careful10 A pretend B oppose C refuse D prefer

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35. How men first learnt to (1).........words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a (2)........... All

we really know is that men, unlike animals, (3)........invented certain sounds to express thought and feelings,

actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed (4)........certain

signs, called letters, which could be combined to present those sounds, and which could be written down. Those

sounds, (5)...........spoken or written in letters, we call words.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words that

(6) ........powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary

(7) ........ .Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can (8)...........his meaning in words which sing like

music and which by their position and association can (9)............men to tears. We should therefore learn to

choose our words carefully and use them accurately, (10)................they will make our speech silly and vulgar.

1. A. invent B. create C. make D. discover

2. A. story B. secret C. mystery D. legend

3. A. whatever B. however C. somewhat D. somehow

4. A. at B. upon C. for D. in

5. A. if B. however C. whether D. though

6. A. interest B. appeal C. attract D. lure

7. A. prose B. work C. form D. style

8. A. carry B. convey C. transfer D. transmit

9. A. take B. send C. break D. move

10. A. or B. so C. although D. because