tweaking the settings coursemology guide 6\

6) tweaking the settings

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tweaking the settings

coursemology guide


what will be covered?

Now that you’re familiar with the basics of Coursemology, here’s a peek into the settings you can tweak to enhance your usage of Coursemology.

Getting to settings…

Click on “Preference Settings” in your left navigation

This is the preference settings page.

These are the items on your left side bar

You can choose what buttons are available to your students…

You can rename the buttons to improve game immersion.

This tab is to change the preferences for the “Mission” page.

Like the sidebar tab, you can choose what to be displayed for the columns in your mission page. You can also rename the columns…

Like the sidebar tab, you can choose what to be displayed for the columns in your mission page. You can also rename the columns…

..and the changes will be reflected here in the Mission Page.

The “Training” Tab is similar to the “Mission” Tab.

Except for the re-attempt feature. If you want to motivate your students to do the trainings again and again as part of their revision, you can enable this feature for them to earn a fraction of the EXPs for each attempt.

The MCQ tab allows you to change how you want the MCQ questions in trainings will be graded.

Default grader!award full marks to students when they choose the right options, regardless of number of wrong attempts.

TOZ grader!Awards less points if student made wrong attempts before arriving at the right one. This is to discourage students from picking answers randomly.

Which grader you choose depends on what you want to achieve.

The “Notifications” tab allows you to decide under what circumstances will emails be sent out as notices and reminders.

Paging means that the system will break up lists into different pages. !This tab allows you to decide how many items would be displayed in each page.

For example, at the current setting, every 50 announcements will be put into 1 page. !If I have 70 announcements, it means the system will compile the announcements into 2 separate pages.

Lastly, the “Others” Tab allows you to deal with other aesthetic matters.

tweaking the settings

coursemology guide

end of
