Opportunities for SMEs: Introduction to the SME Instrument tool of the Horizon 2020 Dr. Giorgos Tzamtzis [email protected] 1 Bridging Energy Research and Innovation in the EUROMED area Friday, December 5, 2014

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Opportunities for SMEs: Introduction to the SME Instrument tool

of the Horizon 2020

Dr. Giorgos Tzamtzis [email protected]


Bridging Energy Research and Innovation in the EUROMED area Friday, December 5, 2014

National infrastructure for technology transfer, research co-operation, innovation and entrepreneurship

Goal : enhance competitiveness of SMEs & research centers

• strengthening links between business & industry

• promoting innovation & entrepreneurship

• fostering transnational cooperation

Main Activities

• Enterprise Europe Network (Co-coordinating Greek EEN)

• Innovation Support Services

• National Contact Point for HORIZON 2020 (including NCP for SMEs)


2 Bridging Energy Research and Innovation in the EUROMED area Friday, December 5, 2014

EC Framework programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020

Budget of 70,2 billion €

Basic pillar of EU strategy for :

• Economic Growth and Jobs creation

• Meeting Societal Challenges

• Strengthening EU position in research and innovation globally

Horizon 2020

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The link between Growth and Investment in R&D

Horizon 2020

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The 3 Priorities of Horizon 2020 1. Excellent Science 28 billion € 2. Industrial Leadership 20 billion € 3. Societal Challenges 20 billion €

Horizon 2020

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1st Priority: Excellent Science

• World Class Science

• Support and Retaining of talented researchers

• Access to better infrastructure

Horizon 2020


European Research Council (ERC) Frontier research by the best individual teams 13 095

Future and Emerging Technologies - Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation

2 696

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) - Opportunities for training and career development

6 162

Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructure) - Ensuring access to world-class facilities

2 488

Bridging Energy Research and Innovation in the EUROMED area Friday, December 5, 2014

3rd Priority: Societal Challenges

• EU Policy goals require Innovation (Energy, Climate, Sustainable Development)

• Interdisciplinary Approach for solutions

• Testing and Proof of promising innovative solutions

Horizon 2020


Health, demographic change and wellbeing 7 472

Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the Bioeconomy

3 851

Secure, clean and efficient energy * 5 931

Smart, green and integrated transport 6 339

Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials 3 081

Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies 1 309

Secure societies 1 695

Science with and for society 462

Spreading excellence and widening participation 816

Bridging Energy Research and Innovation in the EUROMED area Friday, December 5, 2014

2nd Priority: Industrial Leadership

• Europe needs more Innovative SMEs for Growth and Job creation

• Strategic investment in Basic Technologies in specific Sectors

• Europe needs to attract more Private investments in innovation


1. Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEITs) 13.557 million € (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space)

2. Access to risk finance 2.842 million € Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research & innovation

3. Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs

616 million € + plus 20% of the SC + Industrial Leadership budget

Horizon 2020

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SME support: Integrated approach

Horizon 2020

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20 % budgetary target in LEITs & SC

'Innovation in SMEs'

Collaborative Projects 13%

SME instrument 7%

Eurostars II Enhancing Innovation Capacity

Market-driven Innovation

Access to Risk Finance

What is the SME Instrument

The SME Instrument

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What is the SME Instrument

• A new Horizon 2020 funding tool for high-quality, high-prospect innovation in all forms (product, services, processes)

• Designed for SMEs with activities in the area of Societal Challenges and Industrial Leadership

• Budget approximately € for the duration of H2020 (2014-2020)

The SME Instrument

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Goal: Filling the Funding Gap

The SME Instrument

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Three Phases

1. Technical and Market Feasibility

2. Demonstration Activities

3. Commercialisation

The SME Instrument

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Phase I

10% of the Budget

5,200 projects will be funded

Phase II

90% of the Budget

1,700 projects will be funded

Phase III

Support Actions

Phase Ι: Concept and feasibility assessment (optional)

• Funded Activities: Feasibility of concept, Risk assessment, IP regime, Partner search, Design study, Pilot application, etc.

• Funding scheme: € 50.000 Lump-sum (per project, not per SME)

• Duration: Usually 6 months

• Outcome: Technical and market assessment, and elaborate business plan

If the outcome of the assessment is positive then SMEs are strongly encouraged to

submit a proposal for Phase 2.

The SME Instrument

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Phase ΙΙ: Innovation Actions Innovation projects supported by a strong business plan

• Funded Activities: Development, prototyping, testing, piloting, miniaturisation, scaling-up, market replication, research, etc

• Funding scheme : € 500.000 - € 2.500.000 depending on the project (70% funding rate, or up to a 100% in special cases).

• Duration usually 1 to 2 years

• Outcome : A new product, service or process ready to compete on the market. A business plan with a clear and detailed commercialisation and investments strategy

The SME Instrument

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Phase ΙΙΙ: Commecialisation Phase III does not include any direct funding, only support through various mechanisms.

Support Actions: • Further development of investment readiness

• Connection with investors and customers through focused Networking activities

• Support in proposal submission for further funding by the EC

• Coaching

• Support Actions and Services through the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)

The SME Instrument

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The SME Instrument

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EEN Initial


Phase I Phase II Phase III








ds SME


Support for Application

Support for EU project Management

Support for Access to Finance

Facilitation and Moderation

Thematical Areas

The SME Instrument


• High risk ICT innovation

• Nanotech, or other advanced tech for manufacturing and materials

• Space research and development

• Clinical research for the validation of diagnostics devices and biomarkers

• Sustainable food production and processing

• Blue growth

• Low carbon energy systems

• Greener and more integrated transport

• Eco-innovation and sustainable raw material supply

• Urban critical infrastructure

• Biotechnology-based industrial processes

• Mobile e-government applications (2015 only)

• SME business model innovation (2015 only)

Bridging Energy Research and Innovation in the EUROMED area Friday, December 5, 2014

Technology Readiness

The SME Instrument


The SME Instrument targets innovation projects with minimum Technology Readiness 6.

• TRL 1 – basic principles observed

• TRL 2 – technology concept formulated

• TRL 3 – experimental proof of concept

• TRL 4 – technology validated in lab

• TRL 5 – technology validated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies)

• TRL 6 – technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies)

• TRL 7 – system prototype demonstration in operational environment

• TRL 8 – system complete and qualified

• TRL 9 – actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or in space)

Bridging Energy Research and Innovation in the EUROMED area Friday, December 5, 2014

Submission Cut-off Dates

• Constant submission for Funding for Phase I and II

• Cut-off dates for the examination of submitted proposals

The SME Instrument


2014 2015 Phase Ι: Technological and Market Assessment

18 June

24 September

17 December

18 March

17 June

17 September

16 December

Phase ΙΙ: Innovation Actions

9 October

17 December

Bridging Energy Research and Innovation in the EUROMED area Friday, December 5, 2014

Proposal Evaluation Proposals are evaluated based on 3 Criteria: • Excellence Marking 0-5 • Impact Marking 0-5 • Implementation Marking 0-5

Proposals under the thresholds (13 for Phase I and 12 for Phase II) are not ranked and thus not funded Proposals above the thresholds are re-ranked using a weight of 1.5 for Impact

The SME Instrument

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SME Instrument: Results and Statistics

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June 2014: 2666 Sept. 2014: 1,944

Phase Ι results – June 2014 Very Competitive on EU Level.

SME Instrument: Results and Statistics


EU Level

Submitted Proposals 2666

Above threshold 317

Percentage above Threshold 11,89%

Funding 155 total - 5,81%

Success rate for Above threshold 48,89% = 1 out of 2

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SME Instrument: Results and Statistics

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Oct. 2014: 580

National Contact Points for SMEs (Greece)

Useful Links • Enterprise Europe Network (ΕΕΝ)

• IT Helpdesk

• European IPR Helpdesk

• Partner Search Services

• H2020 On line Manual

SME Instrument: Information and Support

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1. Panagiotis Karniouras Praxi Network, Tel. 210 3607 690, e-mail: [email protected]

2. Eleni Spyropoulou e-mail: [email protected]

Thank you for your attention

Dr. Giorgos TZAMTZIS Technology Transfer Consultant

PRAXI Network

[email protected]