3 rd doc /* Actions operations command group caption */ "Actions operations" = "Operaciones de acciones"; /* Align left command caption */ "Align left" = "Alin. izq."; /* Align right command caption */ "Align right" = "Alin. der."; /* Alignment controller caption */ "Alignment" = "Alin."; /* Bold command caption */ "Bold" = "Negrita"; /* Bulleted list command caption */ "Bulleted list" = "Lista viñetas"; /* Cancel button title */ "CancelBtn" = "Cancelar"; /* Status message sent to the progress dialog when the user clicks the cancelbutton */ "Cancelling..." = "Cancelando..."; /* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file and no one autosaved copy exists */ "CantAutosaveAndRestoreFile" = "Imposible guardar archivo. Se recomienda cerrar editor de archivos."; /* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file */ "CantAutosaveFile" = "Imposible guardar archivo. Recomendamos salir del editor de arch. para restaurar el à ltimo alm. auto. correcto."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "CantCreateFile" = "Imposible crear archivo \"%@\""; /* Alert message displayed if QW can't open file */ "CantOpenFile" = "Imposible abrir archivo"; /* Alert message displayed if QW have not any autosaved files to restore data */ "CantRestoreFileConfirmation" = "Imposible guardar arch. Se perderán las modif. ¿Desea salir?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "CantSaveFile" = "Imposible guardar archivo"; /* Center command caption */ "Center" = "Centro"; /* Clipboard command group caption */ "Clipboard" = "Portapapeles"; /* Title of confirmation alert view */ "Confirmation" = "Confirmación"; /* Menu item for copy to clipboard */

3rd doc

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3rd doc/* Actions operations command group caption */"Actions operations" = "Operaciones de acciones";/* Align left command caption */"Align left" = "Alin. izq.";/* Align right command caption */"Align right" = "Alin. der.";/* Alignment controller caption */"Alignment" = "Alin.";/* Bold command caption */"Bold" = "Negrita";/* Bulleted list command caption */"Bulleted list" = "Lista viñetas";/* Cancel button title */"CancelBtn" = "Cancelar";/* Status message sent to the progress dialog when the user clicks the cancelbutton */"Cancelling..." = "Cancelando...";/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file and no one autosaved copy exists */"CantAutosaveAndRestoreFile" = "Imposible guardar archivo. Se recomienda cerrar editor de archivos.";/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file */"CantAutosaveFile" = "Imposible guardar archivo. Recomendamos salir del editor de arch. para restaurar el último alm. auto. correcto.";/* No comment provided by engineer. */"CantCreateFile" = "Imposible crear archivo \"%@\"";/* Alert message displayed if QW can't open file */"CantOpenFile" = "Imposible abrir archivo";/* Alert message displayed if QW have not any autosaved files to restore data */"CantRestoreFileConfirmation" = "Imposible guardar arch. Se perderán las modif. ¿Desea salir?";/* No comment provided by engineer. */"CantSaveFile" = "Imposible guardar archivo";/* Center command caption */"Center" = "Centro";/* Clipboard command group caption */"Clipboard" = "Portapapeles";/* Title of confirmation alert view */"Confirmation" = "Confirmación";/* Menu item for copy to clipboard */"Copy" = "Copiar";/* Color picker no color caption */"CPNoColor" = "Color auto";/* Menu item for cut to clipboard */"Cut" = "Cortar";/* Decrease first line indent command caption */"Decrease first line indent" = "Disminuir sangría 1ª línea";/* Indent decrease command caption */"Decrease indent" = "Disminuir sangría";

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/* Menu item for delete selected objects (text, images, tables etc) */"Delete" = "Eliminar";/* Caption for Done button */"DoneBtn" = "Hecho";/* Text for alignment drag component */"DragHorizontallyAndAlignParagraph" = "Arrastre para alin.\nhoriz. de párrafo";/* Title of error alert view */"Error" = "Error";/* Find next command caption */"Find next" = "Buscar siguiente";/* Find prev command caption */"Find prev" = "Buscar ant.";/* Find command captionFind command group caption */"Find" = "Buscar";/* Label for first line indentation on the component which is responsible for alignment and indentation */"FirstLine" = "1ª línea";/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text lower of the current paragraph */"FollowingParagraph" = "Párrafo siguiente";/* Format command group caption */"Format" = "Formato";/* Highlight command caption */"Highlight" = "Resaltar";/* Increase first line indent command caption */"Increase first line indent" = "Aumentar sangría 1ª línea";/* Indent increase command caption */"Increase indent" = "Aumentar sangría";/* Menu item for insert image */"Insert image" = "Insertar imagen";/* Italic command caption */"Italic" = "Cursiva";/* Item not found message */"ItemNotFound" = "Elemento de búsqueda no encontrado";/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is loading */"Loading..." = "Cargando...";/* NO button caption */"NO" = "NO";/* OK button caption */"OK" = "Aceptar";/* Paragraph command group caption */"Paragraph" = "Párrafo";/* Menu item for paste from the clipboard */"Paste" = "Pegar";/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text upper of the current paragraph */"PreviousParagraph" = "Párrafo anterior";/* Redo command caption */"Redo" = "Rehacer";

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/* Alert message displayed if QW propose to restore last successfully saved file */"RestoreFileConfirmation" = "Imposible guardar archivo. ¬øDesea reemplazar con la √∫ltima copia autom√°tica guardada?";/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is saving */"Saving..." = "Guardando...";/* Beginning of file reached message */"SearchBeginningReached" = "La b√∫squeda alcanz√≥ el principio del archivo. ¬øContinuar desde el final?";/* End of file reached message */"SearchEndReached" = "La b√∫squeda alcanz√≥ el final del archivo ¬øContinuar desde el principio?";/* Title for searching message window */"Searching" = "Buscando";/* Menu item for select objects (text, images, tables etc) */"Select" = "Seleccionar";/* Menu item for select whole document */"SelectAll" = "Seleccionar todo";/* Show keyboard command caption */"Show keyboard" = "Mostrar teclado";/* Font color command caption */"Text color" = "Color de texto";/* Font format command caption */"Text format" = "Formato texto";/* Undo command caption */"Undo" = "Deshacer";/* YES button caption */"YES" = "S√ç";/* Undo menu item caption */"Action" = "";/* Actions operations command group caption */"Actions operations" = "Operaciones de acciones";/* Align left command caption */"Align left" = "Alin. izq.";/* Align right command caption */"Align right" = "Alin. der.";/* Alignment controller caption */"Alignment" = "Alin.";/* Bold command caption */"Bold" = "Negrita";/* Bulleted list command caption */"Bulleted list" = "Lista viñetas";/* Cancel button title */"CancelBtn" = "Cancelar";/* Status message sent to the progress dialog when the user clicks the cancelbutton */"Cancelling..." = "Cancelando...";/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file and no one autosaved copy exists */"CantAutosaveAndRestoreFile" = "Imposible guardar archivo. Se recomienda cerrar editor de archivos.";

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/* Alert message displayed if QW can't autosave file */"CantAutosaveFile" = "Imposible guardar archivo. Recomendamos salir del editor de arch. para restaurar el último alm. auto. correcto.";/* No comment provided by engineer. */"CantCreateFile" = "Imposible crear archivo \"%@\"";/* Alert message displayed if QW can't open file */"CantOpenFile" = "Imposible abrir archivo";/* Alert message displayed if QW have not any autosaved files to restore data */"CantRestoreFileConfirmation" = "Imposible guardar arch. Se perderán las modif. ¿Desea salir?";/* No comment provided by engineer. */"CantSaveFile" = "Imposible guardar archivo";/* Center command caption */"Center" = "Centro";/* Clipboard command group caption */"Clipboard" = "Portapapeles";/* Title of confirmation alert view */"Confirmation" = "Confirmación";/* Menu item for copy to clipboard */"Copy" = "Copiar";/* Color picker no color caption */"CPNoColor" = "Color auto";/* Menu item for cut to clipboard */"Cut" = "Cortar";/* Decrease first line indent command caption */"Decrease first line indent" = "Disminuir sangría 1ª línea";/* Indent decrease command caption */"Decrease indent" = "Disminuir sangría";/* Menu item for delete selected objects (text, images, tables etc) */"Delete" = "Eliminar";/* Caption for Done button */"DoneBtn" = "Hecho";/* Text for alignment drag component */"DragHorizontallyAndAlignParagraph" = "Arrastre para alin.\nhoriz. de párrafo";/* Title of error alert view */"Error" = "Error";/* Find next command caption */"Find next" = "Buscar siguiente";/* Find prev command caption */"Find prev" = "Buscar ant.";/* Find command captionFind command group caption */"Find" = "Buscar";/* Label for first line indentation on the component which is responsible for alignment and indentation */"FirstLine" = "1ª línea";/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text lower of the current paragraph */"FollowingParagraph" = "Párrafo siguiente";/* Format command group caption */

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"Format" = "Formato";/* Highlight command caption */"Highlight" = "Resaltar";/* Increase first line indent command caption */"Increase first line indent" = "Aumentar sangría 1ª línea";/* Indent increase command caption */"Increase indent" = "Aumentar sangría";/* Menu item for insert image */"Insert image" = "Insertar imagen";/* Italic command caption */"Italic" = "Cursiva";/* Item not found message */"ItemNotFound" = "Elemento de búsqueda no encontrado";/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is loading */"Loading..." = "Cargando...";/* NO button caption */"NO" = "NO";/* OK button caption */"OK" = "Aceptar";/* Paragraph command group caption */"Paragraph" = "Párrafo";/* Menu item for paste from the clipboard */"Paste" = "Pegar";/* Paragraph alignment control will be filled with this text upper of the current paragraph */"PreviousParagraph" = "Párrafo anterior";/* Redo command caption */"Redo" = "Rehacer";/* Alert message displayed if QW propose to restore last successfully saved file */"RestoreFileConfirmation" = "Imposible guardar archivo. ¿Desea reemplazar con la última copia automática guardada?";/* Status message displayed on progress while a file is saving */"Saving..." = "Guardando...";/* Beginning of file reached message */"SearchBeginningReached" = "La búsqueda alcanzó el principio del archivo. ¿Continuar desde el final?";/* End of file reached message */"SearchEndReached" = "La búsqueda alcanzó el final del archivo ¿Continuar desde el principio?";/* Title for searching message window */"Searching" = "Buscando";/* Menu item for select objects (text, images, tables etc) */"Select" = "Seleccionar";/* Menu item for select whole document */"SelectAll" = "Seleccionar todo";/* Show keyboard command caption */"Show keyboard" = "Mostrar teclado";/* Font color command caption */"Text color" = "Color de texto";/* Font format command caption */

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"Text format" = "Formato texto";/* Underline command caption */"Underline" = "Subrayado";/* Undo command caption */"Undo" = "Deshacer";/* Word count menu */"WordCountMenu" = "Contar palabras";/* Word count title */"WordCountTitle" = "Contar palabras";/* Statistic alert message format */"Words: %d\nCharacters (no spaces): %d\nCharacters (with spaces): %d\n" = "Palabras: %1$d\nCaracteres (sin espacios): %2$d\nCaracteres (con espacios): %3$d\n";/* YES button caption */"YES" = "SÍ";/* Close document command caption */"Close" = "Cerrar";/* Cancel document saving alert title */"Saving a File" = "Guardar un archivo";/* Cancel document loading alert title */"Loading a File" = "Cargar un archivo";/* Text for scrollbar hint */"Tap and Hold" = "Tocar y mantener presionado";/* Cancel document loading alert text */"You are currently loading a file. Opening a new file will cancel this process. Would you like to Resume loading a file or Open the new file?" = "Actualmente est√° cargando un archivo. Si abre un archivo nuevo se cancelar√° el proceso. ¬øDesea Reanudar la carga de un archivo o Abrir el archivo nuevo?";/* Cancel document loading alert text */"You are currently saving a file. Opening a new file will cancel this process. A file may not be saved. Would you like to Resume saving a file or Open the new file?" = "Actualmente est√° guardando un archivo. Si abre un archivo nuevo se cancelar√° el proceso. Es posible que no se guarde un archivo. ¬øDesea Reanudar guardar un archivo o Abrir el archivo nuevo?";