How to setup cned school server on dell poweredge t610 hdd 3tb redx3 Prachoom rangkasikorn presents

255605150432+dell poweredge t610+3tbx3 red+on controller+prachoom school server

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  • 1. Prachoom rangkasikornpresents

2. Phitsanulok Primary Educational Service area office 1 3. THAYANG PHETCHABURI 4. august 2555Pilin hotel 5. Hareware component+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 5Hdd on controller raid1=3+3+3 tb 6. What content do they put in hdd+dell poweredget 6prachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 600 gb +preschool 41 gb+primary 988 gb+secondary 591 gb+vocation 188 gb=2408 gbdltv52 831 gb+dltv53p,m 1537 gb=2368 gbdltv51p,m 1170 gb+edltv 633 gb=1803 gb 7. How to copy data to server Use hard copy Hdd master sata 2 tb 3 total Docking station oker 90 total Cp data to server 300gb/hour 8hours 3+3=6 8hours 6+6=12 8hours12+12=24 8hours24+24=48 8hours48+48=96 8hours90+90=30+30group=180=60group+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 7 8. In the future I hope that to have opportunity to create prachoomschool server in this school in the next time. New pattern to setup will easy to do and subtainable Rapid, strong, have many story to learn and study+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 8 9. Whats os and scriptsetup Os=fc11-64bit=dvdfc11-64bit Setupfc11.4 Why do we use fc11? Because we want to use preschool. Primary, secondary,th at mysql can use in fc11+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 9 10. How to setup fc11-64bit Put dvdfc11-64bit in cdrom drive Open computer Boot form cdrom into first page Choose menu follow .+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 10 11. Choose menu the second+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 11 12. Press skip+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 12 13. Click next+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 13 14. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 14 15. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 15 16. Hostname skip click next+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 16 17. Choose asia/bangkok+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 17 18. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 18 19. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 19 20. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 20 21. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 21 22. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 22 23. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 23 24. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 24 25. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 25 26. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 26 27. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 27 28. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 28 29. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 29 30. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 30 31. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 31 32. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 32 33. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 33 34. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 34 35. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 35 36. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 36 37. Choose DNS Names Server+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 37 38. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 38 39. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 39 40. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 40 41. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 41 42. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 42 43. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 43 44. How to Close selinux Root/123456 Vi /etc/selinux/config Edit line to below SELINUX=disabled :wq Reboot+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 44 45. How to create folder to receivescripts Mkdir /a Mkdir /aa Mkdir /bb Mkdir /b Mkdir /school Mkdir /school/log Mkdir /school/webmaster mkdir /schoolhd2 mkdir /schoolhd3+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 45 46. How to e2label , fstab e2label /dev/sda4 log e2label /dev/sda5 webmaster e2label /dev/sdb1 schoolhd2 e2label /dev/sdc1 schoolhd3+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 46 47. Vi /etc/fstab Plus line below LABEL=log /school/log ext4 defaults 0 0 LABEL=webmaster /school/webmaster ext4 defaults0 0 LABEL=schoolhd2 /schoolhd2 ext4 defaults 0 0 LABEL=schoolhd3 /schoolhd3 ext4 defaults 0 0 :wq Reboot Root/123456+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 47 48. How to setup setupfc11.4 cp R setupfc114 /root cd setupfc11.4 ./setup ./net-reset reboot root/123456 cd setupfc11.4 ./net-setup+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 48 49. How to setup setupfc11.4 reboot root/123456 df Now we have server prachoom medel , on hdd what service do they have? ftp , web, samba, ifconfig +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 49 50. mkdir for rc.local root/123456 cd /school/webmaster/ftp/dltv/ mkdir dltv52 mkdir dltv51p mkdir dltv51m mkdir dltv53p mkdir dltv53m chown -R 1000:1000 * cd /school/webmaster/web/+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 50 51. mkdir for rc.local mkdir edltv chown -R 1000:1000 edltv+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 51 52. how to rc.local vi /etc/rc.local plus line below mount --bind /schoolhd2/dltv52 /school/webmaster/ftp/dltv/dltv52 mount --bind /schoolhd2/dltv53p/school/webmaster/ftp/dltv/dltv53p mount --bind /schoolhd2/dltv53m/school/webmaster/ftp/dltv/dltv51p mount bind /schoolhd3/dltv51p /school/webmaster/ftp/dltv/dltv51p mount --bind /schoolhd3/dltv51m/school/webmaster/ftp/dltv/dltv51m mount --bind /schoolhd3/edltv /school/webmaster/web/edltv :wq reboot+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 52 53. how to create passwd webmaster root/123456 passwd webmaster teacher789 teacher789 smbpasswd a webmaster teacher789 teacher789 test username ,password ftp school+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 53 54. how to create passwd webmaster webmaster teacher789 ftp>ls see folder web share ftp medis ok good+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 54 55. how to create grant user to usemysql root/123456 service mysqld stop /usr/libexec/mysqld --skip-grant-tables & mysql use mysql flush privileges; select user, host, grant_priv from user; delete from user where user=; delete from user where user=root;+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 55 56. how to create grant user to usemysql grant all privileges on *.* to phpadmin@localhostidentified by phpadmin123 with grant option; select user, host, grant_priv from user; exit killall mysqld service mysqld start Reboot Root/123456+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 56 57. How to restore mysql+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 57 58. http://school.cned/phpMyAdmin/+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 58 59. Phpadmin/phpadmin123+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 59 60. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 60 61. Add new user+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 61 62. User Moodle154/moodle154+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 62 63. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 63 64. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 64 65. Edit privileges+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 65 66. Check all go+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 66 67. You have updated the privileges.+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 67 68. Add new user+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 68 69. elearn/elearn123+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 69 70. You have added a new uer+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 70 71. Edit privileges+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 71 72. Check all+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 72 73. You have updated for privileges+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 73 74. Add new user+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 74 75. Elearn55/elearn55+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 75 76. You have added a new user+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 76 77. Edit privileges+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 77 78. Check all and press go+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 78 79. You have updated for privileges+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 79 80. Add new user,preschool/preschool123+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 80 81. You have added a new user+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 81 82. Edit privileges+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 82 83. Check all and press go+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 83 84. You have updated for privileges+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 84 85. Add new user, edltvp/edltvp123+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 85 86. Edit privileges,check all and pressgo+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 86 87. Add new user,edltvs/edltvs123+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 87 88. Add new user, voction/vocation+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 88 89. How to user prachoom schoolserver at school+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 89 90. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 90 91. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 91 92. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 92 93. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 93 94. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 94 95. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 95 96. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 96 97. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 97 98. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 98 99. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 99 100. Less hdd for dltv52 dltv53+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 100 101. Less hdd for dltv52 dltv53+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 101 102. Less hdd for dltv52 dltv53+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 102 103. Less hdd for dltv52 dltv53+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 103 104. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 104 105. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 105 106. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 106 107. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 107 108. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 108 109. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 109 110. Less hdd for dltv52 dltv53+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 110 111. Less hdd for dltv52 dltv53+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 111 112. Less hdd for dltv52 dltv53+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 112 113. Not enough size for dltv52,53+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 113 114. youtubefacebook http: poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 114 115. What content are there samba , all that we can upload to ../ftp/ http://school.cned/moodle154/ http://school.cned/elearn/ http://school.cned/elearn55/ http://school.cned/preschool/ http://school.cned/primary/ http://school.cned/secondary/ http://school.cned/vocation/ http://school.cned/edltv/+dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 115 116. +dell poweredgetprachoom rangkasikorn prachoom school server081-5134770,[email protected] 116