How-To: Customization – Properties & Views www.swingsoftware.com This tutorial describes creation of custom document properties and custom document views. Document properties contain additional metadata related to documents. Paired with custom views, they make a powerful and flexible combination which enables users to customize library navigation to suit their needs. In this example, we will create a custom property titled ‘Department’ and make it a Choice menu. Users will then be able to create documents and mark the department(s) to which the document is relevant. Then, we will also create a document view, which will display all documents sorted by the department to which they belong to.

15 Howto Customization Properties And Views

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Page 1: 15 Howto Customization Properties And Views

How-To: Customization – Properties & Views


This tutorial describes creation of custom document properties and custom document views. Document properties contain additional metadata related to documents. Paired with custom views, they make a powerful and flexible combination which enables users to customize library navigation to suit their needs.

In this example, we will create a custom property titled ‘Department’ and make it a Choice menu. Users will then be able to create documents and mark the department(s) to which the document is relevant. Then, we will also create a document view, which will display all documents sorted by the department to which they belong to.

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How-To: Customization – Properties & Views



1) To add the new property, click on the ‘Manage document properties’ link.

2) Then click on the ‘Add New Property’ link.

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How-To: Customization – Properties & Views



3) Enter the new property’s name and select ‘Choice’ as the type of information for this property.

Note: Types of information are described in the User’s Manual delivered with the package.

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How-To: Customization – Properties & Views



4) Enter all other optional settings and values as per this image. Click OK when finished.

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How-To: Customization – Properties & Views



5) The new property has been created. You can edit it later if needed by clicking on the property name.

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How-To: Customization – Properties & Views


6) Now, when a new document is being created, note that the Department property appears in the list of DocPublisher document properties. Because we made it a Choice menu, users are able to select one or more values here.

Note: The new property will be reflected only on new documents. Previously published documents will not have any values set for this property. To set values for previously published documents, just create a new revision and after setting the new values, publish the document again.

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How-To: Customization – Properties & Views


2) MANAGE VIEWS:1) Now, we will create a new custom view which will display document sorted by the department to which they belong to. In the Customization area, click on the ‘Manage views’ link.

2) Then click on the ‘Add New View’ button.

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How-To: Customization – Properties & Views


2) MANAGE VIEWS:3) Type in ‘By Department’ as the view name and set other options as seen in this image.

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How-To: Customization – Properties & Views



4) In the Categories section, choose the ‘Department’ property which we have just created. (Note that custom fields appear in the list together with default DocPublisher fields.

5) Select ascending or descending order and click ‘Add’. The property will be added to the list of categories in the view (you can add more than one category here if needed).

6) Leave the Documents section as is. Click OK.

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How-To: Customization – Properties & Views



7) The new view has been created. You can later edit it further, delete it or make active/inactive as needed.

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How-To: Customization – Properties & Views

2) MANAGE VIEWS: 8) Note that the new view is now available above the navigation area in DocPublisher.

9) The view shows all documents categorized by their ‘Department’ property. Note that a document may appear once in each category in case has been marked as pertaining to two or more departments.

Note: You can create custom views by using any of DocPublisher document properties.

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