India mobile app development company 12 Biggest UX Flaws Hijacking User Experience (and How to Fix Them) Undeniably, website designing is a cut and dried chore these days. First off, you get a simple layout ready. Next, you paint it with a combination of simpler colors. Then you stuff it with the simplest words possible. Get set! However, in their eagerness to launch their site in a hurry, most website owners forget to address the subtle nuances (read: best practices) that may have kept the users hooked to the site for long. But then, failing to address these nuances, in the long run, could lead to painful user-experiences on your website, which in turn, would mean a loss of business. Here I walk through 12 biggest UX flaws businesses are unknowingly committing and how to address them: Ambiguous Messaging Businesses these days focus a lot on the look and feel of the page. However, not much attention is paid to the messaging part. The copies are found to be riddled with expert speak, which may not be easy for a novice to decipher. According to author and user experience professional Steve Krug, “copy should be such that both experts and amateurs could be able to easily comprehend.” Mobile App Developers In India

12 Biggest UX Flaws Hijacking User Experience (and How to Fix Them)

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However, in their eagerness to launch their site in a hurry, most website owners forget to address the subtle nuances (read: best practices) that may have kept the users hooked to the site for long. But then, failing to address these nuances, in the long run, could lead to painful user-experiences on your website, which in turn, would mean a loss of business. Consult app development companies to get your navigation right in the first instance itself.

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12 Biggest UX Flaws Hijacking User

Experience (and How to Fix Them)

Undeniably, website designing is a cut and dried chore these days.

First off, you get a simple layout ready. Next, you paint it with a combination

of simpler colors. Then you stuff it with the simplest words possible. Get set!

However, in their eagerness to launch their site in a hurry, most website

owners forget to address the subtle nuances (read: best practices) that may

have kept the users hooked to the site for long. But then, failing to address

these nuances, in the long run, could lead to painful user-experiences on

your website, which in turn, would mean a loss of business.

Here I walk through 12 biggest UX flaws businesses are unknowingly

committing and how to address them:

Ambiguous Messaging

Businesses these days focus a lot on the look and feel of the page. However,

not much attention is paid to the messaging part. The copies are found to be

riddled with expert speak, which may not be easy for a novice to decipher.

According to author and user experience professional Steve Krug, “copy

should be such that both experts and amateurs could be able to easily


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Krug in his bestseller, “Don’t Make Me Think” has clearly elucidated the

importance of using plain and simple language in web copies, and avoiding

complex jargons, altogether.

Messing up with Mobile Experience

It comes as no surprise that businesses these days are focussing more on

mobile experience than ever before. However, still, you will find sites haven’t

really worked on their mobile experience as much as the users might have

expected them to.

According to Urbanairship, eight out of ten smartphone owners complete

their search on smartphones on a weekly basis or more. Even so, only 52% of

the marketers are really focussed on optimizing mobile search in keeping

with the user expectations. Most of the marketer resorts to quick-fixes that

help them complete the mobile optimization process in a jiffy. The ultimate

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result? Same content gets plastered across all screens, regardless of the

device type. The fact is: Users are looking for the right content in the right

context and want marketers to leverage all things the devices are capable of.

For example, in terms of mobile, marketers need to experiment with

real-time engagement and automation tools, leverage mobile wallets to

support customer engagement and re-engagement programs and more.

Here’s a list of top web design companies to help you take your mobile

experience a notch up.

Messy Information Architecture

As a matter of fact, every web designer knows that they cannot play around

with Information Architecture and they should get it right in the first go

itself. Notwithstanding the seriousness attached to the subject, most of the

sites get it wrong. An ideal way to get your Information Architecture right is

to rope in a tester outside of your company to interact with your site in the

initial stages itself. This will help you quickly nail down issues which you

weren’t able to locate in the first instance.

Read this article by conversion specialist Peep Laja: Getting The Website

Information Architecture Right: How to Structure Your Site for Optimal User

Experiences, to gain a detailed idea on what Information Architecture is like

and how to optimize it for better user experience.

Burying Customer Service Info

No matter the industry, customer support is a fundamental service that

websites need to offer. Nonetheless, several companies tend to, knowingly

or unknowingly, avoid giving customer service numbers. This is a bad

practice. What websites don’t realize is that every company out there is a

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customer-service company first and foremost. Anything and everything else

is secondary.

So, always, I repeat always, splash your customer service number in, big,

bold and bright numbers on your site.

Using Loads of JS Libraries

Does your online menu rely on 10 to 15 JavaScript libraries for display? Sure,

this will help your menu look gloriously good on your desktops. But, what

about mobile users? Loading these libraries on your mobile may take an

entire lifetime. So, if possible, swap places with CDNs rather than opting for

larger JS libraries.

Overloading Your Site with Resources

If your website needs to load 50 resources and more before rendering, then

it will surely slow down your site. And, it will even affect your mobile

conversion rate. Nonetheless, you could enhance the performance of the

site by ensuring that only the best resources are sent to visitor’s tablets,

desktops, and smartphones. More important, learn to compress your CSS

and JavaScript resources with tools such as SASS and Uglify.

Designing for Desktop

If you are planning to build a desktop design first and would be tweaking it

later to make it mobile-responsive, then turn the process around. In other

words, it’s always better to start designing for mobile first. This will ensure

that all the crucial elements are part of your mobile site. This, in turn, will

drastically reduce the work of the designer.

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Ruining Touch Experience

Touch is mainly meant for handheld devices. And you need to bear in mind

two things while designing for the touch experience. First, human fingers

don’t work the way mouse clicks work. Second humans tend to miss the

target often.

That’s why it’s important to ensure that your touch targets are at least 44px

square. More importantly, use only a few on your site.

Blowing Up your Navigation

Instead of getting users trapped between a rock (read: meat navigation) and

a hard place (too much of content), it’s always better to give visitors

clear-cut visual cues as to what your clickable buttons do and where they

lead them to on their mobile devices.

Consult top web development companies to get your navigation right in the

first instance itself.

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Wrong Ad Placements

Advertising is the mainstay of the web world. In fact, the blog world runs on

ads. Nonetheless, flooding your site with loads of flashy ads will only lead to

frustrated visitors leading to a loss in business. So keep an eye out on all

kinds of ads. If it’s annoying you, be assured it will annoy the users as well.

Also, look out for pop-ups. Make sure users can easily cancel them out and,

most importantly, are not full-screen size.

Clash with Adblockers

If anything, it’s common for both technical and non-technical users to install

ad-blockers. It’s fair from the user’s perspective. However, the problem is its

crippling user experience in case of some sites when it shouldn’t. Websites

should take note of it by getting this tested before it starts costing them

revenue and users.

Wrapping Up

There you are! 11 UX flaws that are currently hijacking user experience. Are

you aware of any more flaws that could be hampering user experience? Go

ahead and talk to us on the same.

Author Bio:

This is Jennifer Warren, staff writer at GoodFirms – a review and research

platform for top e-commerce development companies, Mobile app

development companies, digital marketing companies, among many others.

A bookworm at heart, I have successfully guest blogged for top sites such as

Crazyegg, Semrush, Searchenginepeople, Sitepronews, Volusion.com,

Socialnomics, jeffbullas, mediapost among others.

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