1 © Nokia 2016 1 © Nokia 2016 10 recommendations for creating a smart city Marc Jadoul ( @mjadoul ) 1 © Nokia 2016

10 recommendations for creating a smart city (2016)

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Page 1: 10 recommendations for creating a smart city (2016)

1 © Nokia 2016 1 © Nokia 2016

10 recommendations for creating a smart city

Marc Jadoul ( @mjadoul )

1 © Nokia 2016

Page 2: 10 recommendations for creating a smart city (2016)

2 © Nokia 2016

Start with a realistic vision on where and how you want to go


2 © Nokia 2016

Page 3: 10 recommendations for creating a smart city (2016)

3 © Nokia 2016

Implement your (network) infrastructure ‘first time right’


3 © Nokia 2016

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4 © Nokia 2016

Embrace open data and open government policies


4 © Nokia 2016

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Incorporate smart requirements into publicly funded infrastructure programs


5 © Nokia 2016

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Launch and support cross domain initiatives


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Stimulate ecosystems and cultivate a collaborative culture


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Think big, but start small 7.

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9 © Nokia 2016 9 © Nokia 2016

Identify appropriate milestones and metrics to measure performance and monitor progress


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Build a city for the people 9.

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Connect, communicate, 10.

and celebrate

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13 © Nokia 2016 13 © Nokia 2016

Grounded in real life