Page 1 How to put project beneficiaries at the centre of project management ––––––––––––––––––– PM4SDT European Summer School: Leadership and Management in Sustainable Tourism Naples, 10./11. July 2013 Manuel Junck, Divison for Sustainable Development through Tourism, GIZ Germany ?

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How to put project beneficiaries at the centre of project management

–––––––––––––––––––PM4SDT European Summer School:

Leadership and Management in Sustainable Tourism Naples, 10./11. July 2013

Manuel Junck, Divison for Sustainable Development through Tourism, GIZ Germany


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Germany‘s Official Bilateral Cooperation Institutions

Financial CooperationFinancial Cooperation

Technical CooperationTechnical Cooperation

Human Capacity Development Human Capacity Development

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Financial and Technical Cooperation

Financial Cooperation

aims to increase the productive capacity of the partner country

including economic and social infrastructure by financing

investments and complementary advisory service.

Financial Cooperation

aims to increase the productive capacity of the partner country

including economic and social infrastructure by financing

investments and complementary advisory service.

Technical Cooperation

aims to boost the performance capacities of individuals and

organisations by providing advisory services and teaching

know-how and skills – Capacity Development

Technical Cooperation

aims to boost the performance capacities of individuals and

organisations by providing advisory services and teaching

know-how and skills – Capacity Development

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Our Global Presence

GIZ operates in more than 130 countries worldwide.

We employ close to 17,000 staff members across the globe – some 70% of whom are employed locally as national personnel

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Our Goal

We promote international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work.

As a 100% federally owned, public-benefit enterprise, we support the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development.

GIZ is not a donor – this is the Federal Government of Germany – while GIZ is its main implementing body.

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So what are we doing in Sustainable Tourism?

• Share of the world‘s „Official Development Assistance“ (ODA) spent on sustainable tourism programs and projects: 0.9 % (not even 1 Bn. of 100 Bn. EUR spent annualy).

• German annual overall ODA Budget: 10 Bn. EUR, of that BMZ: 6 Bn. EUR

• GIZ overall Budget 2012: 1.9 Bn. EUR

• German annual Technical / Financial Cooperation budgets for tourism relevant measures:

• GIZ approx. 8. Mn. EUR spread accross ca. 50 projects annually

• KfW: approx. 160 Mn. EUR spread accross 9 projects over 10 years

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How our bilateral „tourism projects“ materialize

1. Government to Government negotiations: e.g. Government of Vietnam and Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

2. Focus areas of bilateral cooperation are defined: e.g. Health, Water, Energy, Environment, Private Sector Development

3. GIZ drafts Development Program/Projects in consultation with partner ministries (e.g. Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) and upon approval is commissioned by BMZ

4. (Focus areas and Projects to be undertaken within programs are defined)

5. Project components are defined

6. Activities within components are defined Sustainable Tourism

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The Challenge

Macro Level: Programmes and Policies

Meso Level: Public, Private and NGO Institutions

Micro Level: Scattered Sustainable Tourism Activies

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Macro Level: Programmes and Policies

Meso Level: Public, Private and NGO Institutions

Micro Level: Joint Sustainable Tourism Activities



Gov. & Donor

An easy Solution?

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A worst case example: resource depletion in Limpopo TFCA• Bed nights in Krüger NP 2009/10: 1.4 Mn.

• Tourism revenue since 2002: + 235%

• Operational cost since 2002: + 229%

• 22 NPs in South Africa employ 10,400 Staff, 3,658 permanent (e.g. Krüger: 650 Rangers)

Local economic benefit in SA? Substantial.

… but what about the Mozambican side of the Limpopo Park?

• Recent developments: huge increases in poaching of rhino and elephant both sides of border (= natural tourism capital)

• “Chinese” demand, “Somali Mercenaries” and local poverty beyond the border!

• Rhino horn „mining towns“ springing up on Mozambican side of the park limits, as its market value has passed that of gold.

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“It is a fact that South Africa, a sovereign country, is under attack from armed foreign nationals. This should be seen as a declaration of war against South Africa by armed foreign criminals. We are going to take the war to these armed bandits and we aim to win it”

Major General Johan Jooste (Retired), hired by SANParks to coordinate anti-poaching measures.

Protecting the core capital of your tourism product:The relationship between nature and humans

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1. Lesson learned:

If you don’t harmonize demand for natural resources with an enabling tourism infrastructure and benefits for local livelihoods,… you will destroy your core business proposition in the long term.

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Working from above: Towards an ODA-Agenda that understands the potential and challenges of tourism

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Decision UNEP/CBD/COP/11/L.16 taken in Hyderabad, 18. Oct. 2012 on:

„Collaboration on biodiversity and tourism development”

(Item 5.2 Excerpt:) The Conference of the Parties,

stresses that special management and governance of tourism are critical in natural destinations and ecosystems that harbour high biodiversity levels, and that partnerships and cooperative frameworks between appropriate public and private organizations are pivotal to protect biodiversity in those areas;

calls on Parties and stakeholders, such as intergovernmental, governmental and non-governmental entities, including the private sector, to promote dialogue, enhanced cooperation and partnerships on sustainable tourism management for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, for added economic value, job creation and poverty reduction, and for the benefit of sustainable regional development;

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Working from below…

Macro Level: Programmes and Policies

Meso Level: Public, Private and NGO Institutions

Micro Level: Scattered Sustainable Tourism Activies

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Fostering local and regional grassroots ownership: Transfrontier cooperation in the Balkan region

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From „Thethi“ to the „Peaks of the Balkans“: 1. Thethi: Pilot concept for a seasonal, transboundary

and ecologically sustainable tourism destination

2. Establishment tourism standards for guesthouses

3. Creation of a hiking trail product combining routes along hictoric mule tracks in the border region

4. Coordination for basic mountain rescue services

5. Coordination of border crossings between responsible authorities

6. Entry of Thethi and northern Albania into international tour operator‘s catalogues

7. Increase in tourism receipts in Thethi, measured by more overnight stays and/or other expenditure (food, souvenirs, guides, maps)

8. Mainstream Thethi concept in villages along the trailBeka, GIZ 2010

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2. Lesson learned:

If you can‘t link local human and cultural resources sustainably to economic benefits for local livelihoods, …then don‘t even start.

Local income in Thethi

Tourist Arrivals BedsGuesthouses

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3. Lesson learned:

Don‘t get too excited about your supply before you have analyzed your potential market demand and developed a sound strategy.

Market Access


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