1 WATER POLLUTION 1. Introduction. 1.1. Need for water. 1.2. Location of water. 1.3. Hydrologic cycle. 2. Fresh water composition. 3. Fresh water pollution. 4. Natural regeneration. 5. Parameters determining water’s characteristics. 5.1. Physical parameters. 5.2. Chemicals Parameters. 5.3. Other parameters. 6. Legislation. 6.1. European Charter on Water Resources. 6.2. Spanish Legislation. 6.3. European Legislation. 7. Wastewater treatment. 7.1. Introduction. 7.2. Preliminary treatment. 7.3. Primary treatments. 7.4. Secondary treatments.

1 Water Pollution

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Page 1: 1 Water Pollution



1. Introduction.

1.1. Need for water.

1.2. Location of water.

1.3. Hydrologic cycle.

2. Fresh water composition.

3. Fresh water pollution.

4. Natural regeneration.

5. Parameters determining water’s characteristics.

5.1. Physical parameters.

5.2. Chemicals Parameters.

5.3. Other parameters.

6. Legislation.

6.1. European Charter on Water Resources.

6.2. Spanish Legislation.

6.3. European Legislation.

7. Wastewater treatment.

7.1. Introduction.

7.2. Preliminary treatment.

7.3. Primary treatments.

7.4. Secondary treatments.

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7.5. Tertiary treatments.

7.6. Effluent disinfection.

8. Sludge treatment.

8.1. Introduction.

8.2. Concentration.

8.3. Stabilization.

8.4. Mechanical dewatering

8.5. Heat drying.

8.6. Final disposal.

9. Examples of urban wastewater treatment

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1. Introduction.

The four basic natural resources are water, air, land and energy. We need water for

multiple uses and a certain quality is required. Its use leads to the generation of

wastewater that can cause an impact on the environment.

Water scarcity and pollution has become of most importance in recent years. In

this chapter we’ll discuss both fresh water and wastewater treatment, either for reuse or

disposal in the environment "without polluting it"

1.1 Need for water.

The use of water could be classified in order of importance as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Water use.


Agriculture 66 30

Industry 24 14

Urban 8 18

Others (refrigeration, energy, recreational, etc.)

2 38

Let's see some examples of the order of magnitude of water consumption:

Agriculture. In Spain, water consumption in agriculture makes up 80%, although

with modern techniques of drip irrigation, significant savings could be achieved. For

example, to produce 1 metric ton of maize 1,000 metric tons of water are needed.

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Industry. The applications of water in industry are numerous. For example, to

produce 1 ton of paper requires 25 metric tons of water and a tanning factory consumes

over 20 L of water per kilo of raw material

Domestic uses. In Spain each habitant consumes between 200 and 300 liters. An

American consumes about 340 litres per day.

As we can see, needs for water at home are minimal when compared to the overall

amount required by man to cover all their needs.

Information about water use in Europe can be found at


1.2 Location of water.

Water is one of the most abundant substances in nature. It is found in:

Living beings, as the main constituent.

In most foods.

On Earth. Water covers nearly three quarters of the earth's surface, with a total

volume of about 1,360 106 km3.

It is distributed as shown in Table 2:

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Table 2. Water inventory.

Reservoir Volume (cubic km x 1,000,000)

Percent of Total

Oceans 1,370 97.25

Ice Caps and Glaciers 29 2.05

Groundwater 9.5 0.68

Lakes 0.125 0.01

Soil Moisture 0.065 0.005

Atmosphere 0.013 0.001

Streams and Rivers 0.0017 0.0001

Biosphere 0.0006 0.00004

This could be a pessimistic inventory of available water, given that nearly 98% is

sea water, and, almost 80% of the rest is ice. However, this is not a real picture because

the water available for consumption is renewed through the water cycle.

1.3 Hydrologic cycle.

Hydrologic cycle is the process by which the amount of water existing on earth

remains constant and is due to the constant exchange of water that takes place between

the earth's surface and atmosphere.

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The hydrologic cycle is a conceptual model that describes the storage and

movement of water between the biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, (Figure 1), and the

hydrosphere. Water on this planet can be stored in any one of the following reservoirs:

atmosphere, oceans, lakes, rivers, soils, glaciers, snowfields, and groundwater.

Figure 1. Hydrologic cycle.

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Table 3. Typical residence times of water found in various reservoirs.

Reservoir Average Residence Time

Glaciers 20 to 100 years

Seasonal Snow Cover 2 to 6 months

Soil Moisture 1 to 2 months

Groundwater: Shallow 100 to 200 years

Groundwater: Deep 10,000 years

Lakes 50 to 100 years

Rivers 2 to 6 months

2. Fresh water composition.

Fresh water is not pure because of its high power as solvent. Thus, it contains

dissolved gases, suspended solids and dissolved solids. These compounds are

incorporated during its fall as rain and during its percolation through the soil. In

addition, water also incorporates microorganisms from air and soil.

Thus, groundwater presents a very high degree of mineralization, as opposed to

surface water. Table 3 compares the characteristics of groundwater and surface.

Table 4. Characteristics of surface and groundwater

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Characteristics surface water groundwater


Dissolved oxygen

Hydrogen sulphide



Iron and manganese

Organic Compounds












May be present

Not present

Not present




3. Fresh water pollution.

Fresh water pollution is caused by the discharges of toxic substances coming from

domestic, industrial and agricultural uses. Water pollutants are classified as:

• Biodegradable Organic Substances. These are substances that oxidize in the

presence of oxygen due to bacterial activity. As a result, there is a decrease in the

concentration of dissolved oxygen, which causes:

Adverse effects on aquatic life.

Presence of bad odours.

• Nutrients. These are essential chemical elements for the growth of life. In

addition to carbon N, P, S, K, Ca, Fe, Mn, Co B are also needed.

Nutrients become pollutants when their concentrations are so high that they allow

excessive growth of aquatic plants, mainly algae. This process is called

eutrophication and is mainly due to an increase in phosphorus.

• Pathogens. Those organisms able to produce diseases.

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Examples of pathogens associated with water are viruses, bacteria, protozoa and


• Salinity. The amount of dissolved salts limits the possible uses of water. It is

normally due to the presence of chloride.

Water is brackish when chloride content is greater than 5,000 ppm. Chloride

content in drinking water must be less than 500 ppm.

• Heavy metals. Among the heavy metals are: Al, As, Be, Bi, Cd, Zn, Co, Cu, Cr,

Sn, Fe, Mn, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Tl, Ti. Some of them are nutrients for many animals

and plants, but in greater concentrations they are toxic.

One characteristic of metal pollution is its persistence in the environment. In

addition, heavy metals concentrate along the food chain.

• Minor organic compounds. These compounds are found in a lesser

concentration and come from plastics, fuels, solvents, paints, pesticides,

detergents, food additives, pharmaceuticals, etc. Usually these compounds are

hardly biodegradable or non-biodegradable.

• Radioactive substances. Produced during the production and use of uranium.

However, some of the radioactive elements found in water are of natural origin.

• Thermal pollution. It is due to the use of water as coolant in many industrial

processes, when a large part of the water returned to its natural source returns

several degrees warmer. Increment of temperature causes the following effects:

Reduce oxygen solubility in water.

Increase metabolic reactions speed.

• Sediments. These are mixtures of mud, sand, organic matter and various

minerals, that appear as a result of erosion and domestic and industrial discharges.

Harmful effects of sediments are:

Reduce the capacity of lakes and reservoirs.

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Affect the bottom-dweller life.

Produce turbidity.

4. Natural regeneration.

When a discharge of domestic wastewater to a river occurs, microorganisms use

organic material to obtain energy through oxidation with the dissolved oxygen in water

(catabolism), as well as to construct cell-matter (anabolism).

This will cause the elimination of organic matter and a reduction of O2

concentration in water. As available food sources diminish, the death of microorganisms

and destruction of cell-material is produced. At the same time, oxygen concentration

increases due to its diffusion from atmosphere. At the end of this process, downstream,

the situation goes back to its initial state, through a natural regeneration process.

However, the capacity for this natural regeneration is limited, so that wastewater

should be treated before being discharged.

5. Parameters determining water’s characteristics.

5.1 Physical parameters.

• Temperature. It is measured easily and is very important in order to assess the

speed of biochemical reactions of organic matter decomposition, the solubility of

gases or amplification of flavors and odours.

• Color. It is due to the presence of organic and inorganic materials in water. True

color is due to dissolved materials and apparent color is due to suspended

materials. Color is usually measured by comparison with colored patterns.

• Turbidity. Water is cloudy when it contains material or colloidal suspension.

Turbidity can be determined by these methods:

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a) Turbidimetry: Comparing the transmission of white light through the

suspension and through a standarized solution.

b) Nephelometry. Comparing the intensity of light scattered in the sample

and in a reference dissolution. This method is broadly used and can be

carried out continuously and is related to suspended solids.

Figure 2. Equipment for turbidity determination.

• Solids: Total solids refer to the residue remaining after a process of evaporation at

103-105 ° C.

Solids can be classified according to different criteria:

a) Depending on their nature.

Organic. These are substances of animal or vegetal origin containing C, H and

O, and they can be combined with N, S, P, etc. Major groups are proteins,

carbohydrates and fats, together with its decomposition products. Also called


Inorganic. These are inert substances not subject to degradation. There are fuel

and ashes remaining at 550 ºC, although some salts decompose at lower

temperatures. One example is magnesium carbonate, which breaks down into

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magnesium oxide and carbon dioxide at 350 ° C. Inorganic solids are also

known as minerals.

b) Depending on its size.

Dissolved. They pass through a filter. A fiberglass filter is generally used 0,45

μm. They can be classified as:

Colloidal (0,001 - 1 μm).

Not filtrables. They are suspended solids.

c) According to its settling. For this determination the sample is settling in a 1L

Imhoff cone for 1 hour, determining the volume of the settled sediments,

expressed as mL/L.

Not settling.

Figure 3. Equipment for suspended solids determination.

• Electrical conductivity. This value depends on the concentration of dissolved

salts. It is measured by a conductivity tester.

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Figure 4. Equipment for electrical conductivity determination.

5.2 Chemical Parameters.

• pH. It refers to the concentration of hydrogen ions in the sample. It is measured

with a pH meter. pH provides information on chemical reactions that can take

place and on the biological activity of the sample.

Figure 5. Equipment for pH determination.

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• Alkalinity and acidity. The alkalinity of water is a measure of its capacity to

neutralize acids. It is specifically defined as the amount of H+ ions that must be

added to a certain volume of water for that it reaches a certain pH. Thus can be

referred to Alkalinity to pH 8.2 (p-alkalinity) or Alkalinity to pH 4.3 (total

alkalinity or m-alkalinity)

Alkalinity is determined by titration with acid (H2SO4 generally or ClH).

When the pH reaches 8.2, hydroxides and carbonates are determined, as

species have become H2O and HCO3-. Total alkalinity is determined titrating

until HCO3 becomes CO2 and H2O.

Obviously, a pH 6.5 water will not present P-alkalinity, but total alkalinity.

Alkalinity is usually expressed in mg/l CaCO3 and is a measure of the capacity

of water to neutralize acids.

The concept of acidity is the opposite to alkalinity, thus the amount of OH-

ions that must be added to a certain volume of water to reach a certain value of

pH. We also distinguish between acidity pH 4.3 and pH 8.2.

• Hardness. Total hardness is given by the total content of calcium and

magnesium ions. For its numerical expression it is referred to calcium

carbonate or calcium oxide as parts per million (ppm) of calcium carbonate, ie

milligrams of calcium carbonate per litre.

There are two types of hardness:

Temporary. It is due to calcium and magnesium bicarbonate. It is eliminated

by boiling water when carbonate precipitates.

Permanent. It is the remaining after boiling the sample.

Total hardness is the sum of the two former.

• Oxidation/reduction potential. It is the potential required to transfer electrons

to a oxidizer from a reducer. It is measured with a potentiometer. This

parameter is used to control water treatment processes in which reduction-

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oxidation reactions are involves, such as chlorination, nitrification-

denitrification, and so on.

• Organic matter. There are three parameters to determine the organic matter:

BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand). It refers to the ppm of oxygen used by

the bacterial population in five days to degrade at a temperature of 20 ° C the

biodegradable organic matter present. This parameter is very important because

it indicates the quantity of O2 necessary to stabilize organic matter and is very

useful when designing a facility or determining the effectiveness of processes.

The biochemical oxidation is a slow process. In 20 days the oxidation of

organic matter comes at a 95-99%. At 5 days is 60 to 70%.

There are mainly two ways to conduct the determination of the BOD.

Dilution method

To ensure that all other conditions are equal, a very small amount of micro-

organism seed is added to each sample being tested. This seed is typically

generated by diluting activated sludge with de-ionized water. The BOD test

is carried out by diluting the sample with de-ionized water with added

nutrients, saturated with oxygen, inoculating it with a fixed aliquot of seed,

measuring the dissolved oxygen and sealing the sample (to prevent further

oxygen dissolving in). The sample is kept at 20 °C in the dark to prevent

photosynthesis (and thereby the addition of oxygen) for five days, and the

dissolved oxygen is measured again. The difference between the final DO and

initial DO is the BOD. The apparent BOD for the control is subtracted from

the control result to provide the corrected value.

The loss of dissolved oxygen in the sample, once corrections have been made

for the degree of dilution, is called the BOD5. For carbonaceous BOD (cBOD),

a nitrification inhibitor is added after the dilution water has been added to the

sample. The inhibitor hinders the oxidation of nitrogen. This inhibition allows

for measurement of carbonaceous oxygen demand (cBOD).

BOD can be calculated by:

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Undiluted: Initial DO - Final DO = BOD

Diluted: ((Initial DO - Final DO)- BOD of Seed) x Dilution Factor

Manometric method

This method is limited to the measurement of the oxygen consumption due

only to carbonaceous oxidation. Ammonia oxidation is inhibited.

The sample is kept in a sealed container fitted with a pressure sensor. A

substance absorbing carbon dioxide (typically KOH) is added in the container

above the sample level. The sample is stored in conditions identical to the

dilution method. Oxygen is consumed and, as ammonia oxidation is inhibited,

carbon dioxide is released. The total amount of gas, thus the pressure,

decreases because carbon dioxide is absorbed. From the drop of pressure, the

electronics computes and displays the consumed quantity of oxygen.

The main advantage of this method compared to the dilution method is its

simplicity, thus no dilution of the sample, neither seeding, nor blank sample

are required. Besides a continuous and direct reading of BOD value is

displaied during the incubation time.

Furthermore, as the BOD measurement can be monitored continuously, a

graph of its evolution can be plotted. Interpolation of several graphs on a

similar water may build an experience of its usual evolution, and allow an

estimation of the five days BOD after as early as the first two days of


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Figure 6. Equipment for BOD determination.

COD (chemical oxygen demand). COD is defined as the O2 ppm consumed

in the chemical oxidation of a sample of wastewater. Unlike the BOD, COD is

a measure of total organic matter. The COD can be considered as an

approximate measure of Theoretical Oxygen Demand. Depending on the

components of the sample, this approach will be better or worse. For example,

aromatic hydrocarbons and pyridine are not entirely oxidized, some very

volatile organic substances can escape through evaporation and oxidation can

occur of inorganic substances such as chloride (Cl-) and sulfides (S2-). The test

takes place in heating reflux conditions with a known amount of potassium

dichromate (K2Cr2O7). For the oxidation to be effective it must be done in an

acidic medium (adding H2SO4) and in the presence of a catalyst (Ag2SO4).

The reaction that takes place is the following:

Cr2O72- +14H+ + 6e- ↔2Cr3+ + 7 H2O

The measurement is carried out by assessing the remaining dichromate by

means of a titration with ammonium sulfate or ferrous spectrophotometric. To

cancel the interference of chloride, mercuric sulphate (HgSO4) is added, as the

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mercury ion combines with the chloride ion to form mercuric chloride

(HgCl2), which is essentially non-ionized. This test takes just over two hours,

although techniques have been developed for roughly instrumental measuring

the COD within minutes.

Figure 7. Equipment for COD determination.

• TOC (total organic carbon). It is commonly used to determine small

concentrations of organic matter. This tests are based on organic matter carbon

oxidation to CO2, measuring absorption by KOH or by infrared analysis.

• Nitrogen. It is present in the form of organic nitrogen, ammonia, nitrites and

nitrates, which can transform from one to another through the process of

nitrification. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) expresses the sum of organic

nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen . The relative concentrations of different forms

of nitrogen provide information on the degree of contamination of a sample.

• Phosphorus. It is present as phosphates from detergents and fertilizers. It is not

a direct risk to human or other lifeforms, but threatens water quality due to


5.3 Other parameters.

In addition to the physical and chemical parameters, there are some others that

should be determined depending on the nature of the aqueous sample:

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• Harmful chemicals: cyanides, sulphides, phenols, fats and oils, detergents,

pesticides, etc.

• Pathogenic organisms. Since they are present in very small quantities,

"indicator organisms” are needed, which are present in a greater quantity and

whose presence in water is related to the former ones. An example of these

indicator organisms are coliform bacteria.

• Parameters that describe the toxicity of a sample. There are some tests to

evaluate wastewater toxicity, which allows one to estimate the presence of

toxic substances. As examples of widely used tests the following can be cited:

AOX. It refers to the concentration in wastewater of substances absorbed in

active carbon.

METOX. It refers to the concentration of heavy metals. It is calculated as the

addition of the values resulting from multiplying certain heavy metals’

concentrations by a coefficient indicating their potential risks.

AOX and METOX express the concentration of certain toxic substances but

not the toxicity itself, however, their determination is easy to be carried out as

living organisms (that must be kept under certain conditions) are not required

and, moreover, these parameters are appropriate to compare the toxicity of

industrial wastewater (for example, METOX is often used to compare the

toxicity of wastewater from galvanic industries).

Inhibitor substances tests. They express toxicity as the interaction between

effluent and environment and are based in preparing various dilutions of

wastewater to find which concentration affects 50% of a population of

microorganisms, either by inhibiting some of its properties (EC50) or causing

its death (LC50). EC and LC are different from the ED and LD as the former

refers to concentrations (substance mg/L of wastewater, for example), while

the latter concern doses, ie, the weights of substances in an organism.

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The organisms used to carry out these tests must be selected as representative

of the ecosystem, sensitive to small concentrations of toxic substances and easy

to handle. Daphnia (both Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex) which is a micro

crustacean, is mainly used in wastewater toxicity tests, evaluating the

wastewater concentration that causes its inhibition or death, as well as

luminescent bacterium Photobacterium phosphoreum, determining its

luminescence loss when immersed in wastewater for 15 minutes. Lately most

tests are conducted with the latter method because of its ease of handling.

Toxicity is usually expressed in EQUITOX. An effluent presents N EQUITOX

when a N dilution factor sample causes the inhibition of 50% of Daphnia


Figure 8. Equipment for toxicity determination.

The values of the most important parameters determining urban waste water

are detailed in Table 5.

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Table 5. Parameters determining urban waste water



Total solids

Suspended solids



Total Nitrogen




























6. Legislation.

6.1. European Charter on Water Resources.


Recommendation Rec (2001)14 Of the Committee of Ministers to member

states on the European Charter on Water Resources

(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 17 October 2001, at the 769th

meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)

The Committee of Ministers,

Recalling its adoption of the European Water Charter on 26 May 1967;

Recalling its Decision No. CM/708/151298 to entrust the Committee for the

Activities of the Council of Europe in the field of Biological and Landscape

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Diversity (CO-DBP) to look into the advisability of reviewing and updating the

European Water Charter;

Considering that water is indispensable to all forms of life;

Considering the importance of water in biological systems and the need to

protect aquatic and associated ecosystems, and soil in particular;

Considering that water is an ecological, economic and social asset that is a

prerequisite for sustainable development;

Considering that the preservation of water is the joint responsibility of states and

all users;

Considering that the increasing demand for water may lead to the deterioration

and exhaustion of water resources and conflicts between users, as well as

between states;

Considering that water management constitutes an ideal area for action by the

authorities in partnership with the various water users;

Having regard to the greater knowledge available and growing public and

government awareness since the adoption by the Council of Europe of the

European Water Charter on 6 May 1968;

Recalling the international instruments signed in this area, notably the Helsinki

Convention on the Protection and Use of Trans boundary Watercourses and

International Lakes of 17 March 1992, and the London Protocol on Water and

Health of 17 June 1999, chapter 18 of Agenda 21 adopted in Rio de Janeiro in

June 1992, the Sofia Convention on Co-operation for the Protection and

Sustainable Use of the Danube River of 29 June 1994, the New York

Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International

Watercourses of 21 May 1997 and the Bern Convention on the Protection of the

Rhine of 12 April 1999;

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Recognizing that the Directive 2000/60/EC of the Council of the European

Union of 23 October 2000 incorporates many of the principles embedded in the

European Water Charter,

1. adopts the European Charter on Water Resources, which replaces the

European Water Charter proclaimed in Strasbourg on 6 May 1968;

2. recommends member states to take note of the charter and apply its principles

as appropriate in the framework of their national policies.

European Charter on Water Resources

1. Fresh water resources must be used in keeping with the objectives of

sustainable development, with due regard for the needs of present and future


Fresh water constitutes only 2.7% of the Earth’s overall water mass, and to a

large extent it is in a frozen state in the polar caps and the snow cover of high

mountains. Humanity uses more than half of the planet’s water reserves: the

quantity of water available per capita is now no more than 7 000 m3, as against

17 000 m3 as recently as 1950. At the same time, the world population is

growing, and water needs are increasing, not only for domestic use (currently

6% of world consumption), but also for industry (20%) and above all for

agriculture (70% to 80%).

Water is not only of vital importance for all forms of life, and thus for the

protection of the environment; its availability in sufficient quantity and quality is

also a prerequisite for the development of human societies. It is thus at the heart

of the concept of sustainable development, which brings together two

fundamental aspects of society: the need to protect the environment, and the

need to improve people’s living conditions. In 1987 this concept was defined as

development which meets the needs of present generations without

compromising the possibility for future generations of meeting theirs. 1

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The International Court of Justice has summed up the situation as follows:

“[The] need to reconcile economic development with protection of the

environment is aptly expressed in the concept of sustainable development”. 2 The

objectives of sustainable development 3 include promoting economic growth and

improving social conditions, meeting essential needs, notably in terms of water,

and conserving and maintaining natural resources.

2. Water must be equitably and reasonably used in the public interest.

To determine what is equitable and reasonable, several factors must be

considered: geographic, hydrographic, hydrological, climatic and ecological

aspects; the economic and social needs of the populations concerned; the effects

of the utilization of the resource on other users and the need to conserve water,

harness water resources and avoid wastage, as well as the cost of measures taken

to this end. It is also important to consider alternatives to existing or planned

uses. All relevant factors are to be considered before reaching a conclusion, with

special regard being given to meeting vital human needs. 4

3. Water policy and law must protect the aquatic ecosystems and wetlands.

Water is an integral part of the ecosystem. It follows that water’s natural

function must be conserved, restored and enhanced. Hence the need to ensure

flow management that takes into account the natural flow of solid matter and

promotes interaction between the river, ground water and alluvial zones in their

capacity as natural flood zones. It is also necessary to conserve, restore and

improve natural habitats for wild fauna and flora in water, particularly in the

sediment and on riverbanks and lake shores, as well as in adjacent areas. The

natural movements of fish must be preserved. 5

4. It is up to everyone to help conserve water resources and use them prudently,

in conformity with this charter.

As in the case of the environment generally, responsibility for conserving water

resources cannot be regarded as being incumbent on the public authorities alone.

The 1968 Charter noted that as a consumer and user of water, each human being

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is responsible to other users and that to use water thoughtlessly is to misuse the

natural heritage. 6

5. Everyone has the right to a sufficient quantity of water for his or her basic


International human rights instruments recognize the fundamental right of all

human beings to be free from hunger and to an adequate standard of living for

themselves and their families. 7 It is quite clear that these two requirements

include the right to a minimum quantity of water of satisfactory quality from the

point of view of health and hygiene. 8

Social measures should be put in place to prevent the supply of water to destitute

persons from being cut off.

6. Public and private partners must introduce integrated management of surface

water, ground water and related water that respects the environment as a whole,

takes regional planning into account and is socially equitable and economically


Water management means planning the sustainable development of water

resources and providing for the implementation of any plans adopted. 9 These

operations must cover all expanses of fresh water, notably surface water and

ground water, and take quantitative and qualitative aspects into account. Their

objective must be to promote a dynamic, interactive and multi sector approach to

water management and utilization based on community needs and priorities. 10

Rational water utilization schemes for the development of surface and

underground water supply sources and other potential sources have to be

supported by concurrent water conservation and wastage minimization

measures. 11

7. Integrated management must be based on an inventory of water resources and

aim to ensure their protection, conservation and, if necessary, rehabilitation. In

particular, any new deterioration and exhaustion of these resources must be

prevented, the recycling of waste water encouraged and, where appropriate,

limitations placed on certain uses.

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An inventory of water resources must include an assessment of their quantity

and quality, taking into account the requisite present and future uses as well as

the impact of foreseeable climate change. 12 Methods for the assessment of the

toxicity of hazardous substances and the noxiousness of pollutants which are or

might be discharged into water must be devised. Pollution from such substances

should be gradually reduced. Environmentally sound technologies, production

methods and consumption patterns must be developed and applied. 13

8. Water policy and law must be based on the principles of prevention,

precaution and correction at source as well as the “polluter-pays” principle. To

this end, they must use regulatory instruments such as quality objectives,

discharge standards, the best available technologies and economic instruments

compatible with meeting the population’s basic needs.

These principles have been formulated in international instruments and should

be applied to water resources in the following manner.

The principle of prevention means that the emission of pollutants must be

prevented, controlled and reduced at source through the application, in

particular, of low- and non-waste technology. The risk of accidental pollution

must be minimized and contingency planning developed. 14

The precautionary principle means that even in the absence of scientific

certainty, adequate measures must be taken to prevent qualitative or quantitative

deterioration of water resources when such deterioration might be serious or


Under the “polluter-pays” principle, the cost of pollution prevention, control and

reduction measures must be borne by the polluter.

Quality objectives determine the nature and quantity of pollutants acceptable in

water. They may depend on the utilization contemplated for a given aquatic

environment. Discharge standards define the maximum quantity of a given

pollutant that may be discharged into the aquatic environment.

The best available technology is taken to mean the latest stage of development

of processes, facilities or methods of operation which indicate the practical

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suitability of a particular measure for limiting discharges, emissions and waste.


Legal instruments in the strict sense of the term include the impact study

procedure, which consists in requiring that, prior to implementation of a plan or

project, its environmental impact be studied, and that rules imposing an

obligation to obtain authorization for any activity that has a serious impact on

the environment as well as monitoring of authorized discharges be laid down. 16

Economic instruments may include such measures as taxation of pollutants, tax

relief on “clean” substances, quality seals certifying a product’s conformity with

the environmental protection requirement, the obligation to take out insurance

against environmental damage, negotiable authorization of pollutant emissions

and subsidies or loans. The latter must, however, be compatible with the

“polluter-pays” principle. All these instruments require a legal framework

specifying the standards and objectives to be complied with or attained.

In order to implement environmental protection measures, it is necessary to

identify and strengthen or develop, as required, the appropriate institutional,

legal and financial mechanisms. 17

9. Underground water resources must be the subject of special protection, and

their use for human consumption must take priority.

Ground water is usually connected with surface water and may be affected when

watercourses are modified. Its quality is usually such that it should be set aside

as far as possible for human consumption. Special measures must therefore be

adopted to protect ground water from pollution, whether as a consequence of

direct or indirect pollutants. 18 Ground water is particularly vulnerable to diffuse

pollution from manuring and deposits of pollutants that seep into it through the

soil. Preventive protection measures are needed, especially since the elimination

of pollutants that have seeped into the ground water may take years or even


10. Water resources must be regularly monitored and their general state

periodically assessed.

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Programs must be devised and implemented to monitor the state of water. They

must provide for regular analyses to identify the causes of and parties

responsible for pollution. 19 . Such programs must also make it possible to check

whether the quality objectives have been attained as regards, in particular, the

health of the population concerned and the state of the ecosystems, and whether

safety measures to prevent accidents prejudicial to the quality or quantity of

water resources are functioning properly.

11. The terms of water concessions must be compatible with this charter.

Concessions must be granted for a limited duration and must be subject to

periodic review.

It is only fair that, as a counterpart to their rights and entitlements to water,

natural and legal persons and institutions, whether in the public sector or the

private sector, should contribute to the protection of the water environment and

the conservation of water resources. 20

To ensure better supervision of compliance with this obligation, it is essential for

such rights to be accorded for a limited duration only. Such limitation makes it

possible to modify the terms of the agreement granting the right to exploit the

water resources so as to take new data into account. At the same time, it

encourages beneficiaries to be more careful about honoring their obligations.

12. Large-scale consumption of water in agricultural or industrial processes must

be carefully assessed and monitored with a view to ensuring better protection of

the environment and avoiding unsustainable utilization.

The rapid increase in water needs makes it necessary to monitor constantly and

adjust, as appropriate, the allocation of water resources for different uses.

Reference should be made in this connection to the principles of sustainable

development and the equitable and reasonable use of water resources, cited

above. The holistic management of freshwater as a finite and vulnerable

resource, and the integration of sector water plans and programs into national

economic and social policy are of paramount importance. 21

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13. At each state level, central, regional and local authorities must adopt and

implement water management plans in a spirit of solidarity and co-operation.

These plans should be based on the catchment basin.

Integrated water resources management, including land-related aspects, should

be carried out at the level of the catchment basin or sub-basin. 22 This territorial

fragmentation of responsibilities should not, however, be an impediment to an

integrated water management policy at the level required. 23 A balance must be

struck between a spirit of solidarity and co-operation and the need to base action

on the dimensions of ecosystems, which usually coincide with those of

catchment basins.

14. Decisions on water must take into account the particular conditions at

regional or local level and be implemented by the relevant authorities closest to

the areas concerned in keeping with water management plans.

Whereas the utilization of water resources must be planned within the

framework defined in the previous paragraph, the implementation of directives

issued and decisions taken must be a matter for the local or regional authorities,

which are closer to the users. This means that more account can be taken not

only of the physical and ecological peculiarities of the various areas, but also of

the human aspects and economic and social conditions that characterize them.

15. States must co-operate, preferably within permanent institutions, to agree on

an equitable and reasonable method of managing international watercourses and

other shared water resources in conformity with international law and the

principles of this Charter.

States that share a catchment basin must conclude bilateral or multilateral

agreements specifying the geographic limits of their co-operation on the

management of shared water resources. They must take into consideration

requests concerning water transfers between catchment basins, and they must

work to establish permanent institutions to ensure better co-operation on the

management of shared water resources. These institutions can:

- collect, compile and evaluate data in order to identify pollution sources;

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- elaborate joint water monitoring programs;

- draw up inventories and exchange information on pollution sources;

- set emissions limits for waste water;

- devise joint water quality objectives and criteria;

- serve as a consultation forum for the smooth functioning and maintenance of

facilities, installations and other structures associated with shared water


- develop action programs to reduce pollution loads;

- establish warning and alarm procedures. 24

16. The public must have access to information on the state of water resources.

The information collected on quantitative and qualitative aspects of water

resources, notably on suitability for drinking, must be accessible to the public

and published without delay in a form that is readily understandable. Provision

must be made for special warning measures to protect public health.

17. The public must be informed in a timely and appropriate manner of water

management plans and projects for the utilization of water resources. It has the

right to take an active part in planning and decision-making procedures

concerning water.

Access to information and participation by natural and legal persons and their

associations, organizations or groups 25 in the decision-making process

concerning water resources are essential, in particular in order to enhance the

quality and the implementation of the decisions, to foster public awareness of

issues, to give the public the opportunity to express its concerns and to enable

public authorities to take due account of such concerns. 26

The authorities must make available to the public as soon as possible

information on water resources that is requested of them, including, if the

request is made, copies of documents in which such information is actually

Page 31: 1 Water Pollution


recorded, without the public needing to advance a particular interest. A request

for information on water resources cannot be refused unless it concerns

documents in the course of being prepared or if it is contrary to the rights of

other persons protected by national legislation. Reasons for refusal must be

interpreted restrictively and must be communicated to those concerned. 27

The public must also be able to participate in preparing plans and programs on

water resources management at an appropriate stage. The relevant authority may

identify the persons invited to participate. Sufficient time-frames must be fixed

to allow for effective participation, and the public must be given the opportunity

to comment, directly or through representative consultative bodies. The result of

public participation shall be taken into account as far as possible. 28

18. The persons and bodies concerned must be able to appeal against any

decision relating to water resources.

Any natural or legal person wishing to contest any decision, act or omission and

in particular any refusal to provide information or allow participation in

connection with the management or utilization of water resources must be able

to lodge an administrative or judicial appeal. 29

19. Without prejudice to the right to water to meet basic needs, the supply of

water shall be subject to payment in order to cover financial costs associated

with the production and utilization of water resources.

Water has not only an ecological but also an economic value. In addition to

water as such, infrastructure for its extraction, conveyance, distribution and

purification generates costs which may vary from one place or community to

another, but which cannot be ignored. Water, costing nothing, might be used

wastefully, which is particularly dangerous in situations in which water

resources are becoming relatively scarce. On the other hand, water is also a

commodity with a social value, one that is necessary for meeting the basic needs

of every human being.

To finance the supply and purification of water, it is essential to implement the

“polluter-pays” principle. To this end, appropriate charges must bez set

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(proportional or progressive rates, rates for low-income categories or supply of a

minimum quantity of water on preferential terms), depending on the use.

Charges will depend on the expected evolution of water resources, the

investment required and social considerations. The “user-pays” principle,

pursuant to which the price of water available for given uses – and thus of

adequate quality – must be borne by the user, must be taken into account,

subject to basic needs being met.

6.2. Spanish Legislation.

The Water Act, approved on 2 August of 1985 (Act 29/1.985), is the first to

comprehensively address the problem of water pollution in Spain. The development of

some titles of this law is carried out in the RD 1/2001, 20 July which approves the

regulation of public water domain.

These laws establish requirement to apply for official authorization for the

discharge of water and waste products that are likely to pollute the waters. The

authorisation granted by the administration lays down the conditions governing the


• Limits of the discharge. Not exceeding the values given in Table 1 of Annex to

the IV title. These values are reflected in Table 6. Tables 2 and 3, require a higher

quality of discharge, and can be applied if necessary at any time by the Administration

depending on the point of discharge.

• Necessary wastewater treatment plants.

• Facilities operation control.

• Discharge fee according to section 105 of the Water Act.

• Construction dates.

• Emergency actions and measures.

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Table 6. Discharge limits to reach.



Suspended solids

Settling solids

Coarse solids






























Cr (III)

Cr (VI)


























































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Article 105 of the Water Act stipulates that the discharge authorized in accordance

with the Articles 92 and following, are taxed with a fee to the protection and

improvement of the receiving environment of each river basin.

The fee is the result of multiplying the pollutant burden discharge C (expressed in

units of pollution) by the value assigned to each unit p.

Discharge fee

C = C p

The unit of pollution is a standard measure pattern, that refers to the pollution load

through the discharge rate of domestic water for 1,000 inhabitants and in a one-year


The burden discharge C is obtained as follows:.

C = K · V

Where V is the volume discharged in one year period m3/y and K is a coefficient

depending on the discharge characteristics

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Table 7. K value ratio.





1) Domestic

a) No industrial activity

b) Medium industrial activity

c) Important industrial activity

2) Industrial sector

a) Tye 1

b) Type 2

c) Type 3



















Recently, many regional governments have developed laws on discharge

regulation, since their full attributions on environmental issues.

Thus, the Valencian region has a law for discharge, treatment and reuse of

wastewater since 1992 (Law 2 / 1992), introducing the concept of Sanitation Tax.

The Sanitation Tax for industrial use is calculated annually as follows:

Tax = (service fee + consumption fee) x corrective coefficient

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The service fee depends on the size of the meter while the consumption fee’s

value resulting of multiplying the volume of water consumed by the water price of €/m3,

which is approved each year in the budget law.

The corrective coefficient fee is equal to the multiplication of 3 indexes, which


• volume factor, which is a function of the annual balance of water used in


• peak factor, which is a function of the peak flows and pollution loads.

• corrective factor, depending on the value of certain wastewater characteristic


6.3. European Legislation.

European legislation can be found at:


The Council of Environment Ministers of the EEC adopted Directive

91/271/EC, on 21 May 1991, on urban waste water treatment.

It establishes the following:

• Definitions. p.e. (population equivalent)" means the organic biodegradable load

having a five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of 60 g of oxygen per day.

• Regulations on sewage treatment, treatment in sensitive areas and less sensitive

areas, etc..

• Deadline for compliance with these regulations.

• Effect of wastewater from a member state over another.

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• Regulations on industrial waste and sludge.

Text of the Directive 91/271/EC


of 21 May 1991

concerning urban waste water treatment



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and

in particular 130s thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission [1],

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament [2],

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee [3],

Whereas the Council Resolution of 28 June 1988 on the protection of the North

Sea and of other waters in the Community [4] invited the Commission to submit

proposals for measures required at Community level for the treatment of urban waste


Whereas pollution due to insufficient treatment of waste water in one Member

State often influences other Member States' waters; whereas in accordance with Article

130r, action at Community level is necessary;

Whereas to prevent the environment from being adversely affected by the disposal

of insufficiently-treated urban waste water, there is a general need for secondary

treatment of urban waste water;

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Whereas it is necessary in sensitive areas to require more stringent treatment;

whereas in some less sensitive areas a primary treatment could be considered


Whereas industrial waste water entering collecting systems as well as the

discharge of waste water and disposal of sludge from urban waste water treatment

plants should be subject to general rules or regulations and/or specific authorizations;

Whereas discharges from certain industrial sectors of biodegradable industrial

waste water not entering urban waste water treatment plants before discharge to

receiving waters should be subject to appropriate requirements;

Whereas the recycling of sludge arising from waste water treatment should be

encouraged; whereas the disposal of sludge to surface waters should be phased out;

Whereas it is necessary to monitor treatment plants, receiving waters and the

disposal of sludge to ensure that the environment is protected from the adverse effects

of the discharge of waste waters;

Whereas it is important to ensure that information on the disposal of waste water

and sludge is made available to the public in the form of periodic reports;

Whereas Member States should establish and present to the Commission national

programmes for the implementation of this Directive;

Whereas a Committee should be established to assist the Commission on matters

relating to the implementation of this Directive and to its adaptation to technical



Article 1

This Directive concerns the collection, treatment and discharge of urban waste

water and the treatment and discharge of waste water from certain industrial sectors.

The objective of the Directive is to protect the environment from the adverse

effects of the abovementioned waste water discharges.

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Article 2

For the purpose of this Directive:

1. "urban waste water" means domestic waste water or the mixture of domestic

waste water with industrial waste water and/or run-off rain water;

2. "domestic waste water" means waste water from residential settlements and

services which originates predominantly from the human metabolism and from

household activities;

3. "industrial waste water" means any waste water which is discharged from

premises used for carrying on any trade or industry, other than domestic waste water

and run-off rain water;

4. "agglomeration" means an area where the population and/or economic activities

are sufficiently concentrated for urban waste water to be collected and conducted to an

urban waste water treatment plant or to a final discharge point;

5. "collecting system" means a system of conduits which collects and conducts

urban waste water;

6. "1 p.e. (population equivalent)" means the organic biodegradable load having a

five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of 60 g of oxygen per day;

7. "primary treatment" means treatment of urban waste water by a physical and/or

chemical process involving settlement of suspended solids, or other processes in which

the BOD5 of the incoming waste water is reduced by at least 20 % before discharge and

the total suspended solids of the incoming waste water are reduced by at least 50 %;

8. "secondary treatment" means treatment of urban waste water by a process

generally involving biological treatment with a secondary settlement or other process in

which the requirements established in Table 1 of Annex I are respected;

9. "appropriate treatment" means treatment of urban waste water by any process

and/or disposal system which after discharge allows the receiving waters to meet the

relevant quality objectives and the relevant provisions of this and other Community


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10. "Sludge" means residual sludge, whether treated or untreated, from urban

waste water treatment plants;

11. "eutrophication" means the enrichment of water by nutrients, especially

compounds of nitrogen and/or phosphorus, causing an accelerated growth of algae and

higher forms of plant life to produce an undesirable disturbance to the balance of

organisms present in the water and to the quality of the water concerned;

12. "estuary" means the transitional area at the mouth of a river between fresh-

water and coastal waters. Member States shall establish the outer (seaward) limits of

estuaries for the purposes of this Directive as part of the programme for implementation

in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 (1) and (2);

13. "coastal waters" means the waters outside the low-water line or the outer limit

of an estuary.

Article 3

1. Member States shall ensure that all agglomerations are provided with collecting

systems for urban waste water,

- at the latest by 31 December 2000 for those with a population equivalent (p.e.) of

more than 15000, and

- at the latest by 31 December 2005 for those with a p.e. of between 2000 and


For urban waste water discharging into receiving waters which are considered

"sensitive areas" as defined under Article 5, Member States shall ensure that collection

systems are provided at the latest by 31 December 1998 for agglomerations of more

than 10000 p.e.

Where the establishment of a collecting system is not justified either because it

would produce no environmental benefit or because it would involve excessive cost,

individual systems or other appropriate systems which achieve the same level of

environmental protection shall be used.

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2. Collecting systems described in paragraph 1 shall satisfy the requirements of

Annex I (A). These requirements may be amended in accordance with the procedure

laid down in Article 18.

Article 4

1. Member States shall ensure that urban waste water entering collecting systems

shall before discharge be subject to secondary treatment or an equivalent treatment as


- at the latest by 31 December 2000 for all discharges from agglomerations of

more than 15000 p.e.,

- at the latest by 31 December 2005 for all discharges from agglomerations of

between 10000 and 15000 p.e.,

- at the latest by 31 December 2005 for discharges to fresh-water and estuaries

from agglomerations of between 2000 and 10000 p.e.

2. Urban waste water discharges to waters situated in high mountain regions (over

1500 m above sea level) where it is difficult to apply an effective biological treatment

due to low temperatures may be subjected to treatment less stringent than that

prescribed in paragraph 1, provided that detailed studies indicate that such discharges do

not adversely affect the environment.

3. Discharges from urban waste water treatment plants described in paragraphs 1

and 2 shall satisfy the relevant requirements of Annex I.B. These requirements may be

amended in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.

4. The load expressed in p.e. shall be calculated on the basis of the maximum

average weekly load entering the treatment plant during the year, excluding unusual

situations such as those due to heavy rain.

Article 5

1. For the purposes of paragraph 2, Member States shall by 31 December 1993

identify sensitive areas according to the criteria laid down in Annex II.

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2. Member States shall ensure that urban waste water entering collecting systems

shall before discharge into sensitive areas be subject to more stringent treatment than

that described in Article 4, by 31 December 1998 at the latest for all discharges from

agglomerations of more than 10000p.e.

3. Discharges from urban waste water treatment plants described in paragraph 2

shall satisfy the relevant requirements of Annex I B. These requirements may be

amended in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.

4. Alternatively, requirements for individual plants set out in paragraphs 2 and 3

above need not apply in sensitive areas where it can be shown that the minimum

percentage of reduction of the overall load entering all urban waste water treatment

plants in that area is at least 75 % for total phosphorus and at least 75 % for total


5. Discharges from urban waste water treatment plants which are situated in the

relevant catchment areas of sensitive areas and which contribute to the pollution of

these areas shall be subject to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.

In cases where the above catchment areas are situated wholly or partly in another

Member State Article 9 shall apply.

6. Member States shall ensure that the identification of sensitive areas is reviewed

at intervals of no more than four years.

7. Member States shall ensure that areas identified as sensitive following review

under paragraph 6 shall within seven years meet the above requirements.

8. A Member State does not have to identify sensitive areas for the purpose of this

Directive if it implements the treatment established under paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 over all

its territory.

Article 6

1. For the purposes of paragraph 2, Member States may by 31 December 1993

identify less sensitive areas according to the criteria laid down in Annex II.

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2. Urban waste water discharges from agglomerations of between 10000 and

150000 p.e. to coastal waters and those from agglomerations of between 2000 and

10000 p.e. to estuaries situated in areas described in paragraph 1 may be subjected to

treatment less stringent than that prescribed in Article 4 providing that:

- such discharges receive at least primary treatment as defined in Article 2 (7) in

conformity with the control procedures laid down in Annex I D,

- comprehensive studies indicate that such discharges will not adversely affect the


Member States shall provide the Commission with all relevant information

concerning the abovementioned studies.

3. If the Commission considers that the conditions set out in paragraph 2 are not

met, it shall submit to the Council an appropriate proposal.

4. Member States shall ensure that the identification of less sensitive areas is

reviewed at intervals of not more than four years.

5. Member States shall ensure that areas no longer identified as less sensitive shall

within seven years meet the requirements of Articles 4 and 5 as appropriate.

Article 7

Member States shall ensure that, by 31 December 2005, urban waste water

entering collecting systems shall before discharge be subject to appropriate treatment as

defined in Article 2 (9) in the following cases:

- for discharges to fresh-water and estuaries from agglomerations of less than 2000


- for discharges to coastal waters from agglomerations of less than 10000 p.e.

Article 8

1. Member States may, in exceptional cases due to technical problems and for

geographically defined population groups, submit a special request to the Commission

for a longer period for complying with Article 4.

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2. This request, for which grounds msut be duly put forward, shall set out the

technical difficulties experienced and must propose an action programme with an

appropriate timetable to be undertaken to implement the objective of this Directive. This

timetable shall be included in the programme for implementation referred to in Article


3. Only technical reasons can be accepted and the longer period referred to in

paragraph 1 may not extend beyond 31 December 2005.

4. The Commission shall examine this request and take appropriate measures in

accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.

5. In exceptional circumstances, when it can be demonstrated that more advanced

treatment will not produce any environmental benefits, discharges into less sensitive

areas of waste waters from agglomerations of more than 150000 p.e. may be subject to

the treatment provided for in Article 6 for waste water from agglomerations of between

10000 and 150000 p.e.

In such circumstances, Member States shall submit beforehand the relevant

documentation to the Commission. The Commission will examine the case and take

appropriate measures in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.

Article 9

Where waters within the area of jurisdiction of a Member State are adversely

affected by discharges of urban waste water from another Member State, the Member

State whose waters are affected may notify the other Member State and the Commission

of the relevant facts.

The Member States concerned shall organize, where appropriate with the

Commission, the concertation necessary to identify the discharges in question and the

measures to be taken at source to protect the waters that are affected in order to ensure

conformity with the provisions of this Directive.

Article 10

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Member States shall ensure that the urban waste water treatment plants built to

comply with the requirements of Articles 4, 5, 6 and 7 are designed, constructed,

operated and maintained to ensure sufficient performance under all normal local

climatic conditions. When designing the plants, seasonal variations of the load shall be

taken into account.

Article 11

1. Member States shall ensure that, before 31 December 1993, the discharge of

industrial waste water into collecting systems and urban waste water treatment plants is

subject to prior regulations and/or specific authorizations by the competent authority or

appropriate body.

2. Regulations and/or specific authorization shall satisfy the requirements of

Annex I C. These requirements may be amended in accordance with the procedure laid

down in Article 18.

3. Regulations and specific authorization shall be reviewed and if necessary

adapted at regular intervals.

Article 12

1. Treated waste water shall be reused whenever appropriate. Disposal routes shall

minimize the adverse effects on the environment.

2. Competent authorities or appropriate bodies shall ensure that the disposal of

waste water from urban waste water treatment plants is subject to prior regulations

and/or specific authorization.

3. Prior regulations and/or specific authorization of discharges from urban waste

water treatment plants made pursuant to paragraph 2 within agglomerations of 2000 to

10000 p.e. in the case of discharges to fresh waters and estuaries, and of 10000p.e. or

more in respect of all discharges, shall contain conditions to satisfy the relevant

requirements of Annex I B. These requirements may be amended in accordance with the

procedure laid down in Article 18.

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4. Regulations and/or authorization shall be reviewed and if necessary adapted at

regular intervals.

Article 13

1. Member States shall ensure that by 31 December 2000 biodegradable industrial

waste water from plants belonging to the industrial sectors listed in Annex III which

does not enter urban waste water treatment plants before discharge to receiving waters

shall before discharge respect conditions established in prior regulations and/or specific

authorization by the competent authority or appropriate body, in respect of all

discharges from plants representing 4000 p.e. or more.

2. By 31 December 1993 the competent authority or appropriate body in each

Member State shall set requirements appropriate to the nature of the industry concerned

for the discharge of such waste water.

3. The Commission shall carry out a comparison of the Member States'

requirements by 31 December 1994. It shall publish the results in a report and if

necessary make an appropriate proposal.

Article 14

1. Sludge arising from waste water treatment shall be re-used whenever

appropriate. Disposal routes shall minimize the adverse effects on the environment.

2. Competent authorities or appropriate bodies shall ensure that before 31

December 1998 the disposal of sludge from urban waste water treatment plants is

subject to general rules or registration or authorization.

3. Member States shall ensure that by 31 December 1998 the disposal of sludge to

surface waters by dumping from ships, by discharge from pipelines or by other means is

phased out.

4. Until the elimination of the forms of disposal mentioned in paragraph 3,

Member States shall ensure that the total amount of toxic, persistent or bioaccumulable

materials in sludge disposed of to surface waters is licensed for disposal and

progressively reduced.

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Article 15

1. Competent authorities or appropriate bodies shall monitor:

- discharges from urban waste water treatment plants to verify compliance with

the requirements of Annex I.B in accordance with the control procedures laid down in

Annex I.D,

- amounts and composition of sludge disposed of to surface waters.

2. Competent authorities or appropriate bodies shall monitor waters subject to

discharges from urban waste water treatment plants and direct discharges as described

in Article 13 in cases where it can be expected that the receiving environment will be

significantly affected.

3. In the case of a discharge subject to the provisions of Article 6 and in the case

of disposal of sludge to surface waters, Member States shall monitor and carry out any

other relevant studies to verify that the discharge or disposal does not adversely affect

the environment.

4. Information collected by competent authorities or appropriate bodies in

complying with paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall be retained in the Member State and made

available to the Commission within six months of receipt of a request.

5. Guidelines on the monitoring referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 may be

formulated in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.

Article 16

Without prejudice to the implementation of the provisions of Council Directive

90/313/EEC of 7 June 1990 on the freedom of access to information on the environment

[5], Member States shall ensure that every two years the relevant authorities or bodies

publish situation reports on the disposal of urban waste water and sludge in their areas.

These reports shall be transmitted to the Commission by the Member States as soon as

they are published.

Article 17

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1. Member States shall by 31 December 1993 establish a programme for the

implementation of this Directive.

2. Member States shall by 30 June 1994 provide the Commission with information

on the programme.

3. Member States shall, if necessary, provide the Commission by 30 June every

two years with an update of the information described in paragraph 2.

4. The methods and formats to be adopted for reporting on the national

programmes shall be determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article

18. Any amendments to these methods and formats shall be adopted in accordance with

the same procedure.

5. The Commission shall every two years review and assess the information

received pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 above and publish a report thereon.

Article 18

1. The Commission shall be assisted by a Committee composed of the

representatives of the Member States and chaired by the representative of the


2. The representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of

the measures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft within a

time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter.

The opinion shall be delivered by the majority laid down in Article 148 (2) of the Treaty

in the case of decisions which the Council is required to adopt on a proposal from the

Commission. The votes of the representatives of the Member States within the

committee shall be weighted in the manner set out in that Article. The chairman shall

not vote.

3. (a) The Commission shall adopt the measures envisaged if they are in

accordance with the opinion of the committee.

(b) If the measures envisaged are not in accordance with the opinion of the

committee, or if no opinion is delivered, the Commission shall, without delay, submit to

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the Council a proposal relating to the measures to be taken. The Council shall act by a

qualified majority.

If, on the expiry of a period of three months from the date of referral to the

Council, the Council has not acted, the proposed measures shall be adopted by the

Commission, save where the Council has decided against the said measures by a simple


Article 19

1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative

provisions necessary to comply with this Directive no later than 30 June 1993. They

shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.

2. When Member States adopt the measures referred to in paragraph 1, they shall

contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such a reference on the

occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such a reference shall be

laid down by the Member States.

3. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the main

provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.

Article 20

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 21 May 1991. For the Council. The President. R. STEICHEN

Annex I


A. Collecting systems (1)

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Collecting systems shall take into account waste water treatment requirements. The

design, construction and maintenance of collecting systems shall be undertaken in

accordance with the best technical knowledge not entailing excessive costs, notably


• volume and characteristics of urban waste water,

• prevention of leaks,

• limitation of pollution of receiving waters due to storm water overflows.

B. Discharge from urban waste water treatment plants to receiving waters (1)

1. Waste water treatment plants shall be designed or modified so that

representative samples of the incoming waste water and of treated effluent can

be obtained before discharge to receiving waters.

2. Discharges from urban waste water treatment plants subject to treatment in

accordance with Articles 4 and 5 shall meet the requirements shown in Table 1.

3. Discharges from urban waste water treatment plants to those sensitive areas

which are subject to eutrophication as identified in Annex II.A (a) shall in

addition meet the requirements shown in Table 2 of this Annex.

4. More stringent requirements than those shown in Table 1 and/or Table 2 shall

be applied where required to ensure that the receiving waters satisfy any other

relevant Directives.

5. The points of discharge of urban waste water shall be chosen, as far as possible,

so as to minimize the effects on receiving waters.

C. Industrial waste water

Industrial waste water entering collecting systems and urban waste water treatment

plants shall be subject to such pre-treatment as is required in order to:

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• protect the health of staff working in collecting systems and treatment plants,

• ensure that collecting systems, waste water treatment plants and associated

equipment are not damaged,

• ensure that the operation of the waste water treatment plant and the treatment of

sludge are not impeded,

• ensure that discharges from the treatment plants do not adversely affect the

environment, or prevent receiving water from complying with other Community


• ensure that sludge can be disposed of safety in an environmentally acceptable


D. Reference methods for monitoring and evaluation of results

1. Member States shall ensure that a monitoring method is applied which

corresponds at least with the level of requirements described below. Alternative

methods to those mentioned in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 may be used provided that

it can be demonstrated that equivalent results are obtained. Member States shall

provide the Commission with all relevant information concerning the applied

method. If the Commission considers that the conditions set out in paragraphs 2,

3 and 4 are not met, it will submit an appropriate proposal to the Council.

2. Flow-proportional or time-based 24-hour samples shall be collected at the same

well-defined point in the outlet and if necessary in the inlet of the treatment

plant in order to monitor compliance with the requirements for discharged

waste water laid down in this Directive. Good international laboratory practices

aiming at minimizing the degradation of samples between collection and

analysis shall be applied.

3. The minimum annual number of samples shall be determined according to the

size of the treatment plant and be collected at regular intervals during the year:

- 2 000 to 9 999 p. e.: 12 samples during the first year. four samples in

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subsequent years, if it can be shown that the water during the first year complies

with the provisions of the Directive; if one sample of the four fails, 12 samples

must be taken in the year that follows. - 10 000 to 49 999 p. e.: 12 samples. - 50

000 p. e. or over: 24 samples.

4. The treated waste water shall be assumed to conform to the relevant parameters

if, for each relevant parameter considered individually, samples of the water

show that it complies with the relevant parametric value in the following way:

(a) for the parameters specified in Table 1 and Article 2 (7), a maximum number

of samples which are allowed to fail the requirements, expressed in

concentrations and/or percentage reductions in Table 1 and Article 2 (7), is

specified in Table 3; (b) for the parameters of Table 1 expressed in

concentrations, the failing samples taken under normal operating conditions

must not deviate from the parametric values by more than 100 %. For the

parametric values in concentration relating to total suspended solids deviations

of up to 150 % may be accepted; (c) for those parameters specified in Table 2

the annual mean of the samples for each parameter shall conform to the relevant

parametric values.

5. Extreme values for the water quality in question shall not be taken into

consideration when they are the result of unusual situations such as those due to

heavy rain.

(1) Given that it is not possible in practice to construct collecting systems and

treatment plants in a way such that all waste water can be treated during

situations such as unusually heavy rainfall, Member States shall decide on

measures to limit pollution from storm water overflows. Such measures could be

based on dilution rates or capacity in relation to dry weather flow, or could

specify a certain acceptable number of overflows per year.

Table 1:

Requirements for discharges from urban waste water treatment plants subject

to Articles 4 and 5 of the Directive. The values for concentration or for the

percentage of reduction shall apply.

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Parameters Concentration Minimum percentage of reduction (1)

Reference method of measurement

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5 at 20 °C) without nitrification (2)

25 mg/l O2 70-90

40 under

Article 4 (2)

Homogenized, unfiltered, undecanted sample. Determination of dissolved oxygen before and after five-day incubation at 20 °C ± 1 °C, in complete darkness. Addition of a nitrification inhibitor

Chemical oxygen demand (COD)

125 mg/l O2 75 Homogenized, unfiltered, undecanted sample Potassium dichromate

Total suspended solids

35 mg/l

35 under

Article 4 (2)

(more than 10 000 p.e.)

60 under

Article 4 (2)

(2 000-10 000 p.e.)

90 (3)

90 under

Article 4 (2)

(more than 10 000 p.e.)

70 under

Article 4 (2)

(2 000-10 000 p.e.)

- Filtering of a representative sample through a 0,45 ìm filter membrane. Drying at 105 °C and weighing

- Centrifuging of a representative sample (for at least five mins with mean acceleration of 2 800 to 3 200 g), drying at 105 °C and weighing

(1) Reduction in relation to the load of the influent.

(2) The parameter can be replaced by another parameter: total organic carbon

(TOC) or total oxygen demand (TOD) if a relationship can be established

between BOD5 and the substitute parameter.

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(3) This requirement is optional. Analyses concerning discharges from

lagooning shall be carried out on filtered samples; however, the concentration

of total suspended solids in unfiltered water samples shall not exceed 150 mg/l.

Table 2:

Requirements for discharges from urban waste water treatment plants to

sensitive areas which are subject to eutrophication as identified in Annex II.A

(a). One or both parameters may be applied depending on the local situation.

The values for concentration or for the percentage of reduction shall apply.

Parameters Concentration Minimum percentage of reduction (1)

Reference method of measurement

Total phosphorus 2 mg/l P (10 000 - 100 000 p. e.)

1 mg/l P (more than

100 000 p. e.)

80 Molecular absorption spectrophotometry

Total nitrogen (2) 15 mg/l N

(10 000 - 100 000 p. e.)

10 mg/l N (more than

100 000 p. e.) (3)

70-80 Molecular absorption spectrophotometry

(1) Reduction in relation to the load of the influent.

(2) Total nitrogen means: the sum of total Kjeldahl-nitrogen (organic N + NH3),

nitrate (NO3)-nitrogen and nitrite (NO2)-nitrogen.

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(3) Alternatively, the daily average must not exceed 20 mg/l N. This requirement

refers to a water temperature of 12° C or more during the operation of the

biological reactor of the waste water treatment plant. As a substitute for the

condition concerning the temperature, it is possible to apply a limited time of

operation, which takes into account the regional climatic conditions. This

alternative applies if it can be shown that paragraph 1 of Annex I.D is fulfilled.

Table 3 :

Series of samples taken in any year Maximum permitted number of samples which fail to conform

4-7 8-16 17-28 29-40 41-53 54-67 68-81 82-95 96-110 111-125 126-140 141-155 156-171 172-187 188-203 204-219 220-235 236-251 252-268 269-284 285-300 301-317 318-334 335-350 351-365

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



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A. Sensitive areas A water body must be identified as a sensitive area if it falls

into one of the following groups:

(a) natural freshwater lakes, other freshwater bodies, estuaries and coastal

waters which are found to be eutrophic or which in the near future may

become eutrophic if protective action is not taken.

The following elements might be taken into account when considering which

nutrient should be reduced by further treatment:

(i) lakes and streams reaching lakes/reservoirs/closed bays which are

found to have a poor water exchange, whereby accumulation may take

place. In these areas, the removal of phosphorus should be included

unless it can be demonstrated that the removal will have no effect on

the level of eutrophication. Where discharges from large

agglomerations are made, the removal of nitrogen may also be


(ii) estuaries, bays and other coastal waters which are found to have a

poor water exchange, or which receive large quantities of nutrients.

Discharges from small agglomerations are usually of minor importance

in those areas, but for large agglomerations, the removal of phosphorus

and/or nitrogen should be included unless it can be demonstrated that

the removal will have no effect on the level of eutrophication;

(b) surface freshwaters intended for the abstraction of drinking water which

could contain more than the concentration of nitrate laid down under the

relevant provisions of Council Directive 75/440/EEC of 16 June 1975

concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction

of drinking water in the Member States (1) if action is not taken;

(c) areas where further treatment than that prescribed in Article 4 of this

Directive is necessary to fulfill Council Directives.

(1) OJ No L 194, 25. 7. 1975, p. 26 as amended by Directive 79/869/EEC (OJ

No L 271, 29. 10. 1979, p. 44).

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B. Less sensitive areas A marine water body or area can be identified as a less

sensitive area if the discharge of waste water does not adversely affect the

environment as a result of morphology, hydrology or specific hydraulic

conditions which exist in that area. When identifying less sensitive areas,

Member States shall take into account the risk that the discharged load may be

transferred to adjacent areas where it can cause detrimental environmental

effects. Member States shall recognize the presence of sensitive areas outside

their national jurisdiction. The following elements shall be taken into

consideration when identifying less sensitive areas: open bays, estuaries and

other coastal waters with a good water exchange and not subject to

eutrophication or oxygen depletion or which are considered unlikely to become

eutrophic or to develop oxygen depletion due to the discharge of urban waste


Annex III


1. Milk-processing

2. Manufacture of fruit and vegetable products

3. Manufacture and bottling of soft drinks

4. Potato-processing

5. Meat industry

6. Breweries

7. Production of alcohol and alcoholic beverages

8. Manufacture of animal feed from plant products

9. Manufacture of gelatine and of glue from hides, skin and bones

10. Malt-houses

11. Fish-processing industry

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7. Wastewater treatment.

Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) can receive:

• Domestic Wastewater from residential areas or commercial facilities.

• Industrial wastewater.

• Uncontrolled contributions to a public sewer.

• Rainwater, resulting from surface runoff.

A WWTP is designed to treat a certain flow. In case of a flow peak exceeding the

WWTP capacity, excess flow can’t be treated as influent and so it should be bypassed.

Once at the WWTP, wastewater must be pumped to overcome the head loss of the

different stages. Centrifugal pumps are commonly used (Figure 9 a) as well as

Archimedes screws. (Figure 9 b)

Figure 9 a. Centrifugal pump. Quart Benager WWTP (Valencia).

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Figure 9 b. Archimedes screws. Quart Benager WWTP (Valencia)

Sewage treatments depends on:

• Wastewater pollution degree (as characterization parameters seen above).

• The quality of treated wastewater (effluent) to achieve.

Wastewater treatments are the following:

• Preliminary treatment.

• Primary treatment.

• Secondary treatments.

• Tertiary treatment.

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Figure 10. General view of Quart Benager WWPT (Valencia).

7.1. Preliminary treatment.

Preliminary treatments remove solids, coarse materials, grit, sand, fats, etc, with a

dual objective:

• Reduction of wastewater pollution.

• Protection of the following treatment stages.

Processes found in a preliminary treatment.

Their function is to protect the plant, removing large objects that could cause

clogging and materials that can cause abrasion. The elimination of these substances is

achieved by making water pass through gates or sieves.

Coarse screens are classified as either bar racks or bar screens depending on the

spacing between the bars. Both consist of vertical arrangement or equally spaced

parallel bars designed to trap debris.

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• Bar racks. They are made of steel, usually inclined about 60-80 º on the

horizontal. This treatment effectiveness depends on the spacing between the bars, and it

ranges approximately from 50 mm to 100 mm. Cleaning can be manual or automatic.

Manual cleaning is done with a rake, while automatic cleaning can be done for example

with a swivel arm.

•. Bar screens. They are made of stainless steel. Spacing ranges between 6 mm to

50 mm.

•. Fine screens and sieves . They are made of stainless steel and can be classified

as rotary, vibrating, band, discs, stationary, etc. Opening ranges between 1 mm to 5 mm.

Figure 11. Automatic screening equipment

B. Grit removal systems. Wastewater grit materials ate generally non putrescible,

have a settling velocity greater than that of organic materials, and consist of discrete

particles. Such materials include sand, cinders, etc.

A grit removal system consists of a wide canal, so that water velocity decreases

allowing the deposition of sand. In the case of sewage it is difficult to prevent the settled

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sand from retaining organic matter so that a water speed in the channel of about 0.3 m/s

is needed, to allow low-density solids remain suspended and sand to settle.

C. Floatable solids removal.

Grease, oil, wax, scum, etc have to be removed because these substances hinder

air from dissolving into water. The process of elimination based on these materials are

less dense than water, thus tend to rise to the surface through natural waterline.

According to the above mentioned, reducing flow speed, acts as a separation.

Skimming process is achieved by surface collection and removal of these substances by

dumping or scraping.

Figure 12. Grit and sand removal stage.

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7.2. Primary treatment.

The primary goal of primary treatment is solids removal by means of settling. In

some cases chemicals as coagulants and flocculants are used to increase colloidal

particles settling velocity, (physical-chemical treatment).

Among the primary treatments are:

A. Sedimentation. A sedimentation tank or clarifier is usually circular though may

be rectangular. Sludge settles when the speed of water is less than the speed of falling


The decanters can be static or dynamic.

• Static. There are no moving parts for the withdrawal of sludge or floating

materials. Used to treat low flows therefore have a small size, with a sloped bottom for

sludge to be discharged continuously. Shape is usually conical-cylinder. Some are

equipped with some elements, lamellae, usually metal or plastic, which help particles


• Dynamic. Equipped with electromechanical devices to collect both, floating

(scum) and settling (sludge) materials. Used to treat large flows, are the most common

in WWTP. According to its geometry are classified into rectangular and circular, the

latter being the most widely used.

Figure 13. Primary clarifier.

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B. Coagulation-flocculation. This process is used to remove heavy metals or

colloids present in wastewater. Coagulation destabilizes colloidal particles through the

neutralization of their electrical charges. This neutralization is achieved by adding a

coagulant, normally a metallic salt. Aluminium or iron salts are mainly used as

coagulants: i.e. aluminium sulfate, ferric chloride, ferric sulphate and ferrous sulfate.

Flocculation: After coagulation takes place flocculation is possible to achieve.

When particles are not electrically charged, they can form bigger particles, or floccs,

which can be removed by filtration, settling or flotation.

The coagulant, breaks the stability of colloids, which allows forming floccs, but it

is necessary to increase its volume, weight and cohesion. This is achieved through:

• Recycling sludge.

• Uniform and slow stirring.

• Using flocculants. They are used so-called polyelectrolytes, which are polymeric

compounds that make a link to separate particles.

C. Flotation. Used to remove suspended solids with a lower density than that of

water, as well as oils and fats. Flotation may be natural or induced. The latter consists of

setting artificial bubbles of air or gas on the particles to be eliminated.

There are three systems to produce and introduce air bubbles:

• aeration at atmospheric pressure. It consists of directly introducing small air

bubbles by diffusers at the bottom of the flotation tank.

• dissolved air flotation. It involves air saturated water at a pressure of 3 or 4 atm,

which when returning to the tank at atmospheric pressure, produces large amount of

small bubbles. Normally, the water used is part of the flotation effluent, returned to the


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• vacuum flotation. In this case wastewater is saturated with air and then under the

action of vacuum. Under these conditions the solubility of gas in the fluid decreases,

forming large amounts of bubbles.

D. Equalizing tanks. Used to uniform properties of wastewater, flow, organic load,

et., as well as to neutralize when necessary (in case of biological treatment, etc.).

Common substances used to neutralize are caustic soda, lime, limestone, sulphuric acid

and CO2. Others include: nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium carbonate and ammonia.

F. Other treatments..

Two treatments are included within the primary treatment, as they remove solid

sediments. The difference with the abovementioned treatments is that in sludge

anaerobic digestion takes place.

This process takes place in the Imhoff tanks and septic tanks.

• Imhoff Tanks. This is a tank divided into an upper compartment for

sedimentation, and a lower for sludge digestion. The use of Imhoff tanks is currently

limited to small plants.

• septic tanks. They consist of two or more chambers in series, so that the first

compartment is used for sedimentation, sludge digestion and storage, while the second

provides a sedimentation compartment and additional storage capacity.

These methods are used for the treatment of sewage from individual residences

and small communities. These techniques have fallen into disuse, under existing

regulations, since efficiency achieved is very low. Thus, the septic tank is only used in

compact WWTP as a first step, or preliminary treatment.

7.3. Secondary treatments.

The objective is to eliminate biodegradable organic matter by biological treatment.

Microorganisms are responsible for removing organic matter from wastewater, using

energy obtained from the oxidation of this, to carry out the processes of synthesis of

cellular material.

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Elimination of BOD is therefore achieved. An initial classification of these

processes can be established depending on the use or not of O2. In the first case we refer

to aerobic processes, while in the second to anaerobic processes.

Anaerobic processes are not enough in order to accomplish the quality needed to

discharge, so they are used as a first step in a biological treatment with an aerobic

process included.

Secondary treatments are listed below.

A. Activated sludge. This process consists of a population of aerobic microorganisms

dispersed in the aeration tank, stirred and aerated, and fed with wastewater or discharge

from primary treatment. The aeration provides oxygen for aerobic degradation of

aerobically degrading organic matter into carbon dioxide, water, new cells, and other

end products. After an appropriate retention time, the active sludge is discharged into

the secondary clarifier, where treated water is separated from the sludge.

Figure 15 Secondary clarifier.

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The settled sludge is recycled back to the aeration tank where organic matter

stabilization occurs, to maintain an appropriate concentration of bacteria in the aeration

tank, and a part, excess sludge, is removed to the sludge treatment line.

Depending on design, aeration tanks may be completely mixed or plug flow.

Design parameters are based on food/microorganisms ratio in the system. Other

important parameters to consider are O2 needed and nutrients, as well as excess sludge

production, which must be managed.

The two most common types of aeration systems used to supply O2 are subsurface

diffusion and mechanical aeration.

Porous diffusers and mechanical blowers are used to introduce air near the tank

bottom. Mechanical aerators use blades to agitate the tank’s surface and disperse air into

the mixed liquor, causing an increase of water-air interface thus promoting the exchange

of O2.

Figure 16. Aeration tank.

Pure O2 is also used. In this case the aeration tanks are usually covered, and the

oxygen is retuned, reducing the oxygenation requirements. This process must vent a

portion of the gas accumulated inside the aeration tank.

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Figure 17. Scheme of a WWPT.

B. Trickling filters

A trickling filter is an attached-growth, biological process that uses an inert

medium to attract microorganisms, which form a film on the medium surface.

A rotary or stationary distribution mechanism distributes wastewater from the top

of the filter percolating it through the interstices of the film-covered medium. As the

wastewater moves through the filter, the organic matter is absorbed onto the biofilm and

degraded by a mixed population of aerobic microorganisms.

The oxygen required for organic degradation is supplied by air circulating through

the filter induced by natural draft or ventilation.

One main difference with activated sludge processes, is that sludge is not returned

to the system, and excess sludge, detached from the biofilm is discharged with the


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Figure 18. General view of a trickling filter.

C. Rotating contactors.

A rotating biological contactor (RBC) is an attached growth, biological process

that consists of a basin(s) in which large, closely spaced, circular disks mounted on

horizontal shafts rotate slowly through wastewater.

These discs are partially submerged in water, so that when turning get in contact

with air and water. Thus, when in contact with water, organic matter is adsorbed on the

biological film that grows on the disks and when in contact with air, absorb oxygen

necessary for aerobic process.

Figure 19. View of a rotating contactor.

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D. Fluidized bed reactors

A fluidized bed reactor is a combination of the most common stirred tank packed

bed, continuous flow reactors. It is very important to chemical engineering because of

its excellent heat and mass transfer characteristics. In a fluidized bed reactor, the

substrate is passed upward through the immobilized enzyme bed at a high velocity to

lift the particles. However the velocity must not be so high that the enzymes are swept

away from the reactor entirely. This causes low mixing; these type of reactors are highly

suitable for the exothermic reactions. It is most often applied in immobilized enzyme


Figure 20. Fluidized bed reactor.

E. Low cost treatments.

Used in small and medium-sized municipalities, these are lagoons, oxidation

ponds and green filters. These methods are secondary treatments as they eliminate

biodegradable organic matter.

Lagoons. These treatments consist of a preliminary treatment, screening, and a

secondary treatment in which organic matter in wastewater is removed.

Can be classified into natural and aerated.

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a) Natural:

Organic matter is eliminated by natural regeneration, aerobical or anaerobical.

Mechanical aeration is not used.

Anerobic lagoons. Depth over 2 m. Organic matter is decomposed in absence of O2.

Organic load is higher in this type of lagoon. Sludge formed by the particulate matter

settled is digested at the bottom.

Anaerobic-aerobic lagoons. In this case there are two different treatment areas:

Aaerobic in the upper zone and anaerobic in the lower where sludge digestion is

achieved. Depth varies between 1-2 meters.

Maturation lagoons. For aerobic process takes place depth is limited to 0,3-1 m.

Elimination of pathogenic organisms is achieved by sunlight irradiation

b) Aerated.

Aerated lagoons are used to avoid problems of smells, using mechanical aeration

systems, which makes it possible to adapt the process to load changes and seasonal

conditions and to improve mixing.

Some of the lagoons may be operated as settling ponds and in some cases sludge

return is applied.

These processes are a suitable solution when the cost of land is not very high, the

organic loads can fluctuate and there is no need for qualified personnel. Operating costs

are therefore low.

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Figure 21. General view of an aerated lagoon.

• Green filter. It consists in a field where crops or forest are watered regularly with

sewage. The purpose of this process is to purify the wastewater through the joint action

of soil, plants and microorganisms.

The wastewater purification takes place in a biologically active layer whose depth

does not exceed 1.2 m. deep. Water passes through this layer slowly, so that two

processes take place:

• suspended solids are retained in the soil which acts as a filter.

• organic matter is mineralized by a bacterial biochemical oxidation. This is an aerobic

oxidation in which the necessary oxygen is present in the active layer.

Cleansing carried out by some macrophyte plants takes place at the same time,

removing organic matter, nutrients and minerals needed for their metabolism. Examples

of macrophytes used are: poplar, water hyacinth and steeple.

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Figure 22. General view of green filter.

• Peat beds. This treatment consists of three layers: peat, sand and gravel. The process is

based on peat adsorbing characteristics, qualities and formation of complex substances

from dissolved and colloidal substances. At the same time, a mechanical retention of

materials in suspension and a biological treatment takes place in the bed.

7.4. Tertiary treatment.

The main objective of tertiary treatment is the elimination of specific pollutants

present in wastewater. For example, removing nitrogen and phosphorus salts may be

required, since an excess of these compounds causes eutrophication problems.

Tertiary treatments are expensive, so that it’s only applied in case of wastewater

reuse, to remove any particularly dangerous pollutant or in case of discharge to a

sensitive area. These treatments are also applied to network or pit water supply for

industrial use.

Tertiary treatments include:

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A. Treatments for nutrient removal.

According to the Directive 91/271/EC, on 21 May 1991, nutrient removal is

necessary when the plant discharges its effluent to an area classified as sensitive, that is,

where there may be danger of eutrophication.

Nitrogen removal is biological. It involves an anoxic reactor, operated in the

absence of O2.. In these conditions, a certain type of bacteria reduces NO3 to N2 to

obtain enough energy for metabolism.

Obviously for denitrification to be carried out, aerobic nitrification has been

previously achieved in the reactor, because the nitrogen that enters the treatment is not

as nitrates, but mainly as ammonia.

Phosphorus can be removed either chemically or biologically. Chemical

elimination is achieved by precipitation, in the primary, secondary decanter or in a

tertiary treatment tank by adding FeCl3.

Biological elimination takes place in an anaerobic-aerobic activated sludge

process. Anaerobic bacteria have the capacity of releasing phosphorus under anaerobic

conditions, adsorbing a greater quantity than the absorbed under aerobic conditions,

achieving an accumulation of phosphorus in these microorganisms, carried out of the

system in the excess sludge.

B. Adsorption.

Adsorbent substances have the property of fixing organic molecules extracted

from the liquid phase on its surface. The most important are: silica gel, alumina,

functional resins and activated carbon. Activated carbon is the most used due to its price

and its specific surface. It is used to remove: detergents, dyes, chlorinated solvents,

aromatic derivatives, phenols, flavours and smells.

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It is found in two forms: beans and powdered.

• coal beans. Used as filtering bed crossed by water, with four functions: filtering,

support bacterial catalytic action with chlorinated compounds and adsorption (the latter

is the main).

• powdered coal. Used closely mixed with the wastewater and subsequently separated

by flocculation and filtration. So handling and employment are more difficult.

C. Ion exchange.

This process involves the replacement of one or more ions present in the water to treat

for others who are part of a finely divided solid phase.

There are two types of ion interchanges:

• cation exchanger. In this type, acid radicals present in their molecules are exchanged

for minerals or organic cations.

• anion exchangers. Base radicals are exchanged for minerals or organic anions.

The regeneration of the interchanger is done in contact with a dissolution of the

concentrated ion shifted.

The ion-exchange resins are applied to waters with a certain quality, and when we

intend to obtain a high purity water.

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D. Membranes.

The processes of separation by membranes remove the dissolved matter in water

to treat. These processes can be classified depending on the driving force of separation.

Thus, we find processes whose separation is effected by the pressure difference between

the two sides of the membrane (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and

nanofiltration) and processes in which the driving force is the electrical potential

difference between two electrodes (electrodialysis ). There are other membrane

processes in addition to those already mentioned, but not as important as the ones before


• Ultrafiltration and microfiltration. Ultrafiltration and microfiltration differentiate by

the size of molecules that separate. Molecules of molecular weight of aproximately

1000 Daltons can be separated by ultrafiltration.

Membranes consists of a layer support and an active layer; the layer selectively

carried out by the separation, so that the molecules with a larger size than the pores are

retained. Besides the size there are other factors that influence in the performance of

separation, such as the geometry of molecules, interaction with membranes, etc...

Membranes can be made of both organic (polymer) and inorganic materials. The

latter shows greater resistance.

Examples of ultrafiltration application are; painting booths wash water treatment

by electrophoresis and separation of oils.

Figure 23. View of a MBR reactor.

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• Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration. Reverse osmosis consists in applying a pressure to

water higher than its osmotic pressure, so that it flows from through a semi permeable

membrane from the more concentrated stream to to the less concentrated, removing

salts from water, which are retained on the more concentrated stream.

Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration allow to conduct water demineralization.

Nanofiltration membranes perform high rejection index for divalent salts, whereas to

separate monovalent salts, reverse osmosis must be used.

The processes are identical, but nanofiltration usually works at lower pressure,

and it is used when there is no need to reach high rejections of salts. Reverse osmosis

membranes, unlike the microfiltration and ultrafiltration ones, are dense, that is not

present pores, whilst flow through the membrane is due to diffusion. Nanofiltration

membranes exhibit characteristics intermediate between those of reverse osmosis and


The materials of these membranes are usually cellulose acetate and aromatic

polyamide derived. Applications of reverse osmosis are desalination and water recovery

and recovering of some metals.

• electrodialysis. In this process an electric field is applied to a high concentrated in ions

solution, so cations displace to the negative electrode and anions to the positive


If the electrodes are placed between a set of selective membranes arranged

alternately, ions migration is limited. Demineralized water is produced using this

process. However, non-ionized molecules and colloids remain in the treated water.

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Figure 24. Electro dialysis process scheme.

The table below shows a summary of some membrane separation processes, and

compounds that can be separated by each of them.

Table 8. Summary of membrane separation processes.

Membrane process Removed product Reverse osmosis Monovalent salts

Sugar Vitamins

Nanofiltration Divalent salts Sugar

Ultrafiltration Proteins Polisacarids Pirogens Virus

Microfiltration Virus Bacteria

- +

Catode Anode














Concentrate outflow









Memb 1 Memb 2 Memb Memb 4

Page 79: 1 Water Pollution


E. Advanced oxidation: Some industrial wastewater pollutants are non-biodegradable

and that should be eliminated to avoid an impact on the environment. In recent years

some oxidation processes have been developed envolving certain high-oxidant

compounds that are capable of destroying these molecules, either completely

decompose in CO2 and H2O or transforming them into less dangerous compounds.

Wastewater advanced oxidation is carried out with:

• Ozone (O3)

• Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

• Combination of O3 and UV radiation.

• Combination of O3, UV radiation and H2O2.

• O2 at high pressures and temperatures (wet oxidation).

These techniques are applied for example to eliminate phenols, pesticides, etc..

7.5. Other treatments:

• Disinfection. Disinfection is the elimination of pathogenic organisms in water. This

type of treatments is used in drinking water purification plants and WWTP.

• Drinking water plants: In this type of plants all microorganisms that water could

contain are removed to avoid the risk of disease at drinking water.

• WWTP. The purpose of disinfection is to improve water quality obtained after the

secondary treatment with a view to re-use in agriculture. It is worth mentioning that in

Spain it is forbidden to obtain drinking water from wastewater, thus regenerated

wastewater can only be used for irrigation.

Water reuse in agriculture is also subjected to quality requirements to achieve

concentration limit of pathogenic organisms depending on the case of use.

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The disinfection can be carried out by filtration or by inhibition of germs.

A. Filtration of germs.

The processes for filtering germs are ultrafiltration and microfiltration.

B. Inhibition of germs.

It can be achieved by physical or chemical means.

• Physical means. As temperature and ultraviolet radiation.

If high temperatures are applied to a wastewater for some time, elimination of

pathogens will the place, as in pasteurization.

Ultraviolet radiation is produced by a quartz lamp. The mechanism of action is based in

destruction of cell protoplasm of microorganisms caused by a reaction that ultraviolet

radiation initiates, preventing further reproduction or even causing microorganisms


The wavelength most often used is between 250 and 270 nm.

Figure 25. UV lamps for effluent disinfection.

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• Chemical. This is application of ozone or chlorine.

• Ozonation. Ozone disinfectant action is achieved as it breaks down easily in

accordance with the following response:

O2 + O •→ ⎯O3

atomic oxygen being the strongest oxidizer known, which destroys pathogens.

Ozone is produced by high voltage electric shocks, which transforms a part of oxygen in

air into ozone.

Figure 26. Ozonation equipment.

• Chlorination. Chlorine is an oxidant that destroys organic matter, destroying enzymes

essential for pathogens life.

Factors affecting its destruction effectiveness are: the nature of disinfectant, its

concentration, the contact time, temperature, pH, and the types and concentration of


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8. Sludge treatment.

Sludge is settled in primary and secondary clarifiers. These are characterized as

being extremely liquid (primary sludge contains approximately 1.5% solids and

secondary barely exceeds 0.5%) as well as highly reactive, thus uncontrolled

decomposition reactions of organic matter take place.

Sludge produced in WWTP requires a certain stabilization to be managed and

evacuated for the fore mentioned characteristics. That is why we have been conducting

in the same treatment of sewage sludge to prepare them for further evacuation.

The two main objectives of sludge treatment are:

• Reducing the volume to treat by removing some of the water.

• Reduction of organic matter to avoid uncontrolled reactions of decomposition


The following are the processes that are used for treating sludge.

8.1. Concentration.

As mentioned before, since the sludge from wastewater treatment is liquid, we

first need to concentrate. Several methods are applied:

A. Thickening. Sludge is introduced into a settling tank, with a high retention time,

what causes the compression of the sludge in the lower area. These tanks are often

covered to prevent the proliferation of odors.

B. Flotation. It involves injecting pressurized air to the sludge, so that when passing to

the flotation tank air bubbles are released dragging suspended particulates to the

surface. The mantle of sludge formed on the surface is scrapped out by surface blades.

This method is used for light sludge such as secondary sludge.

C. Centrifugation. This method allows us to get at the same time concentrated and

dehydrated sludge. It is considered at the dewatering point.

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8.2. Destruction of organic matter.

To accomplish this goal following processes are used:

A. Aerobic digestion. It consists of an aerobic oxidation of organic matter in a sludge

reactor that differs from the active sludge reactor at the high retention time. The

aeration of the reactor is similar to that of the active sludge reactor.

B. Anaerobic digestion. Estabilization takes place in the absence of O2. The simplest

theory that explains the processes of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter is based

on the existence of two stages, that is to say, two groups of bacteria that act

simultaneusly to breakdown proteins, fats and carbohydrates. According to this theory,

facultative anaerobic bacteria decompose high molecular weight substances into short-

chain fatty acids (acetic, butyric) and alcohols. Finally, anaerobic bacteria convert these

substances in CH4 and CO2.

In fact, this process is more complex and thus has established the theory of the

four stages or phases:

1. Hydrolysis. Substances of high molecular weights are broken down into shorter-chain


2. Acidification. Facultative and strict anaerobic bacteria form short-chain fatty acids

(such as acetic and butyric), alcohols, H2 and CO2. Of these substances methanogenic

bacteria can only use acetic, H2 and CO2 for obtaining methane.

3. Acidic. Acids and alcohols are converted to acetic acid.

4. Methanogenic. Methane is generated primarily from acetic acid, though it can also be

generated from. H2 and CO2.

The decomposition of a complex organic substance to methane is a fast process if

methanogenic bacteria have the necessary food available. The transformation of the

"cracked molecules" at the stage of acidification and the formation of methane at the

methanogenic phase from acetate occur in practice without difficulty if the environment

is favorable.

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Figure 27 a. Anaerobic sludge digestion phases.

There are a number of parameters that limit the process performing:

• Temperature. When the temperature rises, the speed of biological reactions is higher,

reaching a maximum temperature. So if we heat sludge, greater efficiency in the

operation and lower residence times are achieved. Mesofilic operation temperature

ranges from 35 to 37 ° C. Above this range, energy expenditure does not compensate for

the increase in the speed of reaction.

• Oxygen. The presence of oxygen, no matter how little it may be, can be deadly to

methanogenic bacteria. Therefore, the digestion tank must be closed.

• pH. The optimum pH for anaerobic digestion is 6,8-7,5.

• Nutrients. A minimal amount of nutrients is required for microorganisms.

• Toxic compounds. There are some compounds that are toxic to methanogenic bacteria;

such as, heavy metal ions and organochlorine compounds.

The anaerobic processes are less stable than the aerobic. This makes necessary to

control the reactor where digestion occurs. Normally complete mix digesters are used,

in which stirring is achieved by mechanical agitators, or sludge recirculation of biogas


The composition of the digestion gas varies with the characteristics of sludge to

be digested. The content of CH4 is between 60 and 70% of volume and the calorific

capacity ranges between 6 and 7 kW • h/Nm3.

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In addition to CH4 and CO2, gas digestion contains SH2 at concentrations between

0.1 to 10 g/Nm3. Other impurities are generally not significant but can be present in

some n isolated cases.

Biogas can be used for warming the digester and for producing electricity. Biogas

surplus is normally burnt.

Figure 27 b. Anaerobic sludge digestion.

C. Sludge incineration. A double process is carried out by the incineration of sludge:

first, total elimination of water (drying sludge), and secondly, the burning of organic

matter present in the sludge. Depending on the type of sludge adding fuel may be


Among the incineration systems employed we have:

• Multi stage furnace. The sludge flows from the upper to the lower part of the furnace,

against flow with the combustion gases, leading from dehydration to incineration as

they pass from upper to lower plates.

• Spray oven. In this case the sludge is introduced finely divided, thus facilitating to be

dried by hot air. When dry, sludge is taken out at the bottom as powder.

• Revolving oven. It is a cylinder that rotates very slowly on an inclined shaft. Sludge

and circulating air flow at counter flow.

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8.3. Sludge conditioning.

The sludge from urban wastewater and many of the industrial wastewater plants,

present a colloidal structure that hinders its filtration. Therefore, flocculants are added to

break the colloidal structure and provide them with a granular texture that is easier to


8.4. Sludge dewatering.

Once reduced the power of fermentation of sludge, its volume is reduced by

removing water content. There are several methods for doing so: natural drying, vacuum

filters, press filter and centrifuge.

A. Natural drying. It consists of an outdoors bed of sand and-gravel with a good

drainage system on which sludge is extended. The water is removed by two processes:

natural evaporation and gravity or induced drainage. The sludge is usually dry when its

moisture is below 65%.

B. Vacuum filters. This type’s most widely used is rotating drum. This consists of a

revolving cylinder which is partially submerged in a tank containing the sludge. In the

production of vacuum, liquid is aspired, as solid matter is retained on a canvas, forming

the "cake" that is thickened. The water is drained in a pipeline inside the cylinder.

Moisture present in dewatered sludge ranges 70-80%.

C. Press filters. There are two types:

• Plate filter press. Consist of a series of plaques with filter cloth attached on both sides.

The plates are upright pressure is applied by means of a hydraulic system. This system

is commonly used to dewater industrial sludge, to reduce the moisture to 50%.

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Figure 28. Plate filter press.

• Belt filters press. The basis is a simple concept. Sludge sandwiched between two

porous belts is passed over and under various diameter rollers. As the roller diameter

decreases, pressure and shear forces are exerted on the sludge. (Figure 12). Dewatered

sludge is usually between 18 and 25% solids depending on its characteristics.

Figure 29. Belt filter press.

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D. Centrifuges. Principle of operation consists of separating solids form liquids by the

use of the centrifugal force. It can be applied for both sludge concentrating and

dewatering. Sludge is pumped into a rotating cylindrical-conical bowl that spins at high

speed, so that sludge (with higher density than water), is separated from water, thrown

to the walls as water stays in the center. A helical screw conveyor causes the solids to be

conveyed and being discharged.

Figure 30. Centrifugal decanter.

8.5. Thermal drying systems.

Based on applying needed heat, to evaporate the water content in sludge. There

are basically two types, direct and indirect. In direct type sludge gets in contact with

steam, while in the indirect type heat transfer is done through a plate of a heat

exchanger. This method allows getting 90-95% solids in sludge, not possible to achieve

through mechanical dewatering. With this method, therefore, a large reduction in the

volume of sludge produced occurs and, the final product can be used as fuel of low

quality or applied to agriculture.

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Figure 31. Thermal drying system.

8.6. Final disposal.

Can be classified into:

• Composting. A sludge supplies nutrients and porosity to the soil.

• Sale of products. For example, ashes produced in incineration can be sold as material

used to build roads.

•Discharge to a landfill.

The reuse of sludge in agriculture as fertilizer is regulated by the RD 1310/1990

of October 29, which establishes limits on the content of heavy metals in sludge and


At this time there is no legislation in the requirements regarding the amount of

pathogens in sludge, though there is a Europe Directive draft supposed to be approved

in short term.

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9. Examples of urban wastewater treatment.

In figures 29 and 30 schemes of the water and sludge lines of WWTP urban and

middle-sized or large (50.000 inhabitants equivalent).

Figure 30. Water line of a conventional activated sludge WWTP.












90. Raw wastewater 5. Chlorination

1. Preliminary treatment 6. Primary sludge

2. Primary clarifiers 7. Sludge return

3. Active sludge reactor 8. Sludge surplus

4. Secondary clarifiers 9. Effluent



Figure 32. Water line of a conventional activated sludge WWTP.

The wastewater is conveyed by sewers to the WWTP. Once there is preliminary

treated in order to remove fats, oils, and greases (also referred to as FOG), sand, gravels

and rocks (also referred to as grit), larger settleable solids and floating materials (such

as rags and flushed feminine hygiene products).

This primary treatment consists in a screening stage through large and small

spacing screens, and a sand or grit channel where sand and grease are removed, which

must to be managed.

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In the primary settling tanks solids are removed from water by gravity, removing

approximately 30% of the initial BOD5 in wastewater. At this stage primary sludge is

generated, which will be treated at the same plant.

The secondary treatment consists of a activated sludge reactor where the main

elimination of organic matter takes place and a secondary settling tank in which active

sludge is removed from treated wastewater. Active sludge consists of micro organisms

forming floccs which settle in the secondary clarifier. Most of micro organisms are

returned to the reactor, to keep the process and the surplus is purged out the waster line

to the sludge line to be treated.

At the end of the water line a tertiary treatment may be implemented to reach

quality standards for reusing, i.e., in irrigation, industry recreational, etc.







671. Primary sludge

2. Biological sludge surplus3. Gravity thickener4. Flotation5. Anaerobic digestion6. Sludge dewatering7. Sludge disposal

Figure 33.Scheme of the sludge line of a conventional activated sludge treatment plant.

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In the sludge line there is a first stage of thickening to reduce the sludge volume to

manage, by means of gravity thickening or flotation. The clarified part of both processes

is returned to the begining of the water line.

The thickened sludge is mixed and pumped to the digestion stage. Anaerobic

digestion is the stabilization system used in the medium and large size WWTP. It

operates in mesophile rank and sludge hydraulic retention time in the reactor is between

10 and 15 days. At this stage 50% of organic matter is eliminated. Once digested,

sludge is mechanically dewatered, generally using belt filters presses or centrifuges,

obtaining 20-25% solid in sludge to be disposed, as water removed is returned to plant
