1. PRINCIPLES OF PRODUCTION OF RADIOISOTOPES USING CYCLOTRONS 1.1 Introduction The development of nuclear technology is one of the most significant achievements of the 20 th century. The pioneering work of Marie and Pierre Curie in uncovering substances with previously unrecognized properties, for which they coined the term, radioactive, opened up many new fields of opportunity. The Curies' discovery was the result of Marie's belief that the ore pitchblende contained another more active substance than uranium. Within a few months of starting to analyze pitchblende in 1898, Marie Curie had isolated two previously unknown elements. She named the first, Polonium, after her native Poland: the second she called Radium, in response to its intense radioactivity. Practical applications in scientific research for radioisotopes followed from these discoveries in the period 1920 to the early 1930s. However, the few naturally occurring radioisotopes that were available severely limited the scope of what was possible. The full potential was not realized until radioisotopes could be produced artificially. The first major advance occurred in 1934 with the invention of the cyclotron by Ernest Lawrence in Berkeley, California. With this electrical machine being used to accelerate deuterons to very high speeds, it became possible to create the nuclear instability that we now know is a pre- requisite of radioactivity. By directing a beam of the fast-moving deuterons at a carbon target, Lawrence induced a reaction which resulted in the formation of a radioisotope with a half life of 10 minutes. Particle accelerators and in particular cyclotrons, were very important in the preparation of radioisotopes during the years of 1935 to the end of World War Two (WWII). After WWII, reactors were used to produce radioactive elements and the use of accelerators for this purpose became


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1.1 Introduction

The development of nuclear technology is one of the most significant achievements of the 20th century. The pioneering work of Marie and Pierre Curie in uncovering substances with previously unrecognized properties, for which they coined the term, radioactive, opened up many new fields of opportunity. The Curies' discovery was the result of Marie's belief that the ore pitchblende contained another more active substance than uranium. Within a few months of starting to analyze pitchblende in 1898, Marie Curie had isolated two previously unknown elements. She named the first, Polonium, after her native Poland: the second she called Radium, in response to its intense radioactivity. Practical applications in scientific research for radioisotopes followed from these discoveries in the period 1920 to the early 1930s. However, the few naturally occurring radioisotopes that were available severely limited the scope of what was possible. The full potential was not realized until radioisotopes could be produced artificially.

The first major advance occurred in 1934 with the invention of the cyclotron by Ernest Lawrence in Berkeley, California. With this electrical machine being used to accelerate deuterons to very high speeds, it became possible to create the nuclear instability that we now know is a pre-requisite of radioactivity. By directing a beam of the fast-moving deuterons at a carbon target, Lawrence induced a reaction which resulted in the formation of a radioisotope with a half life of 10 minutes.

Particle accelerators and in particular cyclotrons, were very important in the preparation of radioisotopes during the years of 1935 to the end of World War Two (WWII). After WWII, reactors were used to produce radioactive elements and the use of accelerators for this purpose became less common. For a discussion of reactor produced radioisotopes see IAEA TECDOC 1340 “Manual for Reactor Produced Radioisotopes”. As the techniques for using radiotracers became more sophisticated, it became clear that reactor produced radionuclides could not completely satisfy the growing demands and therefore, accelerators were needed to produce new radioisotopes which could be used in new ways in both industry and medicine. Most of these applications use the radionuclides at tracer concentration to investigate some process or phenomenon. In industry, these applications have taken the form of embedding the tracer into a system, or actually inducing radioactivity in the system by charged particle or neutron activation directly. The IAEA publication TRS 423 “Radiotracer Applications in Industry - A Guidebook” provides an excellent overview of recent research in the use of radiotracers in a variety of applications.

The other way these radionuclides are used is in the medical application or what has become to be known as nuclear medicine. Although nuclear medicine traces its clinical origins to the 1930s, the invention of the gamma scintillation camera by American engineer Hal Anger in the 1950s brought major advances in nuclear medical


imaging and rapidly increased the use of radioisotopes in medicine. The medical use of radionuclides can be broken down into two general categories; imaging and radiotherapy. Imaging can be further divided into Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT).

The production of radionuclides for use in biomedical procedures, such as diagnostic imaging and/or therapeutic treatments, is achieved through nuclear reactions in reactors or from charged particle bombardment in accelerators. In accelerators, the typical charged particle reactions utilize protons although deuterons and helium nuclei (3He++ and α particles) play a role.

One clear advantage that accelerators possess is the fact that, in general, the target and product are different chemical elements. This makes it possible to:

find suitable chemical or physical means for separation, obtain high specific activity preparations due to the target and product being

different elements, and produce fewer radionuclidic impurities by selecting the energy window for


1.2 Cyclotrons for Radioisotopes Production

The production of radionuclides with an accelerator demands that particle beams are delivered with two specific characteristics. The beam must have sufficient energy to bring about the required nuclear reactions, and sufficient beam current to give practical yields.

The first cyclotron dedicated to medical applications was installed at Washington University, St. Louis in 1941, where radioactive isotopes of phosphorus, iron, arsenic and sulfur were produced. During World War II, a cyclotron in Boston also provided a steady supply of radionuclides for medical purposes. In the mid 1950's a group at Hammersmith in the United Kingdom put into operation a cyclotron wholly dedicated to radionuclide production. The major change occurred in the early and mid 1960’s where the work in hot atom chemistry (e.g. the in situ chemistry of nucleogenic atoms occurring in a target being bombarded) laid the foundation for the synthesis of organic compounds labeled with positron emitters. A 1966 article by TerPogossian and Wagner focused on the use of carbon-11 (Ter-Pergossian and Wagner 1966). As the field of Nuclear Medicine has progressed, the number of available types of particle accelerators with varying characteristics dedicated to radionuclide production for nuclear medicine has also expanded. The major classes of accelerators are the positive and negative ion cyclotrons. More recent innovations include superconducting magnet cyclotrons, small low energy linacs, tandem cascade accelerators and helium particle only linacs.

Cyclotrons come in many sizes depending on the function for which they are intended. Some examples are shown in Figure 1. The cyclotron on the left is a deuteron machine designed to produce only oxygen-15 for PET studies. The machine on the right


is the 650 MeV cyclotron at TRIUMF in Vancouver Canada where a wide variety of radionuclides are produced and other experiments are carried out.

Figure 1. Comparison of cyclotrons from the small single isotope machine to the large multipurpose research machine.

The basic characteristics of the cyclotron are the same. There is an ion source to produce the ions, an acceleration chamber to accelerate the ions, and a magnet to contain the ions to a circular path. The construction of a modern cyclotron is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Internal working parts of a modern cyclotron.


1.3 Nuclear Reactions

When a charged particle and nucleus collide, the energy of the collision can be divided into two parts. These are the energetic threshold and the excitation energy. In the classic sense, a reaction between a charged particle and a nucleus cannot take place if the center of mass energy of the two bodies is less than the coulomb barrier. In the case which applies to the production of radionuclides with a cyclotron, this implies that the charged particle must have the energy greater than (Evans 1955) :


where, Z and z = the atomic numbers of the two species

e2 = the electric charge, squared

R = the separation of the two species in cm.

The values of the coulomb barrier for the four major particles used in cyclotrons (p, d, 3He, 4He) are plotted in Figure 3 as a function of the Z of the material. Actually, these reactions take place at energies well below this barrier due to the effects of quantum tunneling.







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Atomic Number



b B


r (M



Figure 3 Plot of the coulomb barrier as a function of the atomic number of the nucleus for the four major particles used in cyclotrons


If the reaction is endoergic, then energy of an amount greater than this must be supplied in order for the reaction to proceed. The magnitude of this difference is called the Q value. If the reaction is endoergic, then the threshold will be the coulomb barrier plus this difference. If the reaction is exoergic, Q values are positive and the threshold energy will just be the coulomb barrier. In reality, as a result of quantum mechanical tunneling, nuclear reactions start to occur when the tails of the energy distributions overlap and so they will occur at energies below the coulomb barrier. An example of the possible reaction pathways is shown in Figure 4 along with their corresponding Q values. The energy changes in a nuclear reaction are large enough that changes in the mass of the reactants and products are observable.

d + 14N 16Ot


Q value Threshold

20.7 MeV 0 Mev



5.1 MeV 0 Mev

12Cα 13.6 MeV 0 Mev



-4.3 MeV 4.9 Mev

14N -2.2 MeV 2.5 Mev

n+pd + 14N 16O



Q value Threshold

20.7 MeV 0 Mev



5.1 MeV 0 Mev

12Cα 13.6 MeV 0 Mev



-4.3 MeV 4.9 Mev

14N -2.2 MeV 2.5 Mev


Figure 4. Q values and thresholds of nuclear decomposition for the reaction of a deuteron with a nitrogen-14 nucleus after forming the compound nucleus, 16O.

The nuclear reaction cross-section represents the total probability that a compound nucleus will be formed and then decomposes along a particular channel. This is often called the excitation function. This function determines the amount of a radionuclide that may be made on a given cyclotron, and the levels of contamination of other radioisotopes which can be present in the target material. In the “touching spheres” model of nuclear reactions, we can visualize two spheres coming toward each other. If the spheres touch, then there will be a reaction and if they don’t touch, there won’t be a reaction. In this visualization, the reaction probability is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the two spheres. Then the total reaction cross section is given by the equation:

where r0 ≈ 1.6 fm

The unit of this measure is the barn where 1 barn = 1 x 10-24 cm2. The expression barn comes from the fact that the probability for a neutron to interact with a target is proportional to the area of the nucleus, which compared to the size of the neutron appeared as big as a barn.


The nuclear reaction cross-section represents the total probability that a compound nucleus will be formed and that it will decompose in a particular channel. A nuclear reaction will not occur except by tunneling effects if the minimum energy is below that needed to overcome the Coulomb barrier and a negative Q of the reaction. Particles with energies below this barrier have a very low probability of reacting. The energy required to induce a nuclear reaction increases as the Z of the target material increases. For many low Z materials it is possible to use a low energy accelerator, but for high Z materials, it is necessary to increase the particle energy (Deconninick 1978).

1.4 Calculation of Radioisotope Yield

The rate of radionuclide production is dependent on a number of factors including the magnitude of the reaction cross-section as a function of energy, the incident particle energy, the thickness of the target in nuclei per cm2 which will determine the exit particle energy, and the flux (related to beam current) of incoming particles. The rate of production is given by:


R is the number of nuclei formed per second

n is the target thickness in nuclei per cm2

I is the incident particle flux per second and is related to beam current

λ is the decay constant and is equal to ln2/t1/2

t is the irradiation time in seconds

σ is the reaction cross-section, or probability of interaction, expressed in cm2 and is a function of energy (see FIGURE3)

E is the energy of the incident particles, and

x is the distance traveled by the particle

is the integral from the initial to final energy of the incident particle along its path

This relationship can be approximated where the number of reactions occurring in one second is given by the relation (Deconninick 1978):


dn = NA I0 ds ab

where:dn is the number of reaction occurring in one secondI0 is the number of particles incident on the target in one secondNA is the number of target nuclei per gramds is the thickness of the material in grams per cm2

ab is the parameter called the cross-section expressed in units of cm2

In practical applications, the thickness ds of the material can be represented by a slab of thickness s thin enough that the cross-section can be considered as constant. NA Δs is then the number of target atoms in a 1 cm2 area of thickness s. If the target material is a compound rather than a pure element, then the number of nuclei per unit area is given by the expression:

where:NA is the number of target nuclei per gramFA is the fractional isotopic abundanceC is the concentration in weight is Avogadro’s NumberAA is the atomic mass number of nucleus A

The above equations lead to one of the basic facts of life in radioisotope production. It is not always possible to eliminate the radionulidic impurities even with the highest isotopic enrichment and the most precise energy selection. An example of this is given below in Figure 5 for the production of Iodine-123 with a minimum of I-124 impurity (Guillaume et al. 1975; Lambrecht and Wolf 1973; Clem and Lambrecht 1991; Qaim and Stöcklin 1983).


Figure 5 Nuclear reaction cross-sections for production of 123I and 124I from 124T

As can be seen from the above graph, it is not possible to eliminate the 124I impurity from the 123I because the 124I is being made at the same energy. All that can be done is to minimize the 124I impurity by choosing an energy where the production of 124I is near a minimum. In this case a proton energy higher than about 20 MeV will give a minimum of 124I impurity.

1.4.1 Saturation Factor

The rate of production is, of course, affected by the fact that the resulting nuclide is radioactive and is thus undergoing radioactive decay. For short-lived nuclides, the competition between formation and decay will come to equilibrium at sufficiently long bombardment times. This point is called saturation, meaning that no matter how much longer the irradiation occurs the production rate is equal to the rate of decay and no more product will be formed.

The rate of formation in this case is given by:


R is the rate of formation of nuclei (dN/dt)

N is the number target nuclei present at the end

λ is the decay constant


t is the time of bombardment

The term in the denominator is often referred to as the saturation factor and accounts for the competition of the production of nuclei due to the particle reaction and the radioactive decay of the nuclei which have been produced.

1.5 Nomenclature

The nomenclature for nuclear reactions as it is usually used throughout this document needs to be defined. If a carbon-13 nucleus is irradiated with a proton beam to produce a nucleus of nitrogen-13 with a neutron emitted from the compound nucleus, this reaction will be written as 13C(p,n)13N. In a similar manner, if a neon-20 nucleus is bombarded with a deuteron beam to produce a nucleus of fluorine-18 with the concomitant emission of an alpha particle, this reaction sequence will be abbreviated as 20Ne(d,α)18F.

1.6 Cyclotron Targetry

There are literally several hundreds of radioisotopes which can be produced with charged particle accelerators. The cyclotron is the most frequent choice, but the linac and other accelerators may become more common with the development of smaller, more reliable machines. The goal of cyclotron targetry is to get the target material into the beam, keep it there during the irradiation and to remove the product radionuclide from the target material quickly and efficiently. The specific design of the target is what allows one to achieve this goal. The efficiency of radionuclide production will depend to a great extent on having a good design for the cyclotron target. For production of radionuclides, the target material may be either gas, liquid or solid. Targets are, consequently, designed to accommodate the material being irradiated. The design of the target will also depend on whether the target is placed inside (internal) or outside (external) to the cyclotron. A great deal of useful information about targets and target chemistry can be found in a book by Clark and Buckingham (Clark 1975) and in the proceedings of the International Workshop on Targets and Target Chemistry. These proceedings are available on line through the courtesy of TRIUMF at http://www.triumf.ca/wttc/proceedings.html. These are very valuable resources for all who are concerned with the production of radioisotopes.

Targets in General

In any target there must be an area for containment of the material to be irradiated in the beam, a water cooling jacket, helium cooling flow in the front foil, and a vacuum isolation foil leading to the cyclotron vacuum chamber or beam line.

Solid Targets

Because the density of solids is typically higher than that of liquids or gases, the path length of the beam is shorter, and the target somewhat smaller. The solid can be in the form of a foil or a powder. If the solid is a good heat conductor, then the beam can be


perpendicular to the solid. A typical solid target for conductive powders is shown in Figure 6.

Beam WaterCooling

Window Powder

Figure 6 Typical solid powder target for use with low beam current or with thermally conductive solids

A picture of a typical external solid target is shown in Figure 7. The powder is held in the small cavity. The cover foil is shown next to the cavity.

Figure 7 Picture of solid powder target used at Brookhaven National Laboratory

If the solid is not a good thermal conductor or when very high beam currents are used, it is typical to form the solid on an inclined plane.

Liquid Targets

In the case of liquids, the target has similar dimensions to the solid target since the target material occupies a specific volume unless the liquid volatilizes. The difference is

Target Powder

Cover Foil


that the liquid is typically added and removed from the target while it is in place on the cyclotron. A typical liquid target for the production of fluorine-18 from oxygen-18 water is shown in Figures 8a and 8b.

Beam WaterCooling


Figure 8a Schematic diagram of a typical external target used for irradiating liquids. This particular target is constructed of silver and is used to produce fluorine-18 from oxygen-18 enriched water.

Figure 8b Picture of the oxygen-18 water target from the Pulsar linear accelerator from AccSys. Note the grid covering the front foil to enable the front foil to withstand higher pressures and beam currents.

Gas Targets

Gas targets are widely used and are usually some type of cylinder to hold the gas under pressure with a thin beam entry foil usually referred to as a window. The principal constraint on the gas target is to remove the heat from the gas since gases are not very good heat conductors and the targets must be quite large in comparison to solid or liquid targets in order to hold the necessary amount of material. A schematic diagram of a typical gas target is shown in Figure 7.


Water Cooling Jacket

Target Gas

Gas Inlet/Outlet

Target Foil

Vacuum Isolation FoilHelium Cooling Outlet

Water Cooling Jacket

Target Gas

Gas Inlet/Outlet

Target Foil

Vacuum Isolation FoilHelium Cooling Outlet

Figure 9 Schematic diagram of a typical gas target showing the chamber for the gas cut at an angle to account for the multiple scattering.

Figure 10 Picture of a gas target used for the production of 123I from 124Xe. The coldfinger on the bottom of the target allows the gas to be transferred into the target more efficiently. The large volume in the front of the target was used to capture the xenon if the front foil ruptured.

The design and construction of cyclotron targets is a multidisplinary field. Engineering, Physics and Chemistry each plays an important part in the way cyclotron

Cold Finger

Gas Inlet


targets are constructed. In almost all cases, it is necessary to make some compromises in the design, since very often the best solution of a problem with one aspect of the target will introduce an unacceptable constraint on another aspect of the target.

1.7 Generators

Radionuclide generator systems consist of a parent radionuclide, usually a relatively long-lived nuclide which decays to a daughter nuclide, itself radioactive but with a shorter half-life. The system requires an efficient separation technique of the daughter nuclide from the parent. Conventionally, the parent is adsorbed onto a solid support and decays by particle emission. A solvent in which the daughter complex is soluble, is employed to elute (i.e. separate) the desired radionuclide. The generator systems currently finding application to PET studies remain as primarily research sources for pharmaceutical development.

For those research centers and clinical facilities without the luxury of a cyclotron, several generator systems for production of positron emitting radionuclides have been proposed. Their production routes have been reviewed (Lambrecht 1983; Finn et al. 1983; Knapp and Butler 1984; Guillaume and Brihaye 1986; Qaim 1987; Welch and McCarthy 2000). Of the systems proposed, copper- 62, gallium-68, iodine-122 and rubidium-82 radionuclides continue to find applications. The decay characteristics of these generator systems are included in Table 1. A great deal of effort has been expended upon the production and construction of these generator systems, including investigations into solid support materials and elution characteristics.

Gallium-68 finds significant application in assessment of blood-brain barrier integrity as well as for tumor localization. It is widely used as a source for the attenuation correction of most positron emission tomographs. The parent germanium-68 is long-lived (t1/2 = 275 d) and is generally not attempted on medium energy accelerators due to the low production yields (Pao et al. 1981; Loc’h et al. 1982). The primary source for the parent radionuclide is the spallation processes available at large energy accelerators where parasitic position and operation are available (Grant et al. 1982; Robertson et al. 1982). The use of this generator is somewhat limited by the chemistry. It is an ideal PET radiotracer due to its non-halogenated and non-volatile chemical properties and its 68 minutes half-life, which permits chemical manipulation for the production of many PET radiopharmaceuticals. However, little progress towards using Ga-68 in the clinic has been made due to the long synthesis times required by manual production of Ga-68-labeled PET imaging agents.Other tracers and diagnostic agents can be developed which could prove very useful in the clinic. This is an area where the Agency could play an important role in supporting studies on gallium organic chemistry and on new labeling techniques or linking agents.

Rubidium-82 is a myocardial blood flow agent and has found clinical application. The application of rubidium-82 chloride in diagnosis of ischemic heart disease and location of myocardial infarcts is an active area of application for this generator system (Gould 1988). The short half-life (t1/2 =1.27 m) of rubidium-82 and its similarity to


potassium in biologic transport and distribution suggest that this generator-produced radionuclide might find a clinical role in thrombolytic therapy monitoring.

Table 1. Examples of Generators Yielding Positron Emitting Daughter Radionuclides of Clinical Interest

Parent(Half Life)

Decay Mode (%)


Decay Mode(%)


Sr-82(25 days)

EC(100) Rb-82(76 seconds)

B+(96),EC(4) 0.78 MeV (9)

Ge-68(278 days)

EC(100) Ga-68 (68 minutes)

B+(88),EC(12) 1.078(3.5)

Zn-62(9.13 hours)

B+(18),EC(82) Cu-62(9.8 minutes)

B+(98) 1.17(0.5)

Xe-122(20.1 ours)

EC(100) I-122(3.6 minutes)

B+(77),EC(23) 0.56(18.4)

1.7.1 Radionuclide generator equations

A synopsis of the equations to allow the calculation of the maximal concentrations of daughter nuclide from a particular generator, or the determination of the appropriate time to elute a generator is given through the following expressions (Finn et al. 1983).

Considering a simple radionuclide generator system of parent-daughter in which the half-life of the parent is longer than that of the daughter, the pair will eventually enter a state of transient equilibrium. This can be represented schematically as:


where A is the parent radionuclide which decays to the radioactive daughter B which in turn decays to the daughter nuclide C.

The ratio of decay of each radionuclide is described by the equation:


Where N is the number of radioactive atoms at a specific time t and is the decay constant for the radionuclide and is equivalent to (ln(2)/t1/2).

Considering a generator system, the parent is generally adsorbed onto a solid support and serves as the sole source for the daughter radionuclide production. However, the number of daughter atoms present at any time t is described in a slightly more involved expression:


Since the daughter is decaying as well as being produced. The net rate of change on NB with time is therefore indicated by the decay of A to B minus the decay of B to C. Substitution of the integral of the expression for A yields the net rate of change for B as:

Integrating this equation to calculate the number of atoms of B at ant time t gives:

The first term on the right side of the equation represents the growth of the daughter nuclide B from the parent A decay and the loss of B through decay. The second term represents the decay of B atoms but since the parent A is generally considered a pure parent radionuclide upon generator manufacture, this term is zero. The equation can be rewritten in terms o f activities and results in:

Consideration of the general conditions for parent/daughter pairs, the cases are of transient equilibrium in which the parent half-life is greater than the daughter, or secular equilibrium in which the parent half-life is much greater than the daughter. Naturally if the decay should involve branching ratios, the equation must be appropriately modified.

Further, in the case of the PET generators, it is often useful to calculate the time when the daughter activity is at the maximum value, tmax. Differentiation of the equation with respect to time gives the result

The role of generators for the future of clinical PET remains uncertain at this time. The initial supposition that the generators hold potential for PET imaging at sites without a cyclotron or accelerator are being re-evaluated due to the costs associated with the procurement and scheduled availability of the parent radionuclide. Further, any supplementary equipment, such as that of the infusion system required for the


strontium/rubidium generator, may result in low demand or choice of alternative radionuclides (Welch and McCarthy 2000).

1.8 References

Clark, JC and Buckingham, PD, Short-Lived Radioactive Gases for Clinical Use. Butterworths, London, 1975.

Clem RG, and Lambrecht RM (1991) Enriched 124Te targets for production of 123I and 124I. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A303, 115-118.

Deconninck, G. (1978) Introduction to Radioanalytical Physics, Nuclear Methods Monographs No.1 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co. Amsterdam.

Evans, Robely D., The Atomic Nucleus. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York 1955.

Fowler, J.S., Karlstrom, K, Koehler, C., Lambrecht, R.M., MacGregor, R. R., Ruth, T.J., Sceviour, W., Wolf, A.P. (1979) A Hot Cell for the Synthesis of Labelled Organic Compounds. Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Remote Systems Technology.

Guillaume M, Lambrecht RM, and Wolf AP (1975) Cyclotron production of 123Xe and high purity 123I: A comparison of tellurium targets. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes 26, 703-707.

Jacobson, M.S., Hung, J. C., Mays, T. L., Mullan, B. P., (2002) The Planning and Design of a New PET Radiochemistry Facility, Molecular Imaging and Biology 4(2):119–127.

Lambrecht RM, and Wolf AP (1973) Cyclotron and Short-Lived Halogen Isotopes for Radiopharmaceutical Applications. In New Developments in Radiopharmaceuticals and Labelled Compounds. Vol. 1, IAEA Vienna, pp. 275-290.

Qaim SM (1989) Target development for medical radioisotope production at a cyclotron. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physical Research A282, 289-295.

Schyler, D.J. (1995) Laboratory and cyclotron requirements for PET research. In: Emran, A.N., ed. Chemists’ views of imaging centers. Plenum Press; 1995: 123–131.

Welch MJ and McCarthy TJ (2000) The potential role of generator-produced radiopharmaceuticals in clinical PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine , 41, 315-317.