Android Application Development Environment Setup

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Android Application DevelopmentEnvironment Setup

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System Requirements

Setting up Development Environment

Supported OS1. Windows XP (32-bit), Vista (32- or 64-bit), or Windows 7

(32- or 64-bit)2. Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later (x86 only)3. Linux (tested on Ubuntu Linux, Lucid Lynx)

Supported Development Environment (Eclipse IDE based)1. Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) or greater/Eclipse Classic (versions

3.5.1 and higher)2. JDK 1.5 or 1.63. ADT Plugin

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To set up the development environment, we need:

1. Java Development Kit (JDK 1.5+, 1.6 is preferable)

2. Eclipse IDE

3. Android SDK

Setting up Development Environment(Contd.)

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JDK for Java SE 6

• Overview

• Java 6 is newest, best, and especially fastest version

– Java 5 supported by Android but not recommended

• For PC, Linux, Solaris, follow directions at

• http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/

– Get JDK, not just JRE

– Get SE (Standard Edition), not EE or Micro Edition

– Don’t get version with the NetBeans IDE

• For MacOS, Java is preinstalled & updated automatically

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Installing Java SE 6

• Install Java 6• http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

First we install JDK

We have already done that

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The Android SDK• Overview

– Android-specific libraries

– Dalvik (Android virtual machine) compiler

– Android emulator (to run without physical device)

– DDMS debugging environment

• • Documentation– Installation

• http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html

– – Developer’s Guide

• Developer s • http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/index.html

– – JavaDoc (API Reference)

• http://developer.android.com/reference/classes.html

– – Tutorials and articles

• http://developer.android.com/resources/index.html 12

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Android SDK

Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

Link: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

Download and Install the SDK starter package from the table above (Highlighted)

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Android Environment: Eclipse & ADT

Android SDKEclipse


Android …..


Android 3.2

Android 4.x

Android 2.2

Google API 2.2

SDK Manager

AVD Manager



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Installing Eclipse

• Go to eclipse.org, click on “Downloads”

• – Results in

• http://eclipse.org/downloads/

• – Can use either “for Java” or

• “for Java EE”.

• I use EE version since I also use Eclipse for Web apps.

• Latest version (3.6 – Helios) recommended.

• Previous version (3.5 – Ganymede) still supported

• Older versions (3.4 and earlier) not supported

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Running Eclipse• Unzip the downloaded file (no installer!)

– Call the folder you unzip into “installDir”

• Double click eclipse.exe– From installDir/bin

• Click on• “Workbench” icon

– Next time you bring up Eclipse, it will come up in workbench automatically

• Shortcut– Many developers put Eclipse link on their desktop

• R-click eclipse.exe, Copy, then go to desktop, R-click, and Paste Shortcut (not just Paste!)

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup Eclipse IndigoStand-alone Eclipse: just decompress and run eclipse.exe

You can create a shortcut in the desktop for eclipse.exe

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• Overview– Eclipse is a free open source IDE (Integrated– Development Environment). Support for Java, HTML,– CSS, JavaScript, C++, PHP, and more.– Google has free Eclipse plugin to integrate with the Android SDK.

• Features– General

• Checks your syntax as you type• Automatically compiles every time you save file• Refactoring, debugging, templates for common tasks, etc.

– Android-specific• Deploy apps to Android emulator• Configure virtual environments• Drag-and-drop GUI builder

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup Eclipse Indigo

Choose your WorkSpace

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup Eclipse Indigo

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup Eclipse Indigo

We’ll become familiar to our new IDE gradually and I swear you’ll start loving it

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup ADT Plugin

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)We’ll setup ADT Plug-in

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup ADT Plugin

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup ADT Plug-in

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup ADT Plug-in

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup ADT Plug-in

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup ADT Plug-in

Adding ADT Pluging is DONE… You’ll now get a message

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup android SDK

After restarting Eclipse we get:

Don’t forget to ask me about the red marks

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup android SDK

SDK and AVD Manager: If we click on it:

So, we have to set the location of Android SDK and show it to our IDE

To do so….

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup android SDK

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup android SDK

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup android SDK

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup android SDK

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Setting up Development Environment (Contd.)

We’ll setup DDMS

Now We are Ready

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Let’s say “Hello” to the Android World!

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Let’s Go Deep…

Created Project has the following structure

Project Structure

-Source (src)-Generated Class (gen)-Android 1.6 library-Assets (assets)-Resource(res)



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Let’s Go Deep… (Contd.)

To run the app in emulator, we have to do the following steps:

1. Create AVD (Android Virtual Device)2. Create Run Configuration3. Run the Application

To run the app in device, we have to do the following steps:

1. Install device driver2. Connect device through USB3. Create Run Configuration4. Run the Application

We’ll run the app in emulator for now

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Let’s Go Deep… (Contd.)

1. Create AVD (Android Virtual Device)

Use Android SDK & AVD Manager to create AVD

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Let’s Go Deep… (Contd.)

2. Create Run Configuration

1. Create a Run Configuration

2. Browse and selectthe project to run

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Let’s Go Deep… (Contd.)

3. Select AVD & Run

Click Run to start AVD/emulator

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Let’s Go Deep… (Contd.)

Result in Emulator

Now its time to analyze how it works

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Create a new Project in Eclipse

To create a new project:1.Start Eclipse2.Select File> New> Project.3.Select Android> Android Project, and click Next.

Select Android Project, a new window will open.

Specify the Project Name (Ex : HelloWorld).

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Create a new Project in Eclipse (Cont)

On The same window select the build target and specify the Application Name, Package Name, Activity Name and the Minimum SDK version.

Click on Finish. The new Android Project will be opened.

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Create a new Project in Eclipse (Cont)

Once you complete the New Project Wizard, ADT creates the following folders and files in your new project:

src/ - Includes your stub Activity Java file. All other Java files for your application go here. <Android Version>/ - (e.g., Android 1.5/) Includes the android.jar file that your application will build against. Gen/ - This contains the Java files generated by ADT, such as your R.java file and interfaces created from AIDL files. assets/ - This is empty. You can use it to store raw asset files.bin/ - stores the compiled application

bin/classes/ - stores the compiled Java classes bin/classes.dex - stores the executable created from compiled Java classes bin/app.apk – holds the Android application.

res/ - A folder for your application resources, such as drawable files, layout files, string values, etc.

res/ - resources used in the application res/drawable/ - for images res/layout/ - for XML-based UI layout res/raw/ - for general-purpose files res/values/ - for strings, dimensionsres/xml/ - for general-purpose XML files

AndroidManifest.xml - The Android Manifest for your project. default.properties - This file contains project settings, such as the build target.

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Create a new Project in Eclipse (Cont)

The new created project will have the following main entities.

• HelloAndroid.java- The default main Activity created while creating the project. It would contain all the logic that needs to be implemented for the main page.

• Main.xml- This xml file will comprise of the view part i.e. how the main Activity will look like.

• AndroidManifest.xml- This is the main configuration file that will contain all the information about the application like the details of all the activities, the main activity, the permissions for the application etc.

• Strings.xml- This file contains the string definitions that we use in our android application.

• There is one more file R.java in the application. This is the most important file as it contains the list of compiled objects representation of the layout defined in the layout files.

• R.java is generated automatically at the compile time if there are no compilation errors and cannot be modified by the user.

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Create a new Project in Eclipse (Cont)

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Compilation process

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Project Structure…

Created Project has the following structure

Project Structure

-Source (src)-Generated Class (gen)-Android 1.6 library-Assets (assets)-Resource(res)



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Project Structure (Contd.)

-Source (src)

We have used only one class here which is an Activity named HalloActivity. We’ll describe about Activity in detail with lifecycle shortly. For now we can consider Activity as Android analogue for the window or dialog in a desktop application. It can load view from xml layout (here main.xml under res/layout folder)

In the HelloActivity class the view of the Activity is set from main.xml given below

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Project Structure (Contd.)


1. UI Layout can be defined from source code using View or by layout xmls. 2. The layout xml can be generated by visual tool given by ADT

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Project Structure (Contd.)-res/drawable

1. From Android 1.6 to support different screen sizes and screen densities graphic files are kept in 3 different folders drawable-hdpi, drawable-ldpi and drawable-mdpi

2. In our current project, they contain only default icon file with different dimensions to support devices with different screen resolution.


Holds other static files you wish packaged with the application for deployment onto the device. In this project, we have none

-gen/R.java -values/strings.xml

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Project Structure (Contd.)-AndroidMenifest.xml

XML file describing the application being built and what components – activities, services, etc. – are being supplied by that application

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